Autobot Bios

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Perceptor: Perceptor showed up at just the right time help aid the Autobots. The only other Cybertronian that is as brilliant as Shockwave fights for freedom and peace, and not to mention science. A very polite and highly respected member of the team, his only real flaw is that he keeps using words that are too big and advanced for the more uneducated members (namely Cliffjumper) to understand. Now on Earth he is reunited with his old friend and inventor Wheeljack and new friend Chip. The three are now helping create miracles for mankind and the Autobots. He doesn't like fighting and stays in the labs for most of the time, but just because he isn't a fan of fighting doesn't quite mean he can't. If he absolutely must he can change form. He is known as a 2.5 changer, not quite a triple changer, but a mode made out of his alternate mode. This mode is a tank which can fire a powerful laser, Decepticons beware, Perceptor is on the right track to invent a victory for the Autobots.

Guns: Simple laser blaster.

Voice used: G1

Sunstreaker: Sideswipe's twin and partner in crime shares his attitude on life. The only problem is that he has an ego that matches Starscream and Thundercracker. He is as reckless as reckless can be, and often puts everyone else's lives at risk. He would be reprimanded more often if he wasn't so good on the battlefield. Now that he is with his bro, the Decepticons have to worry about double trouble.

Guns: Dual laser SMGs.

Abilities: Flash rays which come off of the panels of his ears. It is a solar powered weapon used to blind opponents to to give him a good shot at his enemies or an easy escape. These "streaks" of light are what helped Sunstreaker get his name.

Voiced used: Josh Keaton's Spiderman

Sideways: Since his arrival to Earth there are still several questions left unanswered about him. But despite all that he is a very welcome member of the team. His skills are greater than that of the late Prowl, and he has a very calm and level demeanor; the perfect attitude to balance out the younger and wilder members. He usually hangs around where nobody else is, and others usually have to be the one to start conversations with him. Though Optimus sees the good in Sideways, he knows that there is something that greatly bothers him. He is hiding something that stresses him greatly. It's like he's carrying the weight of the universe on his shoulders.

Guns: Pulse blasters, and these work exactly like Dropkick's guns where he can fire then with near endless smaller shots, or he can charge or combine his blasters for bigger shots.

Voice used: Armada

Mirage: The Autobot's master spy and assassin is among the best skilled warriors on Cybertron. There is no fortress he can't infiltrate, and no mission to impossible for him to succeed. He had a troubled past for being in a Cybertronian mafia in his younger days, but he's put that life behind him. As one of the most patient and level headed members, he serves as a trainer for the younger ones as well. But being in a shady line of work as spying can arouse suspicions from others, especially if one of them is Cliffjumper.

Melee: Arm blades.

Guns: Sniper rifle and dual SMGs

Abilities: Cloaking device

Voice used: Ezio Auditore

Prima: A Prime that existed in the golden age when there was still more than one Prime and the father to Optimus and Megatron. A wise and noble individual who inspired his children to become the best they could be. But even the greatest of fathers have their flaws, and his lead to great consequences.

Melee: A sword that contains a ball in chain in the hilt of the sword.

Voiced used: He's Liam Neeson!

Warpath: Boom! Pow! Look out everyone because here comes Warpath! This guy is a one bot army and a heavy hitter at that. He likes to spout onamonapias at random and make Decepticons explode like Kaboom! When it comes to carrying bad ideas, then Warpath is the one to call. In all honesty when I saw AOE I thought Hound acted more like Warpath, and hence the casting of John Goodman.

Guns: Chest cannon from his tank form and dual X-18 Scrapmakers

Voiced used: AOE Hound

Hound: Hound is like your ideal military soldier, following orders without question and helping to make sure everyone is safe and covered. Him and Longarm go way back, and because of their similar personalities they clicked almost instantly. He's a very tough bot to break, and the Autobots are happy to have another tough guy on the team.

Guns: Rocket launcher on his shoulder. Machine guns.

Voice used: Christian Slater voice

Powerglide: Look, up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It is a plane! And it's Powerglide! Powerglide likes to think of himself as a superhero, and with skills like his you can't blame him. Being a flying Autobot is a special gift that he uses in full force. He likes to brag about himself while blasting the baddies, and loves to show off while doing so. Longarm and Ratchet keep saying that he has to be more careful, but does he listen? No.

Guns: Concussion grenade launcher. Thermo ray on his head.

Voice used: G1

Swerve: Swerve likes to do what his name suggests, swerving into the roads and danger. He is an extreme danger junky and won't hesitate to drive headfirst into it. This reckless behavior puts others at risk, but he is a legendary warrior and he can definitely take on any challenge that faces him. But he really needs to watch the road.

Melee: Dual swords

Voice used: Whatever you want it to be.

Wreckers: A special ops team for the Autobots. When the going gets too tough, then the Wreckers are the ones to call.

Roadbuster: The leader of the small group, he takes his job seriously and enjoys mutilating Decepticons with his buddies. Sharp wit matched with a sharp tongue is always welcomed in the Wreckers.

Melee: Chainsaw

Guns: Machine gun inside his chainsaw. Shoulder mounted rocket launchers.

Voice used: Movie

Leadfoot: The hot tempered and fiery one of the group was a former Decepticon. He talks so much trash it makes everyone else not want to be around him. But the redeeming quality about him is that he can back it all up with his brutal fighting style. He often gets into fights with Topspin over the most trivial of issues.

Melee: Spiked mace

Guns: Machine guns

Voice used: Movie

Topspin: Topspin takes nobody's crap, and he makes sure of it by beating the tar out of them. He doesn't really care for Roadbuster that much, and despises Leadfoot due to their constant verbal and physical fights. The only real authority he accepts is Optimus, and as long as he is in charge he will listen. The only thing that he hates more than his two teammates are Decepticons, and he can't wait to crush them all.

Melee: The pincer claws have a concentrated burst of fire like a bunsen burner that can stab and cut through most materials. He also has a crowbar.

Guns: Machine guns

Abilities: His pincer claws double as magnets, and he can use those to pick up objects or redirect bullets at his enemies.

Voice used: Angry Simon Pegg

Dinobots: Creations of Wheeljack and Perceptor in a way that is not only unique but in a way that makes complete sense. Though brash and impatient, their power is is unrivaled and can turn the tide of any battle.

Grimlock: Grimlock is the leader of Dinobots and an incredible fighter with skill and strength that rivals Optimus Prime. He has quick temper and can cause full scale destruction all on his own. Out of the 5 he is right in the middle when it comes to intelligence. Despite occasion saying "Me Grimlock" sometimes, his competence in battle should never come into question. In reality he is a gentle giant who just happens to love voice like any other dinosaur.

Melee: Energon sword and shield.

Abilities: Fire breath.

Voice used: It's Gregg freakin Berger!

Swoop: The flyer of the team and the most intelligent Dinobot speaks in a strong Brooklyn accent and hates charging headfirst into battle without a plan. He often acts as the voice of reason on the team, but knowing Grimlock he usually doesn't listen. He is also the most social of the group and is always willing to talk to anyone. Watch out Decepticons because Swoop brings out death from above.

Melee: Spiked Energon flail

Abilities: Fire laser breath.

Voice used: FOC

Slag: Slag is without a doubt the meanest Dinobot of the group. He is also the second least intelligent of the group. With an even shorter temper than Grimlock coupled with being an A class sociopath causes him and his leader to constantly butt heads. He doesn't like listening to any authority, and the only thing keeping him in check is his love for battle. Despite what others think of him, the Autobots are just lucky he is on their side.

Melee: Fiery Energon club.

Abilities: Lasers that shoot out from his horns.

Voice used: G1

Snarl: The second most intelligent member of the team is also the quietest and most collective. He tries to help Swoop ease the tension between Grimlock and Slag, but usually just gets yelled at by both of them. He isn't very comfortable in his own skin and usually goes off alone to collect his thoughts. In Dinobot hierarchy he is the least respected member because Grimlock deems a Stegosaurus as a "lame" dinosaur.

Melee: Energon scythe.

Abilities: Can shoot the spikes of his dinosaur mode out like a harpoon.

Voice used: FOC

Sludge: Sludge is stupid, and that's the best way to describe him The dumbest member of the group is a towering oaf with very little grip on reality. He doesn't care though. He likes to admire nature and the simple things in life like him. He is the only member of the team who has the power to rival Grimlock, and if he was any smarter he might of tried to call the shots. Regardless he loves to give people rides on him while he charges into battle.

Melee: Energon warhammer.

Abilities: Can create powerful quakes by just stomping his feet. He can also shoot lasers out of his eyes.

Voice used: G1

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