Part 41 Uncertain Future (finale)

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The next day everyone returns and is greeted by the kids, Fowler, Tyrone, and the Wreckers. Tyrone has bandages on his head from the injury he received in the battle.

Ace: (laughing) "You look just like that kid from Johnny Quest!"

Tyrone: "Haha very funny. Let's see how you do with those on."

Ace: "I think I'll pass."

Fowler: "I hate to interrupt the touching reunion but I have some bad news."

Ace: "What now?"

Fowler: "Alan is dead."

Both: "What?!"

Fowler: "See for yourself."

Fowler hands them a newspaper. The title reads "Experimental Drone Test Causes Fire, Kills 3."

Ace: "I can't believe this."

Tyrone: "Damn. Never thought that could happen."

Ace: "Something isn't adding up here.

Fowler: "What do you mean?"

Ace: "Alan has always played it safe. He's never even had a broken bone. There's something not adding up here. He always checks everything before a test."

Tyrone: "Man what are trying to say?"

Ace: 'I think something else happened, maybe he saw something he wasn't supposed to see."

Fowler: "I'll look into this, but I highly doubt that's the case."

Ace: "Thank you William, for everything."

Fowler: "No problem."

Carly: "So did you beat him Sideswipe?"

Side: "No, he's still out there. I'm a failure."

Carly: "You're not a failure."

Bee: "Yeah if it wasn't for Longhaul thrashing us we would have got him."

Spike: "I'm just glad you're ok."

Bee: "Me too."

Road: "Well look who's back, mister anvil head actually survived."

Leadfoot: "Ain't that a bloody miracle."

Topspin: "Sure is Leadfoot."

Wheel: "Wait... you're getting along?"

Topspin: "Having your life almost ended by a batshit crazy bird can change you."

Leadfoot: "Now we're best buds, for the most part."

Topspin: "You're still fat."

Leadfoot: "It's overly sexy!"

Road: "See what I have to deal with?"

Wheel: "Which is exactly why I left."

Perce: "So bloody, makes me queasy."

Road: "Whatever you say girly lips."

Perce: "I beg your pardon?"

Road: "Anyway it's time to go."

The Autobots all go the the spacebridge that was conquered by Wheeljack and Perceptor. The Wreckers have their shipped prep for takeoff.

Jazz: "You're leaving so soon?"

Road: "We got to."

Topspin: "If you noticed we're down quite few men."

Leadfoot: "So we're taking a roadtrip to find new help. You know how that goes."

Bee: "Won't you be in danger?"

All: "We're Wreckers!"

Mirage: "Well good luck to all of you."

Leadfoot: (scoffing) "Pfft, we don't need luck."

Topspin: "We got weapons."

Road: "Too many in fact. Alright boys it's time."

Topspin: "If your thighs touch me I'm going to pop you like a damn balloon."

Leadfoot: "You can try."

Road: "We'll see you guys around. Fire it up Perceptor."

Perceptor activates the spacebridge, and the Wreckers fly inside the stream. As they leave it starts to go haywire, and the spacebridge explodes.

Side: ".... Was that supposed to happen?"

Wheel: (panicking) "Wheeljack to Wreckers do you hear me?"

Road: (comm link) "Yeah what do you want?"

Wheel: "You're alright?"

Road: "Yeah what happened?"

Wheel: "The spacebridge exploded."

Road: "Well boys it looks like we're taking the long way back again."

Topsin and Leadfoot: "Dammit!"

Jazz: "You sure acted concerned Wheeljack."

Wheel: "Well they are my boys. I never did enjoy being a Wrecker, but they are all good guys when you get to know them."

Perce: "The spacebridge exploded because of a failsafe due to unauthorized access. It was a one way trip."

Carly: "Hey Mirage."

Mirage: "What is it Carly?"

Carly: "My dad called, and he says he has some odd jobs for you."

Mirage: (rolls eyes) "Great."

Back on Cybertron Shockwave and Shockblast are observing the damage done to their tower. Repair drones are busy fixing up the top floor, and Knockout is sweeping unhappily with a broom.

Knockout: (whining) "Why can't Breakdown do this?"

Shockwave: "Silence yourself. Breakdown is doing the heavy lifting, and you are here on a simple cleaning job."

Shock: "Be fortunate that is all you're doing."

Knockout: "If you say so."

Shockwave: "Shockblast, are the donations from our late friend Payload safe?"

Shock: "Yes."

Shockwave: "And the other projects?"

Shock: "All secure, and the prisoner is still not giving us information. I suggest some genetic tampering for torture."

Shockwave: "A logical solution. We shall proceed with that suggestion."

Knockout: "I'd hate to be her right now."

Shock: "Furthermore I think we should-"

Before Shockblast can finish his sentence he trips over something, lighting up Knockout's mood and makes him laugh. Shockblast gets up and puts the mysterious object in his hands.

Shock: "What is this?"

Knockout: "Looks like concrete to me."

Shockwave: (scans) "No... this is is the skeletal structures of the legendary beasts of Cybertron."

Knockout: "Where did that come from?"

Shock: "And look, another piece right here!"

Shockwave: "Those monsters that attacked us... they were made from them. I must have torn some pieces off during the battle."

Shock: "Incredible. Do you realize what this means brother?"

Shockwave: (triumphant) "Yes... we can finally unlock the secrets of cloning and create an army of beasts."

At Decepticon HQ the lights start to flicker on and off mysteriously.

Mix: (hands on hips) "Did you forget to pay the electric bill again Hightower?"

High: "No."

Scrapper: "Well something is up, and I don't like it."

Overload: "Overload needs new pair of shoes."

Soundwave runs out of his room and into the main hall panting.

Soundwave: "Bomb! Take what you can and head to the groundbridge!"

All of the Decepticons start to panic and scrambles, that is except for Starscream, who has a smug grin on his face. He charts their course for Africa, the location that was unanimously voted as their hidden location should something bad ever happen to their base. Skywarp is taking as many beakers as he can, and the Constructicons scramble to find what belongings they can. The injured Decepticons all limp their way into the groundbridge, except for Sideways, who is rushed out by Longhaul Everyone goes inside the groundbridge, except for Soundwave, who has just realized he is forgetting something important.

Soundwave: "Reflector..."

Soundwave limps as fast as he can do the base, and finds Reflector. He activates his own groundbridge to Africa, and that's when the base starts to explode. The base becomes thousands of pieces of wasted metal. As he crosses the streams he gets caught in part of the blast, severely damaging him. Skywarp instantly starts breaking down in tears over the destruction of his lab.

Skywarp: "My lab! My poor poor lab!" (cries)

Thunder: (sardonic) "Yay Soundwave died! (gets looked at) What? (gets smacked) Dammit!"

Megatron: "You risked your own life to save Reflector, it was brave of you."

Scrapper: "Stupid is more like it."

Soundwave: "It had to be done."

Splicer: "You're going to mass shift down again to survive Soundwave."

Soundwave: "So be it."

Mix: "Well look on the bright side guys."

High: "What the hell kind of bright side is there?"

Mix: (coy) "I don't know, but when we find one we should look on it."

Megatron: (pissed) "Enough Mixmaster! I'm tired of all of you! I'm tired of being anyone's second fiddle! From now on I make my own path, I will destroy Optimus and anyone else who gets in my way. As for you Constructicons, you will make us a new base. Do not return until you all come back with it completed. If you don't then I will personally rip every single one of your heads off!"

The Constructicons all share looks of fear and confusion, and they all transform and drive off.

Mix: "Well at least the sun will come up in a few hours."

Scavenge: "What does that mean?"

Mix: "No idea."

Scrapper: -sigh- "Now I hate you again."

Splicer goes over to Waspinator, who seems distant.

Splicer: "Well we made it out, that's cool."

Wasp: "Waspinator doesn't feel like talking."

Splicer: "Why not?"

Wasp: "Waspinator doesn't think we should be friends anymore."

Splicer: "But why?"

Wasp: (angrily) "Look around Splicer! All of Waspinator's friends die around him. Fearbot, Terradive, Paybot, and one day you."

Splicer: "That won't happen. I'm a way better fighter than they were."

Wasp: "Just stay away from me, you'll be safer that way."

The sad Splicer walks over to Megatron and Soundwave, who are making mends with one another.

Soundwave: "The Eye of Africa is thirty kilometers East of here. Shall we explore it?"

Megatron: "No! All these locations have given us is nothing but trouble. It's best for whatever is inside to just stay there."

Soundwave: "Understood."

Megatron: "Soundwave I.. wanted to apologize for what I've said and done earlier."

Soundwave: "We understand why you did that. He was your father and I kept secrets from you."

Megatron: "But you were right about him and I said horrible things about you."

Soundwave: "As did I, I suppose each negative cancels out the other."

Megatron: "I guess you're right. I learned that family isn't always who you bear relation to, it's who cares about you and stands by your side."

Soundwave: "Indeed it is friend."

Megatron: "Decepticons, it is time to move out."

Skywarp: -sniff- "Where are we going to go?"

Megatron: "Forward."

Splicer: "I like that direction!"

And so all the Decepticons walk together, with Starscream in the back of the pack.

Megatron: "I must ask this Soundwave: Were you able to retrieve the Allspark before the explosion?"

Soundwave: "Negative. It probably is destroyed considering how low on power it was."

Megatron: "I suppose you're right."

Little do they know that Starscream is hiding behind one of the trees. It goes to a flashback from when Starscream first heard about the base virus from the Autobots. He goes back inside and starts jamming something inside the pocket dimension he received earlier from the story. In the present Starscream opens up his chest like a drawer and smiles in the most dastardly way he knows how. The glow of the Allspark bounces off his face as he closes his chest back and walks rejoins his comrades....

Later that night the military drops off the bodies of Longarm and Cliffjumper so they can have a proper funeral with Sunstreaker. Optimus leads the service as usual, and his speech is met with much applause. The Autobots and humans both salute their fallen comrades and talk with one another about their friends.

Bee: "We'll get him one day Sideswipe, I promise."

Side: "I know, but for right now let's just focus on our friends."

Chip: "Well Optimus did it again, I got the fuzzies from that speech."

Spike: "He sure knows how to do one. I wonder if he has a whole list stashed somewhere."

Chip: "I wouldn't be surprised."

Jazz: "Well that's the end of Cliff, he was a good guy."

Bee: "And crazy."

Ratchet: "Rude."

Ironhide: "Arrogant."

Mirage: "And a true Autobot."

Ratchet: "Why act so nice considering he called you a traitor."

Mirage: "But he was right about there being one and we didn't listen. Sure he had his sights on the wrong person, but his instincts were right. I wish we would have listen."

Jazz: "Me too. I'll miss Longarm. He was an ass sometimes but he always did the right thing."

Prime: "Ironhide, with Longarm dead that makes you our new second-in-command."

Ironhide: "Great, might as well shoot me in the face while we're at it."

Prime: "Ratchet, you were right about everything. I'm not going to dwell on the past anymore. I need to believe in myself the way you all believe in me."

Ratchet: "That's good to hear."

Prime: "As for you Wheeljack, I owe you an apology. I doubted your skills as a scientist, and the Dinobots have proven to be your greatest creations."

Wheel: "Thank you Optimus, but I couldn't have done it without Perceptor."

Perce: (bashful) "Oh it was nothing really."

Optimus looks off on a hilltop, but has one last conversation with Grimlock and the Dinobots.

Grimlock: "So uh what now?"

Prime: "I don't know."

Grimlock: "Me Grimlock sorry for trashing the Ark earlier, we can be a bit much."

Prime: (smiling) "Maybe much is something we need right now."

Grimlock: "But we're outsiders, we aren't like you."

Prime: "But you fought for us, that means something. You saved my life countless times, and I'm forever in your debt."

Grimlock: "It's nothing really."

Prime: "You are Autobots through and through, and you're home now."

Grimlock: "Guess that makes us even then."

Prime: "No we aren't even, we are friends."

Optimus and Grimlock join hands, and a powerful friendship is born. The other Dinobots are excited.

Swoop: "Yeah baby!"

Snarl: "Alright!"

Slag: "Me Slag don't care."

Sludge: "What's a home?"

Snarl: "It's where you live."

Sludge: "Oh."

Grimlock: "Alright Dinobots, let's roll."

The Dinobots leave Optimus, who ends the story with one last speech.

Prime: "The truth is hard to come by these days. I often wonder if Megatronus's words about ourselves and humanity are true, but I don't want to believe it, I can't. It's too late for our people, and I know this war isn't going to end anytime soon. With that said I have a challenge for humanity. Don't become like us, don't give in to your selfish nature. Be the people that we could have been. Give yourselves the chance to be happy, and have a brighter future. With a little hope we may both be able to accomplish that. Till all are one."

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