Part 32: Devastator

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The Fallen approaches the street, and it just so happens to be the one where Megatron and Shockwave are located.

Fallen: (sarcastic) "Are we interrupting a tender moment?"

Sky: -giggles-

Shockwave: "Who are they?"

Megatron: "That is Megatronus Prime, The Fallen. He is also my father."

Shockwave: "Fascinating. Now can you step aside please my liege?"

Megatron: (surprised) "...Certainly."

Megatron steps aside, and soon realizes Shockwave wasn't actually aiming his gun at him. He focuses his aim on the roof of a nearby building, and shoots. The roof crumbles, and out falls Jazz and Cliffjumper, who were watching.

Jazz: "Great, we've been spotted."

Cliff: "And shot down by Shockwave no less."

Shockwave: "As you can see Lord Megatron my aim has improved 30%."

Megatron: "I....see."

Shockwave: "You seemed troubled."

Megatron: "I had initially thought you were going to kill me considering Blastwave's demise."

Shockwave: "And incur the wrath of Soundwave, Buzzsaw, Splicer, and Skywarp? Never. My loyalties are to you. You could expect such behavior from Shockblast, not me."

Megatron: "Understood."

Shockwave: "Blastwave was weak anyway."

Fallen: "If you two are done discussing nonsense then we have work to do."

Megatron: "You are going to assist us in our efforts?"

Fallen: (scoffing) "Heavens no! I have something else in store. Something I have been wanting to do for ages. Mindwipe, Skystalker, you know what to do."

Sky: "Of course."

Mindwipe: "It will be done."

The Fallen shoots flames out of his sword onto a building, and it falls to pieces. Mindwipe and Skystalker bend and mold the pieces to create a makeshift throne. The Fallen walks over and takes a seat. Mindwipe and Skystalker drag Jazz and Cliffjumper over to The Fallen. He uses them as a rest for his feet, and Megatron does not understand.

Cliff: "This is humiliating."

Jazz: "We have rights you know!"

Fallen: "Quit your whining. Being my leg rests are about the most honorable occupations out there. You should thank me for such an opportunity."

Jazz: "Over my dead body."

Mindwipe: "That can be arranged."

Fallen: "So where is the Matrix?"

Megatron: "Soundwave has it in his possession."

Fallen: "Then call him."

Soundwave on the other hand is in a predicament. He is still hopping along the many streets of London. He stops and sits down. He uses his tentacles to grab his detached leg and form a makeshift splint out of his tentacles. He has the Matrix in his chest compartment because he is trying to protect Megatron from The Fallen. He attempts to call him, but his communications have been damaged. He asks his repair system how long it will take to make it operational, and it replies back that it will take about fifteen minutes. Soundwave just sits there patiently waiting while the scene transitions to The Ark. Ironhide is getting patched up by Perceptor and Wheeljack, and Silas comes through the groundbridge with the injured Tyrone with him.

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