Chapter 181

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"Unfortunately, it does. The thing is the Life Taker, there has only ever been one that has existed, and I am assuming that the one who had put it on this family was quite clear with the instructions." Noah did not think that there still existed one Life Taker since it was all killed out about two hundred years ago to ensure the safety of the royal family. "I know of a way to get rid of it. Still, I am shocked that one remains alive to this day. I am afraid that it could be dangerous. These creatures do not seek any agreement unless it benefits them."

"You do???" Mila felt hope that there was a way to save the child. Completely cutting out some information that the creatures were not something or someone who would agree if it would help them in any way.

Noah raised an eyebrow at her before giving a response. "Yes, but the child has to be born for me to save them." Noah had to be clear that the child needed to be in physical form for him to get rid of the Life Taker.

"How does that work???" Mila needed more information because she did not understand why the Life Taker would be so hard to eliminate. It was her first hearing about it anyway, so it would be best to know soon.

"You see, the Life Taker is no ordinary beast or creature. It can take the form of any human being or even any beast. It also prolongs its life by taking the years of others, be it human or beast, that it had set itself in." Noah had researched enough, thinking about what else was included in the history.

"So, you are saying that there is a possibility that the Life Taker could be looking for this child at any moment? Trying to leave some kind of connection to them like a leech?" Mila did not know if that was the case or not.

"Yes, they could be looking for this child, or they already found it and are waiting for its birth." Noah did not know what else to say since the beast would only show itself once the child was born. "The beast will only show itself once the child is born, but I do not think I can fight it alone. There may even be someone who has tamed this creature already that we do not know of. Perhaps it is why we have never seen it in years."

"Why do you say that?" Mila did not know if there was more about the beast than they did know. It only became more strange to know that it had been hidden throughout this time without anyone discovering it.

"It is possible that a contract was made between this creature and a human. I heard that there was such a case back in the day. There have been cases from ancient times in which it was used by women who sought youth and fertility." Noah did his best to explain it. "How long has this beast been in the family?" Noah had to know when the beast had started to drain the family's women.

"I have no real clue. Maybe about... 100 years ago, was there something wrong?" Mila did not know what the Life Taker would do or how the years had affected it. If only Lana could tell her more before things went downhill.

"The Life Taker will be much stronger than any ordinary beast if it has lived that long to take every life its master granted it. I will need a lot more assistance in this. I will call upon my strongest men to help in this labor. I am assuming that this will be no ordinary birth, correct?" Noah knew that for a child to be in one's unconscious mind would mean that they would use mana to let the child have its birth that way.

"Yeah, I will be getting Ambrose's help in this birth. Even my beasts have told me that it will be no simple birth. If you can, please get rid of this beast that is going to harm this child." Mila was begging Noah to help get rid of this beast that was sent to find the child. Use any means possible to ensure the child's safety and prevent its life from getting drained.

"I will do my best." Noah was just about to leave when he stopped. "I know that the child is not you or Ambrose's child, but I am quite amazed that you both would come this far even to help another with their child. I'm glad that you both are together." Noah knew the struggles of one who was born with no parents, and he had no parents by his side. He was happy that they could improve another child's life. Mila saw Noah leave the library, and she went to rest since she felt her body was much heavier than usual. They went on steadily till night came around so soon.

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