Part 11: Interrogations

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The next day Alan arrives at MECH and is stationed in a work room. Silas helps settle him in.

"Thanks for all of this Silas."

"Any time."

"I really want to see your R&D department. You must have some really cool stuff going on in there."

"In due time, but for right now just sit back and relax. I have to go back and survey the Autobots."

"Alright then, and thanks again."

Back at the Decepticon HQ Terradive is in his room looking at all the different spells from the book. He becomes frustrated with all the different spells because they are not what they were built up to be.

(frustrated) "What kind of spells are these? One where you can shine a bright light, another where you can talk to water, and one where you summon a piece of string? This is nonsense! The worst part is that this book will explode after one attempt on any spell, and they're all worthless... wait what's this?"

Terradive sees a page of a the book, and the part where the title is has been torn off. The process seems to be much more complicated than the other spells. Curiosity gets the best of him, and he performs the spell. The lights go out and strange texts and symbols glow around the walls. A ball of light is now floating and zaps Terradive right in his spark, hurting him. Terradive passes out and wakes up frustrated. The book has now exploded, and he is now rethinking his life as a whole.

(spiraling into misery) "Ugh! I should've just gone with the string spell. All that book did was give me a bad case of spark burn! (kicks) Ow that hurt! (sitting down) What has become of me and my legacy? Am I to become a laughingstock? I guess I'll just stay here and mope."

Splicer knocks on the door and slides a pager through the crack in the door. Apparently he may be needed later by Soundwave. In the heart of the base, Overload is approached by Waspinator and the twins now that he has finished his dolphin time.

Rumble: "Yo Overload."

Overload: "Hello tiny friends."

Frenzy: "So did you finish with your dolphin time?"

Overload: "Yes, and after 6 hours of looking at picture, Overload concludes that dolphins are overrated."

Wasp: "Waspinator is happy to have someone who talks like him."

Overload: "Overload and Waspinator sound nothing alike."

Wasp: "Yes we do."

Overload: (sternly) "No Overload says Overload, and Waspinator says Waspinator, that is completely different."

Frenzy: "If you say so."

Overload: "Life is like gentle swan hopping through meadow. When he asks mailman for ketchup, he jumps out window in shame because he has no ketchup."

Frenzy: "You just blew my mind there."

Overload: "Yes, Overload knows all...except why sky is blue. That is answer is too hard."

Starscream and Skywarp on the other hand knock on Mixmaster's door. He opened it up and sees the room now has a swimming pool being used by Longhaul in a floaty, a Ping-Pong table being used by Scavenger and Hightower, and Scrapper crawling toward the door. Scrapper apparently is out of breath.

Scavenge: (winning the game) "Ha, got ya Hightower!"

High: "Screw you Scavenger! I hate you!

Scrapper: (weakly pleading) "Help me... please."

Mix: (rolling his eyes) "Oh toughen toughen up you wuss. It wasn't that bad."

Scrapper: "Yes it was! I want a union!"

Mix: (laughing) "Oh a union, what a farce! That's the second reason why I put you as my right hand man, you're a jokester."

Scream: "Ahem."

Mix: "Oh yes yes, what may we do for you fearless leader?"

Scream: "I want to know why you're here."

Mix: "Well truth be told we actually don't know ourselves."

Longhaul: (sinking) "It's rather strange don't you think?"

Mix: "How right you are Longhaul. Despite this I'm happy to be here. I also got a great surprise for you guys that we've been working on since we got here. It should be done in a day or two."

Scream: In the meantime while I figure this out I suppose there is another future use you can give us."

Scrapper: (getting up) "And what might that be?"

Scream: "Devastator."

Scrapper: -sigh- "Oh him. I really don't want to use him again."

Mix: "We haven't used him since you left Cybertron, we're really rusty."

Scream: "Then get practicing."

Skywarp: "And maybe when you finish you and I can resume our work in chemistry like in the old days."

Mix: (smiling) "I'd like that."

Scream: "I wonder how Beastbox and Buzzsaw are handling the new Autobot prisoner right now."

In another part of the base, Hound is confined to a chair and the room is pitch black. There is a table in front of him, and it's the kind for interrogations. As he struggles to break free a light turns on. It just sways left and right and he hears Buzzsaw's voice.

(chilling) "Poor Autobot, unable to escape his own personal hell. I would shed tears for you if I had tears to shed. I will never pity weakness such as yours. Such vile and vulgar individuals you Autobots are. Tell me this, how scared are you now?"

(undeterred) "Maybe if you showed your face I might be."

(sneering) "Very well, but what you see isn't for the faint of spark."

Buzzsaw finally steps into the light and Hound's eyes widen in shock. He is yellowish gold bird with the same build as Laserbeak, but his head, face, and jaw are all completely different. His mouth is a long pointed beak with sharp and jagged teeth. All around his mouth and face are scars that run deep in his skin. His head has three crests like some ancient predatory bird. His wings have holes all around them, and he seems to be missing a talon on his left foot. But the most interesting part about his appearance is what is around those eyes. There are blue and red wires that go underneath the eyes, and the exit out and end in his cheeks.

"Well aren't you 50 shades of ugly!"

(slashing in the chest) "Silence! Want to know what happened to my eyes?"

"I got nothing better to do."

"This happened when Megatron and Soundwave fought against in the pits of Kaon. I was sent to attack Megatron, but my eyes were shot out. Knockout and Splicer gave me new organic eyes via surgery. It comes quite in handy."

(jokingly) "Now you're the handsome devil I see now."

"Cute, now I'm going to ask you a few questions, and you will give me answers."

"Or what?"

"Then what I will do to you will have you begging for something as simple as pain. What are your plans to attack us."

"Beats me."

"Try again."

"I really don't know."

Buzzsaw then circles around Hound, and has his face near the Autobot's audio receptor to be rather soothing in a creepy way.

"Autobot, you see with my new eyes I can now detect weaknesses from inside your body."

"If you're wanting to ruin my day, you're going to have to try a bit harder."

(grinning) "Very well then."

Buzzsaw stabs Hound in his right knee, and twists and turns while the Autobot screams in pain.

(in pain) "Ugh, that may be a good start."

"Beastbox, it looks like he may need some more motivation."

Beastbox comes in and punches Hound on the left side of his face, and it gets busted up.

Buzzsaw: "I heard a rumor that the Allspark is in your possession, is it true?"

Hound: (being difficult) "Beats me, I'm just a soldier."

Buzzsaw: -sigh- "Alright Beastbox, do your worst."

Beastbox begins to brutally beat Hound with his fists, and Energon is flying everywhere with each punch.

Beastbox: "Talk!"

Buzzsaw: "Enough you idiot! I need him alive!"

Beastbox: "Whoops, sorry."

Hound is now completely disfigured on the left side of his face, and there are several dents in his chest, and he is leaking out. he begins to murmur something as Beastbox leans in.

Beastbox: "What did you say?"

Hound: (spitting) "Gotcha."

Hound headbutts Beastbox and uses the momentum to break free. He then pummels Beastbox as Buzzsaw steps in. Hound was prepared and grabs Buzzsaw by the wing and slams him down on the table several times. He then throws him into Beastbox. His attempts to escape are in vain because Soundwave uses a tentacle to taze and and put in stronger locks.

Soundwave: "Your chances of survival are rapidly dwindling Autobot . (activating pager) Buzzsaw, ask him the last question."

Buzzsaw goes over and whispers a question to Hound, and he seems confused by the question because it seems unnecessary to ask.

Hound: "Well of course it's there."

Soundwave: "We're done here."

Hound: "I got one question for you, how did you find me?"

Buzzsaw: "When Ravage was captured he put a bug in your Teletran-1. It blocks out some of our activity and reports your activity to us."

Soundwave: "I have a guest for you to enjoy Autobot, I hope you like him."

Soundwave and the animals leave as Terradive enters the room.

"Terradive, where's Fearswoop?"

"He's dead."

"Really? That monster is finally dead? Good riddance."

(slowly turning to look at him) "What did you say?"

"He killed innocent children, he deserved to die."

(angrily) "They were weak like you and deserved to die! If I was in his shoes I would do the same thing."

(taunting) "You don't look so good Terradive, it must have been hard for you."

(getting unstable) "More than you could ever imagine Autobot. But tell me this: Did you really think you were going to get set free with the information Buzzsaw told you?"

Hound's eyes widen with the realization that Terradive is right. Terradive then stabs Hound with his trident, and begins to activate the blue fire from inside his circuits.

(sadistically) "And he would have approved of your death too!"

Soundwave tells Terradive to send a message to the Autobots, and he knows just what to do. Somewhere on Earth the Autobots see a Decepticon energy signature and go investigate. Optimus, Jazz, and Longarm all go investigate, but to their horror they see Hound's head mounted on a pole. The ground has been burned with a message that says "Till all are gone!" Optimus clenches his fists as Longarm punches the ground in anger.

(angry) "Whoever did this to Hound is going to die."

Back at the Witwicky house, Spike is now getting out of the shower. He feels very groggy and goes over to the sink to clean his face. When he looks up, he is horrified as he sees Brimstone substituting as his reflection. He just tilts his head slightly and speaks to him in the most chilling way he knows how.

(frighteningly) "Hello child."

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