Part 16: Swarm

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Back at the Autobot's base, they are watching another live campaign from Bryce, who is continually bashing the Autobots.

Bryce: "This is why I hate machines, especially living ones. All they do is waste our money and fill our streets with death. When are the American people going to open their eyes and see that they are nothing but trouble? I'll get them out no matter what."

The people start cheering, much to Fowler's disgust.

Fowler: "Ugh I hate that man. Isn't there a way we can throw another wrench in his campaign?"

Wheel: "I've been thinking of an idea, but I don't know if it will work."

Perce: "Oh dear, you wouldn't."

Wheel: "Oh yes I would, let's get to work."

Wheeljack and Perceptor hack into Bryce's microphones and sound system, and the play a recording of him when he was drunk and talking about the Chinese. They sync all the words perfectly to make it sound like he is saying it live.

Bryce: "You know, we should just blow up all the Chinese. It's not like they're doing anything but making us suck up to them in movies. Wait that wasn't me I swear, it's the aliens!"

The people begin to boo Bryce and he gets hit it the head with a soda, presumably by the same guy. Everyone except Optimus laughs at Bryce's dismay.

Longarm: -cough- "That's one crisis averted."

Mirage: "That man is dishonorable, he had it coming."

Wheel: (panicking) "We have something coming straight toward us!"

The sound of a roaring of a small jet gets louder as it approaches, but it's not a jet. It's the Matrix, and it lands right at the foot of The Ark. Optimus approaches it and puts it back inside his chest.

Jazz: "What the heck did I just see?"

Ratchet: "The Matrix came back, but how?"

Prime: "There were legends of the Matrix being able to return to the owner in the chance that it is in danger. It looks like these legends appear to be true."

Cliff: "Well ain't that dandy."

Prime: "Whatever they used the Matrix for, I hope they didn't do anything to endanger us all."

Back at the Decepticon HQ, Splicer is trying out being the leader in Megatron's absence. Starscream has left the room to collect his thoughts.

Splicer: "Ok so we do it how the plan says to do it. Constructicons, you're in charge of building the ship."

Mix: "It will be done in about a day and a half no problem."

Splicer: "Ok Skywarp, get your clone in production."

Skywarp: "Of course."

Splicer: "I will scan the schematics of this new vehicle."

Splicer scans the schematics of a new alternate form, and his body is now filled with the parts from his new mode.

Payload: "Looking good in the neighborhood Splicer."

Wasp: "What does Waspinator and Payload do?"

Terra: "Or me for that matter?"

Splicer: "Hmm, it doesn't seem to include you guys for some reason. I guess Starscream didn't have any use for you guys."

Payload: "What a prick."

Splicer: "I guess you guys could just hang out and party."

Payload: "I'm down for that."

Terra: "Same."

Splicer: (heartfelt) Guys, outside of Megatron, Knockout, and Soundwave, you guys are my closest family and friends. I love you guys so much."

Payload: (tearing up) -sniff- "Really?"

Splicer: "Yes."

Payload: (crying) "I have a friend!"

Wasp: (rolling eyes) "Yeah Paybot, it's not like Waspinator said we were friends or anything."

Payload: "Sorry Waspinator, I got excited."

Wasp: "Real smooth."

Splicer: "Guys, let's make a pact. No matter what happens and where we are, we will always be a team. (puts his hand out) Who's with me?"

Payload: (eagerly) "I am!"

Terra: "Me too."

Wasp: -sigh- "Waspinator supposes he does too."

Fearswoop also puts his hand there, but only Terradive sees this.

Splicer: "We're the ultimate four."

Terra: "Err.... five."

Payload: "Who is five?"

Terra: (nervously) "....Fearswoop."

Payload: "Dude he's dead, you're crazy."

Splicer: "I believe you Terradive."

Wasp: (surprised) "Eh?"

Splicer: "If on the small chance that he is real, tell him he's still the hot topic here."

Terra: (smiling) "I will."

Splicer: "Anyway I got to do my part, I don't know when I'll be back. Stay out of trouble, ok?"

Payload: "We will, good luck with your infiltration."

Splicer runs out while Payload and Waspinator go their separate ways. Now that leaves Terradive with Fearswoop, who has his eye smiling.

"That kid sure has a fiery passion."

"He sure does."

"How did he become one of us again?"

"I don't know, but I'm glad he's one of us."

In South America, Megatron, Soundwave, and Thundercracker arrive at Demon Swamp. They begin the search the area for the supposed Decepticons that have taken refuge there.

Thunder: (stepping in muck) "Ugh my paintjob is ruined!"

Megatron: (condescending) "When somebody cares about your insignificant issues, then you will be the first one to know Thundercracker."

Thundercracker gets stuck in the muck and tries to break free, but he winds up tripping over and falling headfirst into it. Now his whole body is stuck, getting the laughter from Megatron and Soundwave.

Megatron: (amused) "Even through all your vulgarity you still find a way to amuse us. Well done."

Thunder: -angrily gurgles-

Thundercracker breaks free, but unfortunately he trips over a log and slams his face into a tree.

Thunder: (frustrated) "Dammit!"

Megatron: "Quit fooling around Thundercracker. (looks around) There is far too much swamp for us all to cover. Soundwave, make our search easier for us."

Soundwave: "As you command Megatron. Ravage, eject, Operation: Seek Out."

Ravage is released, immediately beginning his search. After some sniffing around he picks up a scent that is familiar to him. The panther wastes no time to rush to the source of the scent. The others follow him to a structure that is covered in branches and leaves. Megatron pulls it aside and sees that is an Autobot escape pod.

Megatron: "An Autobot escape pod? I thought you said it was a Decepticon energy signature."

Soundwave: "Perhaps they hijacked an Autobot escape pod."

Thunder: "I think I remember there being three other guys when we boarded The Ark. I saw Ironhide knock three guys into an escape pod, maybe this is them."

Soundwave: "Schematics show the pod is empty, so they have escaped."

Megatron: "Then where are they?"

Soundwave: (scanning) "Strange, the scanners indicate that they are right here."

Thunder: "Come again?"

There is some rumbling and voices that seem to echo around the entire swamp.

?: "It's one of our many secrets secrets."

?: "These guys look like quite the delicacy."

?: "Now now, let's not jump to such harsh punishments to these weary travelers."

Thunder: (getting his sword) "Come out here and fight like a man!"

?: "As you wish wish."

Underneath all the muck emerge the three giant insects. Thundercracker screams like a little girl. Apparently he is afraid of bugs.

Grass: "What's his deal?"

Rhino: (mocking) "What's wrong boy are we bugging you?"

Megatron: "What are you?"

Stag: "One of a kind kind."

The three bugs decide to end their game and transform. The grasshopper jumps and the air and flips, and becomes an individual with two insectoid legs on his back that stick up and twitch. His face is just a red visor, and the antennas from his insect mode act like audio receptors. The rhinoceros beetle's legs fold into the bottom of the abdomen and the thrusters on the back becomes shoulders. Arms appear from them, and the point of the insect's head flips up to reveal a hidden head with two red eyes and a mouthplate. The stag beetle's mandibles go in their respective directions, and head pokes out. The legs extend, with the edges flipping up to become feet. The rest become the arms and legs, completing the transformation. The stag's face in particular has a deep-rooted psychotic look to him.

Grass: "So who the hell are you guys?"

Megatron: "I am Megatron leader of the Decepticons, and these are my cohorts Soundwave, Ravage, and Thundercracker.

Rhino: "Megatron... that name rings a bell."

Megatron: (surprised) "You do not recognize your own leader?"

Stag: "When we crashed our memories were virtually erased erased."

Rhino: "Though I seem to remember just enough."

Megatron: "Who are you?"

Rhino: "Oh where are our manners. My name is Bombshell."

Grass: "I'm Kickback."

Stag: "And I am Shrapnel Shrapnel."

Thunder: "Why does he talk funny?"

Kickback: "His voicebox took a little ding when we got here."

Soundwave: "We can repair if you would like."

Shrapnel: "No, it gives me an edge edge."

Kickback: (massaging Shrapnel) "You need another massage Shrapnel."

Shrapnel: (smacking his hand) "Don't touch me you pedophile pedophile!"

Kickback: (creepy) "Little Jimmy liked massages... I still think about him."

Thunder: "Well you just won freak of the century."

Kickback: (bowing) "I humbly accept that title."

Bomb: "I do seem to remember a great war. I remember Autobots and Decepticons."

Shrapnel: "It is true that I do feel some sort of kinship kinship."

Bomb: "I also remember being the leader of us three."

Shrapnel: "I thought that was me me."

Bomb: "Really? I thought it was me."

Kickback: "You guys just take turns bossing me around."

Shrapnel: "We call ourselves the Insecticons Insecticons."

Soundwave: (scanning) "Megatron, they're bodies have components of something we would never have thought was possible. They are techno-organic."

Thunder: -gasp- Techno-organic? What the hell is that?"

Megatron: "A hybrid of our own metallic forms merged with the organic parts of biological creatures on a cellular level."

Thunder: "Ok, but why is that important?"

Megatron: "According to legend, that was our original destiny as a species. For whatever reason we have strayed from that course. Insecticons, I would love to see you in action."

Bomb: "What did you have in mind?"

Megatron: "Cause a disturbance and the Autobots will show up. Tear them apart."

Kickback: (excited) "Now you're speaking my language!"

Shrapnel: "Very well. Insecticons, attack attack!"

The Insecticons transform and start attacking people around the swamp. Megatron has a grin of satisfaction on his face. He is already beginning to think of ways that he can use his new allies to his advantages. Sure enough, the Autobots catch wind of the activity.

Wheel: "Optimus, there are six Decepticon energy signatures at the Demon Swamp.

Prime: "We'll need to be smart about this. Ironhide, Mirage, Jazz, Cliffjumper, Sunstreaker, and Sideways, go investigate. I must take my leave for a little while."

Sun: "Yeah baby!"

Jazz: "Please don't act that way for the whole trip."

Sun: "Can't make any guarantees."

Cliff: "Good thinking Optimus, now with all of us there is no way that traitor Mirage can do anything funny."

Mirage: "I'm beginning to lose my patience."

Ironhide: "Alright troops, move out."

The six enter the groundbridge, arriving at the swamp. They all begin to search for the disturbances.

Sun: "Is it me or does the humidity suck?"

Sideways: "I have a bad feeling about this."

Ironhide: "You and me both."

Cliff: "What's that in the sky?"

Ironhide: "Just some dumb bugs."

Jazz: "I don't remember Earth bugs being that big."

Mirage: "Look out!"

The Insecticons attempt to dive bomb the Autobots, but everyone gets out of the way in time. The Insecticons transform, surprising them.

Cliff: "Eww!"

Shrapnel: "What's wrong Autobot Autobot?"

Cliff: "You guys are so ugly!"

Kickback: "Like you're model material."

Ironhide: "Are you friend or foe?"

Bomb: "I'll give you all a hint."

Bombshell transforms into his beetle mode. The horn launches out an explosive like a tank, and it blows all the Autobots back. Mirage is the first to recover and shoots his SMGs at the Insecticon. It apparently does nothing because the shots simply bounce off of him. Jazz recovers as well and launches his crescent missiles at him and that apparently does some damage. Kickback transforms and grabs Jazz with his feet. Jazz breaks free and climbs on top of him and starts beating Kickback's head with his staff. Kickback does some tricky flying maneuvers to shake Jazz loose, and Jazz falls hard on the ground. Shrapnel attacks Cliffjumper in his insect mode,attempting to smash his head with his mandibles. Cliffjumper is only barely able to keep them away, but his grip is beginning to give way. Sunstreaker appears and jumps on Shrapnel, shooting him wildly with his guns, which buys Cliffjumper just enough time to roll out of the way. Megatron and the others are watching with great interest.

Thunder: "Let me go out there and kill the Autobots with them."

Megatron: (firmly) "No, the Autobots cannot be aware of my return just yet. I want to see what else the Insecticons are capable of."

Shrapnel transforms back into his robot mode and pulls out his gun, the E.O.K Techvolt.

Shrapnel: "This will put a shock to your system system!"

Shrapnel activates the gun, and a powerful beam of electricity electrocutes Cliffjumper, Sunstreaker, and Sideways. The Insecticon's joy is short-lived when Mirage jumps on him and stabs him in back with his blades. Bombshell appears and slams him off.

Bomb: "Kickback, it's time to use our army."

Kickback: "On it."

Shrapnel: "I'll use my abilities as well as well."

Kickback uses the grass to plant something. Emerging from the ground are large and green Insecticons, but they look vastly different than the real Insecticons. These clones have six arms, different faces, blue wings, and are a bit smaller than them. The clones transform and swarm the Autobots. Their insect mode has a single red eye that has a laser that shoots them, but it isn't really that harmful.

Cliff: "These guys aren't that strong."

Sun: "But there's too many!"

Ironhide: "Then let's fix this problem."

Jazz returns to the battle, and his crescent missiles prove to be useful as they take out many of the clones. Mirage uses his blades to slice several in half and Ironhide blasts any that dare to get near. Sideways gives covering fire to Cliffjumper, who has taken out his sword and hammer, doing his smash and slice routine. Shrapnel leaps at Cliffjumper in his insect mode, but he gets knocked away by Cliffjumper's hammer. Sideways goes after Bombshell, punching him in the face. It felt like hitting a brick, and Bombshell simply swats him aside, knocking him out. Ironhide confronts Bombshell, and punches him in the face, knocking him down.

Ironhide: "Take that Decepticon!"

Bomb: (getting up) "You believe yourself to be better than me Autobot? Let me show you otherwise."

Bombshell punches Ironhide back, and the two continue to trade blows. Despite Ironhide being smaller, he is clearly the stronger of the two. He eventually begins to wear Bombshell down.

Bomb: (panting) "Need....Energon."

Ironhide: "What's the matter Decepticon? Didn't stock up before you started the fight?"

Bomb: (under his breath) "Yours will do."

Bombshell takes out a triangular weapon with a blue glow to it. He blasts it at Ironhide, and blue energy seems to come off of Ironhide and transfers itself to Bombshell. Ironhide begins to feel disoriented.

Ironhide: "What did you do to me?"

Bomb: "I leeched your Energon with my Energon Harvester, you should get one some time."

Bombshell decks Ironhide, grabs him by the foot, and slams him hard on some logs. Ironhide gets up to aim his cannons, but Kickback flies in front of him, using his insect mode's hind legs to kick him like a donkey. Ironhide gets sent packing as he is crashing through several trees. Shrapnel uses his Techvolt on himself, and the mandibles on his back light up like a conductor. He targets Mirage, and a huge blast of lightning strikes him square in the chest. The mandibles do something else to Sunstreaker. It zaps him, but then his body begins to do erratic movements that he is not responsible for.

Sun: (frantic) "Help, he's got control of me like some toy!"

Sunstreakers gun hit Cliffjumper straight in the chest. He is forced to turn his hammer into its gatling gun form. Cliffjumper shoots away, breaking Shrapnel's iron concentration, forcing him to retreat.

Shrapnel: (shrieking) "Use your cerebro shells Bombshell Bombshell!"

Bombshell's tip of his insect mode aims and fires something into Mirage's head. Mirage stops dead in his tracks, much to Cliffjumper's confusion.

Cliff: "What are you doing? Attack them!"

Mirage turns around and attacks Cliffjumper, and Cliffjumper of course doesn't put two and two together."

Cliff: (dodging the attacks) I knew it! You were a traitor!"

Cliffjumper falls over a log and is now cornered by Mirage. Cliffjumper rolls over, causing Mirage's blade to get stuck. Cliffjumper thinks fast and slams his head on the log, breaking the cerebro shell as well as knocking Mirage out. Ironhide comes out with his Heavy Iron to blast Bombshell and Shrapnel away, forcing them to retreat. Jazz also comes in to help as Sideways regains consciousness. Kickback appears behinds a tree and kicks it, causing it to fall on top of Jazz, knocking him out. Kickback takes out his Gear Shredder, launching enormous bladed gears at Ironhide and Cliffjumper. Cliffjumper falls on the ground to dodge it, and the gear is so close that in slow motion he can see his reflection. The other two gears embed themselves into Ironhide's shoulder and chest, but the weapon specialist is far too strong to be put down. He blasts Kickback away, and he calls a retreat for the rest of the Autobots, but unfortunately for Ironhide Jazz gets dragged away by Shrapnel. Ironhide and the others retreat, unaware that the Decepticons have Jazz.

Shrapnel: "I come bearing gifts gifts."

Kickback: "Mmm tasty!"

Thunder: "Dude, we don't eat our own people, we stab them!"

Bomb: "That is ridiculous, it would be far easier to cannibalize him right now."

Megatron: (annoyed) "No! I want him alive."

Thunder: "Why?"

Megatron: "Do you not see the opportunity that has been brought before us? After seeing the marvelous abilities of our new allies, there are some ideas that I would like to try out. Until then I want him locked up in a containment cell. Soundwave, let us now return to base."

Soundwave: "As you command Lord Megatron."

The Decepticons and the unconscious Jazz go to the groundbridge as we go back to the Autobot's point of view. Ironhide and the gang return, and Ironhide does not look well. Ratchet scrambles over to start working on him.

Ratchet: "You too? I better get to work."

Cliff: "Wait, where is Jazz?"

Sun: (morbid) "Oh no..."

Cliff: (angry) "This is all your fault Mirage!"

Mirage: (baffled) "How is this my fault?"

Cliff: "You had him go unconscious, and then you attacked me!"

Mirage: "What are you talking about?"

Cliff: "You tried to kill me back there."

Mirage: "No I didn't."

Sun: "Yes you did."

Mirage: "What?"

Cliff: (ecstatic) "See? I'm not crazy! Mirage is a Decepticon spy!"

Everyone else gathers around Mirage, and Cliffjumper tries to restrain him, but Mirage decks him. Wheeljack tackles Mirage and confines him to a chair. Cliffjumper gets up and punches Mirage in retaliation.

Cliff: "How do you like that, Decepticon?"

Mirage: (pleading) "Listen to me, I'm not a Decepticon."

Cliff: "Like hell you are."

While everyone is arguing the unthinkable happens. Maybe this was just a terrible opportunity, and maybe if they paid attention, they would have seen Sideways ditch Crosswise and switch to Rook, and they would have seen his emblem change. Maybe they might have been able to do something before he combined his canons, charged them, and blow a big hole through Sunstreaker's chest.

Sideways: (whispering) "Im sorry."

Sideways is running toward the exit where is met by Wheeljack, but Sideways decks him as he transforms and leaves The Ark with Bumblebee angrily pursuing him. Sideswipe is kneeling down near Sunstreaker, who is dying. Everyone else is scrambling on what to do.

Side: (pleading) "Hang in there Sunstreaker."

Sun: (weakly) "I can't..."

Side: "Yes you can!"

Sun: "No, listen bro, you have to stay strong for me no matter what. We had some wild times together, but it's too late for me. Just promise me you'll stay strong."

Side: (tearing up) "I promise."

Sun: (weakly smiling) "I'm proud of you man... good luck."

Sunstreaker dies in his brother's arms, and Sideswipe can no longer hold back the tears. All that can be heard from The Ark are his screams of pain and suffering, and the screen cuts to black.

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