Part 4: Faces of Hate

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The screen shows the candidate known as Bryce Thompson. He's a fairly attractive man with short brown hair in that typical politician haircut. In addition he has piercing blue eyes and a fine suit and tie. He speaks to the public about the dangers of the alien menace.

Bryce: "Do we want want these alien filth on our planet?"

People: "No!"

Bryce: "I had a feeling you would say that. I'm sure you all remember the battle of San Francisco?"

The people begin to pick up volume as the news cameras cut to different parts of the spectacle. People are holding signs saying things like "Go home aliens, No more death, and where's my money?" There are also people dressed up like Bumblebee, Optimus, and Cliffjumper with bullseyes on their backs. The camera cut back to Bryce as he continues his speech.

Bryce: "Seventy-six innocent lives paid the price for an intergalactic war that we DIDN'T ask for. And according to the news despite the fact that the leader of the Decepticons is dead, the war is STILL going. How many more innocent lives must be lost before the people realize this isn't right? A vote for me and the Est-Duplex party is a vote for an alien free world!"

The people once again pipe up and Fowler slams his fists on a table in frustration.

Fowler: "I hate it when they use innocents lives to get votes!"

Silas: "He's right though."

Fowler: "He's a selfish pig."

Silas: "Maybe, but tell me this: How many men did you lose on your most recent mission?"

Ace: "Five."

Fowler: "A vast improvement."

Silas: (bluntly) "It's an improvement if there are no losses."

Side: "Can't you just arrest him or something Fowler?"

Fowler: "Believe me I want to, but so far he's clean as a whistle. I hope something dirty is uncovered later."

Silas: "And you also brought in children, including a little girl."

Carly: (fuming) "Little girl?!"

Ace sees Silas's mistake and immediate acts as a barrier between the two.

Ace: "You really have to apologize."

Silas: "Why is that?"

Ace: "Last time I called her a little girl I paid the ultimate price."

Tyrone: "Yeah I was there, it was crazy."

Silas: -sigh- "Fine., I'm sorry."

Carly: "Good."

Longarm: (scratching his chin) His party name seems interesting, hey can you look that up for me Wheeljack?"

Wheel: "Sure thing."

Wheeljack looks up the definition and it comes back with surprising results.

Longarm: (unsurprised) "I figured there was something something amiss, and I'm right."

Mirage: "Oh politics, how I never understood it."

Cliff: (accusingly) "Why not? Is it because if you ran for president you would have been discovered as a traitor?"

Mirage: -sigh- "This again? Why must you always target me for this mess?"

Cliff: "Let's see here, a master spy and assassin is among us, how could that NOT arouse suspicion?"

Mirage: "My cause is dedicated to the Autobots, I would never change sides under any circumstances."

Cliff: "I'm on to you red."

Mirage: "You're red as well."

Cliff: (crazy) "Quit playing mindgames on me!"

Spike: (tapping Bumblebee) "Bumblebee, when are we going to meet Swerve?"

Carly: "Yeah he came here a week ago with the rest of the new guys. The worst part is we were on a week long tour of Europe ,so where is he?"

Bee: "Yeah... about that."

Side: "Funny story actually."

Jazz: "It wasn't so funny for him!"

Side: "I guess we should should start from the beginning."

A flashback begins one week ago, and it's a few hours before the new Autobots first arrived on Earth. Ace and Tyrone are playing checkers while Fowler is the audience, and Weazel seems to be strangely annoyed.

Ace: "It's your move."

Tyrone: "Well your perfect streak is going to run out dog."

Tyrone makes a move on the board, and apparently it was the worst move possible because Ace makes a move that wipes out the rest of Tyrone's chips.

Tyrone: "Man you're cheating! You must have some ESP b.s that I keep hearing about."

Ace: "Nope, it's just good intuition."

Weazel: (frustrated) "Can't you guys keep it down?!"

Ace: "What's your deal?"

Weazel: "Forgive me for feeling irrelevant when I'm surrounded by living machines."

Tyrone: "Thought you were ok with the Autobots."

Weazel: "I am, but I feel like we'll be replaced one day. This is our planet after all."

Fowler: "Don't be ridiculous, now could you move aside Tyrone? I'd like to take a swing."

Tyrone: "Good luck with that."

Fowler and Ace play checkers, and 8 moves later he wins.

Ace: (amazed) "How did you do that?"

Fowler: 'When you've dedicated service to your country like I have, you just think on the spot."

Ace: "Impressive."

Tyrone: "Guess we got a new champ now."

Cliffjumper and Jazz drive in while Cliffjumper asks a very strange question.

Cliff: "Has anyone seen my screws? I hit my head earlier and I think a few fell out."

Wheel: "We already knew you had a screw loose Cliffjumper."

Cliff: "Shut up!"

Jazz: "You have way too much time on your hands Cliff."

All of a sudden Teletran-1 pings a message that is intercepted by Wheeljack.

Wheel: "It's a live Autobot radio frequency."

Prime: "Put it on Wheeljack."

?: "Yes um is anyone there?"

Prime: "Perceptor, is that you?"

Perce: (excited) "Optimus, thank the Matrix! We really are in the right place!"

?: "Hell yeah!"

?: "Groovy."

?: "Hey watch the monitor you wanker!"

?: "How bout I spit in your face you foul git!"

Perce: "Very good, we'll be arriving within three hours."

Prime: "Welcome to Earth Perceptor."

3 hours later the Autobots and humans excluding the kids wait at a military base for the new arrivals. A few minutes pass, but sideways quickly spots the outline of an object in the sky quickly approaching them. It is a large ship the size of a 3 story building, but apparently it was damaged because it has a minor crash landing. Everyone approaches the ship, and a door with a pathway protrudes out the left side. First out comes Perceptor, but in his hand is a container with a small glowing cube.

Prime: "It's good to see you again Perceptor."

Perce: (smiling) "And it's always good to see you Optimus."

Prime: (looking down) "Is that... the Allspark?"

Perce: "Indeed it is."

Prime: "But how?"

Perce: (pointing to the door) "You can thank them for that."

There are some thumps and sounds of things breaking as a blue Autobot on top of a fat red Autobot. Their names are Topspin and Leadfoot, and they are Wreckers. Roadbuster, their leader, watches them roll around as they fight.

Topspin: "Look at you ya big load!"

Leadfoot: "You sounded just like your motherboard last night!"

Topspin: "At least I don't sleep all day ya fat lazy bastard!"
Leadfoot: "I'm on a diet you dirty spoon! Get in ma belly and maybe I'll start loosing a few pounds."

Carly: (interrupting the flashback) "Dirty spoon, seriously?"

Bee: "Well on Cybertron it means (whispers to the kids)

Carly: "Gross!"

Chip: "Oh my god!"

Spike: "Well there goes my lunch."

Bee: "Anyway back to the story."

The flashback continues as Topspin takes out a crowbar, before anything gets worse, Roadbuster steps in.

Road: "Calm down ya ninnys!"

Topspin: "If I wanted to hear you talk then I would have hired you as my shrink!"

Leadfoot: "If you say so, but this ain't over blue boy."

Road: "It's good to see you Optimus."

Prime: "Likewise Roadbuster. I see that the ship is damaged."

Road: "Yeah we ran into an asteroid belt on this solar system, it's that kid's fault."

Sunstreaker comes running out the door and does a knee slide to show off how cool he is. Sideswipe and him exchange a look, and they both run toward each other.

Sun: "Sideswipe!

Side: "Sunstreaker!"

The two hug and express their excitement.

Bee: "It's good to have you hear Sunstreaker!

Sun: "Hey Bumblebee, it's good to be here. Where's your brother?"

Bee: "He's...gone."

Sun: (feeling down) "Oh, that's to bad, I'm so sorry."

Mirage pokes his head out the door while Hound goes to greet Longarm for the very first time.

Mirage: "Be careful next time Sunstreaker."

Sun: "What evs."

Hound: (shaking Longarm's hand) "Longarm, it's been way too long."

Longarm: "No kidding, you haven't aged a day."

Hound: "Same to you, want a smoke?"

Longarm: "I don't have a mouth remember?"

Hound: "Oh right, sucks to be you then."

Cliffjumper eyes Hound and Mirage and immediately scribbles both of their names down. Cliffjumper circles Mirage's name and uses big arrows to highlight him as a super suspect. Next Powerglide comes out of the door.

Power: (proclaiming) "Have no fear, Powerglide is here! Ta-da!"

Last but certainly not least comes Swerve, a red Autobot with dual swords in a X shape behind his back. His blue eyes and pointed head make him a very distinguished individual.

Swerve: (taking out his swords) "This seems like a nice place to take a drive."

Swerve does a few action moves with his swords to show off and the flashback ends.

Spike: "So if he came to Earth then why aren't he and the Wreckers here?"

Bee: "The Wreckers are here fixing the ship, they have their own private base."

Chip: "But what about Swerve?"

Side: "Well...."

A flashback that happens three days after the new Autobot's arrived to Earth tells us exactly what happened to Swerve. It takes place in an unknown part of Earth near a beach. The clouds have completely blocked out the sun, and a nice breeze fills the air. The road is on a hill on a very dangerous and windy road. There are signs that constantly warn drivers to be careful, but that doesn't apply to Autobots.

Swerve challenges Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Jazz, Sunstreaker, and Sideways all to a race. The all transform and begin to drive out to the hill, and Jazz takes an early lead. Sideways tries to outmaneuver everyone, but Swerve swerves to the left and takes the lead from Jazz. His dangerous stunts bring out concern from the others.

Jazz: "Be more careful Swerve!"

Bee: "Yeah that was dangerous!"

Swerve: "Do you forget who I am?"

Side: "Legendary road warrior we get it."

Swerve: "And don't you forget!"

Swerve continues his crazy driving until he sees a squirrel in the road. He slams his breaks and turn, but he crashes through the railing and bounces of the jagged rocks in vehicle form. Swerve is heavily damaged as he is upside down sparking with his front left tire still spinning. Swerve is currently unconscious as Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Sideways, Sunstreaker, and Jazz peer from atop the railing on their friend.

Bee: (concerned) "Swerve... are you alright?"

While Swerve is sparking a lone spark touches his fuel tank. The result is him exploding in a great fireball that lights up the sky. Swerve's tire comes up and bounces up the road and falls on its side. Sideswipe and Jazz both have their jaws drop while Bumblebee and Sideways share a shocked look together. Sunstreaker is the one who breaks the silence.

Sun: "Yeah.... I'm not cleaning that up."

Back to the present we see all three kids have their jaws dropped.

Side: "Hey that's the look I had when it happened too!"

Going back to Bryce's speech, he says something that really no-one should ever aim for.

Bryce: "So let's talk about this leader of the Autobots. What's so great about him anyway? He let innocent people die on his watch. If I was his dad I would smack him."

Everyone in The Ark falls silent. Perceptor was trying out some tea, and when Bryce said those words he spit it out, and it accidentally sprays and burns Wheeljack in his face.

Power: "Uh oh."

Ratchet: "This isn't good."

Prime: (fuming) "Wheeljack, activate the groundbridge."

Wheel: "As you wish."

Wheeljack activates the groundbridge as Optimus transforms and drives in.

Ratchet: "Someone stop him before he does something he regrets!"

Longarm: "We're on it!"

Longarm, Powerglide, and Ironhide all go in after Optimus. Optimus and the others arrive at where the speech is held, and angrily approaches Bryce as the audience is astounded.

Bryce: "Well look who it is ladies and gentleman; the monsters of San Francisco and their leader.

Prime: "You are using the lives of innocent people to further your own agenda, you make me sick."

Power: "You got a lot of nerve to talk about Optimus like that!"

Ironhide: "Ungrateful humans, some of us died for you!"

Bryce: (coldly) "If you all did then we wouldn't have to worry about this war."

Ironhide: "I ought to blast you for that."

Longarm: (intervening) "No Ironhide, that isn't the way."

Ironhide: "It should be."

Bryce: "Well you saw it live folks, I just got threatened by their tough guy!"

The crowd begins to boo at the Autobots and tell them to go home.

Power: "Why I outta!"

Prime: "Without our help you would be extinct right now."

Bryce: "Oh really? We have a military you know."

Prime: "A military with limited technology."

Bryce: "Besides we can reason with these Decepticons."

Prime: "You can never reason with Starscream, he listens only to himself."

Bryce: "Look, we don't need you here, and we don't want you here either."

Prime: "Then the Decepticons will take your planet over."

Bryce: "Sure they will. So how come you haven't shared your technology with us? Surely you could have something that cure our diseases."

Prime: "Our technology isn't quite familiar with your anatomy, for all we know it could cause you harm."

Bryce: (piping up) "You heard it here people. The Autobots just claimed they can create a biotoxin that can wipe us all out!"

The people get extremely angry, so much so that one of them throws his soda at Optimus, hitting him in the head.

Prime: (sadly) "Autobots, let's go. We're done here."

Power: "Finally!"

Bryce: (douchy) "Don't let the portal hit you on the way out."

Longarm: "You go on ahead Optimus, I have a quick score to settle."

Longarm and Ironhide watch Powerglide and Optimus leave the portal. Longarm approaches Bryce with Ironhide to ask him some questions.

Longarm: "Before me and my friend go I'd like to ask you a few questions."

Bryce: "Go ahead."

Longarm: "So let's say we do all leave. Then what's next?"

Bryce: "What do you mean?"

Longarm: "Well you say there is too much money being spent. So when we leave you still have an economic mess to clean up. What are your solutions?"

Bryce: "Well..."

The crowd begins to quietly whisper amongst themselves while Longarm continues.

Longarm: "And what are your policies on other subjects like healthcare and taxes? I ask this because I only see you focusing on us. So what are they?"

Bryce: (quietly) "I'd... rather not say."

Longarm: (satisfied) "One last thing. Isn't it true your party's name is Latin for two-faced?"

The crowd gets a bit louder as Bryce starts to deflect.

Bryce: (deflecting) "Of course not! You're a lying menace!"

Longarm: "Oh really? Excuse me, you there with the cell phone. Can you look up the English translation for Est-Duplex party?"

The man looks up and speaks loudly of the results.

Guy: "He's right!"

The people decided to boo Bryce instead as Ironhide is impressed with Longarm.

Ironhide: "Very well done."

Longarm: "Nobody is going to talk about Optimus like that while I'm around."

The two enter the groundbridge and return to everyone cheering them on.

Fowler: "Well that will get him out of our hair for awhile. But people have the attention span of a squirrel and will quickly forget about his sneakiness."

Meanwhile in South America two residences of a small town near Demon Swamp go on a boat to look for crops. They travel through the swamp where there are thick trees and lots of murky water around. One of the guys thought they heard something, and this is confirmed when a giant robotic Stag Beetle, Grasshopper, and Rhinoceros Beetle arise from the water.

Stag: "Welcome to Demon Swamp swamp!"

Grass: "Mmm they look tasty!"

Rhino: "I want them down my stomach!"

Stag: "Let's just hope they aren't heavy on the electrons electrons."

The three robotic insects close in in their meals as we now cut to the Decepticon headquarters. Rumble and Frenzy are doing a dance off while Payload is finishing up his cleaning duties for Skywarp. Skywarp eyes Payload as he leaves and the moment the door shuts he joins in the dance party with Rumble and Frenzy, shaking his hips to and fro.

Rumble: "Get down Skywarp!"

Frenzy: "Way to groove to the move... or whatever it's called!"

Skywarp: "Here's a lesson in physics for you, things are always in motion!"

We pan over to see Thundercracker walking by a door, and we go through the door to see just exactly Soundwave has been working on. There are pieces of Vehicons scattered all across the floor in an extremely darkened laboratory. There is a lone experiment table, and Soundwave is out on the other side of the lab with Ravage and Laserbeak watching in the rafters. The Vehicon from earlier is on a operating table that's leaning forward. Soundwave uses one of his tentacles to put something glowing inside the's Dark Energon.

"Beginning Dark Energon experiment number 12."

Soundwave waits as the substance does nothing, and sure enough the Vehicon comes back as a enraged zombie creature. Ravage and Laserbeak come down and shoot up the Vehicon to kill it again. Soundwave grabs the Dark Energon and puts it back in the safe. Soundwave looks around and slams his fist down on the table in frustration.

The next day Chip is in history class when the teacher makes an important announcement.

Teacher: "Remember students, in two days we will be going on our field trip to the museum. Make sure your permissions slips are signed, and chaperones would also be nice.

After class Chip wheels over to his new car and drives out of the school. He calls Wheeljack to open a groundbridge for him, but right before he enters he could have sworn he heard the sound of another engine behind him. As Chip is driving through the Ark he spots Spike and Carly with a mortified look on their face. Wheeljack seems to be a bit curious as well.

Spike: (mortified) "Oh god!"

Carly: "You didn't!"

Wheel: "Who are your friends?"

Chip: (confused) "Friends? What friends? I don't know what you're (turns around) ...oh no."

Chip sees a beat up car honking its horn and see two people inside... and it's Kicker and Misha.

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