Part 13: Mind of Darkness

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Back at the Decepticon HQ Terradive has been put in a straightjacket due to the fact that he keeps insisting that Fearswoop is real. Payload, the twins, Thundercracker, and Splicer are watching him try and break free from his prison. Terradive is just seeing Fearswoop sit with him as everyone else leaves.

"Why is this happening to me?"

"Um because you suck?"

"Why am I seeing you?"

"Bitch you missed me, admit it."

"Of course I've missed you! Not a day has gone by since my only real friend was killed."

"You are such a baby."

"But why am I cursed with you?"

(offended) "I'm not a curse I'm a blessing. I'm so hot and they're not!"

(having clarity) "The spellbook... that's how I'm seeing you. It must have been some sort of hallucinogenic spell."

"Nah man that's not it, I'm a ghost."

"It has to be that though."

"If that's true then how come you are the only one who can see me?"

"I'm not sure."

"Big surprise there."

"All you ever do is cause me pain and misery."

"All you ever did was let me die."

(shouting) "You were the one who decided to stay behind and die! That was your fault!"

"Oh here we go again. Look gills just because you're a wimp doesn't mean you get to blame me for your problems."

"I'll show you a wimp!"

-sigh- "Oh here we go."

Terradive in the jacket charges at the ghost/hallucination of Fearswoop, taking him down. Fearswoop uses his feet to kick him off and starts throwing him around the room. The people watching him just see him thumping against the wall. Eventually Terradive is just floating on his back in the middle of the room.

Payload: (concerned) "....Terradive? Are you ok?"

After about five seconds Terradive gets thrown off to the right side.

Frenzy: "Ah there he goes."

Rumble: "He's never been better."

Terradive manages to break free and breaks down the door.

Skywarp: "Someone stop him!"

Thunder: (gleefully) "Way ahead you you."

Thundercracker finally gets the chance to show off what his new body can do. He activates the missiles that come from his arm, and sends three out in a lightening fast manner. They are homing missiles, and the three missiles hit Terradive square in the chest, moderately damaging him.

Skywarp: "Well done Thundercracker, I see your new body came in handy after all. However we only needed two missiles to incapacitate him."

Thunder: -shrugging- "Whoops, looks like I got a little carried away, not that it wasn't intentional."

Terra: (clutching his chest) "What are you going to do to me?"

Skywarp: "I'm going to try and help you through your issues. But I'm forced to use the the most painful method now; shock therapy."

Terra: (panicking) "No, don't do this!"

Skywarp: "I'm sorry, it's the only way. Take him to the chamber Waspinator."

Terra: (getting dragged) "No! No!!!!

Overload: "Overload quacks at your disposition."

Payload: "....So where's the quack?"

Overload: "Overload already said quack."

Rumble: "Ok so now what?"

At this moment Hightower and Longhaul come in drunk with Mixmaster, Scrapper, and Scavenger pursuing them. Hightower in particular is the most wasted and upset.

High: (sobbing) "Just look at me, I'm a freak!"

Mix: (comforting) "You're not a freak Hightower."

High: "Yes I am! I'm a crane who transforms into a crane with with a face! I don't even have feet, just tank treads. I don't want to be a tank!"

Mix: "But tanks are cool. Want to know what else they are?"

High: -sniff- "What?"

Mix: "Powerful, so that means you're really powerful."

High: (cheering up) "Huh, I never thought of it like that. Thanks Mixmaster."

Mix: (smiling) "I'm always here to help."

Scavenge: "Well done sir, but we still need to deal with Longhaul."

Mix: (approaching Longhaul) "Why so blue big green?"

Longhaul: "I'm tired of moving things all the time. It's boring and I want to take part in the action."

Mix: "My friend you are an important part of our system. We're a team, and dare I say family. Without you transporting the goods the system would fall apart. You're too crucial of a member to be lost."

Longhaul: -sigh- "I suppose I understand."

Scrapper: (interjecting) "Now you're just lying to him Mixmaster."

Scavenge: "He's not lying to anybody."

Scrapper: "Oh yes he is. We don't need two people to travel the parts to and fro, especially since we have Overload. Longhaul just keeps wanting to be a Disney princess."

Scavenge: "I'm sorry, a what?"

Scrapper: "I've been watching some early human animation lately. All these princesses want more in life just like Longhaul. (getting a weird look by everyone) Don't judge me!"

High: "Too late for that."

Scavenge: "Yeah that ship has sailed."

Scrapper: "Regardless you are in no position to pass judgement."

Overload: "Overload passes judgement like salt."

Scavenge: "Why were you made the second guy down the command chain again?"

Scrapper: (poking Scavenger's chest) "Because you are not capable of having a leadership position."

Scavenge: "Like you are actually a good leader. All you do is act like a jerk to us and Mixmaster."

Scrapper: (rudely) "Listen up metal rejector, I'm the only one with common sense here, and frankly I should lead."

Scavenge: (boldly) "Then act like a leader for once."

High: "Ohhhhh!"

Mix: "Well that escalated quickly. Anyway I hear Starscream is going to be given a motivational speech, let's head on over there."

Rampage: (activates whips in agreement)

Longhaul: "You can't associate the word motivational with Starscream unless there in an un in front of it."

Mix: -chuckles- "Sounds like someone has been influenced by Scrapper's sense of humor."

The Constructicons and several others gather around to hear Starscream speak. Ravage is up in the rafters watching intently.

Scream: "Fellow Decepticons, soon we shall finally achieve what we have always desired; vanquishing the Autobots for good. I know there has been some doubts in the past, but fear not, good things are in store for you all. With the oh so tragic loss of our former leader, I will do what he never could accomplish; killing Optimus Prime. With this I declare-"

While Starscream speaks Ravage gets overcome with sickness and coughs up an energon hairball. It hands right in Starscream's face, causing him to trip and fall down the stairs, and everyone in the room bursts out laughing including Ravage. As Starscream gets up Buzzsaw comes in to have a conversation with him.

"Nice trip there Starscream, that was quite entertaining to see."

"What do you want Buzzsaw?"

"Clarification. You see I've been hearing a rumor going around that I would like you to clarify."

"And what would that be?"

"I heard that you were shot down by a human pilot in the battle of San Francisco, is it true?"

"Yes it is."

"Alright then, so I'll go straight to the point. I heard you died there."

"Obviously that isn't the case."

"Well here's the thing, given the altitude you fell, it should have killed you. The Autobot's communication said you went offline as well. I know Megatron fell from a greater distance, but we all know you don't share his durability. So how did you survive?"

(angered) "I don't know Buzzsaw! All I remember is falling and everything going dark, and the next thing I remember I come breaking out of rubble."

Buzzsaw squints his eyes at Starscream and looks at him from all angles.

"It seems I misjudged you, you look like you're telling the truth. My most sincere apologies Starscream."

Buzzsaw flies off while Payload and Splicer check up on Terradive, who is fallen victim to Skywarp's shock therapy.

Skywarp: "Repeat after me, Fearswoop isn't dead!"

Terradive: "Of course he is dead, but I can see him!"

Skywarp: "Wrong answer."

Terra: (gets zapped) "Ahhhh!"

Skywarp: "Are you ready to snap out of this?"

Terra: "I want to, but he's taunting me. (gets zapped) Why did you do that?"

Skywarp: (grinning) "Sorry, that one was just because I felt like it."

Terra: (singing) "The Seacons all go sea sea sea, sea sea sea, sea sea sea, the Seacons all go sea sea sea all through-" (bursts out crying)

Payload: "Is there really something wrong with him?"

Terradive sees Fearswoop in the corner flickering his flamethrower to light and smoke a ghost/hallucination cigarette.

Terra: (shouting) "How are you doing that without a mouth?!"

Skywarp: "Does that answer your question Payload?"

Payload: "I guess."

Splicer: "So did you figure out what's wrong with him?"

Skywarp: "I haven't, it's all so strange."

Payload: "He says he sees Fearswoop, and he seems to be pleading about it too."

Splicer: "Mind if I go inside and take a look at him?"

Fear: "He's going to check you out Terradive. Tell him I said hi."

Skywarp: "Very well, but do so at your own risk."

Splicer enters the room to inspect Terradive, who is happy to see him.

Terra: (relieved) "Oh thank goodness Splicer! Show him I'm not crazy."

Splicer: "I'll try. I'm going to open up your head now so hold still please."

Splicer opens up Terradive's head to make sure that all his mental systems are operational, and after doing an extensive search he closes it back up.

Splicer: "It seems like all of his functions are completely intact. I don't know what's causing this."

Terra: "See?"

Payload: "But that doesn't explain the whole him getting thumped around thing."

Skywarp: "Well his thrusters were on the whole time."

Terra: "They were?"

Skywarp: "Well here's where this gets strange. There is some sort of foreign energy signature that's all around the base. But my theory is that it's just the new electricity from the Constructicon's constant renovations. I'm going to let you out now Terradive."

Skywarp frees Terradive from his table, and he decides to lie.

Skywarp: "Feel better?"

Terra: "Yep, it's just us and Yogi Bear."

Skywarp: "Come again?"

Terra: "It's a joke."

Skywarp: "I certainly hope so."

Everyone leaves, and it's just Terradive and Fearswoop alone again.

"Smooth move there fishy."

"What was I supposed to do? Tell them I still see you?"

"Huh, guess you're right."

"But why do I keep seeing you?"

"How the hell should I know? I'm not really here!"

"There must be some purpose for this."

"Maybe you feel guilty."

"About what?.....Wait there is something that's bothering me."

"And that is?"

"Your death."

"Oh yeah, I keep forgetting."

"I don't know who killed you."

"Me neither."

(intensely) "But when I find him... he's going to die."


Back at The Ark the Autobots are desperately trying to find a solution to removing Brimstone's essence from Spike. They however are finding no luck with their endeavor. Judy and Ron come in while Misha also enters, and Kicker is apparently missing. Brimstone is busy telling each Autobot how he plans to kill them.

Judy: "We got here as soon as we heard, how is he?"

Ratchet: "I fear it's much worse than we realized."

Judy: (crying) "My baby is going to die!"

Ron: -groans- "Seriously Judy? Look doc we need some good news."

Ratchet: "If I had any I would have said it by now."

Misha: "Um has like anyone seen Kicker anywhere? He was supposed to pick me up three hours ago and I had to walk here."

Ratchet: (condescending) "Oh your poor thing. Too bad nobody cares."

Misha: "Ugh!"

Brim: (being himself) "As for you Powerglide I will tear off your wings and stab your eyes with them."

Power: "That's nice."

Brim: "Ironhide, I will use your cannons to blast you from inside your mouth."

Ironhide: "You wouldn't get the chance Brimstone."

Brim: "We'll see about that. How are you Longarm? I see Dropkick's hole did quite a number on you. I would have finished the job. Hey big ears, nice blinders you got there. Ever thought of having me pierce your face with my blades?"

Longarm: "Enough Brimstone, we aren't happy about killing Hubcap."

Brim: (mocking) "Awww, you're still crying over that? Killed is such a simple way to describe what I did to him. I mangled his body and cut his innards, and I would do it over and over again if I could. It was one of the best moments of my life. He was weak and deserved to die. All of you are the same way. You know it feels so good to finally have a mouth (drools) oh the pain he was in."

Tyrone: "This guy is whack."

Cliff: (running toward Spike) "Why I outta!"

Longarm: (stopping him) "No Cliffjumper, you'll hurt Spike."

Brim: (singing) "And I wont feel a thing!"

Ace: "This guy is something else."

Brim: (screaming) "I will grind your bones into dust human! As for you little girl I will enjoy slitting your throat slowly, and with this mouth that I will have for a short time I will finally taste blood. I'm curious to know what it tastes like."

Prime: "Perceptor, have you found a way that we can help Spike?"

Perce: "One Idea comes to mind, but it's very risky."

Prime: "It's a risk we have to take. What is it?"

Perce: "When the Wreckers took the Allspark there was also some other miscellaneous Decepticon technology around as well. One of these was an old interrogation and mind joining device; the cortical psychic patch."

Prime: "Do you think it can work?"

Perce: "Yes, but you will have to act fast as Brimstone will attempt to get you out. You will need to find the source inside Spike's mind so you can expel Brimstone once and for all."

Prime: "Alright Perceptor, let's get to work."

Perceptor and Wheeljack work on the patch while Brimstone starts up some last-minute conversations.

Brim: "You know I almost feel about about this kid."

Spike: (surprised) "You do?"

Brim: "Yeah you didn't deserve any of this. But think of it this way, you're helping me do something good for your friends."

Spike: "I don't see how killing my friends is a good thing."

Brim: -sigh- "You poor misguided fool. Death is what neutralizes life. Life is a curse that keeps happening more than its cousin death. You can't have life without death, otherwise there is no point. Darkness is my calling, and I must do what I was born for. The universe needs me. I want to be there when the darkness finally overcomes me, and I will finally be complete. Them dying by me is the most honorable death they are ever going to get."

Power: (sarcastically) "Oh I'm sure it is."

Sun: "This guy is crazy."

Jazz: "It took you this long to figure it out?"

Side: "He's always been like this."

Wheel: "Ok we're finished. We were able to find a way to stretch it out so four people can enter his mind."

Mirage: "I'll go with you Optimus."

Sideways: "Me too."

Cliff: "I need to go too just in case that undercover Decepticon Mirage tries to sabotage you."

Mirage: -sigh- "You just never stop do you?"

Prime: "Alright then, let's save Spike."

Optimus and the other three Autobots are strapped to a table and have the patches on their heads. Wheeljack briefs them on what is about to happen.

"Wheel: "Alright listen up, when you go in you will in a dream-like state. If Brimstone gets you, then you wake up. We only got one shot at this."

Bee: "I'm scared for you guys."

Brim: (delighted) "I find your fear arousing Autobot."

Prime: "Do it."

Wheeljack and Perceptor activate the sequence, which sends an electric pulse through everyone's heads, knocking them out. The four Autobots find themselves in a black and red corridor, and everything seems to be intangible and disturbing. There are headless horses and fountains of blood around everywhere. Brimstone's ghostly voice begins echoing through it.

Brim: (haunting) "Welcome to my mind Autobots, I want to play a game."

Cliff: "Any game with you I'd rather die."

Brim: "That can be arranged. You think you can save him, but I'm in full control here. Let's see you try to save him."

Prime: "Stay close Autobots."

Optimus and the other Autobots wander aimlessly in the void of darkness. Occasionally they see a strange things like a mutants or someone chained up and leaking out. Sideways leans against a wall and the wall becomes alive as red and black faces with no eyes and huge empty mouths all begin to call him.

Voices: (pleading) "Save us! Kill us! End our misery."

Prime: "It's not real Sideways, let's keep going."

Eventually Brimstone decides to make things more interesting and puts walls around the four Autobots, separating them. Brimstone catches Mirage, and that forces him to wake up, and now all that is left is Optimus, Sideways, and Cliffjumper.

Prime: (shouting) "Can you hear me Autobots?"

Sideways: "Yeah, but Mirage got taken out, it's just us now."

Cliff: "What do we do?"

Prime: "We keep moving."

Suddenly giant, bloody buzzsaws start chasing Optimus and Sideways, forcing them to be separated from Cliffjumper. Now he is at the mercy of Brimstone."

Brim: "Oh Cliffjumper, the most pathetic of all the Autobots."

Cliff: "Easy to say that when you're in control coward."

Brim: "Was that supposed to hold some significance to me? You and your paranoia are going to be the reason for your demise, not me. You aren't worthy enough to die by my hands."

Cliff: "So much for you being a tough guy."

Brimstone: "Oh well, now to have one less problem on my back."

Black clouds dangle on the ceiling and engulf Cliffjumper in black fire. Cliffjumper wakes up and slams his fist down in frustration. All that is left is Optimus and Sideways.

Sideways: "This guy is insane."

Prime: "His evil knows no boundaries."

Sideways: "Can we even save Spike?"

Prime: "We must, he's depending on us."

As they are walking Sideways runs into an invisible wall and becomes trapped.

Prime: "Sideways!"

Sideways: "I'll be fine Optimus, just save Spike and end this!"

Optimus runs ahead as the walls materialize in front of Sideways. Spikes appear on the walls and the ceiling has something leaking out. It's a body of some flesh creature, not human, but something from another planet. It bleeds out and screams while Brimstone's face emerges from one of the walls and begins conversing with Sideways.

Brim: (coldly) "You, you're the one who killed me. I don't like that."

Sideways: "You are a monster who tried to kill innocent children. I'm not ok with that."

Brim: "Coming from you that's interesting."

Sideways: "What do you mean?"

Brim: 'You have the stench of death all over you. You aren't what you appear to be."

Sideways: "That's not true."

Brim: "Oh yes it is. I may not be able to read your mind, but I know someone like you has something to hide. I've killed lots of people, and I do mean lots of people. But you seem to have killed just as many. But I don't have the time or patience to inquire, so farewell."

The spiked walls crush Sideways, forcing him to wake, and all that is left is Optimus. Optimus finally sees the source. It is a giant red glowing pillar. As Optimus approaches the pillar he can hear a woman crying, but it's not just any woman. A figure is lying on the ground covering her face. It's blacked out so we can't see her, but it does appear to have a head that's shaped like a star.

(shocked) "Elita-1... is that you?"

(wailing) "Why didn't you save me Optimus?"

"Elita...I'll never fail you."

(grimly) "You already did."

A green liquid from the ceiling drops down and splashes the shadow, and the figure begins to melt. Apparently this was acid and a melting hand reaches out to Optimus."

(wheezing) "Save me!"

(screaming) "Elita no!"

Optimus grabs the wrist of the destroyed body and begins to weep, but then the hand sinks itself into his armor and the body rises and begins to transform. The shadow elongates and becomes a 50 foot red Brimstone.

"Brimstone, did you kill her?"

"No Optimus, but I almost did. The witch got away, it's quite the shame."

"This ends here Brimstone, you're done."

(taunting) "There goes Mr. Savior of the universe again with his whole 'I'm going to save everyone because I can' routine again. You're a joke Optimus. How many more times are you going to keep lying to your Autobots about hope and victory. Megatron will run you into the ground."

"Megatron is dead."

"Huh... didn't see that coming, but regardless I will send you to the darkness. I've never killed a Prime before, so I need to think of something special for you."

"Not going to happen."

"Then you will die trying to save him."

Optimus runs towards the pillar, but Brimstone is hot on his tail. He tries to catch the Prime but sweeping him, but Optimus leaps over him in the nick of time. Brimstone decides to make the floor transform into various boobytraps such as spikes, acid pits, and flamethrowers. Optimus does not relent, and nears the pilar. Unfortunately for him Brimstone catches him, and Optimus wakes up yelling and gets depressed immediately.

Prime: (depressed) "I failed."

Ratchet: "It's not your fault Optimus."

Prime: "Yes it is. Spike depended on me in his time of need and I failed him."

Brim: (triumphantly) "HAHAHAH! I knew you couldn't best me Optimus, none of you can! I can feel it starting now, I'm beginning to cross over and return to my glory. You want to know what the sad part about this is kid?"

Spike: "What?"

Brim: 'You won't be in any pain once my body emerges from yours. You essence will just fade away into nothingness, which sucks because I wanted you to be in agony the entire time, but I guess we can't get everything we want."

Spike: "That's nice I guess, so I guess this means goodbye everyone."

Bee: (pleading) "You can't go, not like this!"

Brim: "Oh yes he is Bumblebee, and you'll be the first one to die. It has begun." (starts speaking another language)

Misha: "Why is he like speaking Spanish or something?"

Longarm: "That isn't Spanish you moron, it's ancient Cybertronian."

Sun: "Can anyone understand it?"

Cliff: "Yeah I took a class back in the day."

Longarm: "And how long ago was that exactly?"

Cliff: "Oh a few million years ago, but that's ok. (listening) I think he's asking where the train station is."

Misha: "Um there wasn't like a word for trains because they weren't invented."

Carly: "Well they also had a word for annoying bitch long before you were invented Misha."

Power: -sigh- "I guess darkness can't go away."

Powerglide's words sits with Optimus for a moment, and an idea clicks into his head.

Prime: "I know what to do, but I need a distraction. Cliffjumper, I need you to put Brimstone in some kind of discomfort."

Cliff: "I know just what to do!"

Cliffjumper looks around and eventually finds a painting he made. He brings it over and makes Brimstone look at it.

Cliff: "Look Brimstone, it's flowers, ponies, sunshine and rainbows, isn't that nice?"

Brim: (screaming) "No!!!! It burns! Put it away!"

Optimus reaches into his chest and pulls out the Matrix. He puts it on Spike's forehead and begins to speak.

Prime: (bellowing) "By the power of light, I expel the darkness from Spike. Leave him now!"

Brimstone screams a blood curdling scream as a blinding white light spans across The Ark. Everyone adjusts as the light goes away.

Ace: "Did it work?"

Bee: "Spike are you ok?"

Spike: (amazed) "Yes! I don't feel him inside me anymore. He's gone! Thank you, Optimus."

Carly: "I was so worried!"

Chip: "So no more homicidal tendencies?"

Spike: "Not one."

Spike gets a group hug, but this is short lived as a red static energy forms to make Brimstone. He has an angry looks in his eyes, and he is also fading away as he speaks.

Brim: (vengeful) "You may have won this time Prime, but I will return. Even if it takes forever I will come back and start killing again, and that's a promise. As long as my crystal still exists, I'll just keep coming back. (haunting) I'll see you around."

Brimstone fades away as everyone settles back in and starts celebrating their victory. Back at the Decepticon HQ Soundwave is briefing his seven minions on an important mission.

Soundwave: "I have everything ready for our plans. It is time to bring our leader back to his full glory. Buzzsaw, you know the plan. Do not fail me."

Buzzsaw: "Consider it done Soundwave. We will not fail you. (looking and Beastbox and Squawktalk) Isn't that right?"

Squawk: "Why are you looking at me?"

Soundwave: "Laserbeak, your mission in particular is of the most importance, it is the only way it can work Do you understand?"

Laserbeak nods in understanding and Soundwave opens a groundbridge.

Soundwave: "Now go. Operation: Breakout has now begun."

The seven go inside the groundbridge, and prepare to breakout their leader. Laserbeak blocks out the screen with his wings as it cuts to black

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