Part 30: Constructicon Mayhem

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Laserbeak and Ravage locate Megatron and deliver the Matrix to him.

Megatron: "Exemplary teamwork you two."

Soundwave: "Laserbeak, Ravage, return."

Megatron: "Now we wait for Megatronus to return."

Soundwave: "That may not be the best idea."

Megatron: "He is my father, and I must uphold his wishes."

Soundwave: "Your logic is irrational."

Megatron: "You must not question me like that. You have no right."

Soundwave: "I have as much a right as anyone else."

Megatron: "No you don't."

Soundwave: "If Starscream is allowed then so can I. (sees scanners) Optimus Prime is near our vicinity."

Megatron: "Then take care of it. I need to be alone."

Soundwave transforms and drives away to find Optimus. Meanwhile the Constructicons are preparing themselves for battle against the Autobots.

Mix: "Alright boys here we are."

Longhaul: "I've been waiting for this moment all my life."

Mix: "What do you mean? You're going to be staying in the back while we take care of them."

Longhaul: (angry) "I'm not going to be sidelined Mixmaster."

Mix: "I'm just trying to look out for you."

Scavenge: "Yeah if anything were to happen to you he couldn't forgive himself."

Longhaul: "I understand that but I'm better now."

Overload: "Overload confused with the ending of Lost."

High: "Who isn't?"

Scrapper: "Why do I even bother anymore?"

Mix: "Before we begin Scrapper I want to tell you something."

Scrapper: "And what might that be?"

Mix: "Have you ever wondered why I put you as second-in-command?"

Scrapper: "Of course, but granted I always thought it was for a ridiculous reason."

High: (sarcastically) "You're a ray of sunshine."

Mix: "Well the reason is because I know you have more common sense than me."

Scrapper: (baffled) R-r-r really?"

Mix: "Yeah, we need a voice of reason in the madness, and that's you. If I ever go astray you will be there."

Scavenge: "It's the one thing I disagree with Mixmaster."

Scrapper: "I have to say, I have much more respect for you know. And to be fair I have been quite harsh with you."

Mix: (smiling) "Water under the bridges we built."

High: "So are we going to kill people or what?"

Mix: "Yes yes. Ok listen up carefully. Rampage, you go take on Longarm. You are the best fighter out of all of us."

Rampage: -nods-

Mix: "Hightower, why not give Sideswipe a fun trip?"

High: (getting his wrecking ball) "That ought to be fun!"

Mix: "I will be giving the good doctor Ratchet a housecall."

Scavenge: "Who should I fight?"

Mix: "I'll say Bumblebee, you both are still growing in skill."

Scavenger: "I'm ready."

Mix: "Scrapper, you and Ironhide got a past beef, so why not give him the business?"

Scrapper: "Got it."

Mix: "And Overload? Go crazy on the rest."

Overload: "Overload was raised by wolves, of course he goes crazy."

Mix: "I am almost afraid to respond to that."

Longhaul: (impatient) "What about me?"

Mix: -sigh- "Fine I'll tell you what. You can help out, but only by giving us cover fire in the background."

Longhaul: "That's fine, I just want to do something."

The seven split up to go fight their respective opponents. The first up is Longarm, who sees Rampage across the street.

Longarm: "Well hey there neighbor, how's your day going?"

Rampage whips his treads down in response.

Longarm: "Ah I see, you're the strong and silent type. I can respect that. Fair warning though, I can talk up quite the storm."

Rampage gives him a look that implies that he doubts it, and fuses his front legs together into some sort of single form. Longarm runs at him, but Rampage fires his gun at him. Longarm does a leaping roll to dodge and fires back. Rampage whips his treads with such speed that it deflects the shots away. As Longarm gets closer Rampage tries to swat him away with his tread, but Longarm in slow motion slides under the attack. He kicks Rampage, and it knocks him down. Rampage recovers quickly and Longarm tries to slash at him with his beam sword. Rampage uses his new form to jump over Longarm, and he uses the blunt end of his fused legs to kick Longarm in the back. He grabs Longarm by the leg and starts thrashing him around like a ragdoll. Longarm manages to grab the tread and get payback on him. He throws Rampage across the street. In response he uses his smoke stacks to make a black cloud of smoke to conceal himself.

Longarm: "Nice party trick you got there. I would complain about the smell but again I don't have nasal sensors."

Rampages whips Longarm in the back and then he dodges the next two strikes and when Rampage aims his tread at Longarm he cuts part of it up with his beam sword. Meanwhile Hightower charges at Sideswipe, thrashing his wrecking ball around the street. Sideswipe leap to attack, but Hightower hits him with his wrecking ball. Sideswipe is hanging on for dear life as he gets slammed through a convenience store. He is still holding on, and now is riding it with his arms and legs wrapped around the chain.

Cliff: "Hey you quit your Miley Cyrus impression right now mister!"

Side: (screaming) "I can't help it!"

High: (boasting) "You can't stop this crazy crane!"

Side: "Like heck I can!"

Hightower continues his rampage across the street, crushing cars with his treads. Sideswipe starts launching his mines in front of the street. Hightower tramples over them, and it starts exploding beneath his treads. After a few more mines Hightower's treads break apart, and he crashes into a parking lot. Sideswipe jumps off at the last second. Scavenger is fighting Bumblebee, but he is not having much luck. He shoots laser at the scout, but he deflects it with his ax. Bumblebee shoots his gun out of Scavenger's hands.

Scavenge: "Hey!"

Bee: "Too slow!"

Scavenger tries to grab Bumblebee, but he cuts him across the chest with his ax, and knocks out Scavenger with a jumping punch. Meanwhile Scrapper and Ironhide are getting ready to do a fight of their own.

Scrapper: (flail out) "Well well well, if it isn't Ironhide."

Ironhide: "Talk is cheap Scrapper."

Scrapper: "No wonder you're so low down the command chain."

Ironhide: "How about you get closer and say that?"

Scrapper: "I know better than to do something that stupid. Here's a sample of my enginuity."

Scrapper scans the area and throws out three thermal-detonation packs. They latch on to walls of a building and he detonates it. The building explodes and collapses instantly, and the blast flings Ironhide close to Scrapper. He launches his flail upward, doing an uppercut to Ironhide that knocks him into the air. He flings it down, and Ironhide is knocked back to the ground, bouncing across the street.

Scrapper: You seem to have forgotten I'm a demolitions expert. I know the weakest point of any structure by just looking at it. It's quite the handy gift."

Ironhide: "I'm just getting started."

Scrapper: "I was hoping you would say that."

Scrapper takes out a Vulcan gun, a high powered rifle. He shoots Ironhide in the chest, and a few pieces fly off as he lands on his back. Ironhide gets up and dodges the rest of the shots. He gets close enough to do hand to hand with Scrapper, but he fires his flail into Ironhide's chest. Ironhide grabs onto the flail, and he is being thrashed around much to Scrapper's amusement. Ironhide gets an opportunity when Scrapper briefly pauses. He uses all his strength to yank the flail forward. Scrapper is taken completely by surprise. In slow motion Ironhide punches Scrapper so hard it briefly knocks his right eye out of its socket before it goes back in. Ironhide slams his fist down on his face, knocking him out. Mixmaster sees Ratchet on a roof and talks to him.

Mix: "Hey there Ratchet."

Ratchet: "What do you want Mixmaster?"

Mix: "Nothing much, but we do need to fight."

Ratchet: "You won't like the outcome."

Mix: "What do you mean? I'm going to win."

Ratchet: "I won't be easy."

Mix: "Neither will I."

Mixmaster transforms into a turret/tank form, and shoots the building to knock Ratchet off. He falls face-first to the ground.

Mix: "Hi Ratchet, Bye Ratchet!"

Ratchet rolls out of the way and shoots at Mixmaster. He freaks out and uses his shields to protect himself from damage. The blasts don't do as much as dent the shields.

Mix: "No dice Ratchet, I'm well protected."

Mixmaster picks up and throws a car at Ratchet, hitting him. Ratchet uses his buzzsaw to slice the car in half in order to get free. Mixmaster transforms into his third mode and fires, and Ratchet only barely gets out of the way. He jumps on top of Mixmaster, who shields himself again. Ratchet slides over and launches his stick grenades on Mixmaster's backside, which is completely vulnerable. Three explosions cause Mixmaster to fall forward, and Ratchet sees his chance and cuts Mixmaster across the chest, severing one of his smokestacks. Meanwhile Bumblebee sees Rampage pounding on Longarm. He is using his jackhammer mode to hammer on Longarm's chest.

Longarm: "You're like a massage chair for my chest!"

Bee: "Do you need help?"

Longarm: (grabbing Rampage and knocking him out) "Do I look like I need help?"

Bee: "Well no, but we will need help against the big guy."

The other Autobots with the exception of Ratchet, who is still fighting Mixmaster, approach Overload. Sideswipe sees someone watching in the background, and it's Sideways. Sideways leaves, and Sideswipe follows him angrily. Overload on the other hand picks up a garbage can and looks inside.

Overload: (deep) "Overload did not find his father's love in this can."

Cliff: "Well that's too bad."

Overload: "Godzilla destroyed Wyoming yesterday."

Jazz: "I'm sure he did."

Overload: "Why must New Orleans flood the chicken farms for spinach?"

Cliff: "Does he ever shut up?"

Overload: "Overload does not like your tone."

Jazz: "Great you made him mad."

Cliff: "Look I'm sorry."

Overload: "Overload accepts apology, but Overload must fight you."

Mirage: "Get ready, be on guard."

Overload: "Overload well now serenade you with Arabic rapping... in French."

Bee: "Oh no..."

Overload's weapons come to view, and there are several missiles and rockets just waiting to be launched. And off they go, aimed right at the Autobots. Explosions galore happens as everyone is blown back. Anyone else who is left standing fires at Overload. Though he doesn't seem to be phased at all. The triangle light on his head begins to glow, and out comes a yellow encephalo ray. It destroys the road as it violently comes for the Autobots.

Overload: "Jimmy tickles magic pickles." (blasts)

The Autobots are able to gain some ground and focus their fire on Overload. They seem to finally be able to do some damage to him.

Overload: "Mixmaster, Overload may need some help.'

Mix: "You got it buddy."

Mixmaster knocks out Ratchet by faceplanting him. He transforms into his third mode and shoots Longarm square in the chest. Overload's bottom half starts spinning, and he creates a makeshift drill that creates a giant hole in the street. He goes under in lightning-fast speed, and the other Autobots wonder where he has gone. there is a rumbling and Overload pops out of the street, everyone goes flying back as Overload picks all of them up with his various pincers and claws. The rest of the Constructicons begin to wake up.

High: (groggy) "Oh my aching circuitry!"

Scavenge: "Who turned out the lights?"

Scrapper: "I see Overload took care of our problem."

Rampage: -whips in approval-

Mix: "Well done Overload."

Overload: "Spandau ballet gives starfish seizures."

Scrapper: "I'm sure it does."

Overload: "This reminds Overload of the Nam."

High: "The what?"

Mix: "Best not to ask."

Scavenge: "So what now?"

Mix: "Well we will have Overload take care of this."

Overload: "How would you like Overload to proceed?"

Mix: "Do what we would do with garbage; throw them away."

Cliff: "Who are you calling garbage?"

Scrapper: "Clearly you guys."

High: "He sure told you."

Overload throws all of the Autobots excluding Ratchet in different directions. The other exception is Jazz and Cliffjumper, who were caught by the same claw.

Scavenge: "I liked that ending."

Mix: "Me too."

High: "So now what?"

Mix: "I think it's high time we combine eh Longhaul? (looks around) Longhaul? Now where did that little scamp run off to?"

Meanwhile Ironhide in his new location gets up and drives. Little does he know that he has been spotted by Terradive, who is still not having a stable flight.

Fear: "And here we are in Titusville, Florida."

Terra: "We're in London."

Fear: "My bad, hey look it's Ironhide!"

Terra: "Yes it is."

Fear: "Aren't you going to fight him?"

Terr: "Probably not, I'm not exactly in the best mental condition."

Fear: "I guess you're right, but can I let you in on a little secret?"

Terra: "Sure."

Fear: "He's the one who killed me."

Terradive immediately turns his jet around and starts firing missiles at Ironhide, forcing him to transform.

Ironhide: "Terradive, you save me the trouble of looking for you."

Ironhide takes out his Heavy Iron, but Terradive jambs his trident into the gun's whole. He uses the flames of the trident to melt the gun, and proceeds to knock it away. He slashes Ironhide across the chest, making him fall on his stomach. He jabs his trident into Ironhide's right shoulder and uses the flames to cause him excruciating pain.

Terra: (screaming) "You killed Fearswoop!"

Ironhide: "How did you know?"

Terra: (trembling) "It doesn't matter, but I'm going to make you feel what he did before he died."

Ironhide: "He deserved to die, he was a murderer."

Terra: (snarling) "Yes he was! And I am proud to call him by best friend."

Ironhide: (disgusted) "You two deserve each other."

Terra: (deranged) "And now it's time to have your head on my wall!"

Terradive lifts his trident up to stab Ironhide one last time, but before he can do that it cuts to slow motion where a bullet strikes him in the chest, sending him bouncing across the street. The perpetrator is Optimus Prime, and he helps Ironhide up.

Ironhide: (relieved) "Optimus, thank goodness!"

Prime: "Wheeljack,get Ironhide back to base."

Ironhide: "But why?"

Prime: "You are too injured to continue. I can handle him."

Ironhide: "Alright, but be safe."

Ironhide returns to the base via the groundbridge. At this time Terradive gets up, and he is very angry. It seems what little sanity he had left is now completely gone.

Terra: (hissing) "You let that murder escape! How dare you!"

Prime: "You are the murderer here Terradive."

Terra: (sadistically) "Oh you have no idea, especially after I destroyed Hound."

Prime: (clenching his fist) "It was you."

Terra: "Well Buzzsaw and Beastbox had a hand in it too, but I did the finisher."

Prime: "You're a monster."

Terra: (snapping) "No, I'm better! I'm too perfect for simplicity, and that is why you will die."

Terradive blasts at Optimus with his trident, but Optimus disarms Terradive, throwing the trident to the side and throwing him across the street. He is even angrier now and starts spitting and screaming.

Terra: (spitting and screaming in the most insane way possible) "I will lubricate all over your grave Optimus Prime! That is a promise I intend to keep!"

Terradive engages Optimus again and gets the first punch in, but after that he gets sloppier and more aggressive with each attack. Opimus easily defeats him and raises his sword to finish him. Terradive panics, but before Optimus can finish him something sharps sticks him and something else shoots him in the back. He turns around and sees Waspinator and Payload ready to fight.

Wasp: "We are here to rescue Terradive."

Payload: "The power of friendship compels me! Along with my new gun!"

Terra: "Yes... friends."

Fear: "Yeah it's time for a fiery team up!"

The three battle Optimus, and they hold up better with Terradive getting a jump kick in, though the other two are pretty weak, but they are relieved when someone fires missiles at Optimus. It's Thundercracker and the Skywarp clone, and Thundercracker gets his sword out.

Thunder: (grinning) "How nice of you to die Optimus."

Optimus takes a step forward, and gets blasted by another mystery assailant. It's Soundwave, and there to accompany him is Longhaul. The seven Decepticons circle around the Autobot leader. Terradive gets his trident, Payload charges his gun, Waspinator gets in a fighting stance, Thundercracker clicks his wrists to get his cluster missiles out, the clone aims his guns, Soundwave charges his Sonic Cannon, and Longhaul reveals two translucent swords from his arms. Optimus looks around for a moment, and simply puts on his battle mask....

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