Part 29: Optimus vs Shockwave

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Shockwave sees Optimus across the street, and he becomes very interested.

(getting up) "Optimus Prime, it has been so long since I've laid my optic on you."

"Leave them alone Shockwave, or else."

"You are in no position to threaten me. Their lives are forfeit."

"They have every right to live."

"Putting their lives above our own is illogical Optimus. We are a surviving species, and they are too weak to stand."

"They have a right to see that for themselves."

"And that is why you lose."

Meanwhile Ravage and Laserbeak have finally found the Matrix.

-roar- (Finally we have found it.)

-caw- (It took long enough)

-roar- (Who shall carry it?)

-caw- (I will, I can fly it faster to Megatron.)

-roar- (Then let us hurry)

Back at the previous scene, Optimus and Shockwave begin their battle.

"You will find that my aim has improved significantly Optimus."

Shockwave takes out his gun, and sets it to the dual photon blaster setting. He fires at Optimus, but the robot Parkinson's takes over again. It hits everything in the surrounding area except Optimus, who stands completely still. There is a brief pause before Shockwave speaks again.

"You will not speak of this day because you will not survive this encounter."

Shockwave runs at Optimus, but the Prime shoots him down. Due to Shockwave's less than stellar aim he can't seem to fix the distance problem. An idea does eventually pop into his head. He starts throwing cars at Optimus, but he dodges them. But Shockwave is starting to gain some ground on the Autobot leader. Optimus catches one of the cars with both hands, and Shockwave punches Optimus through the car, and he flips across the road. Optimus sinks his hands down into pavement to halt his grinding. Meanwhile Spike and Carly are running for their lives when they are around a small bridge. There is some heavy debris on a fallen building. Judging by the impact it looks like it was fairly recent. The rubble starts to shake, and out crawls Thundercracker. He is covered in dust and is holding his hand on his head.

Thunder: (rubbing his head) "Damn, if I wanted to feel this shitty I would have gotten high!"

Thundercracker sees Spike and Carly, and a grin of satisfaction appears on his face.

Thunder: (excited) "Well drown the children and shoot the neighbors, my birthday came early for me!"

Carly: "Why is it that no matter where we go someone is trying kill us?"

Spike: "I don't know but we better run!"

The two try to run, but Thundercracker fires a missile to halt their progress an explosion appears just inches from hitting them.

Thunder: "And where do you think you're going? We're just getting started!"

All of a sudden someone leaps off a rooftop and dropkicks Thundercracker to the ground. It's Longarm,and he's ready to take on the seeker.

Longarm: "What are you waiting for? Run!"

Spike: "You heard the man let's get out of here!"

Thunder: (getting his sword) "Longarm, how the mighty have fallen."

Longarm: "Oh chew on an exhaust pipe you big baby."

Thunder: "That's nice."

Longarm and Thundercracker do battle, and unfortunately for them their battle seems to find the kids no matter where they go. Thundercracker comes crashing through an adjacent building and starts clutching his rear.

Thunder: (in pain) "Gah I think you broke my ass!"

Longarm: "That's not the only thing that's going to break."

The kids run as Thundercracker and Longarm fight again. Longarm dodges Thundercracker's sword strikes and cuts him in the back of the leg with his beam sword. Thundercracker fires some missiles and one hits Longarm. Spike and Carly slide over a few cars in the middle of the street to get away, and they finally become safe from the battle. Longarm recovers quickly and sticks the hook of his tow truck mode into the Decepticon's leg. Longarm transforms, and Thundercracker gets dragged brutally face-first across the street. Thundercracker transforms as well, and kicks the thrustors into maximum overdrive, and it's now an intense tug-of-war. The two continue pulling harder and harder, until Longarm's hook finally breaks off. Longarm gets knocked off balanced and makes a speedy recovery, but Thundercracker bounces across the street. Longarm grabs the broken hook and cables and runs at Thundercracker, who is about to take off. Longarm clamps the hook on one of his wings while Thundercracker starts gaining altitude. Thundercracker tries to grind Longarm on walls but is unsuccessful. Longarm climbs up the cable and to the front of Thundercracker, and forces the front to go up. Now they are getting high in the air, and Longarm stabs Thundercracker in the wing with his beam sword. He tries to shake Longarm off with extreme aerial maneuvers but no avail. Longarm keeps shooting at him until a missile appears out of thin air and blasts Longarm off. It's the Skywarp clone to the rescue. Thundercracker transforms and grabs the falling Longarm by the neck.

Thunder: "Well thank you Skywarp, I needed that."

The clone transforms and hovers, and it nods its head.

Thunder: (clenching tighter) "Now I'm going to choke you out."

Longarm: (barely breathing) "You should have taken me out for dinner first before you start choking me."

Thunder: (tighter) "That's cute."

Longarm: (goading) "Hey I got a booboo right here. Think you can kiss it and make it better?"

Thunder: (even tighter) "You really want to die don't you?"

Longarm: (weakly) "Even if I die, you'll only be known for choking me without consent."

Thunder: "Very well then (lets go) enjoy your fall."

Thundercracker and the clone transform and leave Longarm to fall to his death. As he is falling he is spotted by the other Autobots.

Mirage: "It's Longarm!"

Cliff: "He's doomed!"

Jazz: "Cancel that negativity, we can still save him."

Side: "But how?"

Jazz: "Cliff, I totally saw you steal that gravity platform thing from Perceptor before we left for the ship."

Cliff: "You saw that? I mean yeah great idea."

Mirage: "We must hurry then."

The Autobots speed out to rescue Longarm. Mirage and Jazz are the first to arrive. Mirage and Jazz carefully estimate the spot of Longarm's drop and throws it out into the middle of the street. It's just the right spot too, so the gravity machine does its job, saving Longarm by pushing him up at the last moment.

Mirage: "Are you well il mio coraggioso compagno guerrio?" (my brave fellow warrior)

Longarm: "Yeah I'll be fine, thanks for that."

Ratchet: (sarcastic) "Any more close calls in your schedule?"

Longarm: "Maybe, but we better get moving."

Bumble comes in his vehicle mode, and upon opening the door Ace comes out with Tyrone and Silas.

Ironhide: "Where's Powerglide?"

Ace: (looking away) "He's dead, Megatron killed him."

The other Autobots exchange grim looks with one another, Ironhide in particular being the most upset.

Ironhide: (quietly) "We've lost too many men recently. Too many men."

Mirage: "Then let's not lose any more and finish this."

Meanwhile a man and a woman are having tea during the middle of the whole battle, and it gets interrupted when Optimus and Shockwave crash into their favorite restaurant. The see the two struggling and fighting, and pass it off as just a disturbance.

Man: "Curiouser and curiouser, look at those two tiggywinkles trade jabs. I don't think there is enough sugar in my coco. Fish and chips and all that."

Woman: "Most unorthodox."

Optimus and Shockwave are getting into some brutal fisticuffs with one another. Shockwave leaps to attack but Optimus tackles him at just the right moment. The two roll around, and Optimus grabs Shockwave by the sides and starts slamming him on the ground while he's on his back. Shockwave headbutts Optimus, loosening his grip. Shockwave tries to take a swing at the leader, but Optimus kicks him back. He takes out his dual Energon swords, and he clashes with Shockwave's armblade. Shockwave wins the strength battle, but Optimus rolls out to avoid any damage. Optimus slashes Shockwave twice in the chest, and then stabs him in the stomach, pinning him to a wall. He tries to go deeper, but the Decepticon's armor makes that much more difficult. Shockwave grabs the sword and slowly starts taking it out. Optimus tries to fight back, but it's no use. Shockwave kicks Optimus hard in the chest, knocking him down to the ground and rolling him. Shockwave tries to stab Optimus in the face with his armblade, but Optimus rolls out of the way. The blade gets stuck in the cement and Shockwave is trying to break it out. Optimus sees his chance and does a jumping knee kick to Shockwave's face. The force of the blow makes him stagger back and free his blade from the concrete, bringing a slab of it with him. Optimus slashes his sword down at Shockwave, and he blocks the first slash, breaking the concrete, and uses his gun to block the second one, denting it. Shockwave is forced down on one knee, but he thinks fast and steps on Optimus's foot. Shockwave gets up and backhands Optimus in the face with his gun, grabs him, and slams him on the ground. He has a good grip on the Autobot leader by pressing his foot on his chest. Shockwave aims his gun at Optimus's face, and he presses a button. From the tip of the gun clicks out a little target marker to help him aim. Shockwave fires three times at Optimus's face, but as the dust clears it is revealed that the blasts destroyed the area, except for Optimus! Shockwave just looks in disbelief and says "Illogical." Optimus uses his gun to blast Shockwave's foot. He gets up and headbutts him, and punches him twice in the face. Shockwave tries to swing his arm-blade into his side, but Optimus ducks and uppercuts him. Shockwave attacks by swinging his gun, but Optimus grabs it, separates it from his arm, and hits him right in the face with it, knocking him on his stomach. Optimus grabs a car and slams it down on Shockwave. He keeps doing that until Shockwave breaks it in half with his blade. Shockwave uppercuts his chest with it and backhands Optimus in the face with the blunt end of it. He tries stabbing him again, but Optimus catches it with his hands. It inches closer and closer, but Optimus manages to have the blade stab himself in his knee. Optimus just wails on him, and the two eventually lock hands. Optimus seems to be winning, until his hands start getting crushed by Shockwave, who just looks at him blankly.

(coldly) "You will not win this fight Optimus."

Optimus manages to overpower him and shove him on the ground. He tries to finish this, but Shockwave stabs him in his right shoulder. Optimus yells in pain and takes the blade out. Shockwave yanks the blade back, and it grazes Prime's ribs. Shockwave punches him three times in the face, and Optimus only gets one punch. Shockwave picks up and throws Optimus across the street, and fetches his gun. Optimus realizes that he can't win this fight without the Matrix. As mighty as he is the Matrix gives him a boost in strength, speed, and endurance that is greatly needed. Optimus changes into his guns and blows Shockwave away, and the Prime transforms and drives away, leaving him in the dust.

"Yes Optimus, run like you always do. When we meet again it will not save you."

Back at the Autobots perspective Mirage and the other Autobots are driving along until he sees something terrible heading their way.

Mirage: "Wheeljack, did you say something bad back at the Ark?"

Wheel: "No, why?"

Mirage: "Because we are now in more danger than ever."

Seven vehicles now appear on the street and transform.... the Constructicons are here.

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