Part 20: Farewell

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The dusts clears with the Autobots and humans terrified out of their wits. Optimus is seen, but he is not moving, and the Autobots assume the worst. To their relief he opens his eyes, surprised that Megatron didn't kill him. He does notice that the blade is firmly planted right next to his head. Megatron strangely helps him up, tapping his foot impatiently.

Megatron: "The Matrix if you please."

Optimus begrudgingly surrenders the Matrix to Megatron, who looks at it with satisfaction.

Prime: "What do you plan to do with it?"

Megatron: "I told you it would be used as a trophy. (bellowing) Skywarp get down here!"

Skywarp: "Yes Lord Megatron... and hello Optimus."

Prime: "Skywarp."

Skywarp: (scoffing) "You remember my name, how nice."

Megatron: "Put this in a containment cell so it won't escape."

Skywarp: "As you wish."

Prime: "Are you going to kill jazz?"

Megatron: "No, I have no reason too. He is hardly a threat to me or anyone else for that matter."

Prime: "You said we would leave this planet, but I do not have any means to do so."

Megatron: "That's where we come in."

Before Soundwave leaves he activates a groundbridge that has Overload, Longhaul, Rampage, and Beastbox pushing out a barely pieced together spaceship.

Ironhide: "That thing doesn't look like it could stand up on its own."

Thunder: (disappointed) "Awww you're not going to kill him? What a buzzkill!"

Buzzsaw: "It's Buzzsaw you idiot."

Thunder: "I know that, but I wasn't talking about you."

Buzzsaw: (hissing) "You better not be, or else I will introduce you to the real definition of pain."

Thunder: "Alright then. Hey Megatron, nice fistbump Prime gave you!"

Megatron: (grabbing his hand) "I'm tempted to share my perspective with you Thundercracker."

Thunder: (begging) "I'm sorry!"

Megatron: "Good. I assure you that this ship can fly you straight back to Cybertron."

Prime: "How can I even be remotely sure that the Constructicons didn't sabotage it?"

Mix: "You're giving us a bad reputation. None of us are evil, except maybe Rampage."

Rampage whips in agreement.

Mix: "We'll have it full of fuel by tomorrow."

Buzzsaw, Beastbox, and Squawktalk travel back into the groundbridge with Starscream while all the other Decepticons begin to chant Megatron's name.

Decepticons: (chanting) "Megatron! Megatron! Megatron!"

Overload: "Overload... Overload.. Overload heard someone call his name."

Payload: "You kept saying your name."

Overload: "Impossible, Overload never refers to himself by name."

Terra: "Best to leave it be Payload."

Scream: (to himself) "One down and one to go."

The Decepticons all leave the demoralized Autobots left to wonder what to do next.

Power: "I can't believe it, we lost."

Longarm: "That makes all of us."

Mirage: "To be so close to victory and having it torn away from us."

Topspin: "I hate Megatron, and I hate him even more than Leadfoot."

Road: "Well that's the smartest thing you've said all day."

Leadfoot: "Not to mention the nicest."

Prime: (gloomy) "I failed humanity, and I failed Jazz."

Cliff: "Hey don't beat yourself up about this."

Prime: "I have to. It's my fault for underestimating Megatron."

Power: "I didn't know he had that many powers."

Ironhide: "I don't think any of us did."

Bee: "So are we really leaving Optimus?"

Prime: "We have no choice."

Spike: "What do you mean you have no choice? You can still fight back and win"

Prime: (depressed) "There is no point in defending a world who considers us monsters. Even if we did fight back we are all outnumbered and outmatched."

Fowler: "You can't be serious."

Prime: (quietly) "Yes... I am." (walks off)

Ace: "That sure hit him hard."

Silas: "Can you blame him? The weight of the world was in his hands and he blew it. Mr. Attinger is going to love having less aliens around."

Ace: "Are you happy?"

Silas: "I can't say I am. This whole experience has made me think of this through a new light. I'm actually going to miss the Autobots."

Tyrone: "Well isn't that nice to hear?"

Back at the Decepticon HQ Mixmaster and Scrapper congratulate a victorious Megatron.

Mix: "He's bigger, badder, and a clear winner. He's Megatron!"

Scrapper: "You did really well."

Megatron uses Longhaul's healing abilities to fix himself up, but to his surprise it doesn't grow back his two missing fingers.

Megatron: "What is the meaning of this Longhaul? I thought you said you could heal from anything."

Longhaul: "I can, but it doesn't give me regeneration powers."

Kickback: (quietly) "Heheh."

Mix: "No worries Megatron, I can mold and graft some new ones for you within the hour."

Megatron: "Excellent, thank you."

Meanwhile Beastbox and Squawktalk are once again fighting over food. But this time Squawktalk is being the aggressor, furiously pecking at Beastbox's head like a crazy woodpecker.

Beastbox: (shouting in terror) "Nooooooo!"

Squawk: (pecking) "Give me that pineapple!"

Beastbox: "But my best friend is inside!"

Squawk: "I thought I was your best friend you dolt!"

Beastbox: "Well..."

Squawk: "Give (peck) me (peck) that (peck) pineapple!"

Beastbox: "Fine."

Payload: "Never thought I'd see you so aggressive Squawktalk."

Squawk: (pokes his own chest proudly) "When it comes to food I'm the bird you gotta be wary of."

Megatron decides to call The Fallen about his recent success.

Fallen: "Yes what is it?"

Megatron: "I have acquired the Matrix."

Fallen: (eager) "Excellent! Now I can finally be free. Hmm, you hand seems to be in quite the poor condition. Were you in some sort of fight?"

Megatron: "Yes with the last Prime."

Fallen: "I see. He seems like he was a worthy opponent."

Megatron: "He is."

Fallen: "So what are you waiting for then? Free me."

Megatron: "I can't yet."

Fallen: (angrily) "What do you mean you can't yet?"

Megatron: "I have to make sure this is the real Matrix and it isn't filled with explosives."

Fallen: (calming down) "I understand. I must say I doubted you, and it looks like I was wrong. Call me when you are close."

Megatron: "Will do." (ends call)

Scrapper: "You lied to him, but why?"

Megatron: "I'm not ready to release him yet. There are still some things that I wish to do before that happens."

Mix: "And we will be there for you every step of the way."

Meanwhile Starscream is listening in on the Insecticon's latest conversation.

Shrapnel: (tearing his logo off his chest) "I wont be needing this anymore anymore."

Bomb: "We will do the same in time."

Kickback: "I heard Megatron complaining about not having his fingers grow back. What a chump."

Bomb: "And we still neglected to tell him what else we can do."

Shrapnel: "The time is coming soon. They will never know what hit them hit them."

The trio leaves the hallway, which buys Starscream an opportune moment to begin his plan. He picks up the Decepticon logo that Shrapnel had dropped, examining it carefully. What Starscream failed to notice was the fact that he himself was being watched by someone. The figure hangs upside down, slowly coming to the ground and darting up to Starscream's face. It's Buzzsaw, and he seems to be in a rather devious mood.

Buzzsaw: (crafty) "Hello there Starscream, what are you doing?"

Scream: (annoyed) "None of your concern."

Buzzsaw: (flying slowly around him) "On the contrary. Everything that happens here is my concern. It's my job to make sure everyone is kept in line. It's very rare for someone to slip something past me."

Scream: "You have nothing to fear about me."

Buzzsaw: (still circling) "I know that. However anyone saying you are incapable of being dangerous is foolish. I know you are greatly underestimated. You are neither stupid or incompetent. But what is that you are wanting this time? Power? No too small a plan. Wealth? Not your style. A cheap victory? No not grand enough. Ah yes I know now. You wish to frame the Insecticons."

Scream: (impressed) "A very astute assumption that just so happens to be the correct one."

Buzzsaw: (perching on his arm) "I wish to assist you."

Scream: (surprised) "You do?"

Buzzsaw: "Yes I know this may sound incredibly surprising to you. Even though I don't completely trust you I happen to loath the Insecticons. They are loose cannons that need to be put down."

Scream: "I'm more surprised about the fact that you would hide something from Megatron."

Buzzsaw: "I have no qualms of keeping a secret that will benefit him."

Scream: "Very well then. Let's get started."

Buzzsaw: "What did you have in mind?"

Scream: "We need to make it look like they sabotaged a device and leave the logo there as evidence."

Buzzsaw: "A classic plan, but the logo on its own will mean nothing without a stronger supporter."

Scream: "Indeed, which is why I need you to get an Energon cube and hang it on the wall."

Buzzsaw: "Consider it done."

Buzzsaw flies over to the lab to get an Energon cube and hangs it on the wall of one of the many halls. Sure enough Shrapnel is the first one to sniff it out and he transforms, accidently punching holes with his pincers into the wall. After he leaves Starscream and Buzzsaw take a measurement of the holes.

Scream: "It needs to be exactly right or this wont work."

Buzzsaw: (scanning) "I'll hand it over to Laserbeak, he's good with data analysis."

Later after Laserbeak runs the measurement the two birds peck holes into an Energon creating machine. The distance between the holes match exactly to Shrapnel's bite. Starscream puts the final nail in the coffin by leaving Shrapnel's logo at the scene. The three retreat to discuss their work.

Laser: -caw- (We did good work today)

Buzzsaw: "Indeed we did. You know Starscream if it wasn't for your vendetta against Megatron we would get along flawlessly. I could even call you a friend."

Scream: "And if you weren't so blindly loyal to Megatron I could consider you an irreplaceable ally and friend."

Buzzsaw: (shrugging with wings) "We all have our faults, but it's what we do with them that define our identities. I serve a cause I believe to be divine and absolute. I don't know why you do the things you do, but I assume you believe them to be equally important. If I were you I would end your grudge, even you know it's suicidal. I'm just throwing out some friendly advice."

Scream: "I understand your point."

Laser: (chest glowing) -squawk- (Buzzsaw we're being paged by Megatron)

Buzzsaw: "And that's where we take our leave. Farewell for now."

The two birds fly to Megatron, leaving Starscream alone. His facial expression is that of a diabolical genius.

Scream: (to himself) "Oh Buzzsaw, as brilliant as you are you can only see things on the surface. This plan goes far deeper than anyone realizes."

Buzzsaw and Laserbeak arrive at Megaton's room awaiting command.

Buzzsaw: (bows with Laserbeak) "How may we service you Lord Megatron."

Megatron: "I have a simple but extremely important task. (pulls out a green vial) This is a chemical that Mixmaster and Skywarp accidently created. When the ship takes off I want you both to spray it with the chemical. The Autobots will finally be wiped from existence."

Buzzsaw: "Your desires are my fuel. We shall make the skies rain death in your name."

The next day is the day of the takeoff. The Autobots have finished packing and walk toward the ship. Megatron, Skywarp, Waspinator, Sideways, and Terradive are there to meet them.

Road: "Well this sure was a nice stay on Earth. Not really though."

Leadfoot: "It might have been nice if we were allowed off the base more."

Topspin: "They kept calling us all assholes."

Road: (sarcastically) "I wonder why." (enters the ship with the other two)

Cliff: "I'm still on to you Mirage."

Mirage: "Then I have nothing to fear: (enters)

Ironhide: (sneering) "What are you looking at Terradive?"

Terra: (mocking) "Oh nothing but a washed up has-been. Now move along unless you want me to motivate you with my trident."

Ratchet: "Come on Ironhide, it isn't worth it." (enters with him)

Terra: (grinning) "That's a good doctor."

Power: "Well Ace I guess this is goodbye. I'd fly with you any day."

Ace: "Same here Powerglide. It was fun having someone who understood the skies like me."

Power: "You'll do good kid, keep fighting the good fight." (enters)

Ron: "Saying goodbye hasn't been easy for me."

Longarm: "Me neither, but unfortunately it has to be this way. We had some great times together."

Ron: "We sure did."

Longarm: "Take care." (enters)

Bee: "I'm sorry Spike. I didn't want to part ways, but it's the end of the road."

Spike: (pleading) "Don't do this, fight back!"

Bee: (hurt) "We can't, we would die. This is the only way that will make you safe. I wish we didn't have to go, there's still so much fun to be had. I'm sorry but this is goodbye."

Waspinator laughs hysterically at Bumblebee's misery.

Bee: (bitter) "Kiss my ass Waspinator."

Wasp: (taunting) "Bumblebot would like that wouldn't he?" (makes smooching sounds)

Bee: (getting angry) "I'd like to see you say that without your friends with you."

Wasp: (goading) "Why wait?"

Bee: "Why I oughta!"

Side: (holding him back) "Don't Bumblebee, it's hopeless. It's all hopeless."

Terra: (nudging Waspinator) "At least you'll still have an ass left."

Wasp: -giggles-

Carly: "Don't say that."

Side: "It's true Carly. It was great meeting you. All the drives we had together were fun and crazy, but all good things come to an end."

Sideways: "There's a million different ways I want to express my guilt for my actions Sideswipe."

Side: (coldly) "And none of them will ever be good enough." (enters with Bumblebee)

Sideways: -sigh- "I understand."

Prime: "Farewell humanity, this is the last time I curse you with my presence. My only regret is not doing more to protect you. Till all are one."

Megatron: "You did what you could Optimus, but your cause just wasn't strong enough."

Prime: "What about Jazz? Are you going to kill him?"

Megatron: "No, but I may release him back on Earth if I'm in a good enough mood. No matter what happens just know I've always respected you, but there can only be one winner."

Prime: "How do I know the ship will stay together?"

Megatron:  "The Constructicons were thorough enough, and it has enough fuel for a one-way trip back to Cybertron. You have my word."

Prime: "Your word is never golden."

Megatron: "You have no choice anyway."

Prime: (depressed) "You're right, I don't." (enters)

Megatron: (quietly) "Farewell Orion, I'll see your legacy soon enough."

Road: (poking his head out) "All aboard the crappy spaceship express!"

Leadfoot: "It's bloody rusty and disgusting in here!"

Topspin: "Reminds me of you Leadfoot. (gets thumped by Roadbuster) Ow! What did I do?!"

Wheel: "Need any help Perceptor?"

Perce: "No I'm fine."

Megatron: "And where do you think you're going?"

Wheel: (confused) "The ship, where else would we go?"

Megatron: "You're not boarding that ship."

Perce: "Really? Why not?"

Megatron: "I find it more fitting that you both are stranded here with no means to escape. A washed up Wrecker and a weak scientist are no threats to me. Therefore you stay."

Skywarp: (gloating) "Sorry Perceptor but there is only one true scientist here."

Megatron: "Now both of you get out of my sight."

Wheel: "Well it looks like that goodbye speech I wrote was for nothing."

Perce: "Back to the lab I guess."

The ship begins its countdown and takes off. The Decepticons all retreat to a hill with a dirt road to watch their enemies leave the ground. The camera pans over to the side of the ship. There seems to be two odd shapes on the hull, and it statics revealing themselves to be Laserbeak and Buzzsaw.

Buzzsaw: "I hate going in disguise, but for Megatron I shall always make an exception. Let us make this a voyage that truly is to die for."

Laser: -caw- (Agreed)

Buzzsaw and Laserbeak spray the ship with the chemical and fly back to Megatron and the gang. A tiny green light is seen on the side of the ship. The other Decepticons gloat over their victory.

Buzzsaw: "Congratulations Megatron you finally won the war."

Fear: "They're dead."

Terra: "Very dead."

Skywarp: "Thing just always seem to go your way, and I love it."

Megatron: "Now begins the next phase of our plan."

Sideways: (squinting) "Someone is coming."

Sure enough a black limousine is driving toward the Decepticons, and out comes a familiar face. It's Bryce.

Terra: "Shall I exterminate him?"

Megatron: "Let me hear what he has to say first."

Bryce: "Hello there."

Megatron: "And who are you exactly?"

Bryce: "My name is Bryce Thompson, and I'm going to give you an offer you don't want to pass up."

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