Part 5: The Mystery of Stonehenge

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Chip: "How did they get in?"

Wheel: "The better question is why do you have a car that isn't me?"

Chip: "Well you've been busy and I needed a ride so..."

Wheel: (hurt) "Oh I see, I'm just too busy to be good enough for you."

Chip: (shocked) "That's not what I said at all."

Kicker: "Hey dickturd nice crib you got here!"

Spike: "This is all your your fault Chip!"

Chip: "I said I was sorry!"

Spike: "Wheeljack, hurry and bridge them out of here, or I'll cause them misery! (coming out of it) Huh... that was weird."

Kicker: "Nobody tells Kicker Jones where he can and can't be!"

Fowler: "You're trespassing on government property. I might have to lock you up."

Kicker: "Who cares? I've been in and out of juvie all the time!"

Misha: "Hey Siri, map this location for us."

The phone marks the location on the map for Kicker and Misha, and the others all groan in frustration.

Misha: "You can like totally send us away, but we'll like totally be back."

Carly: "I'm going to kill them."

Spike: (strangely) "No let me!"

Carly: "...I'll do it don't worry. Hey H B Hoe!

Misha: (snarky) "Well if it isn't the blonde bimbo and her boytoy."

Carly: "Unlike you we actually have a future."

Misha: (rolling her eyes) "Like you know anything about the future. At least I'm not ugly like you!"

Carly attacks Misha, and a catfight begins. Spike and Chip watch in amazement while pondering what to do next.

Spike: "Shouldn't we help her?"

Chip: "Ken Watanabe said it himself: Let them fight."

Kicker goes over to Ratchet and Ironhide to start bugging them.

Kicker: "Hey wanna hear a joke?"

Ironhide: "...Sure."

Kicker: "Why wouldn't Helen Kellar be a good driver?"

Ironhide: "Because she's blind and deaf?"

Kicker: "No, because she's dead!"

Ratchet: -moans- "Kill me now!"

Ironhide: "How about we kill him?"

Ratchet: "I guess, it's just one after all. Optimus would understand."

Silas goes over to Perceptor and Wheeljack to talk with them about something that caught his interest.

Silas: "So this Allspark that you mentioned, what is it?"

Perce: "The Allspark is an ancient relic with the ability to create life."

Silas: (interested) "Really? Can it restore life?"

Perce: "Unfortunately no, and the power of creation is limited as well. We're trying to tap into it's energy and find a way to make it an unlimited source of energy."

Silas: "I see."

Kicker: "Nice ride Chip, I see your book got you some greens."

Carly: (knocking out Misha) "Book?"

Spike: "What's this book he's talking about?"

Chip: (nervously) "Um... nothing."

Wheel: "Let me take a look."

Wheeljack reaches into Chip's backpack, and a book falls out. Wheeljack peers at it and reads the title aloud.

Wheel: "Rags to Wheels, Bitches, and Riches.... seriously?"

Weazel: "Someone's self obsessed."

Everyone looks at Chip with a look of disappointment, except for Misha. She's still unconscious.

Spike: (arms crossed) "Stock huh? I knew there was something fishy."

Wheel: "So what's this book about anyway?"

Chip: "My whole experience before, during, and after the Battle of San Francisco."

Spike: "You might as well have put out a big sign showing everyone where to find The Ark!"

Ace: "Someone likes cashing in."

Tyrone: "Sounds like something you would write Ace."

Ace: "Shut up."

Fowler: (going to Optimus) "Prime, so about that Stonehenge thing."

Prime: -sigh "Yes I remember."

Fowler: "I think it's about time we go and check this out."

Prime: "Very well, is there anyone who would like to accompany me?"

Ratchet: (gleefully) "Yes please!"

Longarm comes in with Ron as Optimus and crew are about to depart.

Ron: "So Fowler, I see you're going to attempt the groundbridge. I better warn you it's not fun. I lost my lunch the first time I went in it."

Fowler: (proudly) "I once was captured by a rogue Taliban group and all I had to defend myself was toothpaste and a bag of potato chips. I think I can handle myself."

Ron: "Whatever you say big shot."

Optimus, Fowler, and Ratchet enter the groundbridge to head to the UK. At Stonehenge the camera takes a look at the grass and begins to move forward like someone is driving a car. There Stonehenge lies there as the trio appear from the groundbridge. After it closes Fowler immediately feels the repercussions of his decision.

Fowler: (queasy) "Looks like Ron was right after all. (pukes)"

Ratchet: -shudders- "I'm not cleaning that. So why are we here Optimus?"

Prime: "Agent Fowler showed me a picture of this place, and it is filled with markings from The 13."

Ratchet: (bewildered) "The 13? Here?"

Prime: "It appears there is more to this planet than meets the eye."

Ratchet: "But what would it be doing here on Earth of all places?"

Prime: "That's what we're here to find out."

Optimus and Ratchet begin to looks around the structure while Fowler slowly begins to recover. Optimus brushes his hand gently across the glyphs when suddenly they begin to glow blue. There is a rumbling in the area as the grass in the center splits apart to reveal a large doorway, and it opens to reveal a very long and dark hallway.

Fowler: (amazed) "Did you touch something?"

Prime: "...I don't know."

Ratchet: "Do we dare venture inside?"

Prime: "We have to find out what lies beyond the hall. Agent Fowler, in the case of possible danger I advise that you stay here. Ratchet and I will continue our exploration."

Fowler: (relieved) "Really? That's great....errr I mean very well. then."

Optimus and Ratchet go inside the hallway, and after 20 feet, it's too dark for them to see.

"We need a light."

"On it Optimus."

"I wasn't referring to your flashlight."

Optimis reaches into his chest, and it opens up to reveal the Matrix of Leadership. The Matrix lights the hallway in a bright blue glow.

"Ah much better Optimus."

All of a sudden the Matrix pulses, surprising both of the Autobots.

(confused) "Optimus... is it supposed to do that?"

"I don't know."

Optimus and Ratchet right a lighter part of the hall, and proceeds to put the Matrix back in his chest as Ratchet uses the headlights from his vehicle on his chest to light up the end of the hall. To their surprise there is a large door with what looks like a hold for an object engraved in the center. Optimus suddenly feels a raging pain in his chest and begins to writhe around the ground, much to Ratchet's horror.

(panicking) "Are you alright Optimus?"

(pain going away) "Yes... I'll be fine."

"What was that?"

"I don't know, but it looks like this is supposed to be a place where you put something in... it  looks like the shape of the Matrix."

"That's rather odd don't you think?"

"I suppose, but only when we open this door will we be able to solve this mystery."

Optimus takes out the Matrix again and slowly gets close to the holder, he almost locks it into the door, but that's when something strange alerts him. He begins to hear whispers and shrieks, either coming from the door or the Matrix itself.

"Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?

"Voices, whispers and screams."

(looking around) "I don't hear anything."

(putting the Matrix in his chest) "I remember hearing an old legend about the Matrix being able to sense danger. Whatever is in there is locked in for a reason."

"I trust your judgement, let's get out of here."

Optimus and Ratchet leave the hall to request a groundbridge and leave with Fowler. The trio return, and Fowler gets sick again.

Ron: "Told you it was tough."

Perce: "How was it Optimus?"

Prime: "Let's just say there are some secrets that should never be revealed."

Misha: (waking up) "Ugh... where am I?"

Back at the Decepticon HQ Soundwave is busy reattempting the Dark Energon on another Vehicon corpse.

Soundwave: "Beginning Dark Energon experiment #22."

Rumble and Frenzy are also present during this experiment and watch alongside Laserbeak and Ravage as Soundwave puts the Dark Energon inside the Vehicon. After about a minute the Vehicon acts up again and tries to attack Soundwave, but Soundwave tears the Dark Energon from its chest. The Vehicon then begins to gasp like it needs air, and slowly crawls over, dying moments later. Soundwave is once again disappointed with the results as he logs the information into his computers.

Soundwave: "Subjects are still susceptible to the effects of Dark Energon. All that they are now are mindless zombies bent on death and destruction. It appears this would have the same effect on our late leader Megatron. I must continue my research in hopes of finding a way to negate the effects of darkness."

Rumble: "Soundwave, you haven't slept in weeks."

Frenzy: "Yeah get some fresh air."

Soundwave leaves the room in a huff, and Thundercracker is also in the hall.

Thunder: "Hey Mr. friendly."

Soundwave knocks him aside, and Thundercracker sticks his tongue out at him. Thundercracker wasn't satisfied with Soundwave's greeting and launches a missile at him, and Soundwave uses his tractor beam to grab and blow the missile back at him. Soundwave then decides to add insult to injury by taking out his Sonic Cannon and take a pot shot at the seeker. Soundwave then proceeds down the hall while we go to Skywarp once again working on random projects while we now see two unseen minions of Soundwave; Squawktalk, a blue robotic parrot and Beastbox, a violet robotic gorilla. Beastbox stole some bananas from humans and proceeds to eat them. Squawktalk is apparently jealous of his friend's appetite and wants a piece himself.

Squawk: (complaining) "Oh this is just great! I just sit here ruffling my feathers and you sit there eating bananas!"

Beastbox: (mouth full of bananas) "So?"

Squawk: "So?? I want a banana!"

Beastbox: (still full) "No way bro, this is ape food!"

Squawk: "Says who?"

Beastbox: (still....) "Says Beastbox!"

Skywarp: "Can you please take your petty dispute somewhere else? I'm trying to work here!"

Both: "Shut up Skywarp!"

Squawk: "Give me that banana!"

Beastbox: "No!"

Beastbox and Squawktalk fight over a banana, each on the respective ends of the fruit.

Squawk: (muffled) "Mine!"

Beastbox: (muffled) "Mine!"

It's tug of war until the banana breaks and half, and they both fall on their backs. The two then share a laugh as they eat their respective halves. Starscream walks in and is not too pleased.

Scream: "I see that Soundwave is letting more of his menagerie out."

Beastbox: "Hey I'm not imaginary!"

Scream: (condescending) "I see evolution gave you the best hearing."

Beastbox: "Why thank you!"

Squawk: "Hey don't say bad things about my friend... wait what?"

Scream: (rolling eyes) "Way to pick up sarcasm Beastbox."

Beastbox: "Thank you!"

A harsh voice appears out of thin air to insult Starscream, but there is also a sense of dread from everyone in the room bar Starscream.

?: (condescending) "Oh Starscream, the universe's mascot for failure. Tell me, how do you plan on running us into the ground this time."

Starscream: "Buzzsaw... show yourself."

A pair or green eyes with slits like a snake opens in the shadows and stares at Starscream with a deathly stare.

Buzzsaw: "I'm here."

Scream: "Afraid to show your ugly face I see."

Buzzsaw: (harshly) "Deflecting to cover my attempts to speak of your failures I see. If you must know my scars are worth more than your finely polished face could ever be. Unlike you I don't fear the hell of war."

Scream: (insulting) "At least I don't grovel to Soundwave like a worthless puppet. That's all you are Buzzsaw, expendable."

Buzzsaw: (snarling) "I will have your blood spilled on the floor."

Skywarp: "Please don't, I just had Payload clean up yesterday."

Buzzsaw's tail emerges from the shadows and grabs Starscream by the ankle. He yanks him down and pulls him into the darkness. Buzzsaw steps closer into the light, but not enough to fully see him. What can be seen is a very long beak with sharp and jagged teeth.

Buzzsaw: (sneering) "Unlike you Starscream I'm necessary to win the war. I could do it all by myself too."

Scream: "I order you to release me!"

Buzzsaw: (instantly letting go) "See, all you had to was relay a command, but that looks difficult for you."

Soundwave comes in to the room only to be criticized by Starscream.

Scream: "Well if it isn't the recluse. What have you been working on?"

Soundwave: "None of your concern."

Scream: (harshly) "It is always by concern you walking computer!"

Soundwave: "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Scream: "And what is the purpose of releasing Buzzsaw, Squawktalk, and Beastbox?"

Squawk: "Well I can translate any language."

Scream: "We already know the language here."

Squawk: "I can still help you with a word you don't understand!"

Beastbox: "Yeah I don't understand a lot of things."

Scream: (sarcastically) "Big shocker."

Beastbox: "I know right?"

Soundwave: "You fail to see the big picture Starscream. My function is to work, and yours is to fail."

Scream: "I'm not the one moping over a useless past leader."

Starscream then turns around and blabs other unimportant things while a strange visor appears over Soundwave's face. Computer codes span across the visor as a groundbridge opens up in front of Starscream. He doesn't notice because his eyes are closed while he berates Soundwave. The portal sends him to Africa, and an angry elephant charges him with his tusks, and Starscream gets sent flying back into the portal. Everyone else laughs at Starscream's blunder.

Scream: "How did you do that?"

Soundwave: "Since I had to decrease my size I was able to unlock new abilities. It's a gift of my race."

Skywarp: "I believe the humans refer to it as the Pokemon effect."

Soundwave: "Just remember who is superior Starscream."

Soundwave turns his back on Starscream, and Starscream launches a missile at Soundwave, and he simply leans to the left to dodge and looks at Starscream. Starscream doesn't seem frightened as he pulls a lever on his wrist that directs the missile to hit Soundwave in the back. Soundwave falls forward as Starscream knees Soundwave right to the face, knocking him on his back.

Scream: (asserting dominance) "And remember who is in charge Soundwave. I no longer fear you, now get out of my sight."

Soundwave and Starscream exchange a death glare together as they both leave the room. Splicer comes into the room as well as Thundercracker from the other side. Splicer doesn't seem to be his bright and cheery self this time.

Beast and Squawk: "Splicer!"

Splicer: (quietly) "Oh hey guys."

Skywarp: "How are you feeling?"

Splicer: "Well-"

Thunder: (interrupting) "Like crap. Do you see what Soundwave did to me?"

Skywarp: (dryly) "I couldn't care less about you Thundercracker."

Thunder: (irked) "You don't care about anything."

Skywarp: "I do care about certain things, but you simply aren't one of them."

Splicer: "I think I'll go."

Skywarp: "Don't go, you're important here."

Splicer: "Really?"

Thunder: "Really?"

Skywarp: "Yes, he is the second in command after all."

Thunder: "The last thing I need is to follow orders from a kid, especially one that listened to that loser Megatron."

Splicer: (activating his blades) "Take that back Thundercracker."

Thunder: "No."

Splicer: (screaming) "I said take it back!"

Thunder: (taking out his sword) "What are you going to do if I don't kid? Cut me? Give me a break!"

Splicer: (coldly) "I've killed before, and I'm willing to get rid of another bully."

Skywarp's eyes widen in fear as he runs across the hall pushing Vehicons out of the way.

Skywarp: "Out of the way, scientist in danger!"

Meanwhile Splicer and Thundercracker circle the room with their blades pointed to each other. Payload and Waspinator walk in to see the spectacle ad Squawktalk is cowering in fear behind Beastbox.

Squawk: "This isn't going to end well!"

Beastbox: (offering a banana) "Want a banana?"

Squawk: "Yes please!"

Payload: "Should we stop them?"

Wasp: "Go ahead Paybot."

Payload: "On second thought.. they can figure it out."

Skywarp meanwhile is booking it down the hall and finds a door. He begins to bang on it desperately.

(banging) "Terradive! Open up hurry!"

Terradive opens the door and Skywarp doesn't notice as he bangs on Terradive's face.

(annoyed) "WHAT?"

"It's Splicer, you are the only one he will listen to. Thundercracker riled him up."

Thundercracker goes over to Splicer to make the first strike.

Thunder: (triumphantly) "Time to show you why Thundercracker never takes orders from children!"

Before Thundercracker can act, Terradive blasts him with his trident.

Terra: "Enough Thundercracker."

Thunder: "Fine

Splicer: (surprised) "Uncle Terradive?"

Terra: "You need to calm yourself Splicer.

Skywarp: "We all need to calm down. Plus we've been all too hard on Starscream."

All: "What??"

Buzzsaw: (still in shadows) "What foolishness are you spouting now Skywarp?"

Skywarp: "Hear me out please. Yes he's had an awful start, but he's improved."

Thunder: "Improved?"

Terra: "Explain."

Skywarp: "Each mission has improved since the last. Remember that he's never had such a big position of power before. Not only that he gets little to no respect prior to his new position."

Payload: "Kinda like me."

Skywarp: "That's right Payload, so you can see Starscream is only just now finding his groove."

Wasp: "Screambot is no Megatron."

Skywarp: "That's not a fair comparison Waspinator. Sure Megatron was a phenomenal leader, but even he made mistakes."

Splicer: "Not in my eyes."

Skywarp: 'That's the problem splicer, you see him as god, but he is flawed just like the rest of us."

Splicer: "Name one mistake."

Skywarp: "Making you second in command."

Splicer: "Excuse me?"

Skywarp: "Forgive me for being honest, but you aren't ready yet. It was a brash decision he made at the last minute."

Splicer: "I can lead just fine!"

Skywarp: "No you can't, not yet. You are letting Megatron's death own your life. Tell him Terradive."

Terra: -sigh- "Look Splicer, Megatron is dead and there is nothing we can do. The same case is with Fearswoop. We just have to move on."

Splicer: "But I hear you cry yourself to sleep every night uncle Terradive."

Terra: ".... Well that's the point. Don't end up like me."

Thunder: (laughing) "What a baby!"

Terra: (blasting Thundercracker) "Now do you understand Splicer?"

Splicer: "I do, thank you. Let me take you to your room."

The two leave while Beastbox and Squawkbox talk with Payload and Waspinator briefly.

Payload: "Phew! I thought that was going to be a disaster!"

Squawk: "I was going to fly south for the winter and never come back!"

Beastbox: "I'm hungry."

Wasp: "Nobody cares apebot."

Payload: "Now what?"

Skywarp: "You can pick up this mess Payload, you too Waspinator."

Payload: "Fine."

Wasp: "Waspinator dislikes cleaning."

Back at the hall Splicer and Terradive talk as Terradive enters his room.

"Are you sure you don't want company?"

"I'm fine Splicer, thanks though."

"Ok, see you around."

(smiling) "Be good now child."

Splicer leaves and Terradive closes the door. We now see the condition his room is in. All over the room are drawings etched into walls with stick figures of him and Fearswoop. He lays down and goes into a flashback of them on Cybertron. The song about best friends begins to play while Terradive stabs an Autobot named Hotspot. His screams go high as Fearswoop burns him with his flame, and Terradive with his trident's flames. The two laugh sadistically together as it cuts back to the present day. Terradive begins to cry, and eventually cries himself to sleep.

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