Part 19: The Challenge

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Prime: (mortified) "Megatron... how are you alive?"

Megatron: "At the end of the day does it really matter? I have a proposition for you."

Prime: "What kind of a proposition?"

Megatron: "A challenge. I want to face you in a match. No guns, just our limbs and melee weapons only, and any powers we have."

Prime: "What happens If I win?"

Megatron: "Then we will leave this desolate rock forever with no twist of any kind. In addition to that I'll free your worthless Jazz from our prison."

Prime: "And if you win?"

Megatron: "Then you will leave this planet instead, and you will give me The Matrix."

Prime: "What could you possibly want The Matrix for?"

Megatron: "A trophy from my victory. You have two days to prepare, until we meet again."

Megatron cuts the feed, leaving all the Autobots in a panic.

Bee: "How does he keep coming back?"

Ironhide: "He should have learned his lesson and stayed down the first time."

Power: "What do we do Optimus?"

Prime: "We have no choice but to play by his rules."

Silas: "It looks like those trucks Mr. Attinger promised are going to arrive any minute."

Sure enough four heavily modified and armored trucks drive into The Ark, but Silas seems a bit confused by their arrival.

Silas: (scratching his head) "Strange, Mr. Attinger said he was giving us three trucks, not four."

Ace: "Maybe he really likes humans."

Silas: "He sure does."

Back at the Decepticon's base, Skywarp and Thundercracker are having a private meeting with Megatron about their current state of affairs.

Skywarp: "Lord Megatron, I have some troubling news about our new allies the Insecticons."

Thunder: "Yeah they're a bunch of creepy shitbags."

Skywarp: "Yes that, but something else more pressing."

Megatron: "What did you discover?"

Skywarp: "I crunched the numbers, and within two weeks our Energon reserves will be completely empty."

Megatron: "I see, that is most troubling indeed."

Thunder: "And that Bombshell dude can control people. If they took control of the Constructicons or that Overload guy we would be screwed."

Megatron: "For once I agree with you Thundercracker. We will have to be smart about all of this."

Skywarp: "What should our proper course of action be?"

Megatron: "We want to keep this quiet, so this conversation doesn't escape this room. When the right moment presents itself we will have ourselves a brief extermination."

Little did the three of them know that Kickback was listening in on their conversation. He uses his antennae ears to amplify their voices. After recording the whole conversation he leaves to find his friends. Megatron and the two seekers decide to pay a visit to their prisoner Jazz, who is complaining about his living conditions.

Jazz: (being difficult) "Talk about a low budget prison. No food or movie? Give me a break!"

Megatron: "Oh quit your whining you wretch."

Jazz: "How about you let me out of this cell and then see if you're brave enough to say that to me."

Megatron: "That is quite the tempting offer, but unfortunately I have much bigger things planned. I think you'll be pleased to know you have aided us well."

Jazz: "What are you talking about?"

Megatron: "Show him the video Skywarp."

Skywarp shows the video of him killing the humans from earlier. Jazz's facial expression transforms from shock to despair.

Jazz: (slumping down) "I killed those innocent people...."

Thunder: (grinning) "Yeah it was pretty funny watching them all flying around getting shot."

Megatron: "We are in your debt Jazz, and soon the rest of your friends will have their fate tarnished because of you."

Megatron and Thundercracker exit, leaving just Jazz and Skywarp to converse while the scientist is working on another project.

"How could you stand by and watch him kill innocent people?"

"Technically you did that."

"You're all monsters!"

"Oh please, like you are all saints."

"We fight for peace, not war."

"You mean peace through war."

"How can you sleep at night knowing the things Megatron does?"

"Quite simple really, I don't let those issues bother me. It's war Jazz, people die all the time."

"You're just a puppet who blindly follows him!"

"Then what does that make you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You blindly follow Optimus's orders, so that must make you his puppet."

"It's different."

(dryly) "No it isn't. You follow your orders while I follow mine. It's nothing personal Jazz, but I'm just doing my job."

"You aren't like the others Skywarp, you should be an Autobot."

"Perhaps in another life I would be, but I chose my side and I'm sticking with it."

Kickback finally manages to meet up with his friends and plays back the recording of Megatron's conversation, angering the rest of them.

Kickback: "They want us dead."

Shrapnel: (shrill) "So they want to get rid of us do they, do they?"

Bomb: (clenching his fist) "I knew this would happen."

Kickback: "Well what do we do now?"

Shrapnel: "We wait. When the right time comes we strike strike!"

Little do the Insecticons know that they themselves were being eavesdropped by Starscream, who is slowly forming a plan. The next day, Skywarp brings Megatron over to a device that will aid them in their efforts.

Skywarp: "Here is a device I have been eager to show off to you. When you step into this chamber you will be able to temporarily use some of our powers. I put my own teleportation powers as a test. Go ahead and give it a try."

Megatron goes inside the chamber, with the door closing behind him. Some flashing lights and sounds later he comes out. After doing some testing he finally succeeds in teleporting, getting everyone else's applause.

Megatron: (impressed) "You have exceeded my expectations once again Skywarp."

Skywarp: (smiling) "Pleased to hear your satisfaction. In addition I will add Ravage's cloaking device, the twin's abilities to make earthquakes, and Longhaul's healing abilities."

Payload: "Won't the Autobots detect all the different things going on with him?"

Megatron: "Not a chance. With the bug infected in Teletran-1, they won't be able to prove anything."

Skywarp: "Excellent. So how else shall we tarnish the Autobot's reputation?"

Megatron: "We need a small team of four. Thundercracker, Hightower, Scavenger, I require your assistance."

Scavenge: "You got it sir!"

High: "Oh yeah!"

Thunder: "What did you have in mind?"

Megatron: "You're going to play pretend. Make it look like Jazz has made you evil."

Scavenge: (excited) "I've always wanted to try acting!"

High: "Well I'm bored and have nothing better to do."

Thunder: "Let's get started."

Megatron: "Bombshell, we will need your shells once again."

Bomb: (holding back the anger) "Sure..."

Thundercracker, Hightower, Scavenger, and the controlled Jazz all bridge out to a city on Earth. Jazz is sent to hide somewhere while the others just stand around. The humans of course are initially afraid of them, but when Scavenger strangely waves at them they become more confused than afraid. Next the Decepticons start talking aloud while the humans get their phone cameras to record what is going on.

Scavenge: (brightly) "Hey guys, isn't it great to do good things?"

High: "Yeah."

Thunder: (grinning) "I totally agree!"

Scavenge: "Helping people is good."

High: "Yep."

Scavenge: (whispering) "You're terrible at this Hightower, be more convincing."

High: "Screw you ok? I'm just a crane, what do you expect me to do?"

Thunder: "What's the first things you're going to do to help people guys?"

Scavenge: "Donate to charities!"

High: "Build something... because I'm a crane."

Thunder: (amused) "Being helpful and good is great, I can't wait to do good things today."

Scavenge: (pointing) "What's that over there?"

Everyone looks in their direction, and Jazz appears carrying a strange device.

Thunder: "It's Jazz!"

High: -gasp-

Scavenge: "What's that thing he's carrying?"

Jazz fiddles with the device by pressing a few buttons. Bright lights and sounds come out of it, and Scavenger starts clutching his chest in pain.

Thunder: (faking concern) "What's going on Scavenger?"

Scavenge: "I'm feeling the urge to do bad things."

High: "I too feel this need to commit evil."

Thunder: (paranoid) "Oh no, it's got to me too!"

Hightower takes out a giant wrecking ball and starts smashing it down everywhere while Scavenger runs around in a craze. Thundercracker fires random missiles everywhere.

Thunder: "Evil evil evil evil!"

High: "How evil Thundercracker?"

Thunder: (looking at the phone cameras.) "Very evil, and it's all thanks to that guy."

Thundercracker points at Jazz, who waves casually at everyone.

All: "Thanks Jazz!"

Jazz gives a thumbs up, and the video pauses, cutting to Bryce talking about everything that was going on.

Bryce: "It appears that I may have been initially wrong about the Transformers. I used to think that both sides were monsters, but the evidence brought before us all today clearly show that the Autobots are the true monsters after all. The Decepticons didn't want to kill us, they were being controlled. The Autobots are responsible for the battle of San Francisco, and now we're all paying the price. Join me in getting them off of our Earth!"

The people applaud Bryce's speech with the cameras cutting to signs with Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwaves' heads saying "We're sorry!" The Autobots and humans both have their jaws dropped with Powerglide dragging his hands slowly across his face.

Power: -groans- "This is so bad."

Wheel: "Their acting was terrible. How could anyone buy that?"

Fowler: "You would be surprised. Now I've got angry calls from the President saying he wants your behinds off of Earth."

Bee: "But we don't have a way off."

Longarm: "I have a feeling Megatron does. After all, why would he make that part of the agreement if he didn't have a way?"

Prime: "I fear you're right Longarm."

Tyrone: "Man they better not have hurt or killed Jazz."

Ratchet: "If Megatron really wanted to it would have happened by now."

Wheel: "Well in other news I've been working on some new devices with Perceptor."

Perce: "We have some sticky gel grenades along with some cables with harpoons that we can wrap around and incapacitate our enemies."

Cliff: "Look that's great and all, but if Optimus doesn't win this match then we won't be able to use them."

Ironhide: "It looks like the pressure is on."

Power: "Like we didn't have enough already."

Chip: "Think you can win this Optimus?"

Prime: "I have to."

The next day rolls around, and it's time for the big fight between Optimus and Megatron. Megatron before bridging to the crater where the fight is being held goes inside the chamber to acquire all the abilities that Skywarp had installed in the machine. Nearly everyone has showed up for the battle except for Splicer, and Shockwave's group on Cybertron. The Wreckers were invited to see the spectacle with the rest of the group. All the Autobots and their human friends sit on one side while the Decepticons sit on the opposite. Fearswoop, Terradive, Payload, and Waspinator sit together while Sideways and the Constructicons all sit with each other. Sideways and Sideswipe's eyes meet, and Sideswipe's glare is a vengeful one. Soundwave and his minions are allowed out to watch. Soundwave pets Ravage while the twins sit happily with Laserbeak. Squawktalk and Beastbox are simply sitting next to Buzzsaw, who is the most invested in the battle.

Buzzsaw: "Soon Optimus will fall at Megatron's feet like the groveling child he is."

Squawk: "Geez you really hate Optimus don't you?"

Buzzsaw: "With a fiery passion. He deserves to die in the most cruel ways."

Beastbox: "That's deep bro. Got any bananas?"

Fear: (perking up) "I heard fiery!"

Terra: "Calm down Fearswoop, this isn't the time or the place."

Payload: "Dude he isn't alive."

Wasp: "Waspinator just wants someone to die."

Mix: (brightly) "Oh isn't this wonderful? The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we are going to have a great show! Isn't that right Scrapper?"

Scrapper: (growing frustrated) "Grrr."

Power: "Well this is it, I wonder how this will end."

Ironhide: "Obviously Optimus will win."

Perce: "I sure hope so."

Ron: "Well son we got the fate of the universe hanging in the balance and a terrible economy. Not only that but we got this god awful heat and a wife who won't stop complaining. The Autobots call it war, but I call it tuesday."

Tyrone: "Man you got some issues Ron."

Judy: (whining) "I do not complain!"

Spike: (sarcastically) "Gee you sure are a gentleman dad."

Ron: "Well if it wasn't for me being a gentleman you wouldn't be here. Be more grateful."

Carly: (smiling) "Thank you Ron."

Ron: "Now why can't you be more grateful like your girlfriend?"

Ace: "Well here comes Optimus."

Optimus comes out to the center of the divide, and Megatron joins him soon after. Before their fight they exchange a few words.

Megatron: "So it all ends here."

Prime: "For you."

Megatron: "Do not be so sure. I'm full of surprises."

Prime: "Nothing surprised me greater than the murder of our father Prima."

Megatron: "You mean your father, and I never killed him."

Prime: "I don't believe you."

Megatron: "I don't expect you to, but it's the truth."

Prime: "You and the truth never went hand and hand."

Megatron: (smirking) "You have no idea just how far that goes for me."

Prime: "Then are you ready to finally end this?"

Megatron: "Yes."

Optimus draws his swords while Megatron takes out his staff. The two charge at one another, with Megatron taking the first strike with his staff. Optimus knee-slides to dodge the attack and stabs Megatron in the knee, making him fall forward. Optimus sees his chance and uses his sword to give Megatron a wicked uppercut. Megatron is on his back and is about to stabbed in the chest, but he reels his head forward to headbutt Optimus. Using the momentum to his advantage, Megatron clocks Optimus with a right hook and knees him in the gut. Megatron picks up his foe, and proceeds to throw him into the other side's wall.

Payload: "Go get him Megatron!"

Fear: "Burn him!"

Buzzsaw: (intense) "Yes! Yes! Kill him, make his suffering eternal! Have every waking moment of his life feel like a sick and twisted toy. Only after he's at his lowest point you send him straight into the flames of Hell!"

Beastbox: (eyes bulging) "Ummm... I'm going to need a bigger banana."

Squawk: (scooting away) "Sheesh, you're really into this."

Buzzsaw: (drooling monstrously) "Is that a problem?"

Both: (holding onto each other and trembling) "No..."

Buzzsaw: (quietly) "Excellent."

Optimus gets up to resume his fight, but his arm is stuck in some of the rocks. Megatron picks up his staff, running towards the defenseless Optimus. Optimus however anticipated this and uses his full strength to pull his arm out, causing Megatron's staff to get stuck in the rocks. Optimus dashes behind Megatron, and bangs Megatron's face on the blunt end of the staff. Still having Megatron in his grasp, Optimus slams Megatron's face into the rocks three times. Before he can do it a fourth time Megatron rears his head back, making Optimus stagger back. Megatron swipes at Optimus, but he dodges the attack and stabs him in the back. This doesn't do much because of Megatron's new armor. It serves little more than a simple annoyance to him. Optimus punches two rocks, and wears them like boxing gloves. He proceeds to deliver a straight punch to the face. Now with Megatron pinned to the ground he continually punches him with the rock. Screaming, Optimus uses his left hand to smash down, breaking the rock. The injured Megatron breaks the other rock and kicks Optimus off. Picking up his staff, he aggressively tries to to cut Optimus, but he keeps dodging them until a stray swipe cuts the back of Optimus's right leg. Another swipe cuts him in the back. Megatron kicks Optimus into the wall and tries to stab him in the chest. Optimus manages to grab the blade with his hands, barely able to keep it away. Yelling with all his might, Optimus turns the tables by overpowering Megatron, and the staff's other side stabs Megatron right in stomach. The Decepticons watch in horror as the Autobots and humans cheer. Optimus takes the blade out of Megatron and gives him a wicked cut on the upper part of his chest. Optimus leaps forward to pin Megatron down. Megatron uses the moment to make Optimus roll off. Optimus ditches the staff, and the two run at one another with a fist out. The two fists are about to collide, and it's going to hurt Optimus way more. Thanks to Perceptor he has a new trick up his sleeve, and that's brass knuckles. The knuckles equip themselves in the nick of time, and it collides with Megatron's fist. What happens next is quite terrifying for Megatron. The hand gets smashed, and Megatron staggers back and screams a bloodcurdling scream of pain.

Ron: "Yeah kick his ass Optimus!"

Carly: "Give him another punch for me!"

Ironhide: "Bust him up!"

Leadfoot: "That oughta teach that ugly bastard who's the boss!"

Topspin: "What are you talking about? Optimus isn't fighting you."

Leadfoot: "Oh look who's getting smart with the comments now."

Topspin: "How bout I shove my foot up your ass?"

Leadfoot: "It would get stuck in my fat ass ya bloody blue wanker!"

Road: (annoyed) "How about I bust both your heads open so that way I don't have to listen to your bickering?"

Megatron slowly opens up his hand to see the damage that way done. His left pinky is completely gone, and his ring finger is three quarters destroyed. His middle finger is moderately damaged with his other fingers still intact. The rest of his hand is cracked all over.

Prime: "It's over Megatron, you've lost."

Megatron: (snarling) "No it isn't, not yet!"

Megatron then disappears, much to everyone's shock. He then kicks Optimus in the back, knocking him down.

Side: "Wait I don't remember him teleporting."

Bee: "Can he do that?"

Perce: "Um... well Teletran-1 isn't picking up anything."

Mirage: "Perhaps there is more to Megatron than meets the eye."

Megatron continually beats Optimus around with his teleportation ability. Optimus eventually figures out the pattern that Megatron attacks him from behind. His prediction is true, and so he has a wicked backhand waiting for Megatron. Megatron wipes the Energon from his mouth and clams his other fist on the ground, making a small earthquake. Optimus jumps over and decks Megatron. Megatron jumps back and cloaks. Optimus looks around, and to his horror Megatron appears and stabs him in the stomach. Optimus pulls it out and knocks the staff away, but at this point he is severely weakened. Megatron punches Optimus twice, and Optimus counters with a left hook after word. Megatron decides to end everything by grabbing Optimus by the arm and jumping really high in the air. He slams down Optimus to the ground, and now the poor Prime is sparking everywhere battered and beaten. Megatron gets his staff and jumps down with his spear aimed at Optimus's head.

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