Part 25: The Deterioration of Terradive

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Terradive is the very first one to arrive at the scene. He transforms on a tall building and stares down the Autobots and humans. Something seems to be quite off with the king. He is panting heavily and nearly tripping over himself. It appears that the experiences from his first adventures on Earth along with the loss of his friend with his hallucinations have taken their toll on his mind.

Terra: (deranged) "Look at them looking at me. Why are they looking at me? (screaming) Stop looking at me!"

Jazz: "He's lost it."

Mirage: "That's an understatement."

Terradive starts to sing out loud and twirls around on the building. Ratchet does a hand gesture to imply that the dear king has indeed lost it to Bumblebee. However this scene is cut short as we got to the car that speed through the groundbridge earlier. Upon further inspection it turns out to be Kicker and Misha. Kicker stops and checks the bottom of his shoes. There are faint signs of blood of them. Misha sees this and is even more shocked when she sees him take out a gun.

"Um Kicker, why is there blood on your shoes and why do you have a gun."

"That bastard dad of mine hit my mom again. So I got the silencer and have him a double tap in his sleep."

(shocked) "You killed him?!"

"Duh, why did you think I was in such a rush to get you out of your house?"

"So you're really going to kill Spike aren't you?"

"I told you my old life is dead, and the only way for the new one to start is when he's gone."

"Is he even here?"

"Oh he is trust me; he never misses the action."

"If you say so."

Meanwhile Spike and Carly are walking around London. All goes well until they are seen by Shockwave.

Shockwave: "I have you in my sights. Surrender yourself or I will terminate you."

Spike: (boldly) "Never."

Shockwave: "Then perish together."

Shockwave load his gun, firing on them both. Luckily Shockwave's aim still isn't the best, but it's certainly improved. The two escape in a small alleyway, but Shockwave is still in hot pursuit. Meanwhile the Dinobots are traveling to the city, but that's when Sludge accidently steps on Slag's foot.

Slag: (in pain) "Dammit Sludge!"

Sludge: (going in robot form) "Slag should have watched where he was going."

Slag: (takes out club) "How about me Slag put a dent in your head?"

Sludge: (smiling stupidly) "Me Sludge like dents."

Swoop: "Whoa we better stop this."

Grimlock: "Nah."

Snarl: "What do you mean nah?"

Grimlock: "Nah means nah. Look it up moron."

Snarl: (hurt) "Why is everyone so mean?"

Swoop: "Are you sure we should let them fight Grimlock?"

Grimlock: "Yes they need to figure out who the dominant one is. Plus it's funnier that way."

Swoop: "When you put it that way it makes sense."

Slag jumps up and slams his club down on Sludge's head, and Sludge just continues to smile, not even flinching. Slag just keeps whacking him on the head, and Sludge still has that stupid, blank smile on his face.

Sludge: "Me Sludge like clubs."

Grimlock: "You sure do. Look we need to get going."

And so the Dinobots continue their run to the city as it transfers over to Megatronus, Mindwipe, and Skystalker. The three are witnessing the destruction The Fallen has created to the town he attacked.

Sky: "Look at all this death and destruction."

Mindwipe: (in awe) "Carnage has never looked so elegant."

Fallen: "This is just a sample of what's to come. How I've missed the pleasures of smiting others."

Sky: "You sure love your job."

Fallen: "I sure do."

Mindwipe: "What shall we do next master?"

Fallen: "I do believe it is high time for us to pay a visit to London. I need that Matrix."

Sky: "Why would you want that old thing?"

Fallen: "It is a source of incredible energy that is vital to our plans."

Sky: "Seems like a waste of time to me."

Fallen: "It seems your perception on the world is rather... singular  Skystalker."

Mindwipe: "I understood that joke. It's because he's a cyclops."

Sky: (sarcastically) "Very astute observation."

Fallen: "I've also missed these tender moments with you both."

Sky: "What about your son?"

Fallen: (uncaring) "As far as the universe is concerned you are my sons. I have no intention of some happy family reunion with him. I played my part of the lost father, and I no longer have use for him. He is only here to amuse me at this point. Though truth be told he is my son and to give him a fair shot is the least I can do. I don't hold me faith high though. But we do need that Matrix, perhaps I can be the one calling the shots"

Mindwipe: (horrified) "You wouldn't dare!"

Sky: "Are you insane?"

Fallen: "Perhaps."

Mindwipe: "But he would destroy you!"

Fallen: "I suppose you're right. The risk is far too great, but it was worth the thought. Considering what the Matrix does to me it is best our plan stays on course. I think it's time we go to London."

Mindwipe: "It's time to show them all?"

Fallen: "Yes, but we're in no rush We have all the time in the world. Let's travel slowly."

The Fallen throws up his sword and shield high into the air as he jumps to transform. His heels lock together and his chest opens up a compartment that his head goes inside of. His arms go to the sides of his body and the legs stretch out to form the front of a jet, but the top half and the wings are missing. That's where the sword and shield come in. Avarice splits in half, and the two halves with the red crystals form the wings, and the shield becomes the top half of his jet mode. With that the three do a slow flight to London. Meanwhile Ironhide, Powerglide, and Longarm are cruising along until they see a pack of Vehicons ambush them.

Longarm: "Hey guys, how's your health plan holding up?"

Power: "You're really going to do this now?"

Longarm: "Can't I just have a nice conversation with these guys without being judged?"

Ironhide: "Not exactly."

Longarm: "That hurts Ironhide, I hope you know that."

Vehicon: "Freeze!"

Longarm: "Then where's the ice?"

Vehicon: (puzzled) "Ice?"

Longarm: "Yeah dude, the ice. How else are we going to freeze?"

Vehicon: "I don't follow."

Ironhide: -facepalm- "Not this again."

Power: "He's a miracle worker, that's for sure."

Longarm: "Look man, you can't expect us to comply unless you have something cold like ice. I swear you guys are getting dumber every day."

Vehicon: "Get on your knees."

Longarm: -sigh- "I'm not your mother last night."

The Vehicons open fire on Longarm, only aiming for his chest.

Longarm: "They sure took exception to that one!"

Ironhide: "Can we just fight already?"

Longarm: "Yeah, luckily for them we know how to answer these kinds of conversations."

Longarm fires his beam sword into several Vehicons instantly killing them. Powerglide uses his thermo beam to melt several others while Ironhide gets up close and personal with them. He smashes them with his fist and alternates between that and his cannons. The Vehicons never stood a chance as Longarm grabs a Vehicon and throws him into some of his buddies. Powerglide launches his concussion grenades into the pile, and they all explode. Longarm takes out the hook of his tow truck mode to stab a Vehicon in the neck, tearing the head off. he destroys the rest of the pack by slicing them up with his beam sword, doing impressive aerial flips and turns while doing it. He then dusts his hands off to prove that the fight is over.

Longarm: (proudly) "Well that happened. And remember that's why I'm the sheriff around these parts."

Power: "We sure did good. Too bad they blow up easily."

Ironhide: "I just hope the rest are doing as well as we are."

Back at the original scene Terradive continues to spiral down into madness.

Fear: (concerned) "Are you alright dude? You sure aren't looking so hot."

Terra: (muttering) "I'm hot, I'm me. Me is I. I is king.. (yelling) I'm crazy!"

Terradive starts blasting at the Autobots with his trident, they are forced to cover behind cars as the just keeps firing. His mind just gets more deranged with each shot. The Autobots try to fire their weapons at him, but they are too far away.

Cliff: "Ugh we can't hit this guy!"

Ratchet: "We're sitting ducks here."

Mirage: "I have an idea."

Cliff: "I don't trust you."

Jazz: "We really don't have time for your nonsense right now."

Cliff: "But he's a traitor."

Mirage: (pushing him aside) "Just let me handle this."

Mirage takes out his sniper rifle and starts to focus his lens on the king. But it gets more difficult as Terradive ramps up his firing rate. Terradive can't see the Autobots very well, so he uses his nictitating membranes in his eyes to look for heat signatures. He spots them and fires closer towards them, destroying most of their cover. Mirage however is unafraid and locks onto his target, shooting at Terradive. The first shot knocks his trident out of his hands. The second in slow motion strikes Terradive's right eye, destroying the nictitating membrane. The third and final shot gets him the shoulder. Terradive grabs his trident and flies off. He crashes into an alley and catches his breath. He stumbles around like he's ill and throws up in a nearby garbage can.

Terra: (trembling) "I just need a breather... that's all... a breather, and then I'll be just fine."

Meanwhile the Autobots get up from their spots, and they are immediately greeted by the Skywarp clone and Thundercracker. The clone takes on Jazz and Sideswipe as they exchange fire between one another. Bumblebee and Ratchet soon get cornered by Thundercracker.

Thunder: (cocky) "Well look who it is. It's my favorite moving targets dune buggy and old shitpiece. How've you been?"

Ratchet: "Save it Thundercracker. We're not scared of you."

Bee: "We aren't? ... I mean we aren't!"

Thunder: "So how do you want to go out? Stabbing? Getting blown up?"

Bee: "Can't we just get along?"

Thunder: (mocking) "Aww, you want to play rock, paper, scissors instead? (takes out his wing sword) Fine, I choose scissors!"

Bee: (searching on the ground) "Wait just a second!"

Thunder: "Eh?"

Ratchet: "What are you doing Bumblebee?"

Bee: "Help me search."

Thunder: "What are you morons doing now?"

Ratchet: "I have no idea."

Bee: (desperate) "There has to be one somewhere!"

Thunder: "Can you guys hurry up? I got to meet a guy...about a thing."

Bee: "Ah finally!" (throws a rock at Thundercracker's head)

Thunder: "Ow!"

Bee: "Rock beats scissors!"

Ratchet: -facepalm- "Seriously Bumblebee?"

Thunder: "That was a dick move, so here's mine."

Thundercracker slashes his sword down, and the two Autobots roll out of the way in the nick of time. Ratchet shoots Thundercracker with his beam gun, but it does little more than upset him. Bumblebee fires his missiles at the Decepticon, but he dodges them Thundercracker uses his missile and fires seven at the duo. The explosions sends them both falling back. Bumblebee is the first to recover and slides on top of a car to shoot Thundercracker. Ratchet sneaks up from behind and uses his buzzsaw to cut him in the back of the leg. Thundercracker grabs Ratchet and slams him down on the ground. Bumblebee gets on top of the Decepticon and punches him in the face. He gets thrown off into the street as Thundercracker starts to flip and throw cars at both of them. One lands on Ratchet as he is sandwiched between two cars. Bumblebee gets flung by one of the cars and gets his leg stuck. He sees Thundercracker approaching Ratchet with his sword out. With all his might Bumblebee uses his ax to break the car down and fire his harpoon into Thundercracker's shoulder.

Thunder: (in pain) "Gah that hurts!"

Bee: "Hurry Ratchet!"

Ratchet gets out of the sandwich of cars and fires his harpoon into Thundercracker's back. The two combine their firepower to knock him on his back, but Thundercracker isn't done yet. He uses the thrusters on his back to jet him forward on the ground, dragging Bumblebee and Ratchet on the ground with him. The chase is high speeds as Thundercracker goes faster, eventually he is able to get Ratchet to let go after steering him into a car. Thundercracker uses the momentum to transforms with Bumblebee still clinging on. As he gets higher, he slams Bumblebee into the windows and sides of buildings, but he's still hanging on. Bumblebee uses his strength to go up the rope and starts shooting at Thundercracker, eventually hitting his wing, causing him to fall back down. Both of them are sent bouncing back on the street when Thundercracker gets his thrusters started up again. Bumblebee manages to grip the rope at the last moment and go for another ride. now his chest is grinding against the pavement as Thundercracker finally manages to shake him loose. Bumblebee rolls over in pain after that long distance, but unfortunately for Thundercracker karma has never been his friend. Part of the rope gets caught in the railing of a bridge, and he desperately tries to break free using his speed. Bumblebee starts smirking as he pulls his ax out.

Bee: "You look like you need help."

Thunder: 'No I'm good, trust me."

Bee: "Goodbye Thundercracker."

Thunder: (pleading) "No no no! I was just joking when I said I was going to kill you!"

Bee: "Riiiight."

Bumblebee cuts the cord with his ax, and the jolt sends Thundercracker packing. He crashes into a building, getting thrashed and covered in debris, knocking him out. Meanwhile back at where Mirage, Jazz, and Cliffjumper are at, Starscream goes on top of the building where Terradive was stationed and starts firing missiles at them.

Scream: (shouting) "Perish Autobots!"

Cliff: "No way!"

Cliffjumper transforms his hammer into its heavy gatling gun form and shoots Starscream in the chest with several bullets. This sends Starscream falling off the edge and falling on top of some cars, knocking him out. Terradive from far away notices everything that's going on.

Fear: "He sure got taken down easy."

Terra: (scratching himself furiously) "Yeah he did. It's really itchy here."

Fear: "You need to snap out of it dude. You know it's bad when I'm the one saying you need to calm down."

Terra: (shrill) "I AM PERFECTLY CALM!"

Fear: "Not really. That's the first fire I would ever put out."

Terra: (peeking) "Oh look, the cavalry has arrived."

Jazz has noticed the approaching danger too as he sees many flying forms coming towards them.

Jazz: "I hate to rain on your parade guys but we got a situation on our hands."

Sure enough in the distance approaches the Insecticons... and a whole lot of their drones.

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