Decepticon Bios

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The Fallen: One of the original thirteen Primes was once seen as the greatest among them. But like most legends they fall from grace and honor and into darkness. That is exactly what happened with Megatronus, and since his fall he has been since referred to as "The Fallen." But that's alright to him, he much prefers that name because all other Primes in his eyes are weak and he would rather be as distanced from them as possible. Cold, selfish, arrogant, bitter, and power hungry are all the qualities that best describe him. Whatever good that was once in him is now completely nonexistent. Now that he has set his sights on Earth, he is ready to reshape the universe in his image, and nobody whether it be Autobot or Decepticon is going to stand in his way. He also has a special relationship with Megatron.

Melee: Sword that can send out fire, and it amplifies his own magical fires. He also comes with a "Dark Star Shield"

Guns: The Cure, a powerful multi laser gun. It's full of surprises.

Powers: Teleportation, pyrokinesis, and able to open small portals through space.

Voice used: Refined evil englishmen voice (A.K.A classic David Warner villain voice) 

Here is a full visual of my version of The Fallen 

Here is a full visual of my version of The Fallen 

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Buzzsaw: Another one of Soundwave's 10 minions and the leader of the pack. He is the most ruthless and terrifying of the bunch, and that's quite an accomplishment considering everyone else fears Laserbeak. He had an accident in his younger days where his eyes were broken, but thanks to the medical sensation that was Knockout, he got a new set of eyes. The interesting thing about them is that they are organic. They are from a rare species on Cybertron that allows him to see things that regular Cybertronian eyes could not. He is also a professional interrogator that always gets the information Soundwave needs to carry out his plans. He worships Megatron to the point of seeing him as a god who does no wrong. He likes to whisper the sweet nothings of your demise as he comes in close and circles you, getting inside your head. That's usually the last thing anyone ever hears.

All his weapons are the same as Laserbeak.

Abilities: His new eyes can see through virtually anything, and can find people who are cloaked and see heat signatures that are virtually dead. He can also find hidden weaknesses in structures and enemies alike.

Voice used: (Hardshell from Prime)

Squawktalk: Squawktalk is another minion of Soundwave's, but unlike the rest he is a big coward. Instead of being a hawk like in the comics he is a blue Macaw parrot to further the Iago references. Plus considering he has the ability to translate any language it makes sense for him to be in the form of a bird that is intelligent. He prefers to let his teammates take the heat while he is in the back shaking his tail feathers in fear. He is best friends with Beastbox, and they are almost always together. They also fight over food. Together they combine into Squawkbox.

Weapons: Missiles underneath his wings.

Abilities: Can translate any language.

Voice used: It's Gilbert Godfried man.

Beastbox: Beastbox isn't the brightest light in the attic, but he makes up for it with his sheer strength. He is the partner of Buzzsaw, and helps him with his interrogations. He uses his huge fists to beat the tar out of any Autobot to get information, but some are way too beaten or dead to give out any information and is usually used as a last resort. He constantly gets left behind by the other cons during battle, and that says something considering they actually remember Payload was there over Beastbox. Him and Squawktalk constantly fight over food. Together him and his buddy combine into Squawkbox.

Guns: Twin tank cannons mounted on his back.

Voice used: (It's pretty much Patrick)

Squawkbox: This is the combined form of Squawktalk and Beastbox. Having the intelligence and speed of Squawktalk and the strength and durability of Beastbox creates the perfect supersoldier. Despite not being able to talk or have any actual weapons, this thing can do way more than a group of average Decepticons ever could.

Constructicons: They are the master builders of Cybertron and some of the most unique characters on the planet. They joined the Decepticons because they appreciated their work work better, and because their leader is an old friend of Megatron. Their status is legendary because of the absurd amount of time it takes for them to complete their projects. One day to make a small base, less then ten minutes to make a weapon, and about a week to make a 20 story skyscraper. When Mixmaster says its built to last he means it. That stuff will never age or weaken because it's true craftsmanship. Despite the fact that they are builders first and soldiers second, their loyalty is unquestionable. Together they combine into the mighty Devastator.

Devastator: This is the very first successful combiner thanks to Shockwave. But of course being the first means that there are bound to be a few problems. Devastator can't function unless all of the Constructicons unanimously agree on what action to take. When you have such conflicting personalities like Overload and Hightower against the more sophisticated Mixmaster and Scrapper, there is bound to be trouble. But when they do agree, there is a seemingly unstoppable force of nature that is a burden to humans and Autobots alike.

Guns: Missile launchers on his back and arms.

Abilities: Vortex grinder, which sucks everything nearby like a black hole and tears everything apart. He can also shoot out grappling hooks from Hightower's crane form to get a better grip when climbing.

Voice used: Classic Welker monster.

Mixmaster: The charismatic leader of the Constructicons is always having a smile on his face and can find the positives out of any situation; a trait that is very uncommon among Decepticons. On Cybertron he was a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist. He also knows exactly what to build and where certain upgrades should be applied. This makes him a perfectionist, and any errors will cause him to to go into vivid detail on why that won't work. He likes to remind his friends that they are a team, and they are all equally important to the job despite Longhaul's disbelief. Mixmaster is a chemist, and Skywarp is pleased to have someone who shares his hobbies.

Guns: His Mega Mixer cannon on his back.

Abilities: He is a 2.5 changer just like Perceptor and Rampage, and it is a battle mode which seems to be virtually impossible for anyone to figure out in the toy. He also uses the pieces of the cement trucks as shields to protect him from damage. His most famous abilities that landed him the name of Mixmaster is his ability to mix any material into almost anything. Whether it's material for buildings or a new weapon, he can do it. His personality is similar to Verrick from Legend of Korra.

Voice used: Verrick from Legend of Korra

Scrapper: Scrapper is the second in command of the Constructicons and the demolition expert of the group. If Mixmaster is dissatisfied with his own work, then Scrapper is called in to take it down. He knows where all the weak point are in any structure, and then makes them explode like fireworks. He isn't a big fan of Autobots and will happily crush them along the way. He also isn't a fan of Mixmaster's positive outlook on life, and questions him fairly regularly. Despite this he respects his leader and is only wanting the best for his team, and that's why Mixmaster made him his right hand man.

Melee: His flail mace thing from ROTF

Guns: Vulcan repeater.

Voice used: Dr. Gel from Space Dandy.

Longhaul: Longhaul is a mean green complaining machine. He and Overload are the transporters of materials for the Constructicons, and he hates his job so much. While he understands the importance of it he wants more in life. He wants to be out on the battlefield with the rest of the Decepticons, but he isn't that great of a warrior. Now all he does is grumble and complain to himself because he doesn't have any real friends, but at least he gets more respect than Payload. He just spends his days sitting down watching the sunset. Maybe one day he will get his day in the sun. For now all he can do is wait.

Melee: Dual translucent swords hidden in his arms.

Guns: Short range grenade launchers and flamethrowers.

Abilities: Nano-sentries that heal him during battle, giving him an edge in combat.

Voice used: ROTF game voice.

Scavenger: For the sake of not having another Demolisher clone I decided to give him an original design. Scavenger acts as Mixmaster's yes man. He is so loyal and devoted to him you would think he is in love. He always agrees with Mixmaster no matter what the plan is good or bad. And he will fight to defend his boss even from Scrapper. Despite his unwavering loyalty he secretly resents his leader for not placing him as second in command. He barely gets any respect from the other members, and it doesn't help that he's the second worst shot on Cybertron and the worst fighter. This poor guy just can't catch a break.

Guns: Laser pistol

Abilities: When in his excavator form he can detect strange objects within the Earth that could be useful to the Decepticon cause, but it's usually junk.

Voice used: Normal

Overload: As if the Decepticons didn't have enough crazies on their team. Overload on the other hand takes the title as the strangest of them all. The largest member of the team is also a spider/crab/thing and quite the imposing figure. Despite his large size he is perhaps the least intelligent character to date. Speaking in a strong Russian accent and in severely broken English along with talking in third person, Overload takes nobody's nonsense. He is usually drunk on Vodka flavored oil and when he is sober he spouts pop culture references and other things that make zero sense. Whenever he's involved strange occurrences happen without any real explanation He's probably the deepest and most shallow character you will ever meet. Regardless of his personality the Decepticons love him all the same. He's basically the best character ever.

Melee: All the various claws and pincers he has.

Guns: Missile and rocket launchers, heavy gatling guns, and his trademark Encephalo ray that burns and disintegrates anything it touches.

Voice used: Russian accent

Hightower: Hightower isn't that bright, and has limited vocabulary. But that's ok, all he is is the guy who gets people to high places. When he isn't doing that he is mauling Autobots. He's also really rude to other people and calls them names, but that's because he's self-loathing. He hates his appearance so much that he contemplates running away sometimes. But seeing that he can't he just takes his frustrations out on the Autobots.

Melee: Wrecking ball.

Voice used: Aggressive and stupid.

Rampage: The half brother to Overload is the silent assassin of the group. Even when he does talk it's nothing of true importance. He revels in combat and loves to kill Autobots. He acts as an enforcer for the rest of the team.

Melee: The treads on his vehicle mode act as whips.

Guns: Pulse cannon.

Abilities: 2.5 changer, and this time into a jackhammer, which is usually used my Scrapper or Scavenger.

Insecticons: The 3 Decepticons that crashed in Demon Swamp are now ready to devour the world. Their scanners became damaged during the crash and accidently scanned the wildlife instead of the vehicles. This makes them techno organic. Because of their organic half they must consume more Energon than usual, and that can become a problem. Shrapnel and Bombshell basically just take turns bossing Kickback around, so it makes the hierarchy confusing.

Shrapnel: The frontman of the trio is also the most sinister. A glitch in his systems cause him to repeat the same word or words in his sentence sentence. He is the one who questions the other Decepticons the most because of his devil-may-care attitude. Like the other two he is a free spirit and doesn't care for anyone else be it Autobot or Decepticon.

Guns: E.O.K Techvolt.

Abilities: He can conduct lighting with his antennas and shoot it out at anyone he doesn't like. He can also use them to remotely control others like a drone.

Voice used: FOC voice

Kickback: Kickback is the most psychotic of the group and most sadistic. He gleefully laughs at others for their misfortunes while giving them the rest a good mess. He is very energetic and tends to jump around a lot. He also is very touchy feely with everyone, and it gets annoying.

Guns: Gear Shredder

Abilities: Can leap a 10th of a mile in Grasshopper form. He can also read people and their life stories, which makes for effective blackmailing.

Bombshell: The most level headed of the group is also the most powerful. He is perhaps the most intelligent as well. He is perhaps the one who respects the Decepticons the most. He is usually the one who keeps the other two in line. Despite being wiser he has the biggest temper, and won't hesitate to get violent.

Guns: Energon Harvester, which helps him the most with his Energon problems.

Abilities: Cerebro Shells, which fire into someone's head and he can control like a puppet.

Voice used: Something insectoid.

Insecticon drones: These are giant version of the Bay insecticons that can transform. The only weapon they have is the single laser that they fire out of their insect form's eye. Other than that they are nothing more than flying Vehicons.

Shockblast: We were teased with him in Beginnings, but now we get to see his personality unfold. Where Shockwave is the most powerful, Shockblast is the faster of the two. Unlike his older brother he has a harder time keeping his emotions in check, especially after Blastwave's death. Cold, calculating, and vengeful, Shockblast is one you don't want to trifle with.

Guns: Tri-Quantum disintegrator, which fires streams of lasers in a triangular pattern. It can disintegrate anything that it touches over time.

Voice used: FOC Shockwave

Knockout: While Knockout may be Splicer's older brother, he doesn't really share much in common with him outside of their medical professions. Where Splicer has a positive outlook on life, Knockout still feels his resentment for their past life on the streets. Now that things have improved he has become very vain and is very peculiar about his finish. He loves automobiles and is trying to find the one that suits him the best. Now that he is hearing about the ones on Earth, he wishes to seem them and his little brother again. But alas, Shockwave and Shockblast are so overbearing with their work and he is forced to stay in the R&D department almost all the time. Whatever you do, don't scratch his paint, or he will buff you.

Melee: Buzzsaw and his electric staff from Prime.

Guns: Laser that shoots out from his staff and dual concussion blasters on his forearms.

Abilities: Always has a buffer on hand.

Voice used: Well there's only been one Knockout, so that kinda narrows it down.

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