Part 7: Slice of Life

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The next day in art class Carly, Spike, Vince, and the other students have to draw pictures on what is on their minds. Vince of course is being his classic self.

Vince: "Hey Spike, got a smoke?"

Spike: "No Vince, go away."

Vince: "You're lame dude."

Carly: "Hey Vince, how's Pre-Algebra?"

Vince: "Shut up!"

Teacher: "Settle down class, now get back to work. I want to see your magnum opus brought to life."

Vince paints some stick figures while Carly draws a vase filled with flowers. Spike decides to go to a bit more and do a haunted house. All goes well until something strange begins to happen. His hand begins to paint quickly, but he seems dedicated to his work. He finishes just in time too.

Teacher: "Ok students, let's see what you got."

She walks over to Vince first, and seems disappointed in his work.

Teacher: (dryly) "Very good work Vince. I just died a little inside because of this. If there was a way to fail you because of this I would, but alas."

Next she goes to Carly and seems to like it.

Teacher: "Hmm, a bit generic, but the detail is nice. Well done Carly."

Carly: (smiling) "Thank you!"

The teacher goes around the other students, complimenting or critiquing the various drawings. Last but certainly not least, she sees Spike's painting.

Teacher: (marveling) "What a masterpiece. The detail with the cobwebs in the windows along with the cracks in the buildings, truly impressive. But what's with the baby fetus getting buried in the tombstone?"

Spike: (confused) "Fetus? I don't... huh?"

Sure enough there is a baby fetus along with a shovel and some dirt nearby. There also lies a tombstone with Spike's name on it.

Carly: (improvising) "It's for his unborn brother, his mom lost him in the womb and Spike feels guilty about it."

Teacher: (moved) "Oh I see, that's very touching. But next time ask for permission when you want to go to extremes ok?"

The bell rings and Carly corners Spike in the halls.

"What the hell was that?"

"I don't know, I haven't been sleeping lately."

"If there's something wrong you know you can tell me."

"I would if I knew what it was. It feels like a darkness keeps taking me over."

"It's probably just hormones, I remember my death obsession phase."

"I guess you're right."

"Let's just hope it's near the end."

The two leave the school as we go the the Witwicky house as Spike returns home. Judy is there doing the dishes.

Judy: "How was school?"

Spike: "Murdertastic."

Judy: "Oh you kids these days and your slang.... wait murderstastic?"

The next day the humans and Autobots are all around The Ark when another speech from Bryce comes up.

Longarm: "Already? Did people forget what happened a few days ago?"

Fowler: "Of course they did. People forget facts easily. I wonder what he has up his sleeves this time."

Bryce: "Another tragic accident that not many people talk about is what happened at one elementary school in Pennsylvania. Two buses filled with children died from a lone Decepticon attack. I'm about to play the footage from the incident, but I warn everyone that this is indeed graphic."

The video plays back when Fearswoop attacked the two busses. The Autobots are all in shock over the event that they were unaware of.

Hound: "That monster killed those children, unbelievable."

Wheel: "When did this happen?"

Fowler: "You didn't know?"

Wheel: "No, Teletran-1 never picked up the activity. It's been buggy since before we left for the battle of San Francisco."

Silas: "Unbelievable. Aliens with technology more advanced than anyone of us could ever hope for is buggy."

Weazel: "No kidding. Are there any job openings at this MECH company of yours?"

Silas: "I'll have to check with Mr. Attinger."

Weazel: (jokingly) "Maybe if you tell him I don't like robots that much he'll make an easier decision."

Silas: (smiling) "That just might work."

After the speech a commercial appears... and it's featuring the Autobots.

Perce: "What is this have bro?"

Spike: "You mean Hasbro? It's a toy company."

Perce: "Oh my."

TV: "Charge into battle with the new figures in the transturners series!"

Ironhide: "Wait what?"

Tv: "Lead your forces with Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, and his trusty sidekick Bimbleboo!

Bee: (distraught) "That isn't my name at all! I hate cheap knockoffs!"

TV: "I know you want more toys of the other guys, but too bad! Here's 40 more Bimbleboo toys!"

Side: "What about us?"

TV "Let's not forget Sidelined!"

Side: "I am not sidelined!"

TV "And there's Clipnupper too!"

Cliff: "Why am I a triangle?"

TV: "Medical officer Ratchet reporting in."

Ratchet: "That seems about right."

TV: "Watch him transform from a rescue vehicle into a battle station!"

Ratchet: (screaming) "WHAT?"

TV: "Blues is here too!"

Jazz: "Well at least they got the fact that I'm named after a genre of music right."

TV: "Tune in next time to see more Autobot heroes!"

The commercial ends leaving the Autobots feeling humiliated.

Mirage: "Why didn't the rest of us get toys featured?"

Cliff: "Because you weren't here on Earth long enough traitor."

Mirage: "Your statement is noted."

Bee: "I still can't believe we lost to Payload yesterday."

Side: "Technically you lost to Payload."

Bee: "But you and Sunstreaker lost to Waspinator."

Sun: "Well still, it's Payload.

Bee: "You're better than Waspinator, and you still lost. They both attacked me after Waspinator finished you."

Optimus drives in and and calls for Wheeljack's assistance.

Prime: "Wheeljack, I need you to contact the Wreckers for me."

Wheel: -sigh- "Sure Optimus."

The monitor goes into a call screen, and Roadbuster is there to answer the call. Topspin and Leadfoot are busy working in the background on the ship.

Road: "Hello Optimus, how are you?

Prime: "I'm well, thank you. How is progress on the ship?"

Road: "Not very well, it took more damaged than we had initially thought.

Prime: "The sooner it's fixed the better. I want to end this war once and for all."

Road: You got it Optimus. I see our ex-partner is with ya."

Wheel: "I told you I'm not one of you anymore."

Road: "Sure you aren't, and I like to think I'm a pretty princess!"

Topspin: (in the background) "You're too ugly for that ya piece of whale blubber! My crowbar has a better chance."

Leadfoot: "At least your crowbar can clean after itself ya skinny dip!"

Topspin: "Hey F#%k you!"

Leadfoot: "F%$k you!"

Topspin tackles Leadfoot and the two begin to roll around fighting. Roadbuster facepalms and decides to end the video chat.

Road: "I'll just call if we make any real progress."

Prime: "Noted." (call ends)

Wheel: "Well that was colorful."

Powerglide comes walking in on the phone with someone.

Power: (frustrated) "Now hold on just a second, I did not leave the stove on. No, that was you. How many times are we going to have this argument. You are one frustrating woman! You better not hang up on me..... she hung up on me!"

Prime: "Who were you speaking to Powerglide?"

Power: (embarrassed) "Nobody..."

Cliff: "Liar, he's talking to the Decepticons!"

Longarm: "Please shut up Cliff."

Power: "I'm not talking to Decepticons."

Hound: "Then who?"

Power: (shyly) "...My girlfriend?"

Sun and Side: "What a joke!"

Wheel: "What's her name?"

Power: "Astoria."

Cliff: "Wow man, just wow."

Power: "You're just jealous."

While Cliffjumper and Powerglide argue Sideways just rolls his eyes. He then gets approached by the kids.

Spike: "What's got you scoffing?"

Sideways: "Romance, I never understood it."

Carly: "Love is great Sideways, just look at us!"

Sideways: "To me family is more important, it's all I ever had where I came from. We never had time for love, only survival. It was kill or be killed each and every day, but we all felt like kings and queens. But then it came and changed everything. In order to save my family I had to make some tough decisions. Tell me, is there anything you wouldn't do for your family?"

Spike: "When you say it like that you really bring the weight of the universe with your words. You could be the next great philosopher."

Sideways: (chuckles) "I suppose I could be."

Just in time to kill the mood comes Misha and Kicker. Misha begins to say inaudible things that annoy Ironhide enough to show her his cannons. She screams and runs away, but accidently runs into Powerglide's hand, knocking her out. Meanwhile Chip's phone pings a message to him. Reading it, he gets excited.

Chip: "Dat Crazy Russian released a new how-to video!"

Chip orders Wheeljack to go youtube to watch a video. In this video is a shirtless Russian at a lone table with a bottle, a cloth, and a lighter.

Kicker: (shoving Spike aside) "I love Dat Crazy Russian!"

Russian: "Greetings fellow comrades and communists, I am ex KGB soldier, and I like to share my skills for you. Today we shall learn how to make Molotov Cocktail. First get glass bottle, I like Vodka. Then pour flammable liquid like gasoline into bottle. Get a cloth stuck inside and get a lighter. I will show you how it's done.

The Russian goes outside and throws the bottle near a car, and it explodes.

Russian: "In Soviet Russia, fifteen minutes saves nothing on car insurance. This formula is easy if you are Russian. Tune in next time for a chance to win a free hammer and sickle; perfect for getting rid of moose and squirrel."

Spike: "I need that in my life."

Kicker: "Well I got some lighters for you guys (hands them to Spike, Carly, and Chip), you should smoke with us Witwicky."

Spike: "I don't like smoking."

Kicker: "Whatever, be lame I don't care."

Wheel: "Why would you guys even need that weapon? It's not like you're going to need it from being cornered by a Decepticon."

Everyone looks at Wheeljack with an upset expression.

Cliff: "I hate you right now."

Wheel: "Well it's not happening, so that makes it ok."

While Wheeljack and Cliffjumper we transition over to the Decepticon side of the story. The twins, Thundercracker, Splicer, Payload, and Waspinator have been watching the old Frankenstein movie. Soundwave is intrigued with the idea of reanimation via electricity and retreats to his lab. After the movie is over Skywarp walks in while Thundercracker complains about the movie.

Thunder: "What a snooze-fest! I want my money back."

Payload: "We didn't have to pay though."

Thunder: "Shut up Payload!"

Rumble: "Well I liked it."

Frenzy: "Me too."

Thunder: "Your opinions suck, it was a bad movie."

Wasp: "Thunderbot has no taste."

Thunder: "You guys all suck."

Frenzy: "Coming from the king of sucking himself."

Thunder: "Let's throw down then half-pint."

Frenzy and Rumble tackle Thundercracker and start using wrestling methods to keep him down. Rumble begins to break his arm, but offers him a chance to redeem himself.

Rumble: "Say uncle."

Thunder: (in pain) "Uncle!"

The twins let him go and gloat over their victory.

Frenzy: "Next time pay your respects bitch!" (kicks)

Thunder: "Where did they learn to talk like that?"

Skywarp: "The human internet. I use it to look up information sometimes."

Rumble: "Hey Frenzy, I heard there is a video that we should check out. It's called Shrek is Love or something like that."

The twins leave while Payload and Waspinator clear the room so Skywarp can resume his work. Starscream enters the room with a much calmer expression on his face.

Scream: "Hello fellow seekers."

Skywarp: "Good day my leader, how are you."

Scream: "Not well, my troops are all ignoring me and give me little respect."

Splicer: "I respect you Starscream."

Payload: "Me too."

Wasp: "Waspinator supposes he does too."

Skywarp: "As do I, we know you have great potential."

Thunder: "Pfft."

Skywarp: "Well most of us anyway."

Scream: "I grow tired of Terradive's sulking."

Thundercracker begins to laugh uncontrollably at Starscream for that statement.

Thunder: (condescending) "Coming from you that's hilarious. I remember when you sulked after that incident. You were such a big baby back then, and you still are."

Starscream screams and slashes Thundercracker's face, knocks him down, and points a missile directly at his face.

Scream: (unstable) "Go ahead, say one more word, so that way I can finally have an excuse to kill you."

Normally Thundercracker would scoff at things like this, but Starscream's determination makes him rethink his statement.

Thunder: "I'm sorry... that was wrong of me, won't happen again I swear."

Starscream leaves even more upset than ever, and Thundercracker gets up and goes to the rest of the group.

Thunder: "Whoo boy, dodged a bullet there."

Skywarp takes a deep breath and punches Thundercracker right in the face.

Thunder: (clutching his face) "Ow! I think you broke my nose!"

Skywarp: "Good, I hope so."

Thunder: "Why did you do that?"

Skywarp: "You know why, we promised to never mention it again."

Splicer: "I've never seen Starscream or you so aggressive."

Skywarp: "I'm not the aggressive type, but when an idiot says the wrong thing I'm more than obliged to express myself. As for Starscream, pray that you never see that again. He wasn't always like he is now."

Payload: "What happened to him?"

Skywarp: "Out of respect for Starscream I can't divulge that. But let's just say it's a good enough reason for him to hate Megatron and Optimus."

Back in Soundwave's lab, Soundwave is attempting a similar experiment from the movie with Dark Energon. Using electricity mixed with Dark Energon he pulls the Vehicon together with levers. After a blinding white light the Vehicon steps down... completely back to life. Laserbeak and Ravage are astounded by this as Soundwave logs in his success. However Soundwave failed to notice that the Vehicon begins to clutch his chest. The Vehicon begins to roar as the effects of Dark Energon kicks in once more. Soundwave terminates the Vehicon and logs the failure in.

Soundwave: "Electricity seems to keep the negative effects at bay, but only momentarily. Theoretically unlimited electricity would be needed to keep the subject from reverting back into a monster, but to make our master a living battery would be a life of misery. There has to be another way to negate the effects."

Laser: -caw- (You've been at this too much Soundwave)

Ravage: -roar- (You need rest, it's hopeless)

Soundwave: "No it isn't."

Soundwave pings a message to Skywarp that captivates his interest.

"Have you made your Synthetic Energon yet Skywarp."

"It's not complete yet, but I did decide to make it after all. Terradive never did get back to me on that."

"When you finish let me know, I require it for research."

"Consider it done."

Back at the Autobot's base the younger members find themselves to be bored with nothing to do.

Cliff: "This is boring, I want to have an adventure."

Jazz: "Tell us something we don't know."

Side: "Cliff is right though, we need something fun to do."

Bee: "Oh I know, how about the daring game?"

Cliff: "Bring it on, I can handle anything!"

Jazz: "This I got to see."

Bee: "Hey Longarm do you want to play with us?"

Longarm: "And get into more trouble with you guys? I think I'll pass this time around, maybe next time."

Bee: "Suit yourself."

The four younger members bridge out and arrive at the Grand Canyon. Cliffjumper is confused as to why they are here.

Cliff: "What are we doing here exactly?"

Bee: "Well seeing that your name is Cliffjumper I thought you would be able to back your name up."

Cliff: "Are you serious?"

Sun: (taunting) "What's the matter, scared?"

Cliff: "No I'm not!"

Jazz: "Then do it tough guy."

Cliff: "Fine, but what happens if I fail? I'll die."

Side: "We got that covered. We got Longarm on the line to bridge you out just in case. Perceptor is working on a prototype gravity platform to give us a boost and cushion your fall."

Cliff: "Seems convenient."

Side: "I know right?"

Sun: "Well what are you waiting for? I want to see you fail!"

Cliffjumper takes few steps back and does a big jump, but that's not enough as he begins his mile-high drop below. Screaming like a little girl, Cliffjumper calls Longarm for help.

"Longarm I need help!"

"Hmm, why should I do that?"

"Well I'm about to die for starters!"

"Yeah... still isn't benefiting me in any way."

(screaming) "I'm about to die!"

(scratching his chin) "My moral compass is at an impasse."

"I'll cross you off my suspect list!"

"Cross your spark, hope to die?"


"Good point, very well."

Longarm activates the groundbridge and brings out Perceptor's device. The device sends up a stream of energy that cushions Cliffumper's fall.

(spitting out dirt) "I hate you."

"I love you too."

Back at the Decepticon HQ the twins have laid out a prank for passing Decepticon. Payload walks through the door, and a bucket lands on his head. A banana peel laid out by Beastbox stands in the way, and Payload trips and fall face first to the floor.

Rumble: (mocking) "Watch where you're going Payload!"

Frenzy: "You're so stupid Payload!"

Payload takes out his claw and slams both of them into a wall.

Payload: "Well there's my prank."

Frenzy: "It's not fun when he hurts us."

Rumble: "No kidding."

Skywarp: "Boys boys, let me show you a classic."

Skywarp teleports behind Waspinator, who is at the top of the stairs. He pushes him down and watches him break his fragile limbs.

Skywarp: "My apologies Waspinator, but the young mind must be educated."

Wasp: "Waspinator understands."

Splicer: (fixing Thundercracker's face) "Why are you guys called twins anyway? You have almost completely different bodies."

Rumble: "It's one of life's greatest mysteries."

Frenzy: "Some things are better left unsaid."

Thunder: "Thanks for the patch up Splicer. I suppose I should apologize to you too. I'm sorry for what I said about Megatron, I know he meant a lot to you."

Splicer: (smiling) "Apology accepted."

Skywarp: "Good for you Thundercracker. He would have killed us all if I didn't get Terradive."

Splicer: "I wonder how he's doing."

Frenzy: "One word; awful."

Splicer: "He told me he was fine."

Payload: "You actually believed him?"

Splicer: "He doesn't strike me as the lying type."

Rumble: "If you say so. So who do you think is going to win the Super Bowl Frenzy?"

Frenzy: "Definitely the Broncos, they are definitely winners."

Rumble: "Yeah just like when they faced the Seahawks. It will definitely be the Raiders."

Frenzy: "The Raiders suck!"

Rumble: "They look awesome this year, and you suck!"

Wasp: "Twins both suck, get over yourselves."

Splicer: -sigh- "People these days."

Back on the Autobot's perspective the quintet are doing some late night ding-dong ditching.

Sun: "Just press it you wimp."

Cliff: "It's all about finesse."

Jazz: (sarcastically) "Because Cliffjumper and finesse is a winning combo."

Bee: "Everyone has their own style, but his just sucks."

Cliff: "Oh really? Watch this."

Cliffjumper rings the doorbell, but accidentally breaks the wall after hitting it.

Cliff: "....I'm sure it's insured."

Side: "Let's not stick around to find out."

Now montages of the younger member on both sides committing various pranks on their friends. Notable pranks are throwing pies into Cliffjumpers face, duct taping Squawktalk to the wall, putting a tiny bit of mare into Misha's hair, giving her a bald spot in the back, whoopie cushions on Wheeljack and Perceptor, filling Skywarp's beakers with explosives, gluing Longarm to the ground, and scorching Waspinator.

Back at The Ark Mirage and Optimus briefly discuss a promotion that Mirage has just received.

Mirage: "Being promoted to 4th in command is in honor Optimus. I humbly accept."

Prime: "I know you will be a fine officer Mirage... what happened here?"

The inside of the Ark is complete chaos. Cliffjumper's face is covered in chocolate, Sideswipe is beating Sunstreaker with a squeaky toy, Bumblebee is in a fetal position rocking back and forth, and Powerglide just sits there twiddling his thumbs.

Mirage: "I don't even want to know what happened here, but you could have hurt someone!"

Sun: "Do you guys hear anything? Because all I hear is blah blah blah."

The Autobots all laugh with Sunstreaker while Optimus puts his hand on Mirage's shoulder.

Prime: "One thing at a time Mirage, one thing at a time."

Back at school Carly receives a surprising text.

Carly: "Hey Spike you won't believe this."

Spike: "What is it?"

Carly: "It's my dad, he's coming home early, and he finally wants to meet your family for dinner at our house tomorrow evening."

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