Part 31: A Prime's Desperate Stand

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Megatron is driving around and then transforms. He goes for the Matrix, but soon realizes it is not in his possession.

Megatron: (growling) "Soundwave!

A tank appears and transforms. It's Shockwave, and Megatron is understandably surprised.

"Shockwave? What are you doing here?"

"I was pursuing the humans that were on Cybertron. They destroyed my lab and are here somewhere in the city. Optimus Prime interrupted me, but I taught him a lesson."

"Well done Shockwave, is he dead?"

"Unfortunately no, but he is weakened."

"I suppose your being here will prove to be useful."

"Yes it certainly will."

Shockwave takes out his gun and points it in Megatron's direction, which surprises him. Meanwhile Optimus is getting ready to face the seven Decepticons. The shoulder injury from Shockwave is definitely going to be a problem, but he can't give up yet. There is far too much at stake for this. Thundercracker seems very giddy about taking Optimus down.

Thunder: "You have no idea how long I've waited for this."

Terra: "It will be all be over soon."

Soundwave: "Target acquired."

Wasp: "Waspinator feels itchy."

Payload: "Time to get some big respect."

Longhaul: "Let's do this."

Prime: "I will give you one warning. Leave if you value your life."

Thunder: (laughing) What a joke! I don't think you can stand up straight anymore!"

Optimus shoots Thundercracker down in response, and that initiates the battle. Waspinator fires his scales into Optimus, but he blocks it with his swords. Terradive blasts at Optimus, but he dodges it, hitting Waspinator instead. The clone fires at Optimus, who fires back, and the clone is knocked to the ground. Soundwave takes out one of his tentacles and grabs Optimus in the back. The tentacle tases Optimus, and Longhaul uses the opportunity to do a shoulder tackle on Optimus. While his is pinned down he starts wailing on the Autobot leader. He gets punch after punch in, until Optimus eventually catches Longhaul's hands. He starts to crush this hands seeing that his five fingers can outmatch the Constructicon's four. He headbutts Longhaul, picks him up, and throws him into the Skywarp clone. Thundercracker gets back up and shoots Optimus in the chest with a missile. He rushes at Optimus and starts hacking down at Optimus with his sword. Optimus uses his swords to block all of the attacks. He grabs Thundercracker by the leg and swings him around into Soundwave and Terradive. Payload is behind Optimus and shoots him in the back of the leg just below the knee, making him limp. Optimus turns around just in time to have Payload launch him away with his chest claw. Optimus tries to get up, but Waspinator fires a grenade that sends Optimus back. Terradive returns and scratches Optimus across the chest with his trident. Optimus blocks the next attack and bumps Terradive's head on his own trident. Soundwave grabs Optimus and throws him down, kicking him. He tries to step on him, but Optimus stops his foot just in time. The two exchange punches with one another, and Soundwave takes out more of his tentacles to stab him. Optimus had anticipated this, and cuts some of the tentacles with his swords. He grabs Soundwave by the remaining tentacles, lifts him up, and slams him down on Waspinator, who falls into pieces. Longhaul returns and tries to take on Optimus with his swords, but his lack of training with them proves to be his downfall. Optimus stabs him in the shoulder, and Longhaul shoves him back in response. Payload jumps on Optimus from behind and starts kicking him, and the Skywarp clone gets up to start shooting him. Optimus shoots the clone in the leg to make it fall forward. He reels his head back to knock Payload off, and Terradive pole-vaults a kick to the chest with his trident. Optimus is on the ground and Terradive tries to stab him in the face. Optimus rolls over as Terradive keeps trying to stab him. Optimus shoots Terradive away, and Longhaul returns with his flamethrowers. He nearly burns Optimus, but he gets behind Longhaul and aims his flames at Waspinator and Thundercracker. The seeker's rear catches fire as he is running around like a madman, and Waspinator gets scorched. Longhaul turns around and tries to crush Optimus, but the Prime jabs his elbow right into his face. Payload grabs him with his claw, but Optimus easily breaks free and shoots Payload down. Terradive gives Optimus a jumping roundhouse kick to the face. Thundercracker and Soundwave pick him up, holding him tightly. Thundercracker sinks his claws deep into Optimus's good shoulder. Payload gets up and punches him in the face, and Optimus kangaroo kicks him on his back. Terradive tries to blast Optimus, but he knocks Soundwave into the crossfire, hitting him instead. Thundercracker panics and crouches, and the thrusters on his back activate, and the propulsion sends Optimus flying back. The Skywarp clone attacks Optimus, but he stabs him in chest and shoots him in the shoulder to knock him down. Soundwave blasts Optimus in the chest with his sonic cannon, and Waspinator fires a few more scales into his back. Longhaul fully charges a shot of his grenades, and combines it with shots from Soundwave's cannon, the result heavily damages Optimus, and he rolls along the street. He rolls on his back and the left side of his chest is almost gone, his face is busted up on one side, one shoulder is pretty torn up, and his legs are scratched and shot up. The seven Decepticons circle around Optimus, with Thundercracker stabbing him in the leg for good measure.

Thunder; (sadistically) "Aww yeah that feels so good!"

Terra: "Make him beg for mercy!"

Payload: "Can I kill him?"

Longhaul: "Why would we let you do that?"

Payload: "I want everyone to respect me."

Wasp: (rolls eyes) "Oh here we go."

Thunder: "Whatever, just make it quick."

Payload approaches Optimus, and he is so excited.

Payload: (giddy) "Everyone is going to say 'Payload, you're so cool, you took out Optimus Prime!' And I'll be all like 'Yeah that was me!"

Thunder: (impatient) "Hurry up dammit!"

Payload: "Fine fine. Here goes nothing."

Payload points his gun right to Optimus's head and time slows down drastically. Optimus knows that this will be the end, but not if he can help it. In the milliseconds following he gets his brass knuckles, and BAM! His fist breaks a giant hole through Payloads chest as pieces go flying everywhere. The other Decepticons step back in complete horror as Payload trembles and crumples to his knees and falls forward. The force of the hit was so big that his head disconnects from his body, with only the wires keeping it attached as it rolls forward a little. Payload is dead.

Thunder: (eyes widening) "Shit...."

Optimus doesn't waste any time, and clocks Thundercracker in the face. He decides that enough is enough and flies away, much to Soundwave's disappointment. Longhaul tries to stop him with his flame throwers, but Optimus shoots a bullet right into the flamethrower, and it explodes, severely damaging Longhaul's right arm. He retreats and uses his nanosentrys to heal himself. Optimus throws a car at the clone to take him out, and Terradive fights him once again. He slams Terradive on a car and kicks it back, and he rolls away unconscious, and Optimus now has the trident. He blasts Waspinator in half with it, and his top half crawls away to leave and look for his lower half. He also takes Payload's gun with him. Now it's just him and Soundwave. Soundwave quickly disarms Optimus and slams him on the ground, starting to crush him. Suddenly a groundbridge opens up with human soldiers coming out. Tyrone and Silas are also there in the back. The start firing at Soundwave, and while he covers his face Tyrone throws the sticky gel into Soundwave, implanting the virus. The gel then explodes, blowing off Soundwave's left leg. He is on the floor writhing as he is getting shot at from all angles. He shoots Optimus back and activates his Ultrasonics. Anyone near enough explodes, but luckily Tyrone and Silas were the last two to arrive. Tyrone is knocked back and hits his head on the cement. Silas drags the unconscious and bloody Tyrone back in the groundbridge. Soundwave grabs his leg and hops off. Meanwhile Longhaul gets a call from Mixmaster.

"Hey Longhaul, where have you been?"


"How did it go?"


"I thought as much. Look, we need to combine, so hurry back."

"On my way."

Now it's just the Skywarp clone. Optimus shoots the clone in the mouth with a blast from the trident, and the clone shoots the trident out of his hands. Optimus grabs on to its arm as it tries to shake him off. Optimus uses his sword to cut the arm off, transforms it into its gun form, and fires a black ball into its head. There is a pause, and then the clone starts to shake. It starts getting torn inside out, and that's because Optimus launches the black hole gun into the clone. It tears itself apart until the rest of it is sucked in, and the hole explodes. Optimus slowly gets up, panting. He looks around and starts to walk away, but he gets tackled. It's Terradive, and he's still not had enough.

"You will not live Optimus!"

Terradive grabs the trident and stabs him in the lower left corner of his stomach. He blasts it, and pieces of his stomach blast out. Optimus uses what little strength he has and hits Terradive with the blunt end of the trident. Now they are struggling for control as the trident is facing straight upwards. another blast fires, and its millimeters away from burning off his face. Optimus overpowers Terradive and blasts him in the shoulder, and he loses his grip on the trident.

"This is for Hound, and every other Autobot that you killed in cold blood!"

Optimus stabs Terradive just below the beginning parts of his neck. He screams and pulls up so hard it decapitates the king, and his head rolls across the street. The lights go out as Terradive is now dead as well. Optimus looks around and crumples to the floor. He's barely alive, and his body is seemingly irreparable.

He looks to Terradive's body and quietly says "Your reign is over." He breathes for a few moments until he hears what sounds like thunder hitting. He looks up in the sky and sees three jets. A portal opens up and they transform and land on the building. The Fallen and his minions are here... The Fallen and Optimus have their eyes meet, but The Fallen does not know he is the last Prime. He simply passes him off as a nobody and leaves with the other two to fly to another area in the city. The Fallen transforms and lands with Mindwipe on his right side and Skystalker on his left. The Fallen cracks his knuckles and takes out Avarice. And red fire glows as he blocks out the camera.

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