Part 18: The Fallen

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The other Decepticons all pause to comprehend the words that have just been uttered by Megatron.

Terra: "Did he say what I think he said?"

Fear: "Yeah he did."

Scavenge: "So Megatron's father is the lord of evil?"

Skywarp: "This explains so much."

Scream: "I figured as much."

Thunder: "Wait wait wait wait wait. Hold the phone. If that old evil dude is Megatron's dad, then shouldn't he be like really old like Hubcap?"

Skywarp: "You actually asked a very legitimate question Thundercracker. I'm impressed."

Payload: "Yeah what's the deal?"

Fallen: "I had Megatron much later in history. Around the time of the Golden Age. He does not harbor any sort of immortality like myself."

Mix: "If he's the dad then who's the mom?"

Fallen: (dryly) "Dead, and it does not matter. Do not try to further yourself into our affairs."

Mix: -gulp- "Yes sir."

Megatron: "Where have you been all this time?"

Fallen: "It's a rather embarrassing story actually. During my hunt to kill off my remaining brothers and sisters I was banished by a difficult interloper. I have been locked away in this tomb ever since."

Megatron: "I have not seen you in so long, I had thought you had perished."

Fallen: "Tales of my demise were greatly misconstrued. Is Alpha Trion dead?"

Megatron: "Yes."

Fallen: "Excellent. I am pleased to report that all the others are dead as well... well almost all of them."

Megatron: "Who?"

Fallen: "Nova, but he won't be bothering us anymore. He is occupied with something far more pressing. Pray that he doesn't fail."

Megatron: "I see."

Fallen: "I remember the first time we met, it is still clear to me."

Megatron: "It is the same for me."

We cut to a flashback in the Golden Age where there is some sort of festival taking place at a large colosseum. We only get a bird's eye view from the scene, but whatever the event was, it has now apparently ended. Outside of the coliseum's back exit is a much younger Megatron, around his teenage years. Whatever happened has Megatron flustered.

Megatron: (upset) "How could the Matrix choose Orion over me? He's just a librarian! He knows nothing about the needs of the people!"

Megatron kicks a trash can in anger when he hears a noise. Further down the street he sees a manhole cover quickly vibrate. Curiosity gets the better of Megatron as he enters the manhole. When he gets to the bottom level of the sewers he sees a bright light. To his shock it is a sword, and it burns in a fire. An interesting feature of the fire is that is blood red. The sword simply levitates off of the ground. Megatron approaches it, and it moves away from him. Megatron follows the sword blindly, and soon realizes it is acting like a guiding light for him. After about ten minutes of wandering around the sword stops, and he sees the eyes come out of the darkness and reveal himself to be The Fallen.

"Who are you?"

"You do not recognize me? You must have been neglecting your history."

(squinting) "Wait.. now I know you. You're Megatronus Prime!"

"In the flesh, or armor so to speak."

"The records said that you had perished long ago."

"Yet here I stand before you, and you have met my sword named Avarice."

"You shield's name is... what again?"

"Lost, like nearly all the other 13."

"Oh I'm sorry that it was lost."

"You misunderstand, it is named Lost."

"Oh, so what are you doing here?"

"I've come to tell you the truth."

"Truth? What truth?"

"Your true heritage has been kept from you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Prima is not your father, I am."

"Impossible, he is my father. You're lying!"

"I do not deceive. I shall prove it to you. Give me your hand."

Megatron gives The Fallen his hand, and to his shock he uses Avarice to cut his hand, making him bleed.

(distraught) "You cut me!"

"Yes I did, and now it's my turn."

The Fallen cuts his own hand, causing himself to bleed as well. He points to the blood to make Megatron understand.

"Take a good look at the color."

(astonished) "It's the same as mine! But that's impossible!"


(understanding) "Unless the two people are indeed related."

"Do you now believe me?"

"Yes, but why has Prima not told me?"

"He took you away from me when you were born. I was far too injured to stop him. Ever since I have watched you from afar in the shadows, making sure that you have been safe."

"I've always felt like I had some protector, and now I know it's you."

(tender) "Yes, you are my progeny, and we should be apart no longer. You even named yourself after me."

Megatron rushes into The Fallen's arms, hugging him tightly. The Fallen simply looks up at the other end of the sewer, smiling in sinister satisfaction. Whatever he has been planning for all these years has finally begun to come in motion.

"But why didn't Prima tell me you were my real father?"

"He doesn't know it's me, and I would prefer it stay that way if you don't mind."

"Yes of course, but now what?"

"It's up to you to stop the injustices of the other Primes. I will assist you in your efforts, but first you need to sever all your familial ties in order for this to work."

"Agreed. As far as I'm concerned you are my only family now."

Megatron rushes out of the sewers to confront Prima while The Fallen simply watches with a look of triumph. He then turns around and starts speaking to the darkest part of the sewer.

"It has begun, the end to all the other Primes. Cybertron and the universe will finally be ours. You know what we must do next."

Inside the darkness appears a single eye and a red visor, it's the same individuals that appeared with the Fallen back in part 1. In the shadows they nod their heads in unison. Back at Prima's house Megatron angrily kicks open the door to speak to his fake father.

(shouting) "Prima! I know you're here, show yourself!"

(entering) "Megatron, what is the meaning of this?"

"Why have you deceived me?"

"What do you mean?"

(bitterly) "You know exactly what I'm referring to. I know you aren't my father!"

"Of course I am your father! What nonsense is this?"

(screaming) "Liar! I met my real father, and he proved it with his Energon. It matches my own."

"I'm sorry Megatron, I was afraid to tell you about being adopted."

"If you ever loved me you would have been honest to me from the beginning. But I guess that is why you preferred your own children over me."

(angered) "That was never true! I loved you as if you were my own. You are behaving like a selfish child!"

(screaming at the top of his lungs) "And you are an old man and lying coward! I deserve answers, so tell me. How did you find me?"

-sigh- "I didn't want to tell you this way, but I guess you leave me no choice. It was a late night so long ago. There was a huge commotion that was heard throughout the whole city. When I got to the source it looked as if there was some terrible fight, there were cars wrecked, fires everywhere, and structures destroyed. At the center of it all I found two things that didn't add up. The first was an ash trail, and in there was the outline of a body. Whomever it was got burned out of existence. But the most surprising thing I found was a newborn infant, and he was engulfed in flames. I doused the flames off, but I soon realised that the fires weren't trying to hurt you, they were molding you. Whatever your real appearance was intended to be was incomplete, but I took you in anyway because I saw something in you."

(hurt) "But why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted you to become your own man. I didn't want whatever terrible past that surrounded your father to own your life. You deserved to carve your own path."

(grimly) "I see you didn't want me to know about his greatness. Whatever he did in the past is nothing compared to the rest of you Primes. You are all selfish and arrogant monsters that do nothing but destroy the lives of others, myself included. As far as I'm concerned i have no family. You're dead to me."

Megatron leaves in a huff with Orion coming home.

Orion: "What's wrong brother?"

Megatron: (coldly) "You are no bother of mine!"

Prima: (desperate) "Megatron wait!"

Orion: (confused) "What's with him?"

Now cutting back to the present day Megatron continues to speak.

Megatron: "So how can we free you from your prison?"

Fallen: "The Matrix of Leadership is the key. Retrieve, and I can be free so we can conquer the universe as we had intended so long ago."

Megatron: "We had the Matrix in our possession, but we have now lost it."

Upon hearing this The Fallen's tone begins to take a darker turn.

Fallen: (agitated) "What do you mean you lost it?"

Megatron: "It... flew out of the base."

Fallen: (collecting his thoughts) "I see...YOU WORTHLESS IDIOT! IS THERE ANYTHING YOU CAN DO RIGHT? IF I WAS FREE I WOULD BATH THE CONSTELLATIONS IN YOUR BLOOD! (calming down) My apologies, but you see that being trapped for millions upon millions of years has increased my temper, and finding out I could have been free today is quite frustrating."

Megatron: "I can imagine."

Fallen: "I cannot believe the one that spawned from my very greatness has failed me so."

Sideways: (boldly) "If I may cut in for a moment Lord Megatron, what are we going to do with the rest of the Autobots?"

Fallen: "You still have enemies to oppose you? I had expected any opposition to have been eliminated by now."

Sideways: "Do you have a plan?"

Fallen: "Hmm, this one seems to have his head on his shoulders. You should get more people like him."

Megatron: "I do have a plan, it is going to begin very soon."

Fallen: "And when that plan is in motion and I am free, I need you to give the Matrix to me. It is vital to our plan."

Megatron: "What other purpose do you need the Matrix for?"

Fallen: "All will be revealed in due time. Until then do not call me until you have news for me. Do not fail me. Megatronus out."

The Fallen cuts the connection, and some of the Decepticons seem to feel doubtful about everything.

Thunder: "Well that was colorful."

Bomb: "So that guy was Megatron's dad."

Kickback: "Who cares?"

Skywarp: "Clearly you don't."

Payload: "So now what?"

Overload: "Coitus reminds Overload of old spaghetti. Squishy and fun, but soon forgotten."

Scrapper: "That's probably the smartest thing you have ever said Overload."

Overload: "Overload full of wisdom like cherry blossom in Detroit."

Scapper: -sigh- "And it's gone now."

Wasp: "Waspinator doesn't care."

Soundwave: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Megatron: "It wasn't my secret to tell."

Soundwave is apparently hurt by the deception, and begins to argue with Megatron, something that they have never done before. While this is going on Longhaul leaves out of boredom. He sits on one of the steps having a smoke, but he is surprisingly greeted by Sideways, who sits next to him.

"Hey there."

(surprised) "... Hi."

"Mind if I sit here?"


"The names Sideways."

(unsure) "Longhaul."

"How's life treating you?"

(forward) "Look if this is some sort of sick joke I'm not laughing."

"No joke here, it's just you and me."

"Then what do you want?"

"To talk, that's all."

"That's a first. People only talk to me to give me orders."

"Well there is a first time for everything."

"But why me?"

"When I looked at you there was something I recognized."

"What was that?"

"Loneliness and a lack of satisfaction in life. It reminds me of myself."

"You don't seem like that kind of guy."

"There's a lot you don't know about me."

"I guess you're right. Have any friends?"

"Not here I don't. How about you?"

"Not really."

"Really? What about that Mixmaster guy? He seems really nice."

"He is, but he's more of a general friend to everyone. Nobody wants to talk to the guy who moves things back and forth...unless your name is Overload."

(eyes smiling) "You do now."

(sincere) "Thank you Sideways, it's so good to finally have a real friend."

The two strike a long-lasting friendship that will go beyond space and time itself. However the same can't be said for Megatron and Soundwave, who are now arguing up a storm. The other Decepticons watch on in shock except for Starscream, who is loving every minute of it.

Soundwave: "What other secrets do you hold?"

Megatron: "Just the one."

Soundwave: "And you neglected to tell us, to tell me."

Megatron: "If I had told you who my father was at the start, would you have ever followed me?"

Soundwave actually has to pause and consider his answer, but that's all the proof Megatron needs.

Megatron: "And that proves my point."

Soundwave: "It would have made you honest. You have kept too many secrets."

Megatron: (angrily) "You have no right to say I have kept too many secrets when you kept your suspicions about me being the one who wiped out your race's existence from me!"

Soundwave: "I apologized for my error, is that not enough?"

Megatron: "You should have never doubted me. I never doubted you."

Soundwave: "It made sense for you to have wanted to manipulate me."

Megatron: (shouting) "No it doesn't! You acted rash like a child on a theory that made zero sense! You are desperate and have had your judgement clouded by vengeance!"

Soundwave: "Your whole campaign is about vengeance, you no right to question me. After all the lives that you have destroyed while I stood by and did nothing."

Megatron: "You killed people yourself."

Soundwave: "But I did it in your name."

Megatron: "That makes no difference."

Soundwave: "It makes all the difference. I made all these sacrifices to bring you back, and I find out if was for nothing but betrayal. I'm not some puppet.

Megatron: (boldly) "A puppet would have never doubted my innocence."

Soundwave: (coldly) "I should have just let you rot in the Autobot's base."

Megatron: (harshest he's ever been) "And I wish that you had died along with the rest of your race so I wouldn't have to see you!"

There is a moment of silence and everyone with a mouth has their jaw drop. The rest have their eyes bulging out in shock.

Payload: (whispering to Terradive) "Holy shit dude!"

Thunder: "Well now, that was intense."

Soundwave puts his down and closes his eyes, the argument has caused him great pain, and Megatron's last word are what did him in.

Soundwave: "I need time to think, so with that said I will now start my part of the plan. Farewell for now."

Soundwave leaves the room and disappear, and Starscream begins to clap in satisfaction.

Scream: (gloating) "Oh what fine entertainment this is! The unstoppable duo of Megatron and Soundwave has hit a roadblock. How unfortunate it is when your most loyal subject doubts you!"

Megatron screams, grabbing Starscream by the wing and throwing him into the wall, he then looks at the rest of the Decepticons and begins to intimidate them.

Megatron: (growling) "Are there any individuals that don't care about my heritage?"

Scavenger starts to slowly raise his hand, but Scrapper smacks it down. To everyone's surprise Skywarp raises his hand boldly.

Skywarp: '"You people disgust me. We all come from different walks of life, what difference does it make if he's the son of Megatronus? I don't care, it isn't my place to judge."

Payload: "He's right, I don't care either."

Overload: "Overload cares... for bunnies."

Mix: "It's cool that he's your dad."

High: "Someone should check on Soundwave."

Mix: "Bad idea, give him time."

Scrapper: "For once we agree Mixmaster."

Skywarp: "So what is next Megatron?"

Megatron: "We begin the next phase of our plan."

Cutting to a city, there is a sound of a car's engine, and not just any car, it's Jazz. he transforms into his robot form, surprising the humans, but they failed to notice that the top of his head has Bombshell's cerebro shell. Jazz takes out his crescent missile launcher and attacks the humans, blowing up cars and causing havoc. The nightmare lasts about five minutes before he is bridged back to the base.

Back at The Ark, Fowler comes rushing in, panting as he enters.

Fowler: (panting) "Put on the T.V, now!"

Perceptor turns on the T.V, and it plays the footage of the attack, much to their horror.

Longarm: (grimly) "Oh no... those poor people."

Power: "Just when you think it couldn't get any worse. Sheesh!"

Cliff: (sarcastically) "Greeeat, Jazz is a traitor too."

Ironhide: (squinting) "Perceptor, play back some of the footage."

Perce: "Of course."

Ironhide: (eyes wide open) "Pause the video!"

Perceptor pauses the video, and Ironhide points to the top of Jazz's head, and Perceptor zooms in on the spot.

Wheel: "What's that on his head?"

Ironhide: "I've seen that before... it was when Mirage attacked Cliffjumper."

Cliff: "Come again?"

Ironhide: "I think it's some sort of mind-control device. I bet my life on it."

Cliff: "So you're saying Mirage isn't a traitor after all?"

Mirage: "See? I'm telling the truth."

Longarm: "It's your call Optimus."

Prime: "Free him Cliffjumper."

Mirage: (grateful) "Thank you Optimus."

Cliff: (whining) "Aww man, I worked real hard on duct taping him to the floor!"

Ace: "Bryce is going to love this."

Ratchet: "We'll have to deal with that later."

Bumblebee comes entering, and he is battered from his fight from Sideways.

Spike: "You're alive!"

Side: "He spared you?"

Bee: "He kept going on and on about how sorry he was, but now he says that big things are coming."

Prime: "I'm curious about what he means."

Side: "Mirage, I want you to train me."

Mirage: "Very well, but you seem like a decent enough warrior."

Side: "I am with my guns, but I want to learn how to use my blades effectively"

Mirage: "Ok, but you must follow my rules exactly."

Side: "I will, and I can finally kill Sideways after what he's done."

Mirage and Sideswipe drive out to the canyon to begin their training, leaving the rest of the Autobots behind.

Ratchet: "Good thing you guys are all healed up now."

Longarm: "You're a miracle worker doc."

Ratchet: "I know, just don't end up in that condition again please."

Longarm: "Can't make any promises."

Back at the Decepticon's base, Sideways is training in a new obstacle course built by the Constructicons. It appears too easy for him because he dodges every obstacle with startling finesse. He isn't alone as he spots Longhaul shyly entering the room.

"Hey Longhaul, what's going on?"

(shyly) "Hey, I was watching you train, you're really good."


"I was wondering... would you be willing to train me?"

"Of course, but what brought this on?"

"All my life I've wanted to be fight alongside the greats like Megatron, Soundwave, Splicer, and the rest, but everyone tells me I'm not fit enough for battle. So, I want to learn from someone who knows what he's doing."

"Alright then, but our training is going to be different than the conventional style."

"Why is that?"

"It's your size. You are a giant, and therefore you have a disadvantage when it comes to speed, but you are strong and durable, and we shall play to your strengths. Are you ready?"


"Ok, show me what you got."

Longhaul charges at Sideways, and Sideways jumps up and punches him in the face in slow motion, knocking him down.

"Too aggressive, try again."

Back at the canyon Mirage and Sideswipe are preparing their own training.

"You must not let vengeance cloud your judgement on the battlefield, it leads to mistakes, fatal mistakes."


"Give me everything you've got."

Sideswipe aggressively slices at Mirage, who dodges each attack easily, he bends over backwards and kicks Sideswipe down.

"Too aggressive, try again."

Now montages for both sides occur, with Sideswipe getting trounced and Longhaul getting kicked in the head while Sideways runs along his arm as he attempts to grab him. Over the course of the montages both trainees begin to improve until on the same day both achieve success. Sideways tries to run along Longhaul's harm but he swings it away, forcing Sideways to do a backflip to leap off. Longhaul smashes his hands together like he's squashing a fly, and grabs Sideways by the head, throwing him into the wall. Sideways takes some moderate damage from the force behind Longhaul's fists and throw. Longhaul begins to panic as he rushes to Sideways.

(pankicking) "Sideways I'm sorry!"

(weakly) "It's alright... you did well."

"I'll use my repair drones."

Longhaul sends out tiny little balls that heal Sideways in a blue glue. In a matter of moments he is instantly healed.

(amazed) "How did you do that?"

"When I was born I was sick, and the doctors gave me a risky surgery that has nanobots in my system. they heal my from any wound and ailment I might get. But the combat drones can only be used every so often."

"Thank you for helping me."

"No, thank you for helping me become stronger."

"What are friends for?"

The two laugh and leave as we transition over to the Autobots one last time. Sideswipe finally achieves success as he counters Mirages attack and knocks him to the ground.

(smiling) "You are finally ready."

"Thank you for everything Mirage."

"It is always a pleasure to help a friend in need."

The two return to base, and not a moment too soon because the Decepticons call the base.

Wheel: "We got a call from the Decepticons."

Prime: "Put them on, let's see what Starscream wants."

The screen opens and to everyone's shock and horror it isn't Starscream on the end of the line, it's Megatron.

Megatron: (smiling) "Hello Optimus, it's so good to see your face again."

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