Part 8: The Father Father

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The next morning Sideswipe brings a DVD with him and makes an announcement.

Side: "Hey guys I know it's been real boring around here lately, but I got a DVD for some Yoga."

Ironhide: "What is this yo-gah you speak of?"

Side: "It's an exercise where-"

Cliff: (interrupting) "And like that you lost me."

Side: "It's where you do stretches and stuff, I hear it calms the mind."

Sideways: "It's not like we have anything better to do, I'm in."

Longarm: "Me too."

Power: "Same."

Mirage: "Molto buene." (very good)

Hound: -shrugs- "Might as well."

Bee: "How about it Sunstreaker?"

Sun: (boasting) "You're about to see a master at work."

Ratchet: "The rest of us will pass, we have work to do."

Sun: "Work smerck, have fun grumpy nuts."

Bee: "Come on Cliff, let's get started."

Cliff: -sigh- "Fine."

So all the younger members, Sideways, Longarm, Powerglide, Hound, and Mirage all set up spots to work out. The video plays of a Japanese man speaking about inner peace while stretching.

Man: "To find yourself, you must look inside yourself. To look inside yourself you must find your inner lotus. To find your inner lotus, you must find your inner worm. Avoid your inner sparrow, because it will eat your inner worm, and you will never find a path to enlightenment young grasshopper."

Side: "Why does that make no sense and make complete sense at the same time?"

Longarm: (stretching) "Come on boys, put your backs into it!"

Everyone is busy stretching, but Cliffjumper is having the most difficulty. He sees Mirage and Sideways being absolutely flawless in their routine.

Cliff: (jealous) "Show-offs."

Back at the Decepticon side Skywarp conveniently buys the same DVD on Ebay. All the Decepticons bar Soundwave and Buzzsaw participate in the exercise.

Rumble: "Just stretching my hammies bro."

Frenzy: "My glutes feel fantastic."

Splicer: "This is so easy."

Payload: "For you maybe, but not for me."

Thundercracker is having the most difficulty, and rips off Waspinator's arms so he can touch his feet.

Thunder: "See? Easy."

Skywarp: (sarcastically) "Very good Thundercracker."

Scream: "Quite."

Squawk: "Am I doing it right?"

Beastbox: "Do it like this you dingus!"

Frenzy: "Hey Terradive, I think I saw Fearswoop walk by."

Terra: (trembling) "Where?"

Frenzy: (pointing) "There."

Terradive looks over while Rumble and Frenzy both burst out laughing. The distraught Terradive blasts Frenzy with his trident and storms off. Back in Soundwave's lab, he is mixing Dark Energon with Synthetic Energon on a dead Vehicon.

Soundwave: "Beginning merging sequence now."

Soundwave merges the two, and the Vehicon comes up perfectly healthy. Soundwave feels a sense of relief, until the Vehicon collapses and dies.

Laser: -caw- (It's hopeless)

Ravage: -roar- (He's dead, time to move on)

Soundwave: "No, I will continue until I die. I'm getting close, I just know it."

Little did Soundwave know that the Vehicon began to twitch, and a pincer like mouth begins to protrude out slowly.

Back at the Witwicky household, the three are waiting for Carly's limo to pick them out. Eventually it arrives and Carly opens the door.

Judy: "Hi Carly, you looks beautiful."

Carly: "Thanks Mrs. W."

Spike: "Yeah you look great."

Carly: "Don't I always? Way to brownnose me."

Spike: "Well... I."

Carly: "I'm messing with you. Anyway the driver is my older cousin Vinny."

Vinny: "Pleasure to meet you."

Ron: "Likewise."

Vinny: "You're going to love it in the boss's manor. He makes so much money he could buy an 18th world country."

Sure enough Vinny's words prove true when they see a mansion unlike any other. The finely toned marble patio with four stories of luxury.

Ron: (impressed) "Yeesh who did he have to kill to make that much money?

Carly: (laughing nervously) "Nobody."

When they all enter the front door Vinny guides them to the dining table, a long and elegant piece of wood filled with extravagant meals. At the kitchen is a man, and his name is Alfonso.

Carly: "Uncle Alfonso, I didn't know you were home too!"

Alfonso: "Your dad wanted it to be a surprise my little princess."

Carly: "Well you sure did. This is my boyfriend Spike and his mom and dad."

Alfonso: "Pleasure to meet you."

Spike: "You too."

Alfonso: "I hope you like lotsa spaghetti, and I also got some goose and salmon."

Ron: "Quite the menus we got here."

Alfonso: (proudly) "I like to diversify my portfolio."

Everyone sits down while waiting for Carly's mom and dad to arrive. After some small talk Victoria and Giovanni finally arrive at the house. Victoria is a blonde with several shopping bags in her hands. Giovanni is blond with slicked black hair and a white suit. He flicks out a cigar in his mouth and sits down at the table.

Giovanni: "Hello darling."

Carly: "Hi daddy."

Giovanni: "So I'm assuming that pencil-neck over there is the guy you're so enamored with?"

Carly: "Yes that's him."

Ron: (laughing) "Pencil neck!"

Spike: "Aren't you going to defend me dad?"

Ron: "No, this your time not mine. I'm just here for the food."

Giovanni: "See that right there? I already know I'm going to like you. As for you pencil-neck, I'm still on the fence about it."

Carly: "Daddy don't be mean. He saved my life remember?"

Giovanni: "So what do you want me to do? Give him a medal? People save people all the time."

Alfonso: "And to think we were going to have a nice family dinner."

Giovanni: "Pipe down will ya?"

Vinny: "You're looking great today boss."

Giovanni: "Vinny please, we're at the table. You don't have to call me boss here."

Vinny: "Sure thing."

Judy: "Can someone please pass the salt?"

Vinny: "Done."

Spike: "So you're a mob boss huh?"

Giovanni: "We don't use that word here. I prefer the term legitimate businessman."

Alfonso: "But it's true."

Giovanni: "If I wanted someone to nitpick everything I say I'll talk to my wife."

Victoria: "I'm right here."

Giovanni: "Is that that supposed to mean something?"

Victoria: (upset) "You are a selfish cold-hearted-"

Giovanni: "I love you too."

Carly: (to Spike) "My mom mainly married dad for his money, but he brought on the Spencer charm and now they're inseparable."

Ron: "So why do you need four floors?"

Vinny: "Well one is so the big man can do his work, the other is for Me, Alfonso, and Carly, and the top 2 floors are for Victoria."

Spike: "Why does she need two?"

Victoria: "Where else am I going to store my makeup bag, my backup makeup bag, secondary makeup bag, secondary backup makeup bag, teritary makeup bag, and if all else fails makeup bag?"

Judy: "I love makeup!"

Victoria: "Me too!"

Ron: (to Spike) "Looks like your mom made a new best friend."

Vinny: "So how did your negotiations with the Peleti brothers turn out?"

Giovanni: "Not too well. They're very set in their ways."

Alfonso: (dryly) "You threatened their parents you sadistic sociopath."

Giovanni: (nonchalant) "Business is business. At least I got you to whack them if they get too big for their britches."

Alfonso: "I hate my job so much."

Giovanni: (mocking) "Oh boo hoo. It must be so tough for you in the murder business."

Spike: (strangely interested) "Murder?"

Giovanni: "Yeah murder. Alfonso is the best in the business. If I need someone to sleep with the fishes, he does it."

Alfonso: "It takes time away from my family."

Giovanni: "Oh this again."

Alfonso: "My wife and kids left me and took everything from me. All I have left is Carly, and I've watched her grow into the beautiful woman she is now, and I don't want to keep going away just because you don't like someone."

After that there are screams for help coming from somewhere in the house.

Giovanni: "Pardon us for one moment."

Giovanni, Alfonso, and Vinny all enter a room with a man tied up and bruised.

Giovanni: "Donny, I'm trying to have a family dinner here. Think you can put your needs aside for one night?"

Donny: "You guys were going to kill me!"

Giovanni: "My apologies, but you were a rat for the Peleti brothers."

Donny: "Truth is I wanted out, they're crazy. I want to join you guys instead. I heard they were coming after you tonight."

Giovanni: "Sure they are."

Alfonso: "Just in case I think we should be prepared."

Giovanni: "Fine ,get your gun you pansy."

Back at the table when they return, Victoria seems to be frustrated with her husband's work ethic.

Victoria: "I'm tired of this, all you do is kill people you crazy psycho!"

Giovanni: (shouting) "I don't see you complaining on the way to the bank!"

Just as he says this a bazooka is fired and hits the kitchen. Everyone gets up and runs for cover. Spike and Carly get separated from the rest of the family

Alfonso: "I just remodeled the kitchen!"

Giovanni: "Looks like you get to do it again."

Vinny: "I guess Donny was right after all."

Giovanni: "Vinny, get everyone to safety, Alfonso and I will take care of the Peletis.

Giovanni and Alfonso go out and start shooting back at their attackers, and they take a few down.

Alfonso: "This is for my goose!"

Giovanni: "I hope you like the taste of lead stronzos!" (ass&%#@)

The main Peleti manages to get a stray shot into Giovanni's arm, knocking him down.

Giovanni: (in pain) "Right in the oregano!"

Carly: "Daddy no! Spike we need the Autobots!"

Spike: "On it!"

Spike phones Perceptor, and the only available Autobot is Mirage. Mirage arrives at the scene and hits one of the attackers with his car, knocking him out. Mirage transforms and starts shooting the Peleti's guns out of their hands.

Giovanni: "Who is that?"

Spike: "That's Mirage, the Autobot spy and assassin."

Giovanni: (intrigued) "Assassin you say?"

Mirage: "Are you alright human?"

Giovanni: "It's Giovanni to you amigo, and watch out!"

Mirage gets hit in the back by a shot from the bazooka, knocking him on the ground. Carly also gets cornered by a lone hitman.

Peleti: "The first shot was a warning Giovanni, and the second and third are for your alien friend."

Giovanni: "Petrucio this is nonsense!"

Peleti: "I don't care, this is my turf now."

Petruccio aims his bazooka right at Mirage's head, but Giovanni musters up enough strength and fires a bullet clean through his head. Meanwhile Spike sees Carly in danger and instinctively picks up a gun and puts four bullets through the guys chest, finally finishing off the last attacker. Panting angrily, he drops the gun as Carly rushes over and kisses him.

Carly: "You saved me again!"

Giovanni: "Yeah I saw that, I guess you're alright in my book kid."

Vinny: "It was kinda scary, but cool!"

Judy: "That was super!"

Victoria: "Great, my only child loves a murderer."

Alfonso: "Be more grateful sister."

Mirage: (getting up) "Is everyone alright?"

Giovanni: "We are now thanks to you. How much?"

Mirage: "How much for what?"

Giovanni: "How much for your services?"

Mirage: "We do not take currency."

Giovanni: 'Very well, but we'll be in touch."

Mirage; "Spike, I'll take you and your family home."

Spike: "Thanks Mirage."

Mirage: "Any time."

Ron: "That will win you some points eh son?"

Spike: "They funny thing is I don't remember doing it, only dropping the gun."

Mirage transforms and drives the three back while Alfonso and Giovanni discuss everything that happened.

"Well this is a mess, the cops will be all over us."

"I got that under control."

"I saw you eyeing that Autobot, what are you planning?"

"I think I just found ourselves a future employee."

The next day Chip is at the museum with Wheeljack as his chaperone, but the teacher doesn't seemed to be pleased with this.

Teacher: "I don't think I'm comfortable with a robot coming inside the museum.

Wheel: "Look lady I busted my ass for you back in San Francisco, so the least I deserve is to see some dinosaurs."

Teacher: "Fine, but don't touch anything."

Everyone enters the museum and begins to look around.

"So I thought you were going to bring your car with you."

"I said I was sorry yeesh."

"So where are these dinosaurs?"

"Follow me."

Chip takes Wheeljack to a place where there is a video of animated dinosaurs. One in particular really interests him.

"What is he?"

That's a Tyrannosaurus Rex, or T-Rex for short."

"I need one of those."

"I heard they're about to unveil a recently discovered species, let's go check it out."

They walk over as the head of the museum talks about this new discovery. He takes the cloth off of it and everyone is amazed by it. But Wheeljack's eyes go from excitement to horror as something clicks in his head.

(mortified) "No... that's impossible... it can't be!"

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