Post Credit Scene: Ghost Redemption

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The next day we are now taking a look at London. It's still a terrible mess after the great battle. The camera pans over to a street with tons of rubble. It stays there until something starts to happen. There appears to be a faint outline starting to materialize. It starts getting clearer and clearer until it reveals a's Fearswoop! He just sits there for about a minute, and makes a gesture that looks like he's looking at a watch. All of a sudden something else starts to form next to him. As it becomes clearer the figure is frantically feeling itself everywhere.... it's Terradive! Terradive is panicking and screaming in confusion, and then Fearswoop slaps him across the face to calm down.

(panicking) "AHHHHH, what is this? .....Fearswoop is that you?"


"W-what's going on here?"

"You're a ghost man."

"What? How is this possible? Wait... you mean you were telling the truth?"

"Yep. Have I ever lied to you?"

(screeching) "YES, YES YOU HAVE!"

"Calm down man."

"Explain yourself now!"

"Ok remember that spellbook you got?"

"Yeah. Wait... so it wasn't a dud?"


"What spell was this?"

"It's an old reincarnation spell used by the ancients. Whomever the spell is used for can come back to life."

"But that doesn't explain the ghost thing, and why I'm a ghost now too."

"Well you see it only works on good people. We've kinda done some bad stuff."

"Well you killed children in a schoolbus."

"Wait what?"

"Oh don't act like you don't know."

"There were kids inside... on no."

"You mean you really didn't know?"

"I thought they were giant Twinkies with wheels! I didn't know I'm sorry!"

"What about that other school on Cybertron you burned down?"

"They said have a great year with two r's! That bad boy needed some burning down."

"Ok then what about me being a ghost?"

"Well did anything weird happen?"

"Yeah the book blasted me in the spark."

"It's a failsafe just in case the user dies. We're connected."

"I see, so is there any way for us to get back?"

"The rules say only a change of spark will allow us back into the real world."

"So what you're trying to say is that we have to become good people? Like redemption?"

"Yeah, we gotta be the good flames now."

(deranged laughter turning into crying) "This sucks!"

"Pfft, big baby. Look on the brightside. We can make fun of people in the background and they'll never know. Plus we're back together. I promise we'll get back to the real world one day."

"If you believe it then so do I."

"So uh... want to know what else made it into the ghost world?"

(dreading) "Oh no... what?"

Fearswoop rustles around inside his chest and takes out the party blower, which somehow became a ghost with him. He starts blowing it endlessly, and Terradive slumps to the ground and curls up into a little ball.

(blankly) "This is going to be one long eternity."

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