Part 26: Infestation

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Terradive is now in fetal position muttering all sorts of weird things to himself while Fearswoop tries to help him snap out of his crazy spell.

Fear: "Maybe you need a breather or something."

Terra: "Yeah, a breather would be nice, really nice."

Fear: "And maybe take a nice little tour about the town."

Terra: "Great idea. I'll do it."

Terradive transforms and flies off to parts of the city while Starscream wakes up and hides out somewhere else for the time being. Meanwhile the Dinobots are traveling until they notice something terrible.

Grimlock: "Where is Sludge?"

Swoop: "Oh that can't be good."

Meanwhile the Constructicons are steadily moving along until they also notice a problem.

Mix: "Now who wants to listen to some fabulous tunes while we go?"

Scavenge: "I do!"

Scrapper: (weeping quietly) "I can't take it anymore!"

Mix: "How about some Bisque and the Coneheads?

Scavenge: "I love that band!"

Scrapper: (like a baby) "Why have you forsaken me Primus?!"

Longhaul: "Um, Mixmaster?"

Mix: (brightly) "Yes Longhaul?"

Longhaul: "Overload is missing."

Mixmaster slams the brakes and transforms with the rest of the group.

Mix (panicking) "He's gone!?"

High: "That isn't good. (takes out a baggy) Here Overload, I got some doggy treats for you! (gets looked at strange) What? It usually works."

Scavenge: "Sir don't panic. Remember the first rule of not panicking is to not panic. You said it yourself."

Scrapper: (frustrated) "Everyone says that you dolt!"

Scavenge: "But he says it the best."

High: "Yeah he does."

Scrapper: (fed up) I'm sick of all this. You're all idiots! I don't care about Overload!"

High: -gasp- "How could you say that?"

Mix: "Overload is a highly valued member of the team."

Scrapper: "He's an idiot."

Rampage: -angrily whips-

Scavenge: "That's part of his charm."

High: "You're a jerk Scrapper."

Scrapper: "Watch yourself crane boy."

Longhaul: "You're both idiots."

Scrapper: "What you say?"

Longhaul: "Hightower you're a self-loathing jerk. Scrapper you're just a big jerk all around. Grow up and act like a decent person for once."

Scrapper: (angrily) "And you're a complainer. All you do is complain! And how dare you address your second-in-command in such a manner!"

Longhaul: (boldly) "I don't take orders from you. Mixmaster is my boss, so you can kiss my ass. And I'm ready to prove that I can fight the Autobots. So suck it up."

Scavenge: (clapping) "Yay Longhaul! You took the words out my mouth."

High: "You sure did."

Scavenge: "I do hope we find Overload soon. He gets insecure when he's alone."

Mix: (snapping his fingers) "I got it! Rampage, use your whips to call him, he always responds to that."

Rampage whips his treads loud enough to act like a call. Meanwhile Overload is driving along in a different direction, but then stops suddenly. The camera turns slowly to find that there is a giant Apatosaurus in his way... it's Sludge. They both transform, and that greatly surprises the other.

(surprised) "Whoa."

(confused) "Who is this whoa? Someone Overload should know about?"

Me Sludge thought you were whoa."

"Overload like to think he is whoa...unless he is whoa."

"You blew me Sludge's mind."

"Overload am Overload."

"Me Sludge doesn't know what I am."

"You are big."

"Guess you're right."

"Overload wanted to become Korean lumberjack, but did eat enough weazels to prove his innocence."

"Me Sludge dentist."

"Wood likes wood."

"Me Sludge wanted to take nature walk, but I'm forced to save the world."

"Nature good, but nature bad."


"Why do we fight?"

"Don't know, answers too hard."

"....Overload has found new best friend."

"Me too."

Overload's audio receptors hears the faint sounds of whips cracking in the distance.

"Overload must go now, will I ever see you again?"

"Maybe. I don't know."

"If Overload sees you again he will throw you a fish bar mitzvah. Farewell."

(waving) "Bye bye!"

Back at London the Insecticons have arrived at the city. Jazz and Cliffjumper open fire at their drones, and several are shot out of the sky. They would have been completely overwhelmed had the air force led by Ace hadn't arrived. Alan's drones also arrive at the scene to provide additional air support. The Insecticon drones are being blasted away as it allows time for Mirage, Sideswipe, and Jazz to move to a different part of the city to combat the Insecticons. For a moment there is a brief moment of the tide turning in their favor, that is until the three main Insecticons appear. Kickback is first on the scene, using his gear shredder to slice one of the combat drones in half. He fires at the others until he is goaded into battle by Mirage.

Mirage: "Over here monster!"

Kickback: "Monster? That's probably one of the nicest things people have ever called me."

Mirage: "What else have you been named?

Kickback: (casually) "Oh you know, freak, pedophile, rapist, that kind of thing. It doesn't really phase me though. So are we going to fight or what?"

Mirage: "I suppose you could fight me. Unless you surrender now."

Kickback: "No way! I like the violent alternative."

Kickback launches another gear at Mirage, but he catches it with his arm blades. However the force of the launch knocks Mirage on his back. He breaks the gear in half as Kickback tries to do a drop-kick on the fallen Autobot he rolls out of the way. The two engage in an intense fisticuffs battle while Shrapnel takes on Jazz and Sideswipe. He zaps Sideswipe with his EOK Techvolt, forcing him down on his knees. He nearly kills the poor lad, but Jazz step is and bashes Shrapnel's face with his staff. Shrapnel recovers and hits Jazz with a direct blast of lightning from his antennas to his chest, slamming the Autobot into a car. Sideswipe stabs Shrapnel in the shoulder, causing him to shriek in pain. Shrapnel grabs him and slams him on the ground. Jazz blast at him, but now he's being controlled by Shrapnel's antenna beams.

Jazz: "Jane stop this crazy thing!"

Sideswipe barely dodges each of Jazz's attacks as the Autobot barely is holding back. Sideswipe gets a brief window of opportunity and shoots his mines at Shrapnel's chest. He is forced to retreat, much to his anger.

Shrapnel: (angered) "Curse those Autobots Autobots!"

Meanwhile Bombshell transforms and lands, blowing up anything in his sight. He is greeted once again by Ironhide, who is cracking his knuckles.

Bomb: (eyes smiling) "You've returned, nobody has ever returned."

Ironhide: "Something tells me you never gave them a chance to."

Bomb: (chuckles) "How true you are. And the same will go for you."

Ironhide: "We'll see about that."

Bombshell and Ironhide get into a brief grapple. Bombshell initially has the advantage with his size, but putting Ironhide down is no simple task. The Autobot uses his strength as he punches Bombshell in the gut. The Insecticon falls forward just to get kneed in the face. Ironhide clocks him with his right fist, knocking him to the ground. He then fires his mini grenades, and it sends the Insecticon bouncing across the street. He gets up and tackles Ironhide, kicking him in the chest. He switches to his Energon Harvester, and takes some of Ironhide's life-force, wearing him down.

Bomb: "How many times do I have to take your essence from you until you realize that you can't win this fight?"

Ironhide: (panting) "That's why I brought a friend."

Out of nowhere Longarm comes and does spin-kick to Bombshell's face. After staggering back a few steps from them Longarm begins his classic banter.

Longarm: "You know I got a bone to pick with people who beat on my friends."

Bomb: "Get out of my way Autobot."

Longarm: "That's a no can do."

Bomb: "Then you shall both suffer!"

Bombshell transforms and fires an explosive round right into Longarm's chest. Thankfully the armor suppresses the majority of the damage.

Bomb: (shocked) "What? Impossible!"

Longarm: (getting up) "Looks like I'm going to need the big boot."

Longarm and Ironhide double team Bombshell, but he grabs both of them by the face and smashes them on the ground. He starts to crush them, but Longarm shoots Bombshell in the chest with his beam sword. It goes straight through his left side, and he clutches his chest in pain. Ironhide leaps for an attack but is swatted away. Longarm shoots out his but he is hit with a car thrown at him. Bombshell steps on his chest armor and starts to put more weight on it, but it doesn't do much.

Bomb: (straining) "Why isn't this working?"

Longarm: "Don't feel bad, many guys like who have been in this situation."

Bomb: "How can you be so calm during all of this?"

Longarm: (nonchalant) "I've been nearly killed so many times I'm just adding this to the list."

Bomb: (pushing harder) "Then I will succeed. (panting) This is much harder than I thought."

Longarm: (unphased) "Look I don't want to be a burden or anything, but can we hurry this up? I have things to do."

Bomb: "What could you possibly have to do?"

Longarm: "I don't know I'll make it up as I go along."

Bomb: (going harder) "I will crush you at some point."

Longarm: (sarcastically concerned) "Whatever you do don't threaten me, I just can't take it."

Bomb: (shouting) "Silence!"

Longarm: "You have self confidence issues. That's why you can't kill me. Suck it up doughboy."

Bomb: (impatient) I"ll just do this the old fashioned way and blow you head off."

Before Bombshell can do that Ironhide takes out his Heavy Iron rifle and blasts him in the back, and the Insecticon grinds face first on the street. Ironhide then helps Longarm to his feet.

Longarm: "Could you have cut that any closer? I was running out of funny things to say."

Ironhide: "What matters is that you're safe. Now let's finish this."

Back at Mirage and Kickbacks' fight, Mirage begins to realize that Kickback is much stronger than he is. His strength begins to wear the Autobot down. Mirages sees a brief window of opportunity and slices off Kickback's right arm with his blade.

Kickback: (in pain) "Argh! That was my special time hand!"

Ironhide and Longarm are finally laying the much-deserved hurt, blasting and knocking him around. Ironhide then blows off Bombshell's left leg and fires another direct hit to his chest.

Longarm: (mocking) "Yeesh Bombshell when I said break a leg I didn't mean lose it!"

Bomb: (eyes smiling) "Do not think this is so easy Autobots."

Meanwhile Kickback begins to laugh hysterically at Mirage.

Mirage: "What is so funny?"

Kicker: (deranged) "Let's just say I just a trick up my sleeve."

To Mirage's horror he sees something come out of the spot where the arm was severed... a new one has taken it's place! The same happens with Bombshell, who surprises both Ironhide and Longarm.

Bomb: "One of the few benefits of being mutated, we can heal from grievous wounds such as this."

Longarm: "Uh huh....."

Ironhide: "You know what they say Longarm. The bigger they are, the harder they fall."

Longarm: "And the better the payoff when he explodes."

Meanwhile Kickback transforms into his grasshopper form, approaching Mirage.

Kickback: "Let me show you why I'm named Kickback."

Kickback uses his hind legs to kick Mirage like a donkey, and he goes flying back. Kickback transforms and flies away to find more thrills. He spots Ace in fighter jet, who is blowing away the drones he and his friends have created. He goes on the left wing and starts to eat it away.

Kickback: (delighted) "Mmm tasty!"

Kickback continues to munch on the wing, but he gets a surprise visit from Bumblebee, who has returned. He grabs hold of his feet and the two fly in the air. Bumblebee shoots him the wing, and the two fall through a roof. Ace on the other hand can't deploy his parachute because it's jammed. He is forced to make a controlled crash and his jet is lodged into the side of an opening. The crash gives him a head injury, but his helmet cushioned most of the impact. The top right of his head has some blood trickling down, and he feels a bit dizzy. He opens up the cockpit and looks down. Crawling up the building is Shrapnel and he sure looks hungry.

Shrapnel: (giddy) "I haven't had human in forever. Time for an afternoon snack snack!"

Shrapnel in his beetle form lunges at Ace with his mandibles, but before he is able to strike, he is blasted away from an unknown assailant. It's Powerglide and he stops in midair, opening up his cockpit.

Power: (triumphant) "Ta da! Here comes Powerglides to save the day!"

Ace: "All you did was blast him."

Power: "I got caught up in the moment ok? Don't ruin it for me."

Ace: "Sure, sorry about that."

Power: "Hop in. I'll drive you shoot."

Ace: "Sounds like a plan."

Ace straps himself inside and Powerglide feels like saying something he's been holding back for quite some time.

Power: "I finally have an excuse to say this."

Ace: "Say what?"

Power: (flying out) "And awayyyyyyy we gooooooo!"

Powerglide and Aces' combination proves itself to be powerful, as it is able to blast Bombshell and Shrapnel, forcing them both to retreat. Alan's assault drones help take out some of the remaining Insecticon drones, but that's when Powerglide sees something terrible approaching.

Power: "Uh oh, now we gotta kick it into Overdrive."

Across the road a heavily armored truck transforms, and it's Soundwave, and he begins to deploy his seven minions.

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