Part 23: The Path to Enslavement

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Back at the Decepticon's base Splicer is watching the video of Optimus and Megatrons' fight with Waspinator and Payload. Splicer is of course happy with the end result.

Splicer: (happy) "Megatron sure showed that bully who's the boss."

Payload: "You got that right."

Splicer: "So if the Fallen guy is Megatron's dad, then that must mean I'm kinda his grandson."

Payload: 'You sure have an interesting family tree."

Wasp: "Waspinator has no family."

Splicer: "Don't be like that, we're your family."

Wasp: "If Splicer says so."

Megatron comes in with the other Decepticons. The Fallen manages to contact Megatron this time. He is far more anxious this time.

Fallen: "You know Megatron I just thought of something."

Megatron: "And what would that be?"

Fallen: "Where I'm located in comparison to you has a radically different timezone. Technically it's nearly two days where I'm located."

Megatron: "And it has hardly been one one day in where I'm standing."

Fallen: "You never specified your terms."

Megatron: "You are right but I should wait."

Fallen: "Why would you ever wait? There is still so much more in store for everyone."

Megatron: "I have read your history about your betrayals to the other 13."

Fallen: "Then you also know why it happened. There was an injustice that needed to be solved."

Megatron: "You will be freed. You have my word."

Fallen: "Forgive me for having my doubts considering your most recent deception."

Megatron: "What are you talking about?"

Fallen: "We both know very well that the Matrix can't be packed with explosives."

Megatron: (confused) "What do you mean by that?"

Fallen: "It matters not, but your dishonesty has disappointed me greatly. I'm billions of years old. I have a pretty good idea when I see a liar. One of my brothers was quite a talented liar, but even that couldn't save him."

Megatron: -sigh- "Very well. You shall be released in a few hours. But first would you like to announce your presence to the world?"

Fallen: "A grand return you say? I like the way you think. I know just what to say."

Megatron: "Soundwave, hook up the link to the whole planet's systems."

Soundwave: -sigh- "As you command."

Soundwave hooks up the connection as every TV and monitor glitches out until The Fallen's face appears on them all. He begins to announce his grand return.

Fallen: (haunting) "Hello there humanity. You may not know who I am right now but that will change soon enough. Do you believe yourself to be safe? I can assure you that you are in more danger than you can comprehend. A storm is coming, and there is nothing that will delay it. Surrender to me by enslavement or suffer extinction, there is no alternative. I shall burn this planet to the ground and you will be helpless to stop me. I am your nightmares come true, I am a god, I am invincible, I am death, I am inevitable, I am... The Fallen... and I will be seeing all of you very soon." (cuts the feed)

We now go to inside The Fallen's tomb to where he is chained to the wall by chains that cause him extreme pain. He slowly begins to laugh to himself until he breaks out laughing maniacally.

Fallen: (malicious) "That arrogant boy doesn't know what he's starting. Soon they will all learn what ultimate power really is."

Back at the Decepticon's base Megatron decides to begin to begin the next phase of his plan.

Megatron: "Decepticons it is time we move forward. Kill the humans, show them no mercy."

Thunder: (ecstatic) "Finally!"

Mix: (excited) Yay doomsday is here! Ok everyone evil laugh like we practiced!"

All: (laughing evilly)

Overload: (looking around) ".....What is funny?"

And so the Decepticons begin to attack the humans around the world. Thundercracker and Starscream bombard South America with missile strikes. The Insecticons attack Mexico with their hordes of minions. The Constructicons invade North Korea, but strangely enough there were reports of just one giant that supposedly that sucked up Kim Jong Un and his palace by some strange suction. Megatron attacks bases around the U.S and Terradive emerges from the California beach waters and starts disintegrating people with his trident. Meanwhile Wheeljack, Perceptor, and Jazz are trying to find a way to remove the rubble where the Dinobots are located.

Perce: "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Wheel: "It's the only one we have right now."

Ace: "I got a question for you: Do you get off on making situations worse because you said I can't see this getting more dire and look who showed up on the monitor."

Wheel: "I'm starting to think subconsciously I do, but here goes nothing." (tosses a grenade)

The grenade explodes enough to give them an easier access to the Dinobots, who are still in stasis.

Perce: "What do we do Wheeljack?"

Wheel: "I had it wrong the first time. I had their brains wired to act like real dinosaurs, and that was a terrible mistake. This time they will act like us. The only downside is we don't have enough resources to make them all smart, so we better be careful about who is the smartest.

Perce: "I was thinking Swoop."

Wheel: "Agreed, fliers should never be stupid."

Perce: "Then who would be next?"

Chip: "I think Snarl, he can put up a good defense for us with his hide."

Wheel: "We'll do Grimlock next. The leader needs the best of both worlds."

Perce: "Then Slag and Sludge respectively."

Wheel: "Alright then let's get to work."

Fowler: "One question though: How are you going to go to Cybertron if you don't have a spacebridge? I don't know about you but that's kinda important."

Perce: "At this point in time we can definitely bet the Decepticons have one somewhere."

Chip: "But where could it be? We don't have time to search all of Earth."

Wheel: "Well they are large, so with that said it has to be on land."

Fowler: "But that's still too much to search, we'll never find it in time."

Ace: "I think I may know someone who might."

Tyrone: "Man you can't be serious right now."

Ace: "I am, and besides I haven't talked to him in awhile."

Ace calls up Alan at Mech to see if he has any possible information on the spacebridge's location.

Weazel: (smugly) "Well if it isn't Mr. Bigshot. What's got you so troubled?"

Ace: "You know exactly what's going on."

Weazel: "Oh yeah a big scary robot just announced he is going to kill as all. More at 11."

Ace: "Look Spike and Carly are on Cybertron and we need to get to the Decepticon's spacebridge. You're drones to a global surveillance, did you pick up anything at all?"

Weazel: "As a matter of fact I did find something odd. There was some strange structure I found in Death Valley, maybe that's what you're looking for."

Ace: "Thanks for the tip."

Weazel: (gloating) "Admit it, you needed me."

Ace: -sigh- " I needed you. You better get your drones ready for combat."

Weazel: "Way ahead of you, I'm getting them prepped for battle as we speak. Let's see if MECH's technology is all what it's cracked up to be." (hangs up)

Silas: "Well he sounded happy."

Ace: "You have no idea."

Wheel: "Well let's get to work."

Back at the Decepticon Base Soundwave is working on Reflector in his lab. He is still in a coma like state in his camera mode, so Soundwave tries to communicate with him by putting his mind into the computer. Soundwave then types in questions for Reflector's mind to answer, but he has to hurry for it is a brief window of time.

"Can you see this Reflector?"

"Yes, hello Soundwave."

"I will fix you and make you whole again, I promise."

"I know you will."

"Do you know who caused our species to be endangered?"

"My answer is the same as yours."

"Are there any other survivors?"

"Only one, a half-breed."

"Where is he or she now?"

"I know not where, but you will not like the path he has chosen."

"What is his name?"

The feed cuts out before Reflector's mind can answer the question. Soundwave bangs on his keyboard in frustration. Meanwhile Skywarp calls Splicer Payload, and Waspinator to his lab.

Splicer: "Hey Skywarp what's up?"

Skywarp: "I come bearing gifts to each of you. First up is Payload."

Payload: (surprised) "You have something for me?"

Skywarp: "Yes, even you get something."

Skywarp hands Payload a laser, which excites him as he tests it out.

Skywarp: "You kept complaining about having no gun, and now you have one."

Payload: "I love it, thank you Skywarp."

Skywarp: "Waspinator, you need a weapon as well."

Skywarp gives Waspinator a hand held grenade launcher, which he tucks into his chest. Finally Skywarp gets out a giant weapon that Splicer downloads into both arms. After pressing a button a circular weapon formation similar to Thundercracker's appears. But instead of missiles it's sharp knives. Splicer launches out one that almost hits poor Waspinator.

Skywarp: "Now press that red button."

Splicer presses the button, and to his surprise it holds magnets that puts the blade back into its socket, to the others amazement.

Payload: (in awe) "That's wicked."

Splicer: (excited) "I have the power!"

Payload: "You sure do."

Skywarp: "Now there was another reason I called you. Megatron wants the three of you to guard the spacebridge."

Splicer: "Sounds great!"

Payload: "Meh ok."

Wasp: "Whatever."

The three bridge out as we go back to the Autobot's ship. Apparently another problem arises, but this time Roadbuster is the one to bring it up.

Road: "Hey Optimus, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we have another problem on our hands."

Power: (fed up) "Great what's wrong this time?"

Road: "I think we went too far away on our trip, we're approaching empty on our fuel."

Power: "I could fly a few of us, but there isn't enough room."

Longarm: (unnerved) "Well it was nice knowing you guys."

Bee: "If I wanted to feel depressed you would be the guy I go to."

Longarm: "Thanks for that."

Cliff: "I have an idea."

Longarm: "Now we're really doomed."

Cliff: "Here me out first. Perceptor left some Energon in here when he was packing. Maybe we can use that as fuel."

Ironhide: "... That's actually a good idea."

Ratchet: "Well done Cliffjumper."

Prime: "You've shown everyone that you are still an important member of the team, but I never doubted you for a moment."

Cliff: "Thanks Optimus I needed that."

Longarm: (patting Cliff's back) "You know it's times like these that make start tolerating you again Cliff. I'm itching for a fight and I'm going to bring it."

Back on Cybertron Spike is confused on how Carly recognizes the figure before them Carly rushes to a small operating table and sees a human there.

Carly: (wracked with guilt) "Dr. Archiville, what have they done to you?"

Dr: (quietly) "Nothing that I didn't deserve."

The Doctor has survived his encounter with the experiments, but at a terrible cost. Half of his face and body down to his stomach has been replaced with cybernetic parts. The limbs that he lost and the eye that was torn out by Shockblast have also been replaced with cybernetic parts.

Carly: "How have you survived this long? There isn't any food here."

Dr: "They gave me nutrients via needle, and it's been nothing but torture ever since."

Spike: "You know him Carly?"

Carly: "When I was kidnapped he was working with the Decepticons, and then he betrayed them trying to help me."

Spike: "Oh you poor man."

Dr: (laughing to himself) "All my life I wanted to do something worth living for, to find another species and become famous for it. And all my efforts have me end up as a lab rat."

Carly: "You helped me once, and now I'm going to do the same."

Carly frees the doctor from his bonds, and luckily for him he is able to stand.

Dr: (grateful) "Thank you Carly, I'm forever in your debt."

Carly: 'Come with us."

Dr: "I can't, the tower is filled with a laser grid. It's impossible to escape without shutting it down. I know where it is."

Carly: "Take us with you."

Dr: "No child, I can't risk having you both captured with me. Don't worry about me, I have my own escape plan."

Spike: "Good luck doctor."

Dr: (smiling) "Thank you, I'll need it."

The three leave the lab on different ends while Spike and Carly have to hide from Shockblast and Knockout, who have just entered the room.

Knockout: "Can you imagine being touched by one of those organics -shudders- makes my skin crawl."

Shock: "Your complaining is becoming insufferable. Go move all of our experiments to the middle floor."

Knockout: (relieved) "Very well."

Spike and Carly retreat into the next room, and unfortunately they are spotted by Shockwave.

Spike: (terrified) "Oh no.."

Shockwave: "Human interlopers, your time has come."

Shockblast also enters the room and tries to help Shockwave capture the humans. The two are running for their lives as all seems lost.

Shockwave: "You cannot escape us humans."

Spike finds a crevice that goes into a lower floor, and he grabs Carly, sliding both of them through the crevice, escaping the Decepticons.

Shock: "What do you know.... they escaped."

Shockwave: "It doesn't matter. We shall solve this problem soon enough."

Suddenly the whole tower's lights briefly flicker on and off.

Shockwave: "Someone has turned off the security grid. Unless we get that back up we could have uninvited guests. We'll secure the humans later.

While Spike and Carly hide in what appears to be an observatory it cuts back to Earth at the spacebridge being guarded by Splicer, Payload, and Waspinator.

Payload: "Geez it is hot outside."

Splicer: "Yeah being made of metal and steel doesn't help either."

Payload: "But you know what? I have a gun."

Wasp: "Waspinator has grenade launcher. Paybot lose by default."

Payload: "Nuh uh!"

Wasp: "Yeah huh!"

Splicer: "Guys relax you're both awesome."

Payload: "Coming from the guy with the knife gravity doohickey."

Wasp: "Why does Splicer get the best weapons?"

Splicer: "I don't know, I guess I'm really important or something. Like I'm really popular."

Payload: "Well you are."

Splicer: "I guess you're right."

Payload: "Anyway I've been thinking."

Wasp: "Does it hurt Paybot?"

Payload: "First of all shut up, and second of all do you ever wonder why we're guarding the spacebridge?"

Splicer: "Because we were told to?"

Payload: "Well that, and we're really bad at being evil."

Wasp: "Paybot has point."

Payload: "Sometimes I don't think we're on the right team. I mean you're super nice, I'm nice, and Waspinator is..."

Wasp: "Bite me."

Payload: "But you get the point right?"

Splicer: "Yeah, so what's keeping you from ditching us?"

Payload: "Respect, I don't think I could get that on the Autobots, so that's why I'm staying. But I feel like we're all going to get some sort of redemption."

Splicer: "What do we need to do that redeems us? We haven't done anything wrong."

Payload: I don't know, but if I die and come back through crazy circumstances I'm buying you a drink."

Splicer: "Sounds nice. We'll always end up back together."

A groundbridge opens up in front of the trio, and out pops Wheejack, Perceptor, Jazz, and Chip.

Splicer: (waving) "Hi guys!"

Payload: "What are you losers doing here?"

Wheel: "We're commandeering this spacebridge. Step aside please."

Splicer: (bummed) "You guys aren't here to party?"

Jazz: "Nope, now move along. If you don't I'm going to make you feel how I did when I killed those humans."

Payload: "Hey don't look at us, we didn't make you do that."

Jazz: "You're still Decepticons."

Wasp: "Not Waspinator's fault Jazz is a murderer."

Jazz: (gritting his teeth) "Say that one more time."

Wasp: "Not Waspinator's (gets his head blown off) .....fault."

Splicer: "Well it looks like we have to stop you now."

Payload: (bellowing) "Fear me for I have a gun now!"

Wheel: "Then let's rumble."

Splicer: (activating his knife guns) "Let's hit it."

Jazz: "Uh oh."

While Waspinator goes over to pick his head Splicer shoots out his blades at Jazz. Jazz take out his staff and twirls it like a windmill to block the attacks. Payload starts firing at Wheeljack. Wheejack just continually rolls forward to dodge the blasts. Perceptor takes out his gun and shoots Waspinator's head farther away from his body. Jazz tries to be a daredevil and does a jumping attack with his staff on Splicer. Unfortunately for Jazz, Splicer's fighting skills are far superior. Splicer without moving aside catches the staff with just two fingers. Splicer uses the moment to slam Jazz on the ground. Splicer leaps up and shoots his crystal shards at Wheeljack, who cuts them with his sword. Payload joins in shooting Wheejack, but he is shot in the back by Perceptor. Chip activates his wheelchair's weapons to aid Wheejack and Perceptor and shooting Splicer. That and the new recovered Jazz manage to get Splicer cornered. Chip sends out a lucky shot then hits him in the chest. Before Chip can finish him off something gets jammed into his control panel. It's a scale fired by Waspinator, who had retrieved his head. Next he fires a grenade at the four, and they all get knocked back. Chip falls out of his wheelchair and tumble along the ground. The upset Wheejack starts to pummel Waspinator, and while he's occupied Payload shoots Perceptor's gun out of his hand. Perceptor panics and surrenders. Payload knocks him out for good payback. Wheeljack and Jazz and dueling Splicer. Jazz's staff and Wheeljack's Swords are caught in between Splicer's arm blades. Splicer uses their strength against them and smashes both of them together. Jazz does a sweep attack that Splicer jumps over, but Wheeljack engages him in a brief blade battle. After a few briefs clashes Wheeljack does an aerial flip forward and connects a roundhouse kick to his face. Jazz swings his staff at Splicer, making him bounce even more. Wheeljack jumps to attack, but he is interrupted by Payload, who tackles him. Waspinator shoots his scales into Wheeljack while Splicer recovers to fight Jazz. While Jazz is running at Splicer he uses his knife gun to shoot more blades at Jazz. One cuts him in the leg and he spin and falls over. Jazz recovers to take him on Jazz puts up a good fight with his Staff, but Splicer cuts Jazz's shoulder and does a backflip that knees Jazz in the face. Jazz staggers back and does another jumping slash, but this time Splicer bends the staff back, and releases it, In slow motion the bent back part smacks right into Jazz's face, cracking his visor and knocking him out. Payload uses his grabby claw from his chest and smashes Wheeljack around. Payload, Waspinator, and Splicer triple-team the desperate Wheeljack and manage to defeat him by overwhelming him with their ranged weapons. Payload's laser plus Waspinator's grenade and Splicer's grenade sniper rifle causes an explosion that heavily wounds Wheeljack.

Splicer: (excited) "We did it!"

Wasp: "We kick Autobutt."

Payload: "Now what do we do?"

Splicer: "I guess we should bring them to Megatron."

Payload: "We're going to be so popular after this...well I will be anyway. You guys are fine."

Splicer: "We worked really well together, and I mean really well."

Wasp: "We should do this more often."

Splicer: "Yeah and you did really well with shooting for a guy who's never used a gun before Payload."

Payload: "You're right, I feel great!"

Splicer: (looking at the sky) "That's one big condor."

Wasp: "Waspinator doesn't think that's a condor."

The shadow of the winged creature creates a gust of wind that sends them flying back. Behind them some tails whip them, and send them far away from the spacebridge, knocking them out. It was the Dinobots in their dino forms, and Grimlock nudges Perceptor to wake up.

Perce: "Is everyone ok?"

Jazz: "We are now thanks to the Dinobots. You really saved us.

Grimlock and the other Dinobots begin to talk, surprisingly.

Grimlock: "Me Grimlock happy to help."

Swoop: (in a Brooklyn accent) "Boy did you see that gust of wind I did? That was awesome."

Slag: "No it wasn't. Me Slag charged in here like a boss."

Sludge: "Me Sludge like waffles."

Swoop: "Well that was insightful."

Wheel: "Think you can work this up Perceptor?"

Perce: "Of course I can."

Jazz: "Way to surrender by the way."

Perce: "I told you I'm a pacifist. I panicked."

Jazz: "No kidding."

Sludge: "Me Sludge need to go potty."

Chip: "I thought you went before we left."

Sludge: "Me Sludge forgot."

Chip: How did you forget.... (pinching the bridge of his nose) never mind just find somewhere to do it."

Sludge: "Yay... wait. Me Sludge did go. Never mind."

Swoop: "He has issues."

Snarl: (quietly) "Yeah I guess."

Slag: (rudely) "Speak up weirdo."

Snarl: "I'm not weird, I just don't feel like talking much."

Slag: "You're weird and lame."

Snarl: "I'm not lame."

Grimlock: "Stegosaurus is lamest dinosaur. Everyone knows that."

Snarl: "Who says that?"

Grimlock: "Me Grimlock and other Dinobots."

Wheel: "Can you guys stay focused please?"

Grimlock: "Me Grimlock apologizes."

Wheel: "He's got the spacebridge ready. You know what to do."

Grimlock: "You know we do. Alright Dinobots, me Grimlock say we save kids today."

Swoop: "Hey that rhymes!"

The Dinobots go into the spacebridge and end up outside of Shockwave's tower. Grimlock orders Swoop to scan the area. By chance he sees them in the observatory and tries to crash through the window. Instead of crashing through the window he gets thumped like a bird hitting a window in an office building. He even starts sliding down a bit too.

Spike: (bewildered) "Is that... Swoop?"

Carly: "What's he doing here?"

Swoop tries to get in the window again, but hits his head. After a few more tries he finally breaks in, but he crashes.

Swoop: (in pain) "That may not have been the best idea."

Spike: (shocked) "You can talk?"

Carly: "Why do you have a Brooklyn accent?"

Swoop: "Why wouldn't I?"

Spike: "Fair point."

Carly: "So what are you doing here?"

Swoop: "What does it look like? We're rescuing you!"

Spike: "We?"

Swoop: "Yeah the rest of us are all downstairs."

Carly: "Can they talk too?"

Swoop: "Yeah we've all be talking up a storm since Wheejack and Perceptor made us smarter. Well except for Snarl....he doesn't talk much. It's weird if you ask me."

Carly: "Well what are you waiting for? Get us out of here."

Swoop: (snarky) "Well excuse me bossy. Fine let's do it (looks outside) uh oh."

Camera drones start searching the area, so the three are forced to hide in the shadows.

Swoop: (under his breath) "Well that didn't work. Swoop to Grimlock, I'm going to need some help."

Back on the ground floor Grimlock gets the message over the comm link.

Grimlock: "Swoop is in danger, we have to help him."

Snarl: "We need to find a way in."

Grimlock: "Then we need to start looking."

After some searching around Snarl finds a door that they can enter.

Snarl: "I found a door we can enter."

Grimlock: "No, that's a bad idea."

Slag: "Snarl is stupid!"

Sludge: "Me Sludge have idea. We can use door."

Grimlock: "Good idea Sludge."

Snarl: (baffled) "But I came up with that."

Grimlock: "Sludge came up with it better."

Sludge: "Me Sludge genius."

Slag tries to pry to door open, but it needs a password to get in.

Slag: (typing) "Eh.... one one one one."

Door: "Access denied."

Slag: (upset) "This door is a bitch!"

Sludge: "Let me Sludge try."

Sludge headbutts the door, and it bursts open.

Snarl: "Huh, he has a thick skull."

Slag: (pushing Snarl) "Move it!"

Grimlock: "We Dinobots are going to mess stuff up."

The four Dinobots are forced to transform in order to fit inside an elevator. Back on the top floor Shockwave and Shockblast are discussing their endeavor.

Shockwave: "How is the Circuit Breaker Hovercraft?"

Shock: "It should be running soon enough. I haven't had time to test it."

Shockwave: "These humans are hard to locate. The grid isn't fully online yet. Who knows what kinds of visitors we will get."

Shockwave and Shockblast see Swoop and the kids on the upper floor due to the translucent floor, so they shoot the spot where they are, crashing them down beside him. Shockwave and Shockblast stare at Swoop curiously.

Shockwave: "What are you?"

Swoop: "Err just your friendly neighborhood Autobot."

Shockwave and and Shockblast load their weapons for battle, that is until the elevator reaches their floor. The door is closed but the Decepticons hear the other Dinobot's voices.

Slag: "Ding Dong!"

Shockwave: "Who's there?"

Grimlock: "Flowers."

Shockwave: "Did you call a botanist Shockblast?"

Shock: "I do not recall such an action."

Sludge: "Telegram."

Shockwave: "Telegrams are illogical."

The elevator doors burst in and the Dinobots walk out. They all transform into their dinosaur forms, making Shockblast step back nervously. Shockwave however holds his ground. He is intrigued by their alternate forms.

Shockwave: "Fascinating."

Grimlock: "Let the kids go or we hurt you."

Shockwave: "Your request is denied."

Grimlock: "Me Grimlock was hoping you would say that. Dinobots, attack!"

Slag is the first one into battle and uses his horns to charge Shockwave, pinning him to a wall. Shockblast fires his special gun, and streams of bullets fire in a triangular pattern at Grimlock, Snarl, and Sludge, but the shots just simply bounce off. Shockwave is not pleased and starts beating on Slag's head. He picks up the Dinobot and throws him into Swoop. Shockblast is sent flying into a monitor by Grimlock, and now it's just Shockwave. Shockwave apparently has gotten faster since his battle with Hotshot, as he is able to take on all the Dinobots at once. He punches Grimlock and punts Sludge away. Snarl tackles him but is shaken off. The Dinobots are starting to think it's time to retreat. Everyone but Swoop makes it to the elevator. As he flies to the door Shockwave shoots him in the wing, and the makes a crash landing inside. Shockwave slowly approaches them, until Shockblast alerts him of another intruder.

Shock: "We have another intruder."

Shockwave: (irked) "What now?"

There is a loud sound approaching, and it is soon followed by an explosion in an adjacent wall. Out of the dust comes out a red tank, and it transforms. The figure before them has his tank cannon sticking out of his chest.

?: (shouting) "Boom! Pow! Now that's what I call an entrance!"

Shockwave: "Who are you?"

?: "Warpath is the name, spewing out onomatopoeias is my game. Well other than blowing up Decepticons. Now I don't know who the hell you guys are in the elevator. Bang! But I can tell you this is about to get ugly real fast. Pow! I'll hold off the ugly guy, you take off now."

Snarl keeps pressing the button to go down while Shockblast tries to combat Warpath. His efforts are slowly paying off as the doors sluggishly start closing. Warpath gives a giant uppercut to Shockblast, and his head gets stuck in the ceiling. His body rocks back and forth like a sad coathanger in the wind. Warpath and Shockwave circle one another while the elevator doors finally close. There is an awkward silence as the Dinobots in their robot modes just stand quietly with the humans. The elevator music just plays quietly in the background. Snarl seems to enjoy it.

Snarl: "This song is kinda nice."

Slag: "Shut up."

Back upstairs Warpath and Shockwave prepare for their fight.

Shockwave: "Surrender Autobot."

Warpath: "Kaboom! No way! I'm a wicked warrior type. I don't surrender to anyone."

Shockwave: "Then your termination is imminent."

Warpath: "Boom! We'll see about that."

Warpath makes the first blow and punches Shockwave. Shockwave is pinned to the wall as Warpath slams his fists on his back. The Autobots throws him to the ground and kicks him in the face while he is down. Warpath takes out two X-18 Scrapmakers and fires them at Shockwave, damaging him. But Shockwave gets close enough to break one of the guns. His action is met by a punch to the face. Warpath's tank cannon on his chest fires a shell that hits Shockwave in the chest, exploding. Normally that would be it for any other Decepticon, but Shockwave has taken much worse in a fight. Shockwave uppercuts Warpath and kicks him back. Warpath headbutts him. Warpath is about to deliver a hard punch to Shockwave, but Shockwave's armblade catches his arm, and the blade goes right through his fingers and up to his elbow. The arm is now split in half. Shockwave hits Warpath with his gun and stabs Warpath in the chest, but that doesn't seem to do much because of his tank's armor. Warpath tries to fire another shell at him, but misses. Shockwave grabs Warpath's chest cannon and bends it back to his face while he fires another shell, and the shell hits Warpath in the face, blowing it off. Shockwave shoots the dead Warpath's body with his gun and tears it in half with his blade. He yanks Shockblast down from the ceiling to discuss their situation.

Shock: "You eliminated him, well done."

Shockwave: "His demise was logical."

Shock: "Our base is damaged."

Shockwave: "Then we shall clean it."

Things just wound up worse for them both as some red lights slowly drop down to their floor. Upon further inspection it's Dr. Archiville. He has stolen the prototype hovercraft, and aims his weapons at the brothers.

Shockwave: "So it does work."

The doctor fires a missile right into the tower, causing an explosion. Shockwave and Shockblast both get sent falling to their doom. Back on Earth Megatron decides to finally set his father free. Before he goes he steps inside the power machine so he can recharge. He brings Terradive, Starscream, Thundercracker, Sideways, and Soundwave with him. Soundwave has the Matrix in a container, and it bounces around trying to escape. Starscream is the last to leave, and before he does he destroys the wiring of the power machine.

Scream: (quietly) "To ignite the flames of war, all you need is a little (cuts wire with his fingers) ....spark."

And thus the Decepticons bridge to Stonehenge. The structure transforms so they can enter the tomb. They don't go inside because Megatron hesitates for a moment.

Soundwave: "You do not have to do this you know."

Megatron: "I must, it is our destiny. Use your tentacles to place the Matrix in the keyhole."

Soundwave takes the Matrix out and uses his tentacle to extend all the way to the door inside the chamber. With careful placing the Matrix is now locked in place. The structure glows blue to everyone's astonishment. On the other side of the door the chains that hold Megatronus disappear, and he lands on the ground He feels his wrists and ankles feeling the freedom that he has deserved for a very long time. A minute later he steps out of the shadows and thanks Megatron for his efforts.

Fallen: "You have finally freed me. Thank you for that. We are most grateful for your efforts."

Megatron: (confused) "We?"

Fallen: "Oh where are my manners? (gestures to the entrance) Come on out boys!"

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