Part 2: Attack

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Back in Japan, there is the roaring of two jets as they emerge from the groundbridge. They transform and land into Starscream and Terradive respectively. Something seems to be a bit off about Terradive, but that will wait for now.

Terra: "Why exactly are we here again? These place seems abandoned."

Scream: "True, but there is Energon around here."

Terra: "I thought there was Energon all around this planet."

Scream: "Yes, but the radar said there was an abundance of Energon in this exact spot."

Terra: "I severely doubt that."

Scream: "You always have doubts."

Terra: "With you in charge that's understandable."

Scream: "Hold your tongue Terradive. One man's junk is another man's treasure."

Terra: (sharply) "In your case it's always junk."

Scream: "You are brash and incompetent Terradive, you see only the bitterness of the world."

Terra: "And you are an impatient and terrible leader. I should be the one in charge, I am a king after all. I've had an actual position of power unlike you."

Scream: "How long ago was that again dear king? Oh right, eons. You're out of practice."

Terra: "At least people like me."

Scream: "And at least I don't mope over the loss of one maniac."

Terra: (tightly gripping his trident) "Be careful where you tread, you're going into dangerous waters."

A groundbridge opens up to a swarm of Vehicons emerging from it. These Vehicons have been upgraded by Shockwave. They are now more intelligent and can speak to one another.

Scream: "Search the factory, I want Energon now!"

Vehicons: "Yes Lord Starscream!"

Starscream, Terradive, and the Vehicons enter the factory, and a few minutes later the groundbridge that the Autobots activate appears. Optimus and a few soldiers with modified weapons from Wheeljack exit the groundbridge. Tyrone is among the soldiers stationed at the factory with Optimus.

Prime: "Easy humans, we must use the element of surprise."

Starscream and Terradive are watching the Vehicons gather Energon from inside the factory, but Starscream isn't happy about the speed of the mission.

Scream: "Can't you idiots move any faster?"

A Vehicon looks outside a window and notices Optimus and the humans approaching.

Vehicon: "Lord Starscream, Optimus Prime and some humans are approaching!"

Scream: "So Optimus Prime has come to die by my hands, how fitting."

Terra: "So wise leader, what shall we do?"

Scream: "We are going to crush them to the ground. I want you to provide cover fire while we attack from the sides."

Terra: "A very basic plan, but whatever you say."

Optimus and the humans continue their approach to the factory, but then all of a sudden something crashes through the roof of the building. It's Terradive, and he lands 30 feet away from Optimus and takes out his trident.

Prime: "Surrender Terradive, we have you surrounded."

Terradive begins to laugh hysterically at the Prime's command.

Terra: "Hahaha... wait you're serious?...... HAHAHA!"

Prime: "I won't ask you again Terradive."

Terra: (shaking his head) "Poor poor Optimus, can't you SEA (eye twitching) that your cause is hopeless?"

Prime: "Then what does that make yours?"

Terra: "Inevitable."

Prime: "That will never happen, you're done here."

Terra: "Such big talk for a severely outmatched individual."

Prime: "I am a Prime, and I will fight no matter the odds."

Terra: "Ah the Primes, the universe's biggest hypocrites. The whole reason the universe is a mess because of them. The only good deed any of them ever did was have a trident that I could use to slaughter anyone in my way. You take after them very well, especially your father."

Optimus's hand clenches into a fist while a rage begins to spread throughout his entire body.

Prime: (flared up) "Don't go there."

Terra: (mocking by scrunching his body) "Oh no, I struck a nerve! Please don't give me another lecture about peace, I can't take it! Oh how low you are, especially with your daddy issues. Say hi to him for me...oh wait he's dead!"

Vehicons emerge from the sides of the buildings to surround Optimus and the military. Starscream walks to Terradive and takes over from the conversation.

Scream: (grinning) "Optimus Prime, you've come to surrender. How polite of you."

Prime: "I will never surrender to you. The war is over Starscream."

Scream: "The war will be over when you join Megatron in death."

Prime: "That will never happen."

Scream: "I will be the one sending you there, just like I did Mega...err I mean many other Autobots before you."

Prime: "You lack conviction Starscream, you don't have the courage to fight."

Terra: "That's what I've been trying to tell him!"

Scream: (shrilly) "Silence yourself you fat cow! Now you will die Optimus, and I will rule Cybertron with an iron fist."

Prime: "You will never succeed. But let me ask you this: Did you really think that I came alone?"

After Optimus says his last words a sound begins to be heard. It is the revving of an engine that captivates everyone's attention. All of a sudden a figure blocks the sun as it jumps off the roof of the factory. It's a bike, and not just any bike, it's Sideways. In slow motion we see Sideway's front tire hits Starscream right in the face, and Energon leaks from his mouth after getting struck. The seeker falls down and the Vehicons and Terradive begin their assault.

Prime: "Autobots...attack!"

The humans begin to fire their special weapons, heavy sabot rounds and laser pistols make Vehicons target practice. Tyrone has a weapon unique to everyone else around. He launches a missile from a bazooka, and as it fires it separates into several smaller pieces that connect with several Vehicons, and they explode into millions of pieces.

Tyrone: "Damn right!"

Starscream recovers as Sideways and Optimus try to shoot him and Terradive. Starscream leaps out of the way while Terradive spins like a top to dodge and shoots blasts from his trident. Starscream launches a missile at the pair, and it lands near Sideways, causing him to be blown back and land hard on his back.

Prime: "Are you alright Sideways?"

Sideways: (getting up) "I'll live, but some more backup would be nice!"

Starscream flies and charges into Optimus while Sideways takes on Terradive. Terradive strikes Tyrone's jeep with his trident, causing it to flip upside down, and he's stuck inside. Starscream has Optimus pinned down and has his claws over his face. His aggression is quite out of character for him. Apparently killing your boss gives you a major boost in confidence.

Scream: (snarling) "Now you will finally pay for what you and Megatron did to me!"

Prime: (confused) "What are you talking about Starscream?"

Scream: (edgy) "Oh you think you can fool with that? You know very well what happened that night, back when you set the... what is that?"

In the distance the vehicles of Bumblebee, Sideswipe, and a yellow Lamborghini Murcielago show up and shoot at Starscream. Optimus kicks Starscream off while the three cars transform. The Lamborghini is none other than Sunstreaker, the brother of Sideswipe. He's also the most egotistical individual one would ever meet, and considering Thundercracker and Starscreams' egos, that really says something.

Sun: (proudly) "Looking good Optimus, but not as good as me!"

Side: "You said it bro!"

Bumblebee and Sideswipe begin to shoots the Vehicons while Sunstreaker gets to better ground. Tyrone desperately tries to get out from the jeep, but to no avail. A Vehicon points his gun and charges the weapon at Tyrone's face, but then a miracle happens. The sound of a gunshot is heard as we see a bullet fly straight through the Vehicon's head. The Vehicon falls on its side as the camera turns to the top of the roof to reveal a red Autobot located on the highest stack of the factory. It is the Autobot's master spy and assassin Mirage. He jumps down and reveals two arm blades. He uses them to decapitate one Vehicon and slice another in half. Then a Vehicon approaches Mirage, and Mirage points an SMG right to his face.

Mirage: "Buonanotte." (goodnight)

Mirage fires the SMG, and it pours down the Vehicon's face.

Mirage: (bluntly) "You lack the patience to be a decent warrior."

More Vehicons surround the Autobot, but he has some tricks up his sleeve. He taps his wrist, and the Autobot disappears into thin air! The Vehicons are confused, and all of a sudden one of them gets stabbed through the neck, and the other one gets cut in half diagonally. The third and final one gets slammed to the ground and stabbed in the stomach. Mirage reappears as his powers are revealed to be a cloaking device.

Mirage: (smiling) "You seem troubled Decepticons, almost as if you've seen a mirage."

A groundbridge opens up on the Decepticon side of the base as Vehicons run Energon to the bridge. Mirage, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, and Optimus are all shooting at Starscream, Terradive and the Vehicons while Sunstreaker lifts the jeep so Tyrone can be free.

Sun: "You alright?"

Tyrone: "I am now, thanks."

Sun: (boasting) "When you got the best on your team there's no way we can lose!"

Tyrone: "I'm surprised you and Ace aren't best buds with a personality like that."

Sun: "Speaking of which, where is he?"

Tyrone: "Less than two minutes away."

Sun: "That's lovely, anyway I got to help them."

Sunstreaker transforms and regroups with Prime and the gang. The Decepticons begin to close the distance between them, and Bumblebee gets shot in the arm by a stray Vehicon shot.

Bee: "Argh!"

Side: "You alright?"

Bee: "Yeah I'll be fine."

Sideways: "Have any bright ideas Optimus?"

Prime: "The brightest in fact. Sunstreaker, use your blinders!"

Sun: "Well why didn't you say so!"

Sunstreaker poses like a model and presses a button on part of his headpiece. It emits an incredibly bright light that blinds all of the Decepticons.

Mirage: "Good work Sunstreaker!"

Sun: "What's the matter Decepticons? Is this hot piece of ass too much to look at?"

Scream: "I can't see, help!"

Terra: "But I can."

Terradive uses the nictitating membrane to shield his eyes, this helps being a Seacon because they all have slight amphibious traits in their biology. Terradive can see the figure of Sunstreaker and blasts him with his trident, knocking him to the ground.

Side: "No!"

Bee: "Are you alright?"

Sun: (whining) "Of course not, he ruined my paintjob!"

Mirage: -facepalm- "Get over it you small child."

The Decepticons intensify their assault and begin to kill a few human soldiers and manage to hit Sideways and Optimus. Sideways takes a few Vehicons down before getting shot in the back by Starscream's Null Ray.

Scream: "It's over Autobots, the universe is mine! Huh?"

A groundbridge opens up in the sky and two jets come out of it. One of them is piloted by Ace, but the other one doesn't have a pilot. The red jet and Ace bombard the area with missiles, sending Starscream and the Vehicons reeling back.

Tyrone: "It's about time!"

?: "Da da dum! Here is Powerglide to save the day!"

Ace: "Nice work, it's good to have a flyer on the team Powerglide."

Power: "It's good to be here, now lets bust up some Decepticons!"

Terradive transforms into his jet mode and pursues Ace and Powerglide. His missiles come close but they hit the factory instead of them, and the debris falls on Starscream. Powerglide transforms and launches his concussion grenades at Terradive, and it blows his wing off and he crashes down to the ground. Powerglide lands on the ground and blows up a few Vehicons. One gets close to him, and he unleashes a beam of heat from his head, and it melts the Vehicon.

Power: "Wise guy eh?

The Decepticons numbers are rapidly dwindling, and Starscream emerges from the rubble and makes a wise decision.

Scream: "Decepticons, retreat, we're done here!"

Terra: "Finally!"

Sideways, Mirage, and Optimus bring on heavy cover fire at the Decepticons. Starscream flies into the groundbridge with the remaining Vehicons. All that is left is Terradive and two Vehicons. He runs to the groundbridge while the two Vehicons get shot. The first one gets a hole around his chest while the other one loses a leg and takes critical damage, and drags himself to the portal. Before leaving Terradive takes one last shot at Sunstreaker, and it would have been a nasty blow had Sideways not save him at the last second. With that the groundbridge closes and Ace flies in his own groundbridge. The Autobots, Tyrone, and remaining humans briefly discuss their situation before leaving.

Sun: (chanting with Sideswipe) "Who's hot?

Side: "We're hot!"

Sun: "Who's not?"

Side: "They're not!"

Power: "Now that's how you do it, give yourselves a pat on the back!"

Sideways: (swiveling his shoulder) "I guess that was alright, I needed a good workout anyway."

Prime: "Autobots, you have done well."

Tyrone: "Yeah, but a few good men lost their lives today."

Prime: "Their deaths were not in vain Tyrone. Each victory we earn gets us one step closer to finally ending this war."

Mirage: "You must be patient Tyrone, good things happen to those who wait."

Bee: "So are we done here? I promised Spike I would drive him and Carly to the beach later."

Prime: "Yes we're done here. Autobots, transform and return to base."

The Autobots transform and return to the base as Sunstreaker, Bumblebee and Sideswipe are greeted by the kids. Meanwhile Sideways goes off to the corner and leans back while Optimus, Powerglide, the military and Fowler discuss everything that happened on the mission.

Spike: "So how was it guys."

Bee: "oh you know, same old song and dance. Making a fool out of Starscream is always fun."

Sun: "It's even better when you got someone as sexy and smooth as me on your team."

Side: (chuckling) "You never changed a bit bro."

Sun: "Why would I have to? It's more fun being awesome."

Mirage: "Your brash actions will one day be the death of you Sunstreaker."

Sun: (dismissive) "Save your lecturing mumbo jumbo for someone who actually will listen."

Mirage: -sigh- "As you wish."

Tyrone: "These weapons were awesome Wheeljack!"

Wheel: (flattered) "Thank you, I'm glad you like them. I couldn't have done it without Perceptor."

Perce: (bashful) "Oh stop it, you're making me blush!"

Prime: "That's the 5th Decepticon attack this month, and it's still just scrambling at this point."

Power: "Maybe Starscream is finally giving out, that would be a nice change."

Tyrone: "That dude doesn't seem like the quitting type."

Fowler: "They all give up eventually."

Prime: "Not Starscream, or Soundwave for that matter. I feel something is going on that we don't know about yet, but I don't know what."

Fowler: "It's all in your head Prime, you just need some rest that's all."

Sideways pokes his head out of the window and then gets Fowler's attention."

Sideways: "Is that a friend of yours Fowler?"

Fowler: "What are you talking about?"

Sideways points outside, and in the distance a black SUV is approaching The Ark. It arrives and stops, and out comes a man in his late twenties to early thirties, and he then approaches The Ark to make a surprising announcement.

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