Part 21: Our New Hero.....Megatron?

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The Decepticons are considering all their options now that Bryce is standing before them.

Terra: "Just give me the word and he's nothing more than a memory."

Megatron: "I wish to hear what this human has to say. Now what is it that you could possibly offer us?"

Bryce: "An entire country of loyal subjects. I know what you did back there was staged. Luckily for you 99% of the people don't have a brain in their body to tell the difference."

Megatron: "And what are hoping to accomplish in return?

Bryce: "Winning the presidency of course. To sweeten the deal, I'll have the government turn a blind eye to anything you do outside of the country."

Megatron: "I see. You have yourself a deal Mr. Thompson."

Bryce: (smiling) "Great. Meet me at city hall tonight. I have some great ideas for you."

Bryce leaves the Decepticons confused as to why Megatron would ever make such a deal with a human.

Terra: "I'm confused right now."

Sideways: "What's the deal Megatron?"

Skywarp: "Surely you won't consider such a weak deal from a human."

Megatron: (scoffing) "Of course not. However, I would like to break humanities trust of all Cybertronians. Once they feel comfortable then we strike."

Buzzsaw: (disgusted) "What a horrible and greedy race."

Sideways: "Are we so different?"

Terra: "At least when we do it we have class."

Skywarp: "Your cunning never fails to impress me."

Terra: "So what do we do now?"

Megatron: "We return to base. Humanity's greed and arrogance will be their undoing. We shall be doing them a favor."

The Decepticons return to base, with Waspinator asking a pressing question.

Wasp: "So... when is Megatron releasing Fallen?"

Megatron: -sigh- "I'm not sure if it's a good idea now."

Sideways: "But he's your dad right?"

Megatron: "Yes but something just doesn't bode well with me. What if freeing him is a mistake?"

Terra: "Worst case scenario he assumes command, that's as far it goes in my eyes."

Skywarp: "Perhaps he has knowledge of how to wins wars across the universe. I think it's a good strategic risk."

Wasp: "Waspinator has no opinion on this."

Buzzsaw: "Whatever you do I know will be the right decision Megatron."

Megatron: "Very well then, he shall be freed. However I want to wait about two days."

Skywarp sees the Constructicons and Payload staring at one of the devices. Skywarp rushes forward to see the sabotaged machine. Sure enough there are the bite marks and Shrapnel's Decepticon logo on the floor. The Insections and Starscream enter as Skywarp gets flustered.

Skywarp: "The Insecticons must have done this. Look at those bite marks!"

Kickback: "We didn't do it!"

Scream: (smugly) "I saw the whole thing Lord Megatron. Shrapnel saw the Energon and couldn't contain himself."

Shrapnel: (screeching) "Liar liar!"

Buzzsaw: "Starscream is telling the truth. I witnessed it as well."

Megatron: (surprised) "You did?"

Buzzsaw: "As your enforcer I'm supposed to make sure that anyone who is trying to serve an interest that is not your own should be reported. I can safely assure you that the Insecticons are not serving your best interest."

Megatron: "Normally I would never take your word Starscream, but seeing that Buzzsaw of all people is backing you up then I must believe you."

Bomb: (angered) "You would believe that bird over us?"

Megatron: "That bird has served my cause loyally and effective, and you are parasites that scavenge any Energon that you can get your hands on."

Shrapnel: "We need it to survive survive."

Megatron: "We all do Shrapnel, but you will be the death of us. Lock up the Energon, Skywarp. Payload, you and Waspinator will be guarding this full time until we can find a better solution.

Payload: "Done."

The rest of the Decepticons leave and the Insecticons go off in another direction. Starscream and Buzzsaw exchange a very brief exchange of satisfaction, but of course for Starscream things are actually going his way for once. The Insecticons regroup to discuss their current situation.

Shrapnel: "I was framed framed!"

Bomb: "We know you were. We have to think fast. We're on thin ice as it is."

Kickback: "So what's the plan then bosses? I'm not sure who to call the leader seeing that you take turns giving me orders. I'll just be a good third wheel."

Bomb: "It's time we use our gifts to take control. Shrapnel and I will take Overload, and you will start by blackmailing that Sideways guy."

Kickback: "Sounds easy enough, he will be putty in my hands."

The three separate to begin their plan. Kickback sees Sideways alone and corners him.

Kickback: (creepy) "I know your secrets."

Sideways: (unimpressed) "Do you now?"

Kickback: "Yes I can know a person's life story by just making eye contact with them. I know about-" (whispers)

Sideway's eyes open up quite alarmed.

Sideways: "How is this possible?"

Kickback: (tapping his head) "It gives me all the information right here."

Sideways: "Good to know."

Sideways punches Kickback really hard in the head, making him clutch his face in pain.

Kickback: (in pain) "Dammit! Now I can't remember what I had!"

Longhaul: (walking in) "Hey Sideways, what's with all the commotion?"

Sideways: "This guy was trying to blackmail me."

Longhaul: (cracking his knuckles) "Was he now?"

Kickback: (nervous) "Hehe... I think there has been some sort of mistake!"

Longhaul: (sarcastically) "Riiiiiight."

Longhaul grabs Kickback with his hand and faceplants him. He throws him into the wall, and he bursts through it, covered in debris.

Kickback: (quietly) "...Ow."

Longhaul: "My skills are really showing now. You really did me a big favor."

Sideways: "Consider us even I guess. The last thing we need is someone saying something that shouldn't be said."

Meanwhile Shrapnel and Bombshell are watching Overload and Rampage having a "conversation."

Overload: "Rampage, why does kitchen always catch fire when Overload tries to make pancakes?"

Rampage: -shrugs-

Overload: "Do you remember when you travel back just for sandwich?"

Rampage: -nods-

Overload: "Overload wants to create art made of spare pencils. What do you think?"

Rampage: -whips in approval-

Shrapnel: (whispering) "Now is the time, use your shells shells."

Bombshell launches his cerebro shells at Overload's head, but to his surprise it just bounces off.

Overload: (confused) "Overload feels geisha warrior crickets trying to reach inside his mind."

Shrapnel: "What happened happened?"

Bomb: "I'm not sure, I'll try again."

Bombshell attempts to shoot another in, but this time when it hits his head it explodes, but Overload didn't seem to notice. The two try to sneak up on him by leaping on top of him, but without looking Overload swipes them both away with one of his many claws. The two crash into the wall with a little bug splatter. Overload just simply walks off. Whether he was aware of what they were doing remains to be seen. As they try to get up Rampage grabs them both with his tread whips and looks at them menacingly. He throws them into a now entering Kickback. Rampage then crawls away with Overload.

Kickback: "Well that went well. Why didn't your shells work?"

Bomb: "I think that there isn't a mind inside that guy to take over, or his brainpower is too strong for us."

Shrapnel: "I'll say the former former."

Kickback: "Now what?"

Bomb: "It would be best to tough it out for a bit. A better opportunity will present itself I just know it."

In space the Wreckers are busy piloting the terribly built spaceship. Cliffjumper on the other hand is doing the most annoying thing one could ever do on a trip.

Cliff: "Are we there yet?"

Ratchet: "No."

Cliff: "Are we there yet?"

Longarm: (dryly) "No."

Cliff: "Are we there yet?"

Ironhide: (irked) "No."

Cliff: (shouting) "Are we there yet?!"

Road: (nearly cracking) "Bloody hell Cliffjumper! If we weren't there five minutes ago then we won't be there five minutes later!"

Leadfoot: "Can it Cliffjumper, nobody wants to listen to you."

Topspin: "I agree with Leadfoot."

Leadfoot: "Well aint that a bloody miracle."

Road: "There's a first time for everything."

Cliff: "Forgive me for trying to lighten up the mood."

Bee: "Where exactly does the mood-lighting come in?"

Longarm: (sarcastically) "Nothing is a better way to lighten the mood than annoying us all to the point where we want to kill you. Great plan Cliff."

Cliff: (smiling) "I'll take that as a compliment."

Longarm: "You do that now. But anyway this place sucks."

Side: "Can't argue with that. I'm amazed it's stayed together this long."

Optimus is blankly staring at the window watching everything pass by. Ratchet pulls him over to sit with him.

Ratchet: "You can't keep doing this to yourself Optimus."

Prime: (broken) "What choice do I have? I've failed everyone. Humanity, Jazz, and all of you."

Ratcher: "Don't say that, if anything I failed."

Prime: (confused) "What are you talking about?"

Ratchet: "I had a sneaking suspicion that Megatron was cheating and somehow took control of Teletran-1. I didn't speak out. It's my fault."

Prime: "Ratchet, that couldn't be further from the truth."

Ratchet: "It is the truth though, you have nothing to feel ashamed of."

Prime: "I just can't feel anything anymore. All the lives that were lost because of me. I paraded us around we were soldiers of fortune, and now they're all gone. Prowl, Beachcomber, Hubcap, Hound, Sunstreaker, and many more. Names have just become numbers for me. I don't even know how to relate to the others anymore."

Ratchet: "I get it, you're broken. I used to be like that for a very long time. Want to know what I taught myself?"

Prime: 'What was it?"

Ratchet: "Only when we are broken can we be fixed. It's what we choose to do at that point to we become who we are destined to be. So what will you be Optimus? Broken? Or stronger than before?"

Prime: "Even if I do become stronger what's the point?"

Ratchet: "The point is why we fight. We get hit hard and we always come back in full force. Think about that."

Prime: -sigh- "I suppose you're right."

Sideswipe overheard the conversation and finally realizes that Optimus didn't intend to come across as heartless, but instead he doesn't know how to cope with the loss of a loved one. He discusses his findings with Bumblebee and Mirage.

Side: "I was wrong about Optimus."

Bee: " I knew you would come around."

Side: "But I'm still mad at Sideways, my chance for payback is gone."

Mirage: "Rage is a fuel that burns out quickly Sideswipe."

Side: "Then what should I do?"

Mirage: "Find a stronger and more meaningful motivation. Only then can you succeed. Anyway I have a bad feeling about everything."

Bee: "Who doesn't?"

Mirage: "No I mean I feel like something big is coming, something that we haven't foreseen."

Bee: "Oh I get ya."

Power: "Can you guys drive a little better? All this shaking is making me queasy."

Road: (mocking) "Aww your poor little lad. Do you want me to shake it for you too?"

Leadfoot: "Shut your nonexistent mouth ya pointy headed screwball!"

Power: (sassy) "Well excuse me for not liking your piloting skills."

Road: "Save it flyboy we got this."

Leadfoot: "These chairs are so uncomfortable. I feel I'm about to-" (chair breaks)

Topspin: (laughing) "I'm surprised the chair supported that big load for so long!"

Leadfoot: "Always with the fat jokes."

Topspin: 'What? They're funny."

Road: "You know I never bother to ask this before, but why do you hate Leadfoot and me so much?"

Topspin: (relaxing) "I hate everyone in general, except Optimus, he's awesome."

Road: "I see, but you're the hardest on Leadfoot."

Topspin: "He's a former Decepticon, how could than not make me feel uncomfortable?"

Cliff: "He's right you know, just look at Mirage."

Mirage: -sigh- "He just keeps going doesn't he?"

Longarm: "Yep."

Road: "Another question: Why don't you pursue your suspicions on us Cliffjumper?"

Cliff: (nervously) "Because you guys scare me..."

Road: (nodding) "I can accept that."

Power: "This place sure is stuffy too."

Longarm: "You just keep complaining don't you?"

Power: "It's what I do best other than flying."

Cliff: "I feel bad for our human friends back on Earth. Not just because of the Decepticons,
but because they're stuck with anvil head and the living calculator. Those poor fools."

While all this is going on the glimmer on the side of the ship becomes a small green fire, and it begins to slowly crawl around the side of the ship. Meanwhile the next day Spike goes back to The Ark, but before leaving he instinctively brings the lighter that Kicker gave him with him. He shows up and sees Chip brought his car as well. Carly and the military are discussing everything that's going on.

Spike: "Thought I was going to pick you up."

Carly: "I got bored and did it myself, sue me."

Ace: "I can't believe this, they're gone."

Tyrone: "Not all of them."

Fowler: "But more than enough to make a huge difference."

Silas: "I wonder what are Decepticons are up to."

Wheel: "Nothing good I can tell you that."

Perceptor is furiously typing, the look on his face seems to be very stressed.

Wheel: "You ok Perceptor?"

Perce: (blankly) "Yes yes I'm fine."

Wheel: "You don't look like it."

Perce: (slamming his fists down) "I'm not ok? I miss Optimus, I miss Bumblebee, I miss everyone1 We're all alone and I can't take it!" (cries)

Wheel: (hugging) "I know buddy, but you got me here, and that will never change."

Chip: "We all miss them Perceptor, we all do."

Fowler: "How about we turn on the TV? Some cartoons might cheer you up."

Ace: (shrugs) "Might as well."

Fowler turns on the TV, and to their horror they see the worst imaginable thing they could possibly see.

Silas: (appalled) "You gotta be kidding me."

Tyrone: "What is wrong with people these days."

Kids: "Seriously?"

On the TV is a parade with Bryce, and on the float with him is Megatron, Starscream, and Thundercracker are waving to the people cheering them on.

Bryce: (smirking) "Yes yes my people, praise our new hero Megatron!"

Megatron: (smiling sinisterly) "People of Earth you have no idea how flattering it is to finally be seen for who I am. I have great things planned for all of you."

Thunder: (nudging Starscream) "come on Starscream have some fun. After this is all over we're going to kill him anyway."

Scream: (softly) "I have my own plans."

Thunder: (running his hands together) "More for me then."

It appears that the Decepticons have become nation-wide heroes and have begun their charade of benevolence. The Constructicons helped repair the building they tore down when they first arrived, and at Seaworld Terradive is doing some volunteer work for one of their shows.

Annoncer: "And here he is; the King of the Seacons himself, Terradive!"

Terradive jumps around in his amphibious form and goes through hoops to do tricks. Everyone applauds as he holds himself triumphantly, that is till one of the trainers throws a fish right at his face.

Terra: (annoyed) "And why did you throw a fish at my face?"

Fear: (laughing hysterically)

Woman: "Aww I thought you liked eating fish."

Terra: "Let you tell you something madam. I am a highly respected and feared king. Asking me if I like to devour a fellow ocean dweller is cannibalism where I come from."

Fear: "You could expect that from Brimstone."

Terra: "No, even he wouldn't go that far."

Woman: "Come on Terradive do more tricks for the audience."

Terra: "Grr...fine. (quietly) I wish I could just kill them."

Fear: "Aww don't do that."

Terra: "Why not?"

Fear: "Because it isn't the same if you kill them without me!" I miss being alive." (cries)

Terra: "You're a hallucination in my head trying to cope with your death."

Fear: "You're so dumb. I told you for the burnteenth time I'm a ghost."

Terra: "That's not even a word."

Fear: "It is now, so do some tricks so I can laugh at you gills!"

Terra: "Argh!"

In the city the twins of bought out a club and the seven minions have now taken control of it. Beastbox is wearing a large tuxedo and is acting as the bouncer.

Beastbox: "Name?"

Human: "Mike."

Beastbox: "Sorry, not on the list."

Human: "But there has to be a mistake dude."

Beastbox: "Nope, sorry bro."

Beastbox flicks the human with his huge fingers, and he is sent flying into a car.

Beastbox: "Whoops sorry! ....Um next?"

Inside the club Squawktalk is enjoying himself to all the food. Rumble and Laserbeak are dancing with the humans while Ravage is fittingly walking along the catwalk. Buzzsaw has a perch for himself to watch everyone intently. One of the drunk humans accidently bumps into his perch.

Human: (drunk) "Whoa sorry man!"

Buzzsaw: (sneering) "I am no man. Now unless you want me to acquaint you with your still-beating heart I suggest you leave."

Human: (walking away) "Whatever man."

Buzzsaw: "Idiot."

Frenzy is the DJ kicking up some sweet beats. Some stupid humans talk their friends into asking the worst possible question to Laserbeak.

Human: (mocking) "Laserbeak want a cracker?"

Squawk: (mouth full) "Did somebody say crackers?"

Beastbox: (tackling Squawktalk) "Mine!"

Laserbeak glares at the human maliciously as he leaves. Since he is partially drunk the human goes out the back alley where nobody else is. Ravage then corners him as Laserbeak and Buzzsaw come join him.

Buzzsaw: "So you think Laserbeak wants a cracker do you?"

Human: (frightened) "I'm sorry! I'll make it up to you I promise!"

Buzzsaw: "I know you will, but there is only one thing that will suffice."

Human: ?What is that?"

Buzzsaw: (sinister) "Use your imagination."

By the screams of terror it is heavily implied that the animals ripped that human apart. His body was never found. Back at the base Megatron calls the Fallen to let him know the news.

"Shall I finally be freed?"

"Yes, in two days?"

(eyes flaring) "Why must I be forced to wait this long?"

"I want to prepare everything for your triumphant return."

"You should free me now."

"I have the power to decide your fate, remember that."

(calming down) "You take well after me, impressive. Two days you say?"

"Yes, I promise."

"Very well then, and then we can proceed with the plan we started so long ago."

"You are referring to us right?"

(sly) "Of course, what else could I ever be referring to?"

Starscream on the other hand decides to throw a wrench in the groundbridge controls and gives it to the Spacebridge to give it an unknown destination. Back at The Ark the others are still bored until Wheeljack tempts fate.

Wheel: "You know, I can't possibly see how this could get worse."

All: (screaming) "Wheeljack!"

Wheel: "What? Nothing is hap- oh no."

One of the four armored trucks begins to make a sound as it transforms in front of everyone... revealing himself to be Soundwave. He starts shooting everywhere as everyone scrambles.

Chip: "Get to the car!"

Wheel: "You get out of here we'll hold him off!"

Spike, Carly, and Chip all enter Chip's car as he drives off. After getting to the freeway they discuss the terrible ordeal.

Carly: "It was Soundwave?!"

Spike: "How wasn't he detected?"

Chip: 'I don't know (turns on radio) but how about we listen to some music to calm down?"

Radio: "We now return to the hi guys did you miss me?"

Chip: (alert) "I know that voice."

Carly: "Uh oh."

The car swerves as it transforms too, and the person who transforms does some flips to stick the landing as the kids are sent rolling across the road.

?: "And here I am!"

All: (shocked) "Splicer?!"

Splicer: "Yeah it's me! Pretty cool huh?"

Chip: "You were my car the whole time?"

Splicer: "Well no. I scanned it and then I got rid of the old one. So were you surprised?"

Spike: "Well yeah,"

Chip: "I'm going to be honest I'm going to give you 9.5 out of ten And that's only because you gave yourself away with the radio,"

Splicer: "Yeah I guess I did jump the Sharkticon a bit back there."

Carly: "What do you want with us?

Splicer: "To kidnap you... again!"

Chip: "Why?"

Splicer: "Because Megatron said so, and that's all the reason I need. Ok I'm ready for the groundbridge."

Starscream activates the Groundbridge, but seeing that he messed with the controls the portal starts to behave erratically. A powerful pull comes from inside and sucks Carly and Spike in. Lightning and pops out while the portal collapses on itself, knocking out Chip and Splicer with a shockwave. Spike and Carly fall freely through the vortex until the other side opens, popping them out. Spike helps Carly up as they look around the dark area and the night sky.

Carly: "Where on Earth are we?"

Spike: "I don't think we're on Earth anymore."

The camera slowly pans up and goes far away from the pair, and Spike's assumption is correct. They aren't on Earth, they're on Cybertron.

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