Fallen's Minion's Bios

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Mindwipe: Mindwipe is an individual shrouded in mystery. That alone adds to his terrifying ambiance. He is normally very quiet and sticks to the shadows; his preferred setting for a battle. The Fallen found him and his brother on a nightmarish planet when they were young and grew up seeing him as a father figure. Mindwipe's loyalty to Megatrouns and Unicron is second to none. He believes that their vision will guide him to something grand. He is just as dangerous an opponent on the ground as he is in the sky. You are also feeling very sleepy. You are feeling lighter than air right now. ... I feel sleepy too.

Melee: Dual red daggers that come from his physical body. He also has hidden blades in his wings that can be activated when someone tries to grab him by the wings.

Guns: Aging gun, which does exactly what it sounds like.

Powers: The red gem on his head that is a mutation from when he was born allows him to control other people minds like a zombie. He can make anyone fall under his trance and can have an unlimited amount of controlled subjects if he wishes. The tradeoff however is the more people under his spell the weaker his power over them becomes. So he usually only has a handful of minions at a time. So far nobody has been able to flat out resist him.. yet.

Voice used: Ra's Al Ghul from Batman Arkham City.

Skystalker: Like his older brother Skystalker was found by Megatronus and raised as a "son". He is the more vocal of the duo and has a more hands-on approach to fighting. He believes nobody can take him down and the universe will belong to the heralds. He also has no qualms about questioning orders if it doesn't suit his needs. Just like Mindwipe he will serve Unicron until the day he ceases to live.

Melee: Dual axes hidden inside of his wings.

Guns: None

Powers: Skystalker is a puppeteer. He can shoot strands of blue energy out of his fingers. These strands have bards on the ends that can tap into someone's nervous system, shutting down all brain function to become a lifeless puppet. He can control up to two people flawlessly. He also has a third mode which is basically his legs and feet snatching people like a bird with its prey.

Both characters can fuse their jet forms together to double the firepower.

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