Part 3: New Order

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The man comes inside The Ark and immediately asserts himself into the mix.

?: "I want to speak to whomever is in charge here."

Jazz: "Human or Autobot?"

?: "Both."

Optimus and agent Fowler walk over to greet the mysterious individual to find out why he's here.

Prime: "My name is Optimus Prime; leader of the Autobots."

Fowler: "And I am agent William Fowler, who are you?"

?: "The name is Bishop, Leland Bishop. Back in the military I had a code name, and I would prefer to be referred to as that if you don't mind."

Fowler: "Certainly, what is it?"

?: "Silas."

Prime: "It is a pleasure to meet you Silas, but what brings you here?"

Silas: "I'm under direct orders from the President to survey and assist in your operations."

Fowler: "And he didn't inform me?"

Silas: "He's a man of many secrets, but that isn't important right now. He's been concerned ever since San Francisco."

Prime: "We did everything we could to protect you humans."

Silas: "I'm sure you did, but regardless the President and Congress have decided to create a new agency of government."

Fowler: "A new agency?"

Silas: "Yes, named K.S.I."

Jazz: "K.S.I?"

Silas: "Yes, Keepers of Safety from Invaders."

Fowler: "And who runs this branch?"

Silas: "His name is Harold Attinger."

Fowler: "Who?"

Silas: "I'm not surprised you don't know him. He's dedicated 25 years to God and country with nothing to show for it, until now. He isn't quite a fan of you aliens, he believes you all to be monsters."

Fowler: "Sounds to me like paranoia."

Silas: (sharply) "Forgive his paranoia, but he has every right to be concerned like everyone else. After all he said it himself; this isn't their planet, it never was."

Fowler: (bluntly) "It is now, they're legal citizens of the U.S now."

At this moment three Autobots come drive into The Ark. On the left is Ratchet, and on the right is Longarm. The one in the middle is an Autobot that hasn't been seen before. He transforms along with them and is revealed to be Hound, a longtime friend of Longarm and honorable soldier.

Longarm: "What's going on here?"

Silas: "You're under new surveillance now."

Ratchet: (dryly) "I think I'd rather lose a leg."

Hound: "Is that true Optimus?"

Prime: "It appears so Hound."

Hound: "I'm sure you know what you're doing."

Silas: "One last thing before I let you resume your business. We have a request from the White House for you to share more of your weapons with us."

Wheel: "We've already been doing that for the military."

Silas: "We were thinking outside the box. Let's say a fight between you and your enemies breaks out in a peaceful neighbourhood, and the people don't have a way to defend themselves. That's where MECH comes in."

Wheel: "What is this MECH you speak of?"

Silas: "That is our company. It's an R&D department that focuses on reverse engineering your tech. We've taken some after the battle of San Francisco."

Longarm: "So I'm guessing you are the people who took Dropkick's body."

Silas: "Yes, along with some other parts here and there. Anyway that's all I have to say about that matter."

Prime: "Very well then Silas, welcome to our battle."

Perce: (scratching his chin) "I suppose we could make a extra effort for the ordinary citizens."

Silas: (smiling) "Thank you, your help is most appreciated."

After this everyone else breaks into discussions with one another. Longarm Powerglide, and Hound are chatting but everything while the kids and Bumblebee discuss Silas.

Longarm: "So I see that we got a new guy with us."

Hound: "What do you think of him?"

Longarm: "Not too sure right now."

Power: "Eh, he's alright to me."

Hound: "Well don't mock it till you try it, right Longarm?"

Longarm: "Yes I suppose you're right."

Spike: "So a new guy in a new agency comes to pay us a visit."

Bee: "He's definitely interesting for sure, what do you think of him?"

Carly: "I don't like him."

Chip: "Shocker."

Carly: "Hear me out, there's something a bit off about him."

Chip: "He looks like he doesn't have a full opinion on the Autobots yet."

Carly: "Maybe you're right."

Spike: "I sure hope so, the last thing we need is a bad government going after our friends."

Meanwhile Sunstreaker goes over to Sideways for a quick conversation.

Sun: (shyly) "Hey um I wanted to say thanks for saving my life back there."

Sideways: "No problem, don't sweat it. What are friends for right?"

Sun: (smiling) "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Ratchet: "Just when we had enough people in here, now we get another human."

Ironhide: "I thought you said you liked humans now."

Ratchet: "I do, but this one rubs me the wrong way."

Cliff: "Cheer up Ratchet, it's not the worst thing that you can happen."

Ratchet: -sigh- "I'm just glad it isn't Wheeljack saying that."

Wheel: (in the background) "Saying what?"

Ratchet, Ironhide, and Cliff: "Nothing!"

We finally transition to the Decepticon's side of the story. We wind the clock back to right after Terradive and Starscream enter the groundbridge to retreat into battle. The two Vehicons from earlier are dragging and limping into the base while Starscream is berating Payload for unknown reasons. But it's Payload, so that makes it ok.

Scream: (condescending) "Can't you do anything right? I told you to move that statue of me to the left, not to the right!"

Payload: "I'm sorry Lord Starscream, I'll do better next time."

Scream: (sneering) "I severely doubt that."

Payload: -sigh- "Ok."

Skywarp is busy working with beakers when he sees Terradive and the two Vehicons enter the base.

Skywarp: (amused) "How was your trip? I take from the look on your face that it was a resounding success."

Terra: (irritated) "That was the 5th failure this month. I'm getting tired of Starscream."

The Vehicon that was shot in the chest succumbs to his wounds and falls over dead. The other one is still dragging himself, and begins to hear noises. It's the sound of someone singing.

?: (singing) "And there's no badass quite like me!"

The figure comes into view, and it's Thundercracker, but he looks far different. He now has the body of his movie comics appearance, and it's a far more monstrous and sinister appearance to better fit his personality. Skywarp almost knocks over his beakers due to the shock of his fellow Seeker's transformation.

Skywarp: "Where did you get that upgrade Thundercracker?"

Thunder: (proudly) "I went back to Cybertron to visit my old buddy Shockwave, and I asked for a new and improved body, and now I'm more powerful than ever."

Skywarp: (sarcastically) "Oh yes, how could I forget the legendary friendship between you and Shockwave? I guess that explains your week-long disappearance."

Thunder: "Check this out."

Thundercracker makes a motion with his arm that reveals several missiles in a circle formation around his forearm.

Skywarp: "Impressive, but did you ask Starscream for permission for this upgrade?"

Thunder: "Yes, but he said no."

Skywarp: "And I'm guessing you did it anyway."

Thunder: (gleefully) "You know me too well!"

The other Vehicon drags himself over to Thundercracker and begins to plead to him.

Vehicon: (weakly) "Help... I need medical attention...please."

Thunder: (mocking) "Oh you need my help do you?"

Vehicon: "Yes..."

Thunder: (sadistically) "Sure pal, I'll help you."

Thundercracker reaches behind his back and grabs hold of one of his wings. He pulls it off and it thins out to create a sword. He stabs the Vehicon straight through the neck, and then begins to wiggle it around the poor Vehicons neck.

Thunder: (relishing every moment) "Oh this feels like candy time!"

Terra: (disgusted) "How vulgar."

Thunder: (patting the Vehicon's head) "You poor sap, you thought you were going to make it out."

Skywarp: (frustrated) "I just mopped the floor Thundercracker, and do you think those Vehicons grow on trees?"

Thunder: (nonchalantly) "Yes."

Skywarp: "Well they don't."

Thunder: "Time for his buddy to get a nice stabbing too!"

Before Thundercracker can stab the dead Vehicon a tentacle grabs his sword and throws it into the wall, and Waspinator was on the other side is it goes through his chest.

Wasp: (sadly) "Waspinator hate life."

The perpetrator is none other than Soundwave, and he has mass shifted down to slightly shorter than Shockwave's height. Judging on his appearance he seems to have adopted an Earth form.

Soundwave: "I require that Vehicon for research."

Skywarp: (curious) "May I assist you in your mystery project?"

Soundwave: "This is a solo project, but future collaborations would be appreciated."

Skywarp: "Very well then."

Soundwave grabs the Vehicon and leaves to the opposite end of the base to his own private quarters.

Thunder: (yelling) "Have fun you closet neophiliac!"

Starscream enters and is not pleased with with current situation.

Scream: "I'm disappointed, especially with you Terradive!"

Terra: (shrilly) "Me?! What did I do?"

Scream: "Had you followed my orders EXACTLY the way I said them, then we wouldn't have only made it out with only half of the Energon from the factory!"

Terra: "With your incompetence we were lucky to have made it out with that much!"

Scream: "You are unfit as a warrior, and even more so for a king. Fearswoop would be disappointed in you."

Terradive screams a blood curdling scream as he strikes Starscream with the blunt of his trident, knocking him down. Terradive lights of the flames of his trident as he points it near Starscream's face. He begins panting furiously, but snaps out of his rage. He withdraws his trident and sees everyone's surprised looks on their faces. The king then begins to back away slowly as his issues begin to build.

Terra: (deteriorating) "It should have been you...not Payload."

Payload: (crying) "Why me?"

Terradive then storms off and slams a door into his private quarters. Payload tries to help Starscream up, but his hand gets swatted away.

Thunder: (to Skywarp) "What a drama queen."

Skywarp nods his head in agreement as Starscream leaves the room angered.

Payload: "Look at him go, the fish under the sea swam away when they saw him!"

Skywarp: "For once I'm inclined to agree with you Payload."

Payload: "Really?

Skywarp: "Yes, but you want to know what else?"

Payload: "What?"

Skywarp (handing him a mop) "You get to clean up Thundercracker's mess!"

Thunder: "It better be spotless too!"

Payload moans sadly. Back at The Ark, Hound is watching T.V when he sees something important on the screen.

Hound: "Hey Optimus, that bad politician dude that we don't like is on again!"

The other Autobots, humans, Silas, approach the monitor to see what's going on, and it's a live feed for a campaign for a politician.

Fowler: (frustrated) "Sweet Uncle Sam's beard, I hate that man."

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