Part 10: Construction Day

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A day later Carly takes a selfie with Spike, but something seems to be wrong with the picture.

"Huh, that's weird."

"What is it?"

"There is red in your eyes, I thought this new camera wouldn't do that anymore."

"I guess the new technology isn't what they say it is."

"Well I got to go to class, I'll see you later."

"See ya."

Back at the Ark, the Autobots are still picking up the mess that the Dinobots have made. Alan is preparing to leave on a jet supplied by Silas, but first Silas has an important question to ask Wheeljack.

Silas: "Is it alright if we take the parts of the fossils that you didn't use?"

Wheel: "Why do you want them?"

Silas: "Research of course, and plus it will get it out of your hair."

Wheel: "It's your call Optimus."

Prime: "Very well Silas, you may do with them as you wish."

Silas: "Thank you my friend."

Ace and Tyrone go over to say goodbye to their friend.

Ace: "So I guess this is it huh?"

Weazel: "I do want to say I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said about the Autobots. They're good guys, but all this stress is killing me. While I will miss you I won't miss the drama."

Ace: "Fair enough."

Tyrone: "Good luck with that future stuff man."

Weazel: "Thanks, and I'll call you guys often."

Silas: "You ready Alan? Cincinnati awaits."

Weazel: "You bet I am. Bye everyone."

Silas and Alan leave in the plane and take off the remaining pieces of the beasts. Meanwhile in Nevada, some human construction workers are working on building a hotel and are expecting some help. Off in the distance they see seven construction vehicles approaching them.

Man: "That's not quite the help I was expecting, but I'll take it."

The seven vehicles approach the site. There is a cement truck, bulldozer, caterpillar, crane, a large six wheeled dump truck, excavator, and a lengthy red dump truck. When the man approaches the cement truck, an eccentric and surprisingly polite voice comes out of the truck.

Cement: "That's a nice structure you got here, but it needs work."

Man: "Work? Who the hell are you to tell me how to do my job?"

Cement: "I'm truly sorry for what I'm about to do. I know it's a primitive planet and all, but this really needs work. I like the ideas and all, but we need pieces. Alright boys, tear it down!"

The mixer of the cement truck opens up to see a huge cannon emerge. It shoots the structure and people begin running in panic. The crane shoots out its hook and yanks the support beams down. The caterpillar and bulldozer grab the pieces and fling it into both dump trucks. The seven vehicles all drive off, leaving the humans confused as to why this happened. Back at The Ark, the Autobots are informed of the attack via the news.

Ace: "Seven construction vehicles go crazy and attack a construction site, what's the deal with that?"

Prime: "Those are no ordinary construction vehicles."

Ace: "You know them?"

Power: "Know them? Of course we do!"

Prime: "They're the Constructicons, a group of Decepticons who built many of the major structures on Cybertron."

Bee: "But why would Starscream want them here? They're just builders."

Prime: "One reason comes to mind...Devastator."

Side: (scared) "Why do have to say his name all scary like that?"

Ratchet: "I almost forgot about Devastator."

Carly: "What's a Devastator?"

Prime: "A monster made from the Constructicons. He is their combined form."

Spike: "Whoa, you guys can combine? Why don't I see you guys doing that?"

Power: "It isn't as easy as it looks kid."

Wheel: "Shockwave made the first technology to make them, and we only recently were able to make our own. We had resources to do only one, but that team isn't here sadly."

Prime: "Whatever their reason for being here is, it isn't good for us."

Back at the Decepticon HQ, Soundwave is busy working the groundbridge while the rest of the Decepticons bar Terradive enter the room.

Scream: "What is the meaning of this Soundwave? I demand answers."

Soundwave: "I am preparing the groundbridge for our new guests."

Scream: "Guests? I did not order any more Decepticons to arrive here."

Soundwave: "That's because it wasn't your orders, it was Megatron's."

Scream: (sharply) "Megatron is dead, and therefore I order you to cancel this now."

Skywarp: "With all due respect Lord Starscream, our numbers aren't quite what they used to be. We need all the help we can get."

Soundwave: "After all Starscream what does the plan of a dead man have that frightens you?"

Scream: "Nothing. Very well, bring them in."

Soundwave: (activating groundbridge) "Very good. Allow me to reintroduce the Constructicons."

The groundbridge opens up, and the seven vehicles emerge from the edge of the portal. After driving in slightly, they all transform in unison. The bulldozer's plow goes up along with the grill, and the treads extend out so the sides can go up. The smokestacks moves down and flips upside down, and the plow splits into thirds, revealing legs, and the final stub turns into two more front legs, and a head flips up. This is Rampage, the enforcer of the group. The crane's treads stretch out to the left and right respectively, giving the treads a a tank vibe. The sides open up to real arms coming out, and the arm of the crane splits in half. The halves go to the front of the crane, giving a steel cage look to it. A panel flips up to real a head with a Hannibal Lecter esque face mask. That is Hightower, the lifter of the group. The excavator's shovel splits in half, and the halves fold back to reveal arms. The sides flip down to reveal legs , and the upper half does a 180 degree turn as the top reveals a head with a visor and a mouth, a rarity for Decepticons with a visor. This is Scavenger, the main digger. The red  dump truck's rear splits apart, and out of both sides comes out several spider like legs. The front half lifts up, swivel and panels open up to reveal several claws and pincers. The grill of the truck separates to form a chest, and the bottom half turns to give it a more crustacean feel. On the top pops a head with a constantly open mouth. This is Overload, the main muscle of the group. The triangle light inbetween his eyes has been changed to the top of his forehead. The green dump truck's grill splits and the left and right sides of the grill rotates down 90 degrees. From the front of the truck pops out two legs. The legs fold out and the feet extend out. From the back of the truck two hands flip up, and the sides of the bed split apart to make arms. The halves fold in while the four back wheels separate into groups of two. They form a U shape around his shoulders and newly revealed head. This is Longhaul, the backup muscle and the carrier of the team. The caterpillar's plow splits into thirds while the back wheels flip up. The control panel flips down and reveals a chest while the sides create arms. The head appears from the center of the vehicle as it flips up. This is Scrapper, the second in command of the team and demolitions expert. His left hand is a deployable fail. Last but certainly not least is the cement truck. The mixers split and reveals two long, dangly arms. The parts of the mixer act as shield for the arms. The entire front of the truck lifts up to reveal to legs that extend out. The bottom half swivel around while a head emerges from the center of the truck and connects to a newly configured chest. The giant cannon that he used earlier goes and rests on his back. This is Mixmaster, the charasmatic leader and chemist of the team.

The Constructicons all walk in a coordinated unison through the base. Mixmaster halts and finally speaks.

Mix: (singing) "And here we are!"

Longhaul apparently missed the cue because of Overload's size, and accidently runs into him, causing Overload to lose his balance, and topples over Scavenger, and the rest fall like dominoes until Mixmaster is the last one knocked down.

Mix: -facepalm- "We practiced this guys, and how long did we practice?"

Scavenge: "Days sir."

Mix: "That's right. And look what happened? You got sloppy."

Scavenge: "Well technically it was Longhaul who got sloppy."

Mix: "Longhaul, I'm disappointed, but oh well."

High: "Way to go fatass!"

Longhaul: "Shut up Hightower!"

Scrapper: "Are you going to help me up or what Mixmaster?"

Mix: (brightly) "Of course buddy!"

Scrapper: "Oh so we're buddies now."

High: "It's all Longhaul's fault we failed!"

Overload finally decides to speak, and it's a very strong Russian accent in the third person with severely broken English.

Overload: "Longhaul has failed Overload for the last time. He has.....he has.... what was Overload saying again?"

Scavenge: "Uh Longhaul failed you for the last time."

Overload: "Impossible. Overload would never say such things."

Mix: "There you go Scrapper, good as new."

Scrapper: "Way to stretch the truth."

Overload: "Stretching is for the weak, Overload am strong!"

Scrapper walks over and accidentally activates his flail.

Scapper: (annoyed) "Dammit my hand fell off again!"

Mix: (putting his arm around Scrapper) "Don't worry buddy, I know just what to do."

Scrapper: (dryly) "Please don't touch me, ever."

Mix: (letting go) "Fine fine, there is too much negative energy on you. I'm getting the bad vibes off of you, and you know what I say about bad vibes."

Scrapper: (rolling his eyes) "Oh here we go again."

Both: "This is a good vibes only team."

Mix: "See? You get the picture, now follow it please."

Longhaul: "Why are we here? I don't see the point in any of this."

Scream: "You and me both."

Overload: "Overload wanted to pursue career in musical chairs, but they say he too uncoordinated. Overload says he too good for chairs, they do not have music."

Rampage whips his treads in agreement with Overload.

Overload: "Yes Rampage, the mouse always catches the lion."

Scavenge: "I don't think that's what he said."

Overload: (pinning him to the wall) "Do not question Overload! He knows his own half brother! (letting him go) Overload knows all. (addressing the audience) Isn't that right people?"

Rumble: "Who's he talking to?"

Scavenge: "I don't know, it's best not to ask."

Mix: "Well seeing that plan A failed, it's time to go to plan B."

Scrapper: "You have a plan B?"

Mix: "Always."

Scrapper: -moans- "Ugh!"

Mix: "I hope you guys like harmonicas."

Scrapper: "Oh no you don't!"

Scrapper knocks the harmonica out of Mixmaster's hands, and it breaks.

Mix: "My harmonica! I was going to serenade our friends with it!"

Scrapper: "Ha! I destroyed something you love. How does it feel?"

Mix: "Eh, I was getting bored of it anyway."

Scrapper: (fuming) "Why is it that nothing upsets you?"

Mix: "Because that means I would have to think negatively. And you know that this is a strict no negative energy zone. Longhaul, would you kindly move the pieces that we got please?"

Longhaul: (frustrated) "Move this, move that, I'm always moving something. When am I going to crush something?"

Mix: "We talked about this before Longhaul. You aren't skilled enough to be a warrior. The tests proved that."

High: "Get over it you baby!"

Overload: "Overload hate babies. When baby cries, it is sign of weakness."

Longhaul: "Just get Overload to move it."

Overload: "Overload always moves....always."

Mix: "Please, I'll give your room a special renovation for it."

Longhaul: -sigh- "Fine."

Mix: "Guys, I can just tell this is going to be a really great day."

Scrapper: "How so?"

Mix: "You can just feel it. The birds are singing, the trees are swaying, and the stench of pure evil reeks through the entire base!"

Frenzy: (joking) "I thought that smell was Beastbox."

Beastbox: (thumping him on the head) "Hey!"

Scrapper: (having enough) "No you want to know what you are Mixmaster? You're insane. I've been a part of this team with you since day one, and you are absolutely crazy. You're always so happy. I don't know what happened to you in your past, but you must have snapped somewhere. You are insane."

Mix: (scratching his head) "Huh. Well you see what this guys?"

All but Scrapper: "Bad vibes."

Scrapper: "I give up."

Overload: "Used napkins give Overload diabetes, makes him hate zebras."

Mix: "Scrapper, I'm not crazy. I think it's safe to assume that nobody here is crazy either."

At that moment Terradive comes out of the room. He is scratching himself furiously. His eyes are redder than usual, giving him the appearance of getting out of a withdrawal. There are many black rings around it implying that he hasn't had much sleep.

Terra: (scratching himself furiously) "Did you guys know that it's REALLY itchy in my room?"

Everyone ignores him and continues their conversation.

Mix: "Think of all the fun times we've had together Scrapper. The structures we built, the Autobots we crushed, the bridges we burned."

Terra: ".....Did somebody say burn?"

Longhaul: "....You need help."

Soundwave: "Ahem Mixmaster."

Mix: (excitedly shaking his hand) "Oh Soundwave, it's so good to see you again my friend! Ok Longhaul, Hightower, Overload, and Rampage, you guys are dismissed. The rest of us have to talk to the higher-ups."

High: "About time!"

Overload: "Overload loves leisure time. He will stare at picture of dolphin for next six hours."

Longhaul: "Now I can get some alone time."

Longhaul goes over to a corner and sits, and Payload tries to befriend him.

Payload: "Hey I'm Payload. I had it rough like you for awhile too, but then things got better. I-"

Longhaul gets up and leaves in frustration. Even with Payloads new popularity, it still isn't enough to get Longhaul's respect. While Hightower and Rampage go off to parts unknown, Overload begins to stare at a picture of a dolphin. He is approached by Rumble and Frenzy.

Rumble: "So Overload, I hear-"

Overload: (shouting) "Do not interrupt Overload's dolphin time! Come back in 6 hours."

Frenzy: (scared) "Ok."

Mix: "How are you Starscream?"

Scream: "It is LORD Starscream to you."

Mix: "Oh my apologies Lord Starscream. Have you been working out?"

Scream: "No."

Scrapper: "Suck up."

Mix: (looking around) "So uh... where's the swimming pool?"

Scream: "Swimming pool?"

Mix: "Yeah, every evil lair needs one. It's in the ten commandments of evil."

Terra: "Who wrote that?"

Scrapper: "He did."

Mix: "Way to spoil the mystery. So who built this place?"

Soundwave: "I did."

Mix: "I can tell this was your first time, but I understand you're still an amateur."

Soundwave: "Amateur?"

Mix: "Yeah, but anyway I got something for you guys. Show them your sack Scavenger."

Thunder: "Um no thank you."

Mix: "Not that kind silly. We found some random stuff thanks to Scavenger's detector. We don't know if it's going to be junk or anything of note to you guys."

Longhaul: (in the background) "It's all junk!"

Scavenger takes out a bag and three things fall out.

Mix: "This first one we found in Iacon, it looks like a spellbook of the Primes."

Terra: (snapping out of it) "A spellbook you say?"

Skywarp: "Never thought you were interested in the mystic arts Terradive."

Terra: "On the contrary, I love the ancient arts. They were the ones who gave me my trident."

Mix: "Well first come first served. I do warn you that it's been damaged, so it may be missing a few things."

Terra: "Quite alright with me." (exits)

Mix: "This next one we found in an old Autobot lab."

Scream: (impressed) "A portable storage dimension, a nice find. I'll take that."

Mix: "This last one we found at the wreckage of your people's city. It may be something you recognize."

It is a small camera, but Soundwave is overcome with emotion as he recognizes it.

Soundwave: (shocked) "Reflector...."

Rumble: "What?"

Frenzy: "No way!"

Soundwave opens up the compartment and sees a functioning spark.

Soundwave: "He's in deep stasis, I must try to revive him." (leaves)

Mix: "Well you're clear Scavenger. So who likes nice things?"

Splicer: "I like nice things!"

Mix: "Splicer, oh how I've missed you my boy. Let us frolic in meadows and do whatever fun things nice people do!"

The two run off together as Overload peers closer into the dolphin picture and Scrapper just groans in frustration. Back at The Ark, Hound decides to go off on one of his exploration trips.

Hound: "I think it's high time for me to explore again."

Longarm: "Already? Well have fun then."

Prime: "Be safe Hound."

Hound: "Aren't I always?"

Hound is bridged to a foresty part of Earth and begins his drive. This catches the attention of Soundwave, who finally sees his chance.

Soundwave: "Reflector will have to wait. Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Beastbox, and Squawktalk, I have a mission for you. Capture that Autobot, he is necessary for phase three."

Hound is driving along until suddenly a missile hits the side of his vehicle mode. He transforms and falls over and searches for his mystery attackers. Ravage comes out shooting and gets knocked into a tree by Hound. Rumble and Frenzy pelt him with their fire, but he shoots them away. Laserbeak and Beastbox attack him while Squawktalk hides in the background. Laserbeak scratches Hound in the back, but he gets grabbed by the wing and is thrown against a tree. Beastbox punches him in the face, but Hound knees him and slams him onto the ground. The panicked Squawktalk launches a missile at him, knocking him to the ground. Beastbox grabs Hound's missile launcher, and smacks him in the face with it. Buzzsaw from somewhere in the trees tazes Hound, knocking him out.

Buzzsaw: (hidden) "Be careful fools, Soundwave wants him alive....for now."

Beastbox drags the unconscious Hound through the groundbridge, and it closes behind them.

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