Part 1: School Tools

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Well the wait is over folks. Here is part 1: School Tools

Hundreds of millions of years ago before the war for Cybertron, there was a time when there was peace. This period of time was called The Golden Age. At this point in history, Cybertron's technological and social advances were beyond their wildest dreams, but Cybertron's ultimate destiny is nothing but shattered dreams. There were many crucial factors that played in the part of Cybertron's current war, but for right now we will tease the very first event that would lead to a chain reaction that led to the great war.

We now go to Cybertron in The Golden Age, and the win suns are beginning to set. All is calm and peaceful, until we see a glimmer in the sky. The glimmer gets bigger until it comes right on screen. It is an ancient looking jet, with an appearance as old as time itself. The jet flies to one of Cybertron's moons and begins to slow down. The jet begins to slowly transform, until we now see the the full might of the individual. He is none other than Megatronus Prime, now known only by his new name; The Fallen. His appearance is a mix between his Dreamwave and Prime design. The top of his head-piece is his Prime design, while the eyes and mouth plate are from his Dreamwave design. He is a mix between silver and grey with his Prime incarnation's arms and legs. His chest is very Dreamwave esque, but redesigned to look less blocky and more sinisterly sleek. He has several vents around his body that that glow, giving him the look of a living furnace of hate and evil.

The Fallen looks at his right hand, and then makes it into a fist. His eyes flare up with flames for a brief moment, and then he just stares at Cybertron with sheer determination. All of a sudden there is the roaring of other engines as two more glimmers appear behind them. They pick up speed until they transform and land to the left and right of The Fallen. The camera blurs them out so we can't see who or what they are. But noticeable features that can be seen are the one on his right has a single eye. The other appears to have a visor over his eyes, along with something strange on his head. The Fallen walks forward and scans Cybertron. After he does this, the schematics of a lone structure appears on a hologram. It isn't very big, so it must be a house. But why a house? What would a demigod want with a house? Megatronus gestures with his hand to command the two mystery figures to come with him. Together they transform to Cybertron, with malicious intent. It is now officially night time, perfect for them to slink around in the darkness. They arrive at a tall building, and then he teleports, and comes in jet form to a small neighborhood. He spirals upside down until he lands with one knee and hand on the ground. He moves his head up slowly he he sees the house that he was looking for. The other two come down to join him, but that's when The Fallen does something strange. He reaches back with his left hand, and pulls out a grey sword that glows with fire. He then uses his right hand to make a stopping motion while he has his back turned to them.

"No, you must stay here and watch. (sinister) He's mine."

The pair exchange a confused look together, but agree by nodding their heads in response. The Fallen walks ominously towards the house, and then time begins to accelerate. The main reason for this is because what happens next will be revealed near the end of the story. But what happened in the end is that a great ball of white light gets sent up into the sky, and goes in lightspeed to parts unknown. The ball of light lands on an extremely distant planet. A stone structure emerges from the ground and traps the light inside. The stones continue to move until it creates a very strange structure. As the camera goes higher and higher we see that this is no ordinary planet... it's Earth. Then the screen goes black as the words Transformers: Enslavement appears next to some rusty chains. The chains and logo continue to rust until it dissipates into several pieces....

Prime: "Billions of years ago after the creation of the universe there was the 12, who would later become the 13. They were the first Primes, and the greatest warriors in the universe. But there was one who took a path to darkness, and his name was Megatronus. Nobody knows why he chose this path. Many things were stricken from the records of the 13, but last time anyone had ever heard of him, he was banished from Cybertron because of his actions, and he has never been heard from since."

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