Part 15: Resurrection

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Ratchet has managed to stabilize Powerglide, but he is currently unconscious. He is now working on Longarm, who is talking up a storm.

Longarm: "What's going on Ratchet?"

Ratchet: "Well you took quite the beating. I think we all greatly underestimated Beastbox's strength. I've never seen anyone be strong enough to dent your armor."

Longarm: (chuckling) "Well then that's going to be one heck of a rematch then."

Ratchet: "Doesn't anything phase you?"

Longarm: "I've pretty much seen it all by now, so no not really."

Ratchet: (annoyed) "You really need to stop going out into danger so headstrong."

Longarm: (joking) "Aww, it's almost like you don't enjoy our little private sessions together doc."

Ratchet: "Is danger your only calling?"

Longarm: "If I had a middle name then that would be it."

Ratchet: "Lovely."

Longarm: "How are you holding up Powerglide?"

Power: (weakly) "I've been worse."

Longarm: "Good to hear."

Prime: "They took it Ironhide, I don't know what they want with it."

Sun: (joking) "Decoration maybe?"

Jazz: "Smooth move there."

Sun: "Forgive me for trying to lighten up the mood."

Jazz: "If you want to light something then use your lights."

Sun: "Fine I will."

Sunstreaker activates his blinders, and it winds up inconveniencing everyone.

Cliff: (in distress) "Bad idea bad idea!"

Jazz: "Turn it off!"

Sun: (turning them off) "Sheesh."

Ace: (on the phone) "Thank god. Sorry about that Alan, Sunstreaker turned on his blinders. So what's it like at MECH?"

Weazel: "It's just wonderful. They all have the newest computer models and other gadgets. Innovation really is their goal. They won't let me see their R&D department yet, but I'm sure they will soon. So what's going on with you guys?"

Ace: "It's terrible. The Decepticons took Megatron's body and The Matrix, and Powerglide and Longarm got really hurt."

Weazel: "That really does sound bad. Maybe we can help in the future. We're working on modifying my drones as we speak. By the way Silas wanted me to tell you he will be returning soon. He also said there would be some heavily armored trucks with new weapons for you guys coming in a few days."

Ace: "That sounds great."

Weazel: "Yeah it is. Anyway I got to get back to work, talk to you later."

Ace: "Have fun body, see ya."

Weazel: "Bye." (hangs up)

Tyrone: "So how's Mr. Future?"

Ace: -sigh- "He's really happy there. I wish he was here though."

Tyrone: "Man he had a huge stick up his butt."

Ace: "He's still our friend."

Fowler: "You still got us, anyway I got a bad feeling about this. I feel like we're going to get hit real hard real soon, but I don't know how."

Somewhere in Cincinnati, Alan is busy working in the office. He sees one of his fellow employees finish his day, but he forgets to turn off his computer and leaves.

"Hey you forgot to turn off your computer... what's this?"

Curiosity gets the better of him as he peeks at what the monitor says. All that it says is "Project D.S officially underway." Alan ponders what that could mean, but little does he know that he is being watched by an older man with sunglasses and a skull ring, watching him intently.

Back at California, there is a house with Asian symbols on the blinds in the windows. There is yelling coming from inside as Kicker and Misha exit the house. Apparently Mr. and Mrs. Miramond aren't happy with Kicker still seeing their daughter.

Mr: "Kicker Jones you come from sad whale family deep in ocean!"

Mrs: "Misha you dishonor our family!"

MIsha: "Whatever."

Kicker and Misha get into his car, and Kicker pops open and chugs some whiskey down.

Misha: (shocked) "I thought you said you were like done with drinking."

Kicker: (drinking) "I was until I got expelled."

Misha: "Why didn't you text me?"

Kicker: "My dad took my phone. One of the few times he shows up he tries to act like he gives a damn. He should have just left."

Misha: "So what happened?"

Kicker: "Spike beat me up and I pulled my knife out, and I'm the one who got busted. Now I'm never going to be in NFL."

Misha: "There's still the NBA."

Kicker: (angrily) "I hate basketball, and I hate Spike too! He thinks he's so great because he got everything and I had nothing; He's got a family who likes him, robot friends, and a super hot girlfriend, and I want him dead."

Misha: "Wait what did you say about Carly?"

Kicker: "Nothing."

Misha: "Um it's not like I have anything against killing Spike or anything, but he was possessed by some evil dude."

Kicker: "I don't care, he's still the reason my life is done, and I'm going to return the favor."

Misha: "Ok baby I'm with you, but how are we going to do it?"

Kicker: "We just got to wait, that's all we can do now."

Back at the Decepticon HQ the Constructicons have a special gift for Starscream.

Mix: "This all for you Lord Starscream. I figured we should build something to honor your greatness."

Scrapper: "I can't believe you said that with a straight face."

Mix: "I meant it. Well let's show him guys."

Hightower takes the curtain off and reveals a shiny statue of Starscream with a crown on his head.

Scream: (smiling) "I like it, it certainly brings out the royalty in me."

Scavenge: "We're glad you like it."

Mix: (trembling) "What is this... this mess?"

Longhaul: "What is it Mixmaster?"

Mix: "Somebody messed up the angle by half an inch, who was it?"

High: "Um me."

Mix: (violently shaking him) "You nonsensical nincompoop, you wretched rapscallion! You know how I hate mistakes!"

High: (frightened) "I'm sorry!"

Scavenge: (concerned) "Sir you're scaring me!"

Longhaul: "Yeesh I didn't think he would freak out like this."

Scrapper: "Welcome to my world Longhaul."

Overload: "Overload use dead ostrich to give statue extra shine."

Scavenge: "It was a very nice ostrich too Overload."

Scrapper: "Can you go five minutes without sucking up to someone?"

Scavenge: "I can ask the same about you being a tool."

Mixmaster lets Hightower go and starts scratching himself furiously while being curled up in a ball.

Scavenge: (putting his hand on Mixmaster) "Are you ok sir?"

Mix: (screaming) "Don't freaking touch me!"

Scrapper's chest starts flashing. Apparently he is being paged.

Scrapper: "We're being summoned."

Mix: (snapping out of it) "Then we better not keep him waiting then. Onward! We'll see you later Starscream."

Scream: "Very well."

The Constructicons enter Soundwave's lab to see what he has for them. There is something on an operating table with a cloth over it.

Mix: "So what do you have for us this time Soundwave?"

Soundwave: "This."

Soundwave pulls off the cloth to reveal Megatron's body. The Constructicons are taken aback by this.

High: "Why is that here?"

Longhaul: "It's creeping me out."

Mix: "Look Soundwave I know you and Megatron were really close. Whatever it is you guys do behind closed doors is none of my business, but I-"

Soundwave: "That is not why I summoned you hear Mixmaster. I want you to repair him with these schematics, and these schematics alone."

Mix: (observing) "Hmm, no problem. We can do that within an hour."

Overload: "Imperpetual relationships are for the weak. Overload am strong."

After about an hour's work the Constructicons finish working on Megatron's body.

Scrapper: "So what are you going to do now? Are you going to put him on display or something?"

Soundwave: "You will see soon enough. I do have one more request from all of you. I need you to gather the rest of the Decepticons except for Splicer."

High: "Why not him?"

Soundwave: "On the chance that this doesn't work I don't want him to see what I've done."

Scrapper: "Kinky, but ok."

Mix: "Scavenger, you will be the one to keep the kid at bay."

Scavenge: (saluting) "It will be my honor sir!"

Scrapper: (under his breath) "Primus you are such a suckup!"

The other Constructicons gather the rest of the Constructicons while Scavenger distracts Splicer by giving him some music to listen to in the next room. Soundwave then takes the clothed body to heart of the base so all the other Decepticons can see, including Shockwave.

Thunder: (bored) "Can we hurry this up? I got to meet a guy about a thing."

Skywarp: (sarcastically) "Oh I'm sure you do."

Scream: "What is the meaning of this, and why is Shockwave on the monitor?"

Shockwave: "It would be illogical for me to miss the biggest breakthrough of the universe."

Scream: "And what exactly would that be?"

Soundwave: (entering) "Ending your rule Starscream."

Scream: "And how do you bring my rule to an end Soundwave?"

Soundwave: (taking off the cloth) "By bring our old leader back."

The other Decepticons begin murmuring amongst themselves about the revelation. Beastbox sees Squawktalk munching on some cereal.

Beastbox: "Energon-O's seriously?"

Squawk: "It's part of an unbalanced breakfast."

Terra: "So how is he supposed to come back?"

Fear: "Because he can!"

Terra: "Shut up Fearswoop! (gets a weird look from everyone) ...Proceed."

Soundwave: "You see I was looking at this from the wrong angle. I will be bringing him back with Dark Energon."

Thunder: "Won't that make him a zombie or something?"

Soundwave: "Indeed, but that's when I realized it needed something to take the negative effects away."

Scrapper: "So what did you figure out?"

Soundwave: (displaying the Matrix) "The Matrix of Leadership is our solution."

Scavenge: (entering) "But how?"

Longhaul: "Isn't that just a trinket?"

Soundwave: "It may appear that way, but it is actually alive."

Payload: "Come again?"

Soundwave: "Allow me to demonstrate."

Soundwave brings the Matrix over to Thundercracker, and it begins to spark erratically.

High: "Whoa look at that!"

Soundwave: "The Matrix may not be alive in the sense that we are most familiar with, but it has an awareness to whenever it is in danger or near a dark and evil presence. It doesn't seem to be fond of Thundercracker."

Thunder: "Who cares, it's an ugly piece of crap."

Payload: "Hello kettle my name is pot, you're black."

Frenzy: "He got you good Thundercracker!"

Thunder: "Shut up!"

Soundwave: "Now while the Dark Energon would make him a zombie, it is the quintessential darkness. Tell me Starscream, what cancels out the dark?"

Scream: "...Light."

Soundwave: "Affirmative."

Scream: "But it can't revive anyone, nothing can."

Soundwave: "Yes it can."

Scream: "How do you know?"

Soundwave: "Because I was the one who stormed the Iacon halls and took all the information. I destroyed everything, and I'm the only one with this knowledge. Even Optimus Prime is unaware of this power. However this power is limited like the Allspark, and it has limitations."

Skywarp: "What kind of limitations?"

Soundwave: "It can only revive someone who's body is still intact."

Terra: (curious) "So does that mean we could revive Fearswoop?"

Soundwave: "Negative, another condition is that their spark must be intact as well. Fearswoop's spark was destroyed in battle."

Fear: "Bummer."

Soundwave: "I was very thorough when I killed Prowl, there is no way he can come back."

Thunder: "Cool story bro."

Soundwave: There was one last condition, it will only revive the spark of someone of good spirit. That's where the Dark Energon comes in."

Scream: "I still fail to see how that will work."

Soundwave: "I find your analysis unsurprising. Skywarp was right when he said this wasn't scientifically impossible. This is sorcery we are dealing with."

Shockwave: (impressed) "Incredible, you cracked the code of life and death."

Soundwave: "Affirmative. Theoretically speaking the Matrix will be too busy paying attention to the Dark Energon that it will neglect Megatron's evil to combat the evil inside the Dark Energon."

Longhaul :"Sounds way too complicated."

Overload: "Hurts Overload's kidneys."

Soundwave: "Let us begin Operation: Resurrection."

The Constructicons begin loading the tubes and retrieving the artifacts for the process. The ghost/hallucination Fearswoop gets some ghost/hallucination popcorn, much to Terradive's annoyance. Soundwave nears the Dark Energon to Megatron's chest and begins to gloat.

Soundwave: (bellowing) "Your erroneous reign is now over Starscream!"

Soundwave jams the Dark Energon into Megatron's spark, and he returns as a zombie, but then Soundwave jams the Matrix on his chest, and the zombie begins to scream a haunting scream. A bright light blinds everyone, and the zombie dies as the light comes to an end. Thundercracker and Starscream begin to clap in approval.

Thunder: (douchy) "Yay it didn't work! (gets thumped by Overload) Hey!"

Scream: (approaching the body) "Oh you poor misguided fool Soundwave. You thought you could play god and take me out of power, but newsflash; it didn't work. (mocking) What's that Megatron? I can't hear you over your dead body! The reign of Starscream is forever-ACK!"

When Starscream said that last sentence the body's hand grabbed him by the neck and started banging him on the floor three times, and starscream is thrown against the wall. The zombie was reactivated, breaking free of his bonds, and Soundwave figures out the problem.

Soundwave: "We need more Matrix power, someone restrain him."

Everyone else is paralyzed in fear, but Waspinator and a few brave Vehicons try their hand at restraining Megatron. The Vehicons get crushed and Waspinator gets thrown in half. Mixmaster goes to the door to the room where Splicer is located, and he peers through the window, and they exchange a heartfelt smile. Splicer is listening to peaceful music like "Sleep Away" by Bob Acri. As Splicer focuses back to his music Mixmaster's expression of happiness turns into fear as Megatron grabs him by the ankle and throws him into Scrapper. Longhaul and Overload use their brute strength to stop Megatron in his tracks.

Longhaul: "Now Soundwave!"

Soundwave gives Megatron a full blast of the Matrix's light, and a miracle happens. The Dark Energon's glow dies down, and the area around the chest heals over the shard. Megatron begins panting, and his eyes start flickering red as he screams.

Payload: "Come on Megatron you can do it!"

Megatron falls over and passes out, and a minute later he slowly gets up. Looking at his hands, he starts looking around and comes to a realization.... he has returned. Squawktalk is shocked and starts choking on his cereal, and Beastbox start squeezing his stomach to get it out.

Squawk: (getting crushed) "You're breaking my back!"

Scavenge: (amazed) "He did it!"

All the other Decepticons except for the upset Starscream clap and cheer for their returned leader, who is still shocked that he is alive.

Megatron: (astounded) "I... function."

Skywarp: "Welcome back Lord Megatron."

Megatron: (adjusting) "It's good to see you again Skywarp."

Skywarp: "Likewise."

Thunder: "Well would you look at that, Mr. Ruler of the Galaxy has returned."

Megatron: "Thundercracker, that new look is an improvement to say the least, and I do mean that loosely."

Payload: "Hey Megatron.

Rumble: "What's shaking?"

Megatron: "Hello underlings."

The Constructicons all rush over to greet their leader, trampling Terradive in the process.

Mix: (excited) "Megatron buddy you're back!"

Megatron: (surprised) "Mixmaster and the Constructicons, what are you doing here?"

Mix: "Well we made you your new body, and we've spruced up the place for you."

Scrapper: "If that's what you want to call it Mixmaster then go ahead."

Overload: "Overload is pleased to see Longhaul return from the dead."

Longhaul: (confused) "What are you talking about? I'm right here."

Overload: "Overload make joke... and it was funny."

High: (sarcastically) "Hahaha."

Fear: "Tell him I said hi."

Terra: -cough- "Hello Megatron."

Megatron: "Terradive, how has life been treating you?"

Terra: "Awful... I mean peachy. (nervously) Um... Fearswoop says hi."

Megatron: "Isn't he dead?"

Terra: "... Excuse me one moment."

Buzzsaw comes flying in to greet Megatron as well.

Buzzsaw: (bows) "Megatron, it is wonderful to see your return."

Megatron: "Buzzsaw, I haven't laid eyes on you in forever."

Buzzsaw: "I'm lucky to have eyes to lay witness to this event."

Megatron: "Still holding grudges are you?"

Buzzsaw: "On the contrary, the accident you caused gave me a new insight. I am even more powerful than I was before. I'm forever in your debt."

Megatron: "Who is responsible for my return?"

Everyone all points to Soundwave, who is standing there patiently.

Megatron: "You never abandoned me."

Soundwave: "It would be illogical to leave my only remaining family."

Megatron: "Why do I have a ground alternate mode? It handicaps me greatly."

Soundwave: "You needed improvements."

Megatron: "Never improve upon perfection Soundwave."

Soundwave: "Yet I found a way. You needed durability, and that's what cost you your life in the first place. I have done the same, and now we are both more powerful. Try out your new transformation."

Megatron begins his new transformation by locking his legs together. The new fusion cannon on his arm moves to his back, and the hands go into a new compartment that closes. His back moves up to the top of his head while his head gets covered by the body of the tank, and the arms go forward to finish the new transformation. This is new tank's cannon has red lights and line all around it to give it a deathly visage.

Payload: "Dude he got more badass."

Megatron goes back to his robot mode while Soundwave hands him a staff.

Megatron: "What is this, some sort of toy?"

Soundwave: "Slash forward with it."

Megatron slashes forward with the staff, and blades appear from the top and bottom of it. He does some fighting moves with it.

Megatron: (impressed) "I like this new weapon. It will be instrumental in killing Optimus."

Soundwave leads Megatron over to Shockwave, who has been eager to speak with his leader.

Megatron: 'Shockwave, it is good to see you."

Shockwave: "Greetings my liege, congratulations on your triumphant return. I have great news for you."

Megatron: "And what might that be?"

Shockwave: "Firstly the Circuit Breaker hovercraft blueprints that we took from the human scientist are going well. The first prototype will be tested soon. In addition to this we have captured a female Autobot. She is part of Elita-1's resistance group. No matter how much we torture her she still won't give the location to us. Her will is a strong weapon (holds up a scary torture device) but our weapons are stronger."

Megatron: "Sounds good to hear, I hope to hear more updates in the future."

Shockwave: "As you wish Lord Megatron."

Soundwave: "Now for the best part. Mixmaster, fetch him."

Mix: (excited) "You got it!"

Mixmaster fetches Splicer, but he is covering his eyes.

Mix: "Ready for a surprise Splicer?"

Splicer: "I like surprises!"

Mix:  "Here it is!"

Splicer and Megatron's eyes meet, and the boy breathes heavily and rushes over to Megatron, hugging him and crying in the process.

Splicer: "I thought I would never see you again!"

Megatron: (tenderly) "I promised you that I would return, I keep my word."

Splicer: "I've been so lost without you!"

There is a stabbing sound that shocks everyone, apparently Splicer accidently stabbed Megatron with his blades.

Splicer: (frightened) "I'm so sorry! I get too excited sometimes!"

Megatron: (clutching his side) "It's quite alright... this new armor is impressive Soundwave, I barely felt a thing."

Thunder: (smiling) "Isn't that sweet Skywarp? Even in our happiest moments we're stabbing one another."

Splicer: "Let's get you to Knockout!"

Megatron: "I don't think he will share your enthusiasm about my return."

Splicer: "Of course he will!"

Splicer uses the monitor to call Knockout, and puts him up on screen.

Knockout: (smiling) "Well if it isn't my favorite little brother."

Splicer: "But I'm your only brother."

Knockout: 'Then aren't you lucky? What's going on?"

Splicer: "I have a surprise for you."

Knockout: (excited) "Is it the new buffer I wanted?"

Splicer: "Err... no, it's even better."

Knockout: "What could be better than (sees Megatron and frowns) oh... it's you."

Megatron: "You haven't changed Knockout."

Knockout: "Why should I when you always played favorites with us."

Megatron: "You are ungrateful for me giving you a new life."

Knockout: "You mean a bitter and lonely one while Splicer got all your attention. Forgive me for not appreciating that."

Splicer: "Guys stop fighting."

Knockout: "It's good to see you again Splicer, but I have work to do." (ends video)

Megatron: "That went well."

Payload: "Megatron, Soundwave wanted me to give you this new plan."

Scream: "Hey that's my plan!"

Megatron: "This was yours Starscream? I wonder how bad you were running us into the ground."

Payload: "Actually he wasn't that b-"

Rumble and Frenzy: "Shut up Payload!"

Megatron reads Starscream's plan, but his face changes from amusement to astonishment. Apparently he is impressed by the layout of the plan.

Megatron: "I must say I'm genuinely impressed Starscream. This is a good plan; I'm going to borrow it. It will only work with myself in charge."

Scream: (bitter) "That is debateable."

While everyone is talking the Matrix begins to vibrate, and in a shocking surprise it shoots out and jets out of the base to parts unknown. The hole the Matrix made springs a leak in the base, beginning to flood the room. Soundwave calls his minions back in while Hightower panics. Terradive is transforming into his amphibious form and Overload simply walks toward the hole and plugs it with one of his many claws.

Skywarp: "Well that was unexpected."

Overload: "Overload will now stay here until end of time so he can finally live his dream of becoming a cork."

Mix: "That won't be necessary big O. Hightower, Scavenger, fix that hole."

Scavenge: "On it sir."

Soundwave: "I'll figure out what happened to the Matrix, but there is one last piece of information that I wish to share with you."

Megatron: "Then don't keep me waiting."

Soundwave: "In one of the locations that the doctor had given us has started spiking with energy signatures... Decepticon energy signatures."

Megatron: "There are other Decepticons out there?"

Soundwave: "In Demon Swamp I have located at least three there."

Megatron: "Then let us not waste anymore time. Let us reunite these Decepticons with us. We will need one other companion. Thundercracker, you will be accompanying Soundwave and I to this swamp."

Thunder: "Alright then. I haven't been out of the base since I got this makeover."

Megatron: (entering the groundbridge) "Then come, and we shall meet these companions of ours."

Megatron, Soundwave, and Thundercracker enter the groundbridge, unaware of the force they are about to encounter.

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