"Ambrose!!!" Theo rushed, overseeing that Ambrose had met them all at the edge of Mireraweth kingdom's territory once they had all escaped from the Mireraweth Kingdom. Theo then noticed the lifeless body that Ambrose held in his arms. "Duke Garrick..." Theo said, looking at how Ambrose had a look of anger and sadness all together in his face. 'H-How did this happen???' Theo knew not to ask or question Ambrose about this since it was going to be hard to give a reply back.
Duke Reynard had been taken to the edge of Mireraweth kingdom's territory with his son and comrades, they were waiting for Ambrose who returned with his father. He couldn't help but feel grateful to Duke Garrick who always stood by his side and took his side when they were back in Mireraweth kingdom. "Prince Ambrose, if you need time then I will have me and my son handle his funeral once we reach the Zameth Kingdom."
"No, I will handle it. He is my father and I will not let him be buried by others who are not even related to him. I am after all his son. A parent's child must take care of everything." Ambrose said, having another mask form to hide his appearance now that he was discovered by the sorcerer. 'I can't let the sorcerer think that this is the end of it between us.' Ambrose was not going to lose to the sorcerer again. He did not want to lose anyone, mostly Mila.
Clouds started coming in with the rain falling after, making it hard for them to travel for some time. Aiken had never seen Ambrose look so down like this before. 'This is the first time that I've ever seen him this way.' He didn't think Ambrose would be one who would hold such a face since he never expressed his emotions unless it was around Mila. 'Not every man believes that they should cry, but crying for the one they loved and cherish shows how they can grow stronger to protect the surrounding others.' He said in his head knowing that feeling. 'There is no way that I can ever say this to any other men. It would make it seem like I grew too soft and let my pride go.' Aiken did not want to get messed with, he knew that they would continue to remind him of such moments and words.
"We will go back to Zameth kingdom." Ambrose looked to all who had escaped the town that remained among the Mireraweth palace. They needed to hurry and take action now that things were getting more and more complicated. 'Mila, stay hidden until I come back. Please, don't do anything rash until then.' Ambrose needed to claim his rightful position to grow stronger to protect his people and to claim her back safely. 'I need to grow stronger. I cannot lose anyone anymore.'
Mila looked around seeing herself in the same place where she was murdered by her 'ex-husband' in their old home. She didn't have her child nor see any big belly in front of her with fear that overcame her. Seeing a corpse come out from the ground instead, Mila gasped seeing that it was her ex-husband who rose taking a hold of her wrist. Seeing how hideous he looked, she managed to get his hand off hers as he started chasing after her again while locked up inside the house.
"No!" Mila was banging on the door of the house trying to get out, feeling as though it was getting harder and harder to breathe. Gasping for air, she could feel herself hyperventilating and trying to still get out. "ZH!!!!!" Mila was yelling his name as a bright light appeared causing Mila to look and see the dead crumble like paper burning. Feeling as though her body was finally calming down, being able to breathe once more.
Seeing ZH far with a bright warm light as she ran towards him, she cried hugging him as he hugged her back. Sniffling with tears, she did not want to part from him. "Mila, stay safe. Don't do anything dangerous until I find you." ZH patted her back, making it rather soothing for her to relax. "Your nightmares will no longer haunt you since I am here." She heard his voice and then looked up seeing that it was Ambrose soon after.
"Ambrose?" She was left with confusion about the whole image that she was witnessing, but everything soon went blank as Mila opened her eyes once again seeing herself in the same old lodge. Wiping her head filled with cold sweat, she sighed feeling as though her body felt lighter for some odd reason. 'Strange, it's the first time that I've ever felt better than ever. Every time I'm with ZH then... it just disappears like nothing.' Mila thought and then recalled Ambrose there for her in her dream this time. 'Can it be possible? Does it explain why I am so familiar with the two?' Mila didn't know if it was true, but she never bothered to ask or try to see behind Ambrose's mask. 'I don't want to get into this matter.' Mila did not know if it was okay to be nosy in another person's personal life.

Rebirth Of The Duke's Daughter
Historical FictionMila was born into a home of a Duke who heeded no attention to her. In total stood four dukes by the emperor's side, she was born into the house with the surname Noble. Every child was born with a symbol that represented their nobility surname, but...