Chapter 102

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Mila didn't even recognize when she had fallen asleep, but she found herself in bed. Cotton, Net, and Kate all likely left to eat breakfast with the rest. Mila smiled, seeing that no more rain would allow them to start their travel later on.

Getting dressed, Mila stepped out of her room to see the food all prepared. "Let's all eat before we start our trip." Sara smiled, looking at them gathering all around the table to sit.

ZH sat beside Mila as both smiled, looking at one another. Cotton, Net, and Kate were eating on the side with their little plates set aside for them. Finishing up soon after, they had the horses saddled up with their bags and food. Kate was summoned back inside to wait while Cotton hung onto Emmett and Sara. Net went along with Tim and Thelma on their mount.

"Let's go!" Mila wanted to hurry along and see her father and brother once they reached Maedda's kingdom. 'I hope that they are both doing well. Don't be giving Aiken any trouble while you both are guests there.' Thinking that both would be very dramatic if she were not found or seen there.

"There aren't enough horses." Emmett then mentioned an additional person joining them on their trip. "We have only three horses." Sara was riding a horse with Emmett while Thelma rode with Tim.

"Wasn't there another horse though???" Mila looked at them since she recalled a horse appearing that time when she fainted.

"It's fine. I'll just ride with Mila." ZH didn't hesitate to hop onto Vivian who didn't seem to mind but still wondered about the other horse.

'Wasn't there another horse???' Still thinking about it, Mila did not see the look on everyone's face that ZH was not willing, to tell the truth to her.

'She does not know.' Everyone thought in their head, seeing how Mila was clueless about the whole situation. Yet, they could not blame her since she fainted with a weak appearance at that time.

[You bastard!!!! Don't hurt my mare!!!!] Buck was carrying Thelma and Tim on his back. He was angrily grunting and stomping his hoof at ZH for adding more weight for Vivian.

[Hey, be nice.] Vivian argued back to him, seeing how he thought of her as too fragile. [This is one of our duties as a horse, so do not be rude since they are our masters.]

"Let's go now!" Mila had gone forth with the others following after her. They needed to keep a steady pace, but they needed to avoid harming Sara who was still pregnant. 'We need to be able to go steady if we want to avoid Sara from having a miscarriage. After all, one's first child was very special.' Thinking about it, she felt as though her first child would also be very treasured by her.


Leo woke up holding Luce in his arms, he smiled being glad that he still had her by his side. 'Never did I ever think that I would ever get married and have a woman by my side even though I've lost my title.' Knowing that Mila would want him to think about his wife since they married for a good reason.

Luce could sense that Leo was awake when she knew something was on his mind at the moment. "What's wrong?" She let out a steady breath and kept her eyes still tired from finally settling down in the Maedda kingdom.

"Why do you accept me? I've already lost my title, my fame, and my fortune. It's a burden on you. You could've been with a much more powerful man who can truly take care of you." Leo said, looking down to Luce who opened up her eyes, looking up to him.

"I didn't marry you for any of those reasons. I married you because you were you. You're my savior. I knew that I was going to be with you for the rest of my life once I met you that day on the market streets." She said, getting up a bit, kissing his cheek, then laying back down onto his chest to hear his heart beating.

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