Part 39: Battle for Earth (final battle)

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Soundwave and Splicer are still searching for Megatron, and it seems to be completely hopeless.

"Where could he be?"

"That is unknown. You should go back to the base."

"But why?"

"It's too dangerous here, and the others are injured. They need your help. Take Megatron's arm and leave."


Splicer transforms and drives off he eventually finds Megatron's arm and picks it up. Around this time Mindwipe begins to wake up. Splicer gets ready for a fight, but Mindwipe is really not in the mood for it.

Mindwipe: (hypnotising) "I do not wish for a fight, just stay there while I make my escape."

Mindwipe freezes Splicer for about five minutes and flies away looking for his master. Meanwhile Grimlock is regaining consciousness, and is greeted by the remaining Autobots.

Grimlock: "Is everyone alright?"

Snarl: "More or less yeah."

Grimlock: "Where is Slag?"

Snarl: "He got tricked into going in a portal."

Sludge: "Me Sludge smarter."

Grimlock: "That's debatable. But where is Optimus? We need to find him."

Swoop: "He took on The Fallen alone, who knows how that's going."

Grimlock: "I have faith in Optimus. If anyone can stop this it's him."

Optimus on the other hand is having the exact opposite opposite effect on The Fallen. He rolls along the street with the Fallen walking closer.

"You know I expected much more from you even with your new form. Saying that I'm disappointed would be a vast understatement."

"I will stop you even if it means sacrificing my own life."

"After what I just witnessed I highly doubt it."

"Watch me."

Optimus and Megatronus draw their swords and run at one another. The blades clash at a force so high that a shockwave is created, breaking all the surounding glass in the area. They both get blown back but recover instantly. The Fallen summons Lost to aid him, and Optimus charges at him. The Fallen clicks the button on Lost that makes it go to its dark star form. He throws it and hits Optimus square in the face, knocking him on his back. Optimus gets up, but the Fallen does a pulling gesture with his hand. Lost returns to The Fallen like a boomerang and hits Optimus in the back of the head. Optimus staggers forward and engages The Fallen in a sword fight. Optimus slashes and hacks way, and The Fallen spins around and counters. He ditches his shield and simply uses his sword to block each attack. Optimus really presses on the attack with both of his swords, and The Fallen just blocks each attack with zero difficulty. He grows bored and teleports away. Optimus is looking around, but The Fallen teleports behind him and slashes him in the back, making him grind face-first on the street. Optimus gets kicked and bounces across the street. The Fallen teleports above Optimus, and slashes down. Optimus manages to block it at just the right moment. The Fallen pushes his strength on Optimus, and he manages to push through and slash at him. Optimus holds his ground but gets pushed hard enough that his feet get sunk into the ground and he grinds back. Optimus tries to jump at The Fallen, but he uses the fires of Avarice to blast him back. The Fallen uses his pyrokenisis and grabs Optimus with his tendrils of fire. He starts burning his forearms and thrashes him into every wall and car nearby. Optimus breaks free and The Fallen shoots fire out of his sword to blast him. Optimus dodges all of the shots and gets closer. The Fallen fires a concentrated stream of fire that hits Optimus in the chest and starts wearing him down. Optimus isn't giving up, and starts walking against the current, surprising The Fallen. The Fallen fires a harder burst, and Optimus gets pushed back a bit more. Optimus still fights on and gets closer. Now he's getting a fully charged blast, but he is still going strong. The heat is becoming too much to take, but the armor is holding on just long enough to reach The Fallen. He tackles him, and knocks his sword away. He slashes The Fallen across the chest with Cliffjumper's energy sword, and punches him in the face. He bashes his head with his hammer and uses the gatling gun to shoot him up. The Fallen teleports away to the edge of the street. He opens a portal in front of him and another in front of Optimus. He thrusts his sword inside the first portal and it comes out of the the other portal it stab Optimus in the chest. Luckily Longarm's armor cushions the blow, and Optimus jumps into the portal to do a flying punch that knocks the Fallen into a wall. He teleports away and fights Optimus once again in a sword fight. This time he uses his shield and he jabs Optimus with it to knock him back. He throws the shield to run into Optimus, driving him back to the end of the street. The Fallen teleports next to him to speak.

"It's no use Orion. No matter how many times you strike me it will never be enough."

"I will stop you, there is no version of this where you win."

"So your version is the only valid option? It's the kind of hypocrisy that cost Vector his life."

Optimus slashes him with his sword, and The Fallen throws him across the street. He fires at The Fallen but he opens two portals to redirect the shot to hit Optimus in the back. Optimus tries again but it gets redirected to hit him from a different angle. Optimus realizes that he has to change up his strategy and fires some blanks, tricking The Fallen into opening new portals. Optimus fires a real shot into the second portal, and travels into the first one to hit The Fallen. The Fallen gets angry and does some gestures to conjure up four portals. One below Optimus and the rest to his left, right, and above him. Optimus is falling through an endless loop of all four portals, and The Fallen is laughing it up. Optimus closes his eyes and concentrates, and at just the right moment he fires a shot at the still laughing Megatronus. In slow motion it hits him, and his expression changes from satisfaction to disbelif. Optimus is free from the portals and charges, but Megatronus twirls and sends out four huge rings of fire at Optimus. Optimus strafes from the first, slides under the second one, jumps over the third, but the last one hits him in the chest and he falls back. Optimus shoots Avarice out of The Fallen's hand. He fires again but The Fallen sends up a firewall to destroy the bullets. As Optimus gets close The Fallen creates a sphere of fire to protect him from all damage. Optimus burns his hands trying to get through. Megatronus walks toward him to corner the Prime, but he comes up with an idea. There is a nearby fire hydrant. He shoots it, and it explodes, releasing all the water. It blasts The Fallen dousing his flames and temporarily disabling his pyrokinesis. Optimus slashes him across the chest and stabs him in the shoulder, and The Fallen kicks him back. He aims his Fusion cannon at him and fires, and the five segments blast Optimus into several buildings, and incapacitates him. The Fallen transforms and flies into Optimus, they fly through several buildings, but Optimus manages to get on top of the jet and starts shooting him up. He stabs him in his left wing, and The Fallen barrel-rolls to shake him off, but to no avail. Optimus forces him up, and they both smash into a rooftop. The both roll around the roof until they both get up. The Fallen charges at Optimus, but he puts his hands together and swings to hit him, making him hit a water tower. Before he can recover Optimus does a roundhouse kick to his face, and now he is at the edge of the roof. The Fallen uppercuts him, but Optimus blasts him off with the trident. He looks over and he is gone, and then the Fallen bring a portal and thrashes him around the walls. Optimus stabs him in the forearm, and the portal leads them to a train station. As they are falling The Fallen looks up just to see Optimus smash the hammer down on him, The Fallen blasts the hammer out of his hands and it goes inside the portal back to London. The Fallen crashes into the actual building while Optimus lands near the trains. People run and scream in terror as the Fallen teleports in front of Optimus and throws him into the trains. Optimus pretends to be stuck but grabs two train cars and smacks him in the face with them. He beats him senseless until the Fallen burns them with his hands. Optimus tries to slash him with Cliffjumper's sword, but he tears it off and blasts him back with his fire. He then destroys Cliffjumper's sword by crushing it.

"Another trick in your arsenal now gone."

(switching to Longarm's sword.) "I still have more."

"You are not as weak as you appear, but regardless it still won't save you."

"I beg to differ."

"I would expect no less from you."

They clash in a trident vs sword match. The Fallen's sword gets caught in the trident, and Optimus stabs him in the foot with it. He then blasts him in the side with the trident. He blasts The Fallen back and takes Avarice. He blasts fires at him, but The Fallen does a parting gesture with his hands, and the fire destroys itself.

"You forget Orion, I am fire. But I will certainly turn up the heat if that is what you wish."

The Fallen sees an airplane in the sky and gets an idea. First he summons his sword back and opens a portal behind Optimus. He teleports in front of him and swings him into the portal. Now Optimus is in the open sky, and The Fallen then throws him right into the turbine of the plane. The plane explodes instantly, and everyone inside is killed. Optimus is now falling to his death, but The Fallen is coming to him. Optimus uses the harpoon gun to grab on to the turbine. He uses all of his strength to swing it around and hit The Fallen, making him spiral out of control. Optimus tackles him in the air, and they are both about to fall to their death, but as they are one inch from the ground The Fallen teleports them somewhere else. It is really hot and tons of magma everywhere. It appears to be dangerously close to the center of the Earth. The Fallen blasts Optimus with his fire, and nearly makes him take a bath in the magma. There are stalactites above The Fallen. Optimus shoots them, and one falls right on top of The Fallen. Optimus pauses to catch his breath, but the rock begins to have lights emerge from the crack. The Fallen makes it explode in a burst of fire and he screams in rage. Optimus gets knocked back by the rocks. The Fallen teleports and punches Optimus. He teleports and grabs him by the leg, thrashing him into the rocks and grinding him up the wall. He rips off his mouthplate and kicks him into the wall so hard he bounces off of it. He grabs him again crushing his sides. Optimus headbutts him to let go, and give him a fully charged shot of the trident, and he falls into the magma. He bursts out and tackles Optimus, burning him. Optimus uses Longarm's beam sword to stab him in the hand. The Fallen rips off one of Cliffjumper's shoulder pads and scorches his shoulder. Optimus uses his brass knuckles to bashes his face on his left side, and sparks fly out. The Fallen blasts him into a new portal, but in slow motion Optimus uses one of the harpoon guns and fires it into his knees. He yanks The Fallen with him, and using all his fight he slams him down hard on the rocky floor of their new area. Optimus falls on his knees as he see that they are at an active volcano. The Fallen gets up and does some tense movements. All of a sudden lava erupts, and the Fallen is actually manipulating the lava. He is able to do this because there is just enough fire inside that he can control it. He sends blast after blast at Optimus, who rolls to dodge each one. He finds a rock to stand on. The Fallen starts to put the lava around the rock to trap Optimus. Optimus shoots the ground around the rock, and he rides it down the volcano like a surfboard. The Fallen flies after him and blasts at him with his sword. One of the blast grazes him in the back. Optimus uses the harpoon gun and slams The Fallen down in front of the rock. He is now being grinded against the rock as the go to the end of the volcano. The Fallen flips the rock up and throws it into Optimus. Both are on their backs and get up, pausing to catch their breath.

(satisfied) "That's more like it. Quite the fight in you boy."

"You can't win this Megatronus, that's enough."

"Enough? Enough is when I slaughter you and the majority of the population of this wretched planet."

"Then you have to die."

"Let's see you try."

The Fallen activates his Fusion Cannon, but Optimus jams Longarm's beam sword inside, destroying both weapons. The Fallen's cannon explodes, and he staggers back as he observes it.

"That was my favorite tool for genocide, and you ruined it. At least you can't bother me with that weapon. You're running out toys Orion."

(taking out his sword) "Then I'll make good of what I have left."

Optimus tries to stab The Fallen, but he rips off the beam sword and hits him in the face with it, denting his right cheek. The Fallen teleports them to the Atlantic Ocean and there isn't land for miles upon miles. Optimus grabs him by the leg and they fall into the ocean. As they go deeper Optimus beats on his face. The angered Fallen's eyes sizzle and makes bubbles in the water, and he grabs Optimus and flies out of the water. He starts swinging him around and throws him, making him bounce across the water. The Fallen flies at a higher speed and hits him, making him bounce faster. He finishes with fully charged fire blast from Avarice, making Optimus bounce at a near sonic speed. The Fallen opens a portal to Detroit for him to fall into, which in all fairness was a mess before they arrived. In all honesty this might be an improvement. Optimus gets punched right through several buildings, and in response he fires another harpoon gun into The Fallen's chest. He ziplines back to Megatronus to do a high velocity uppercut to him. He pulls it down, and The Fallens slams his chin on a balcony. They teleport again, and this time into a snowy mountain. They are grabbing on to one another as they roll off the side of the mountain, running over trees as they go. They then get teleported to Antartica. They are now fighting on top of an iceberg. The Fallen overpowers Optimus in the sword fight and kicks him down. He blasts it, and it leaves two giant icicles that Optimus rips off. The Fallen peers over the edge, and Optimus throws both of them, lodging both of them into The Fallen's eyes. He runs around like a chicken without his head. He uses his heat to melt them off. He jumps and does a diagonal spinning attack that cuts the iceberg in half. Optimus scrambles to climb over trying to not fall into the water. He tackles the Fallen as they fight on top of a massive glacier. The Fallen cuts Optimus across the arm and slices upwards on his chest. Optimus does a roundhouse kick, but The Fallen blocks it with his shield. Optimus leaps to attack, but he stops him with Lost and slams him down. He melts the glacier with his fire, and activates another portal that sends them back to London. The Fallen sends them back, and The Fallen smashes his hands down on Optimus, who then uses the last harpoon gun to swing around and make a good landing. He shoots The Fallen down, who shoots at the line, and Optimus rolls and recovers. The Fallen lands hard and is on his knees panting. He realizes that he is actually he is actually losing this fight. He left a portal open down the street, and it leads to deep space.

"You're finished Megatronus."

"You finally gave me the fight I had desired. Granted you needed that armor to help you."

(Taking out the trident and his sword) "Now you leave."

(unstable) "Is that all you have left to defeat me? I won't let you....I WON'T LET YOU!"

The two clash for one last time. Optimus tries to attack, but The Fallen blocks with his shield. The Fallen uppercuts him with his shield takes out the star setting, and slashes Optimus in the back of the head. Taking out his right "ear". Optimus stabs him in the arm to let go of the shield and slashes him across the face with the trident. The enraged Fallen knocks the trident out of his hands and cuts Optimus across his left cheek. Optimus knocks Avarice out of his hands, and uses his free hand to hit his hand with the brass knuckles. The Fallen screams in pain as he sees his busted hand. He looks at him and breaks all of his fingers back into place. He unleashes a shockwave of fire to knock him back. He does another to make Optimus fall. Optimus stabs him in the stomach, and at this point he gets so mad he rips off the chest armor, making him vulnerable. At this point Optimus and The Fallen are just punching each other to death.

Fallen: "Weak (punch) pathetic (punch) insect!" (punch)

Prime: "Murderer (punch) disgrace( punch) coward!" (punch)

Fallen: (screaming) "I AM NO COWARD!"

Optimus tries to hit him again with the brass knuckles, but The Fallen catches it, and starts crushing his hand. He uses his powers to burn the knuckles off, and then with all his might he yells and breaks Optimus's arm! He summons Avarice one last time and stabs Optimus right through the chest. He kicks Optimus off and puts his hands on his head, preparing to disintegrate his face.

Fallen: (gloating) "Even with your gifts you still couldn't stop me. Now the last Prime is dead!"

Before he can finish Optimus someone shoots him in the back, knocking him off. It's Megatron!

Fallen: (angry) "You dare to strike me boy?"

Megatron: (growling) "You killed Prima and didn't tell me?"

Fallen: -shrugs- "You didn't ask. You would dare strike your father?"

Megatron: (boldly) "I had a father, and you killed him."

Megatron teleports in front of The Fallen, and stabs him through the neck with his staff. He staggers back and falls into the portal, drifting through space. The flames in his eyes die out as he goes limp. Then someone's voice can be heard.

?: "Master no!"

It's Mindwipe, and he is very angry as he jumps down."

Mindwipe: (vengeful) "You will pay dearly for this. You haven't seen the last of me!"

Mindwipe transforms and flies into the portal, and it mysteriously closes behind him. Now it leaves Megatron standing over the weakened Optimus.

Megatron: "Now you see that I didn't kill Prima."

Prime: "Yes, and I'm sorry. But that doesn't change the fact that you are still a murderer."

Megatron: "And it's your fault for that Prima told me before he died that I was the one he loved most. Not you or our brother. It should have been me that became the Prime."

Prime: "You were never worthy."

"Megatron: "Then I will take it myself."

Optimus gets up to fight but gets punched by Megatron. Optimus uses his last brass knuckle and punches Megatron so hard it takes off half his face. Optimus beats on him until someone shoots him off it's Soundwave and Splicer. Soundwave activates a groundbridge and they carry Megatron out. Now that it's just Optimus he looks around the area, takes a deep breath, and crumples to the floor.

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