Part 37: Scratching The Surface

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Sideways and Sideswipe are still going at it, but Sideswipe is losing. Sideways shoots him up a bit, and the Autobot falls to his knees. Sideways grabs him by the neck, with his long cannons pointed at his head.

Sideways: (cold) "You could have just walked away, but instead you acted like a small child and put your life at risk. I do feel bad for what I did to Sunstreaker, but I have no qualms with killing you. You brought all of this on yourself. Say hello to Sunstreaker for me in the afterlife."

Before he can kill Sideswipe someone dropkicks him and tosses him aside. It's Bumblebee, and helps Sideswipe up as Sideways prepares to battle them both.

Side: (shocked) "You came to me help me."

Bee: "What are friends for?"

Side: "Thank you Bumblebee."

Bee: "No problem. Now let's do this for Sunstreaker."

Side: "It's over Sideways."

Sideways: "That's far from the truth. My work is not even close to finished here."

Bee: "You aren't going to hurt anyone anymore."

Sideways: "Then try and stop me."

Bumblebee and Sideswipe charge at Sideways, and he jumps up, doing a split kick to their faces, knocking them down. Bumblebee gets up first and charges at him with his ax. Sideways dodges each attack and disarms him. He punches Bumblebee in the neck and kicks him while he's down. Sideswipe tries to tackle him, but Sideways just leans to the other side without looking. Sideswipe lands on Bumblebee instead. Sideswipe gets up but Sideways kicks him in the leg, making him fall forward. Sideways knees him in the face, and Bumblebee charges at him again. Sideways grabs him by the arm and swings him into a wall. Sideways kicks him in the chest, making him burst into the wall. Sideswipe grabs him from behind, and Sideways reels his head back to hit him. They both try to attack him, but he grabs both of them and bashes their heads together, and tosses them aside.

Bee: "He's too strong."

Side: "There has to be a way to stop him."

Sideswipe remembers Mirage's word about rage being a fuel that burns quickly. He finds a new motivation, justice. He comes up with a plan that just might work.

Side: "Ok Bee, I need you to distract him. I'll handle the rest."

Bumblebee goes to distract Sideways, and he starts taking a beating for it. However Sideways is completely unaware of Sideswipe, and he stabs the Decepticon in the shoulder. Bumblebee kicks him, knocking him down. Sideways gets up, but Bumblebee shoots him with his plasma cannon. Bumblebee gets shot in retaliation, and Sideswipe blast Sideways with his mines. Bumblebee hits him with a missile to the chest. They take off his Minicons on his head and punch him in the face. But now the Minicons are taking part of the battle. Crosswise tackles Bumblebee and Rook knocks Sideswipe back. Sideways gets up and helps Rook beat on Sideswipe. He shoots Bumblebee for good measure. Bumblebee gets tired of this and throws Crosswise into a wall. He fires a missile, and the Minicon explodes. He fights Sideways again but gets an uppercut from him. Sideswipe grabs Rook and slices him in half with his remaining blade. They attack Sideways again and nearly beat him to death. The damage all over his body is frighteningly similar to how Ratchet looked in the beginning of AOE, but he still has all his limbs, albeit mangled and busted. His real face took quite a beating too as his visor is heavily cracked.

Bee: "It's over Sideways."

Side: "Let's finish this."

Something is going on with Sideways. On the side of him that they don't see something is fizzing around his face. Some white and grey fizz and rounds spheres are coming out of him, but he stops doing it because he hears the sounds of large footsteps approaching, and a very gruff voice speaks up.

?: "The only thing that's going to be finished is you. Sorry pals."

Two large, fiery grenades shoot out and hit them both. Pieces of them go flying as the shooters reveals himself to be Longhaul.

Sideways: (weakly) "Longhaul, you're here."

Longhaul: "What are friends for right? now if you'll excuse me I got some heads to smash.

He grabs both Autobots and bangs their heads together. He faceplants them on the ground and then throw them across the alley way. He ignites his flamethrowers and lights them both on fire. They retreat while taking heavy damage, but they do manage to get away. The heat is so strong that one of Sideswipe's wheel feet burns out, making him fall. Bumblebee grabs him and drags his friend to safety. Longhaul picks up Sideways, transforms, and lays him on the back of his dump truck form.

Sideways: "You came for me, you're a true friend."

Longhaul: "And you're the best and only real friend I've ever had."

Sideways: "I'm in your debt, how can I ever repay you?"

Longhaul: "Just do what real friends do, never give up on one another."

Sideways: "Of course, so can you heal me?"

Longhaul: "I wish I could, but I got in a fight with Optimus and he damaged my nanobots. I was lucky to have healed myself before it completely broke. Splicer will fix both of our problems up good."

Sideways: "I sure hope so."

The two leave in a groundbridge as the scene transitions over to Optimus. He is walking with the trident in his hand until he hears a noise. His instincts kick in and he leaps and rolls. Sure enough someone was trying to shoot him with a large blast. It is none other than Megatron.

Prime: "Megatron, get out of my way."

Megatron: "It appears that we are both after the same thing; killing Megatronus."

Primary: "It is my duty to defeat him."

Megatron: "Your ego knows no bounds. I will be the one to defeat him."

Prime: "You have no right, especially after what you did to Prima."

Megatron: "I told you that I never killed him. Are you truly that blind? You are not the only person that lost something that night."

Prime: "Do you really expect me to believe you?"

Megatron: "No, but it is the truth."

Prime: "I can't let you stop me."

Megatron: "Neither can I."

Megatron teleports and kicks Optimus in the back. They clash their swords together and Megatron has already started to to dominate the fight. He knocks the trident out of Prime's hands. He fires at Optimus, but he rolls and fires back, hitting him in the chest. Megatron creates an earthquake to knock Optimus off balance, and he teleports in front of him to punch him in the face. Optimus slashes him across the chest with his sword, but Megatron grabs it and tears it off. He slices Optimus's arm, and shoots him down. He teleports up in the sky to finish him with one final blade thrust. But something happens, he only gets up half the distance and fall face-first. He tries to do it again but he starts glitching out. It appears that the effects of the machine are starting to wear off. Optimus gets up and stabs him in the leg. Megatron tries to teleport again but he only goes a few feet. Optimus picks up the trident and blasts Megatron in the chest. He rushes over to Megatron, who tries to use his staff to block the attack. Optimus stabs him in the shoulder, shoves him down, and uses the staff to stab Megatron in his right arm while he is in the ground. Megatron now has his arm stuck deep in the pavement. Optimus walks over to retrieve his broken sword. He curves it a certain way and stabs Megatron's other arm with it. The way it was curved makes it nearly impossible to remove from the spot. Megatron is just stuck lying on the ground unable to move and screaming in sheer pain. They both stop when they hear slow clapping coming from above. It's The Fallen with Mindwipe accompanying him. They both jump down to greet Optimus.

Fallen: (slow clapping) "Well done Optimus, you've performed one of the universe's most effortless tasks to accomplish. Well done."

Prime: (preparing to fight) "Megatronus, where is your third?"

Fallen: "He has sadly passed away thanks to one of your own. However I think you will find comfort in knowing that he has been terminated in response."

Prime: (angered) "Who did you kill?"

Fallen: "I had no part in that altercation but my colleague here might have."

Mindwipe: "That abomination Longarm put a liquid metal beam through by brother's head, and I returned the favor by sticking my dagger through his head. Nobody can walk way from that, not even him."

Prime: "I will kill you for this."

Fallen: "Now now let's not rush to violence so soon Orion. We have much to discuss."

Prime: "I have nothing to discuss with you."

Fallen: "Believe me we do."

Prime: "All I care about is stopping you."

Fallen: "You always did love to hear yourself talk."

Prime: "How do you know me?"

Fallen: "That's my little secret, unless you really wish to know. The only way to pry the information out of me is to play my little game. I need to test you to prove your worth before I start saying anything."

Prime: "A test?"

Fallen: "Yes a test. If you can defeat Mindwipe in a battle then I will tell you everything. Though beating him is much easier said than done."

Prime: "I accept your challenge."

Fallen: "Excellent. (taunting) Oh and Megatron I must say I love the new position you have taken. Be a good boy now and stay put."

Megatron: (enraged) "When I get free I will slaughter you both!"

Fallen: (unafraid) "Good luck with that. Now then Mindwipe shall you show this poser who dares to threaten me why you are my right hand man?"

Mindwipe: "Gladly."

Mindwipe and Optimus are now circling one another and put up their fists. After some time they finally engage one another. They seem to be on a very even level, but Optimus lands the first punch on Mindwipe, and he staggers a bit. Mindwipe tries again, but this time goes on the defensive. Optimus tries a right swing, but Mindwipe ducks and counters. He takes two jabs to Optimus's face and then uppercuts him, finishing with a kick that knocks him back. Mindwipe looks at Megatronus, and he nods his head in approval. Optimus tackles Mindwipe and gets behind him. He starts to crush his right wing, but then feels a searing pain in his hand. He sees a hidden blade tear right through the palm of his hand. The top of Mindwipe's wings are covered in them. He reels his head back and does a roundhouse kick that grabs the back of Optimus's head and yanks him down. Optimus gets up as Mindwipe looks at him blankly and cracks his neck. Optimus takes out his sword, and Mindwipe takes out his daggers. Optimus attacks, but Mindwipe's speed exceeds his sheer might. As Optimus tries to slash down Mindwipe evades and stabs Optimus from underneath the forearm, with the dagger going all the way through. He then stabs Optimus in his left clavicle and gets thrown down. Mindwipe bows to Megatronus, who claps at his success. But Optimus is far from finished. He rushes at Mindwipe, who barely even acknowledges him. He stands on his heels and spins like a top to avoid the attacks. He slashes at Optimus as their blades clash, but Optimus can't outfight Mindwipe when he gets a huge gash across the chest from his foe. Optimus fights harder, using his strength to his advantage and keeping Mindwipe at bay. Megatronus is getting bored and starts playing with a small fire in his hand. Optimus is trying to figure out what Mindwipe's attack patterns are, but he soon realizes that he chooses his attacks at random unlike most enemies he has faced. Optimus breaks Mindwipe's defenses, but he spins around and slashes upwards on Optimus's chest. Mindwipe and The Fallen exchange another glance, and this one is a look of uncertainty as to why this Prime had given Megatron such a hard time in the past. Optimus decides to change up his strategy completely and fires at Mindwipe. He blocks and cuts each of the bullets, cutting them all in half with no difficulty. However Mindwipe doesn't realize that there is more to this plan than he realizes. As Optimus keeps firing and moving forward Mindwipe has to move back, and eventually his back is against a wall. With nowhere to go Mindwipe is trapped. Optimus punches him, and his eyes behind the visor dilate before getting hit. Prime punches him straight through the wall and grabs him by the ankles, and thrashes him around on the street. He throws him across the street, and he imbeds his daggers into the ground to regain his footing.

Mindwipe: "I have underestimated you. Perhaps I may need a new strategy to beat you."

Prime: "Nothing will work Mindwipe."

Fallen: "Oh Mindwipe, I think your special present will do just fine against him."

Mindwipe: "Ah yes, that will do indeed. (hypnotizing) You are getting sleepy, and that sword of yours looks particularly friendly. Take it, and put it to your neck."

Optimus feels the darkness coming into his head, but for whatever reason it isn't coming as quickly as it did for the others. There appears to be something that is holding it back. He realizes that the Matrix is the reason. Since it is the quintessential light it can fight off the dark. Optimus pretends to take the blade to his neck, and then punches Mindwipe in the face, making him grind on his back.

Fallen: (surprised) "That's new."

Mindwipe: "No one has ever resisted my hypnosis."

Prime: "Then you better chalk that one up as your first. There is a first time for everything."

Mindwipe: "Indeed, but it looks like I can't take you myself."

Prime: "What do you mean by that?"

Mindwipe: (points) "I'll let them tell you."

Emerging from the shadows are all of the people that Mindwipe has hypnotized. Swoop, Sludge, Jazz, and Mirage all get in a fighting stance for Mindwipe.

Prime: (angered) "You took their minds."

Mindwipe: "Unfortunately for them they do not share your gift. Now let's see how far you would go. Can you kill your friends to get to me?"

Prime: "I'll find another way."

Optimus tries to get to Mindwipe, but Sludge knocks him away. Mirage and Jazz are firing at him, and he is forced back. Swoop flies at him but he rolls out of the way, Swoop returns and scratches him on the back with his talons. Sludge's tail whips him away, and Mirage stabs him in the leg. He has no choice but to kick Mirage back. He rolls over and punches Sludge and shoots Swoop down. Jazz attacks him with his staff, but Prime grabs it and slams it on the ground, knocking him out. The others are starting to get up, but he needs to find a way to set them free. Optimus notices how hard Mindwipe is concentration. He then comes up with an idea. Optimus honks his horn, and it breaks Mindwipe's concentration, and the other go unconscious. Optimus punches Mindwipe so hard it cracks his visor, and he bashes him into a wall and he is now unconscious. The Fallen is surprised at the end result.

Fallen: "I suppose he was rusty from all these years, or maybe you really or worthy of the title of Prime."

Prime: "It's finished, now give me answers."

Fallen: "Yes of course. Let's talk. (opening a portal) Come Optimus, if you don't mind I'd like to keep this private."

The Fallen enters the portal and Optimus picks up the trident, reluctantly following him. They are in a different part of the city.

Fallen: "I suppose you have quite a few questions, but I bet there is one just burning on your mind."

Prime: "What would that be?"

Fallen: "You mean you really don't know?"

Prime: "No."

Fallen: (tempting) "Don't you want to know what really happened the night your father died?"

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