Part 27: Gorilla Warfare

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Back in California at Bryce's office, he is undergoing a panic attack about the Decepticon's betrayal. The live footage shows Bumblebee and Kickback fighting on top of a roof. To make matters worse, agent Fowler comes into the room.

Bryce: "Who are you?"

Fowler: "Special agent William Fowler, and it's my pleasure to inform you that you're under arrest."

Bryce: (bewildered) "On what grounds?"

Fowler: "For conspiring with a global terrorist organization, voter fraud, corruption, money laundering, and of course loitering."

Bryce: "You have no proof."

Fowler: "You can bet George Washington's wig I do."

Fowler plays back some recordings if Bryce in his office talking about his deal with the Decepticons and how it will make him rich. Bryce is petrified by the discovery.

Bryce: " did you get that?"

Fowler: "Simple really, I posed as one of your employees and stuck a bug underneath your desk. The tiniest tasks are usually the most effective."

Bryce: (nervously laughing) "Haha well you see... I..." (darts out)

Bryce runs in desperation, knocking agent Fowler over as he flees the building. A chase starts with Fowler in hot pursuit. Bryce is able to climb over a fence, and the older Fowler has a more difficult time making it across. Bryce is now running across the sidewalk as Fowler is forced to take his gun out. He squints and aims carefully, firing a single shot. The bullet grazes Bryce's right leg, and he falls to the ground whining in pain.

Bryce: (whining) "You shot me!"

Fowler: (panting) "I still got it, and be lucky I only grazed you. You'll heal up no problem, but that's the least of your troubles now. You're going away for a long time."

Bryce: "My lawyer will clear me no problem."

Fowler: (thumping Bryce's head on a car) "We'll see about that."

Fowler take Bryce in his car and speeds off to the nearest police department. Meanwhile at London Spike and Carly are trying to find a way to contact the Autobots, but their phones were both damaged in the initial fall. Their luck worsens when they find themselves in an alleyway. There is a homeless man drinking, but he quickly panics and runs past them when he sees a large shadow hovering over them. Shockwave has found them once again.

Shockwave: "I have you now, and there is no escape."

Carly: "What do you want with us anyway?"

Shockwave: "Normally I would disregard you altogether, but the destruction of my facility has made this personal."

Spike: (boldly) "Who cares?"

Shockwave: "Excuse me?"

Spike: "You can build a new one, get over it cyclops."

Shockwave: "Was that an attempt to insult me? If so, you will need to try harder."

Spike: "I'm just saying it's a pretty lame excuse to go after us."

Shockwave: "Your race is a parasitic one, and it will be eradicated."

Spike feels for his back pocket and comes up with a brilliant idea. Inside are Kicker's lighter and a cloth that he had to use when washing the dishes this morning. He checks to bottle that the homeless man dropped, and yes it still has alcohol in it! Spike reaches for the bottle and starts constructing it. But first he needs to distract Shockwave further.

Spike: "You know you're like Christopher Walken if they took away all likeability."

Shockwave: "I am unaware of what this Walken is, but I must assume it is of a failed attempt at a derogatory remark."

Carly: "Well he sure got that right."

Spike: (lights the cloth) "Not helping."

Shockwave: "What are you doing?"

Spike: (throws) "I don't know smart guy you tell me!"

Boom! Spike throws the bottle perfectly at Shockwave's face as fire engulfs it. He screams in agonizing pain, running around like he is being attacked by bees. He trips over his own two feet and falls into one of the brick walls, knocking himself out. His front half is completely covered in debris, with just one wheel from his vehicle mode sticking out.

Carly: "That was awesome! How did you do that?"

Spike: "Well when I was younger my dad tried to get me into baseball. He worked me to death trying to be the best pitcher who ever lived, but there were two things he didn't anticipate."

Carly: "What's that?"

Spike: "Well me and sports don't mix, and I hate baseball."

Carly: "Who doesn't?"

Spike: "Thank you Dat Crazy Russian."

Carly: "Thank you internet sounds way better. We better get out of here."

Spike: "Right."

The pair run away from the sight, and not a moment too soon. The wheel begins to slowly twitch.... Meanwhile Optimus breaks free of his entanglement to find his friends, who are all scattered across the vast city. Bumblebee continues with his battle against Kickback, and through enough fortitude he manages to corner him to the edge of the roof and slices off both of his arms with his ax.

Kickback: (insane) "Looks like I've been... disarmed hahaa!"

Bee: "Try this on for size!"

Bumblebee does a jump-kick to the chest, and Kickback falls into the street, and is knocked unconscious. Meanwhile Tyrone and Silas are watching the impending danger of Soundwave approaching.

Tyrone: "That ain't good. Wheeljack, Soundwave is here."

Wheel: "Soundwave?"

Silas: "Yeah why?"

Wheel: "Perceptor and I whipped up something special for him, it's coming to you now Tyrone."

A tiny groundbridge opens up above their heads, and a tiny package floats down into Tyrone's hand.

Tyrone: "What's this?

Perce: "It's a virus."

Silas: "I've never seen a virus like that before."

Wheel: "That's because we put it inside a special explosive gel. Attach it somewhere to him and it will implant the virus, and it will still give him a nice explosion for good measure."

Silas: "What is this virus going to do?"

Wheel: "When Soundwave returns to base he always logs in information, and the virus will go through the computers and all around the base causing massive explosions to the entire base, the Decepticons will be crippled. It's the oldest trick in the book."

Silas: "That's where my concern begins, wouldn't he figure that out since it's an old trick?"

Perce: "Oh no no. Soundwave focuses more on advanced warfare, this should go way under his radar."

Tyrone: "Alright I got it, let's do this."

Little did the Autobots and Soundwave know that their radio frequency was being eavesdropped by Starscream. He has to act fast before anything happens.

Scream: "Starscream to Skywarp, requesting a groundbridge immediately."

Skywarp: "Certainly, but may I ask the reason?"

Scream: "Eh... I forgot something."

Skywarp: "How can you be this forgetful? Very well."

Starscream gets allowed back in and runs across the hall to find something. Nobody knows what he took, but it must have been important.

"Back so soon Starscream?"

"Yes well I had realized that I already took said item with me, it was in that pocket dimension I acquired earlier."

"That's always fun."

"Yes... it is."

"Something troubling you?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Very well then, back to business?"

"You know it."

Meanwhile Longarm and Ironhide are getting ready to confront Soundwave, who is discussing work with the minions.

Soundwave: "Energy scans are pinpointing the Matrix's location just north of here. Retrieve it no matter what."

Buzzsaw: "Of course, we shall be victorious."

Squawk: "You can count on me."

Buzzsaw: "Except in combat."

Squawk: "Hey!"

Beastbox: "Did somebody say marshmallow pie?"

All: "No!"

Ravage: -roar- (Idiot)

Squawk: "Great now you got me hungry."

Beastbox: "Sorry bro."

Laser: -caw- (It appears that we have company)

Soundwave: "Destroy them, leave no survivors."

Buzzsaw: "It will be done Soundwave. Well what are you waiting for? Attack!"

Ravage and Laserbeak go after Jazz and Cliffjumper respectively. Rumble goes to battle Sideswipe, Frenzy goes for the Matrix, and Ironhide and Longarm are gearing up to face Soundwave, Buzzsaw, Beastbox, and Squawktalk.

Longarm: "Hey, you wouldn't mind taking on Beastbox for me?"

Ironhide: "I never thought I would ever see you backing away from a fight."

Longarm: "Well last time I faced him he really gave my armor a pounding. I'll take on Soundwave and Buzzsaw."

Ironhide: "It's a deal."

Soundwave: "Beastbox, Squawktalk, take Ironhide down."

Beastbox: "Ok."

Squawk: (prissy) "Are you joking? There's no way I'm going out there!"

Buzzsaw: (getting in his face) "Oh yes you will, or else the Autobots will be the least of your worries."

Squawk: "Fine (mumbles) I never get paid for this crap."

Beastbox transforms into a double-barreled tank, and fires heat-seeking missiles at Ironhide. Ironhide lets the missiles follow him until he gets right in front of Beastbox, who turns into his robot form. Ironhide jumps out of the way as the redirected missiles hit Beastbox in the back. Squawktalk transforms into his own vehicle mode. His wings extend and spread out while his head goes inside the compartment of his chest. His legs become thrusters. His vehicle mode is a smaller and light blue jet that strongly resembles Star Lord's ship. He does an airstrike against Ironhide, but he dodges all the firepower. Squawktalk grows frustrated with Buzzsaw's lack of participation.

Squawk: (impatient) "You got us doing all the fighting, why aren't you going anything?"

Buzzsaw: (dryly) "I was unaware that part of my function was to cater to each of your meaningless whims. I will participate when my interest is peaked."

Beastbox: (gets punched) "I'm getting peaked left and right here!"

Buzzsaw: "Just for your grammar incompetence you can leave me out of your battle."

Beastbox takes two swings at Ironhide, who dodges both and punches the ape square in the jaw. The two get into a deadlock, with Ironhide getting Beastbox overwhelmed. Squawktalk transforms back to his parrot form to scratch at Ironhide's back. Ironhide grabs hold of Beastbox and throws him into Squawktalk. Squawktalk is forced to crawl out from underneath his unconscious friend.

Ironhide: "Get out of here Squawktalk, this is no place for cowardly birds."

Squawk: (fires a missile) "Tweet tweet bitch!"

The missile blasts Ironhide back, and Longarm approaches Buzzsaw, who stands in the way of Soundwave.

Buzzsaw: "Hello Longarm. You look great for a dead man."

Longarm: "And you look more handsome than last time. Are you taking your vitamins again?"

Buzzsaw: "Cute, now move along. I await a challenge."

Longarm: "Sounds like you want a fight."

Buzzsaw: "You misunderstand me, I'm waiting for a challenge."

Longarm: (starting to punch) "I got your challenge right here!"

Longarm tries to punch Buzzsaw, but the bird closes his eyes and dodges the attack by wrapping his long neck around Longarm's arm. He uses the momentum to slam him on the ground face-first.

Buzzsaw: (dismissive) "Why not face Soundwave? I'm sure he's chomping at the bits to face you."

Longarm: "...Well alright then. Here I come Soundwave!"

Longarm takes out his beam sword and charges at Soundwave.

Buzzsaw: "Three..."

Soundwave puts on his battle visor.

Buzzsaw: "Two..."

Soundwave's visor starts bringing up different data.

Buzzsaw: "One..."

A groundbridge portal opens up, and it's too late for Longarm to respond. He goes right through, and his sent very far away in the city.

Longarm: "Huh.. that's new."

Soundwave transforms while Buzzsaw perches on top of his roof.

Soundwave: "Come Buzzsaw, we must find the Matrix."

Buzzsaw: "Yes of course, and perhaps this will repair your friendship with Megatron."

Soundwave: "What reasons would I wish to rekindle our friendship?"

Buzzsaw: "He stood by you, and you accused him of the most awful offenses."

Soundwave: "He hid secrets from me."

Buzzsaw: "Are you so different?"

Soundwave: "It is logical for a leader to not keep secrets."

Buzzsaw: "Cut the logic excuse and think more like a living being. He is the only one who knows you better than you know yourself outside of me of course."

Soundwave: "Your point is acknowledged."

Buzzsaw: "We need unity, not separation. Nobody wants to see you fighting, except for Starscream."

Soundwave: "Energy readings are getting stronger."

Buzzsaw: "Then we must hurry."

Meanwhile Jazz and Cliffjumper are fighting Laserbeak and Ravage. Ravage tackles Jazz and tries to bite his face off. He is only barely keeping him away as he tosses him aside. Ravage shoots Jazz in the chest with lasers and missiles, and leaps to strike Jazz swings him away with his staff. He shoots the car that he lands on to make it explode, but Ravage leaps out of the way at the last moment. He runs along the walls of a building while being shot at, and then Ravage cloaks himself. Jazz desperately tries to search for him, but it is short-lived when Ravage bites him on the forearm. Jazz is trying to shake him off but no luck. Cliffjumper on the other hand is getting pecked on the head viciously by Laserbeak.

Cliff: (peck) He's (peck) pecking (peck) me!"

Jazz: (shaking his arm) "I think he likes you!"

Cliff: "He sure has a way of showing it!"

Jazz shoots Laserbeak away from Cliffjumper, and in turn Cliffjumper shoots Ravage enough to let go of Jazz.

Jazz: "Remind me to spay and neuter him next time I see him."

Cliff: "Yeah and I'll give the buzzard a nice birdbath."

Sideswipe confronts Rumble, who is driving along.

Rumble: "Out of the way Sideswipe."

Side: "Where are you heading Rumble?"

Rumble: (snotty) "Oh you know, down to none of your business boulevard. It's right off the coast of kiss my actuator avenue."

Side: "Well alright then, let's dance."

Sideswipe attacks Ruble, and the engage in a piledriver vs blade battle. Sideswipe quickly gets the advantage and trips Rumble. In response Rumble uses his piledrivers to create a giant chasm that Sideswipe nearly falls into. Rumble transforms and runs over Sideswipe, he then transforms into his flying saucer mode, flies into the air, transforms back to robot mode, and lets him fall into the pit. While this is happening, Frenzy is driving to the Matrix until he is stopped by a familiar face. It's Ratchet, who has finally returned from the Thundercracker battle.

Frenzy: (rudely) "Out of the way old man, or I'm gonna hurt you!"

Ratchet: "I may be old but you're too undisciplined to hurt me."

Frenzy: "Then bring it pops!"

Ratchet launches his sticky grenades at Frenzy. Frenzy's gatling gun from his back emerges and destroys the grenades before they even touch him. Ratchet cuts Frenzy across the chest with his buzzsaw, knocking him over. Frenzy manages to shoot Ratchet twice in the chest before he rolls to avoid the rest of the fire. Ratchet backhands Frenzy, and his edges his buzzsaw closer and closer to Frenzy's face. Frenzy acts fast and stamps Ratchet's foot, and while he's distracted Frenzy headbutts him, cracking the doctor's walrus mustache. Ironhide continues laying on the hurt to Beastbox and Squawktalk until Buzzsaw gives them an idea.

Squawk: (panting) "We're really getting thrashed here!"

Buzzsaw: (over comlink) "Then combine you idiot!"

Beastbox: "Oh yeah, totally forgot about that."

Squawktalk transforms himself into a pair of legs, and Beastbox becomes a chest, arms, and a head. Their combined form is Squawkbox, a juggernaut of destruction. Squawkbox tries to smash Ironhide with one hand, but Ironhide manages to block it with both of his. Ironhide realizes that Squawkbox still has a free arm, but it's too late to react. Squawkbox sends Ironhide far with a huge punch to the chest, crashing into a car and knocking him out. Squawkbox begins a rampage of destroying tanks and anyone else who gets in his way. Soundwave and Buzzsaw continue to cruise along until Bumblebee tires to intervene. He tries to sneak up on the Decepticons, but that is virtually impossible. Soundwave grabs Bumblebee with one of his tentacles with his back turned to him. He brutally smashes him down on the pavement three times before tossing him aside.

Soundwave: "Readings are getting stronger, we must hurry."

Buzzsaw sees Powerglide and Ace flying nearby, and his expression turns from stoic to angry.

Buzzsaw: (intense) "Now my interest has peaked. Good luck Soundwave, I have a score to settle."

Buzzsaw for the first time transforms into his alternate mode. It's a heavily armed gold helicopter with a blue cockpit. He flies after Ace, Powerglide, and Alan's drones s they are taking out several Vehicons.

Ace: "Did you see me take them down?

Weazel: "Yeah I'm pretty sure that was me."

Power: "Pfft we both know it was the maestro who transforms into a jet."

Ace: "Yeah keep telling yourself that."

Buzzsaw fires a missiles that destroys one of Alan's drones. That gets everyone's attention.

Buzzsaw: (growling) "You should have died last time we met Powerglide."

Power: "Well too bad. I tend to leave people disappointed."

Buzzsaw: "When I start a job I finish it. You must understand I can't let you live."

Power: "Bring it on buzzkill."

Buzzsaw: (screaming) "It's Buzzsaw!"

Buzzsaw transforms back into his bird form and shoots at Powerglide, who dodges the bullets, but barely. Buzzsaw manages to keep pace with the jet, much to their surprise. Buzzsaw shoots a few bullets into his side, and Powerglide in response flies straight up into the sky.

Power: "Ace, prepare yourself for a daring aerial technique!"

Ace: "I swear you sound like one of those old cartoon guys."

Buzzsaw manages to latch on to Powerglide and uses his tail to make a deep gash across his jet form. Powerglide yells out and pain and manages to shake Buzzsaw off, hitting him with his wing. Buzzsaw starts spiraling downward and that just made him angrier. The chase intensifies and Powerglide starts taking more damage, but that's when he gets an idea.

Power: 'Ace this is going to be tough, but I need you to trust me."

Ace: "Of course, what did you have in mind?"

Power: "Just stay calm."

Ace sees that Powerglide is flying towards a giant flagpole.

Ace: (getting nervous) "You wouldn't."

Power: "I would."

Ace: "Don't do it!"

Power: "Doing it!"

Powerglide nearly hits the flagpole, but dips to the side at the very last moment. Buzzsaw's eyes widen in fear as his neck hits the flagpole. He falls and crashes to the ground, moderately damaged. He watches Powerglide in destain as he flies away.

Buzzsaw: (bitterly) "Those Autobots made a fool out me. They will pay dearly for this."

Power: (celebrating) "Powerglide to Wheeljack, we just beat Buzzsaw!"

Wheel: "Awesome! Nobody can stop us."

Ace: -facepalm- "You didn't."

Perce: (shaking Wheeljack) "Why did you say that? Why would anyone say that!?"

Powerglide and Ace look down the street, and now their situation just got a thousand times worse. Megatron, Splicer, Sideways, Payload, and Waspinator have arrived.

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