Chapter 122

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"I'm sorry. I couldn't stand still once I found out that they were using children for their selfishness. I was... so... angry." Mila cried, hugging ZH, trying to stop her pointless tears. 'To think that they would use children who were alive with a soul.' Mila was filled with anger and sadness that there would be such people who existed. It was so cold and cruel to use children who had a lot of years ahead of them. "Children have been used by them. I cannot stand still anymore and rest. I want to help and find the master who is leading them to do so." Mila told ZH.

"You can't!" ZH held onto her shoulders and looked down at her. "I can't lose you again!" He shook, looking at Mila, who had been harmed by them before, which caused her to be in a coma in the first place. At that time, he had been investigating and found that the two groups chasing them at that time were one of the groups that had actual mana from their birth while the other group was using mana stones. 'Do you know how insane I was at that time???' He kept the question to himself, not wanting to make things difficult for Mila.

"You won't lose me." Mila smiled, knowing how much he loved her, but she couldn't stand being still for no reason and watching others get hurt, especially children. "I have to see for myself if I can get an answer from them. What is their purpose for all of this? What do they gain out of it?" Mila looked to ZH, who was still a bit on edge and refused to let her see the Mana Hunters that they just caught with her help. "ZH, I have to know. I can't stand idle anymore. It's been six years, and I have to start again. I cannot leave those in need of help alone. You know how I am." Mila held tightly onto his hands, wanting him to allow her to get information as well.

ZH knew it was pointless to convince her to stop once she found a lead. "Fine, but do not get close to them. I would go insane if things went downhill again." He held her hand, making their way to the prison where the mana hunters were locked up for questioning. Mila watched the three, who were sealed by spells cast onto them to prevent them from killing themselves. "We've already used the truth serum on them, so they cannot tell any lies." ZH hoped that she would be able to get the answers that she wanted or was desperately seeking.

"Isn't there an after-effect?" Mila knew about truth serums but didn't know if it was true. '

"There is an after-effect. They won't be able to maintain their sanity after the serum is completely gone or used up." Noah came in looking at them, with Theo nodding to his words. It was no joke when it came to the truth serum, and the serum was created to be used in that way with no improvement yet to avoid going insane.

Mila went close, but not too close to them in case they tried anything funny with her. Casting a spell, she didn't want them to have any chance to kill themselves while speaking to her. The three of them had their mouths open and a small pill came out. "I knew that something like this would be in their mouths. It's one of the most common methods for a way out." Mila smiled, seeing how it was specifically made to kill one if they bit down on it quickly enough. The three pills were then tossed into a small bucket and away from the three prisoners, who had no other way to kill themselves. "Now, tell me. What is your purpose for collecting all of this mana for your master?" Mila went to the single woman, who would mainly have the better information since she was giving directions to the other two. She was trying to bite her tongue as a last resort. "You won't be able to bite your tongue if you fear death or if your body only thinks of survival as its first instinct." Mila had decided to use a spell where their own body was in control of its action. The most common thing was that everything had the sense to survive no matter its situation.

"The mana is for our master." The woman hated it, but she could not stop the serum that had been given to her.

"What does he want with the mana?" Mila kept her cold gaze on the woman who shook, looking into her eyes. Going closer, she wanted to make it harder for the woman to deny answering her.

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