Part 9: The Dinobots

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Wheeljack seems to be trembling at the sight of the constructed creature. The head of the museum seems confused by Wheeljack's outburst.

Man: "You seemed confused by the new mystery of our world."

Wheel: (grimly) "That's because this isn't from your world, it's from mine."

The camera pans over to show just what this mysterious creature. It is a creature with two dragonish heads that extends through the display. On an interesting note the bone structure has a metallic feel to it.

Wheel: "I need to call Fowler, we need to put these back in The Ark, this coincidence has given me an idea."

Wheeljack calls Fowler and alerts him of the situation. After making a few calls himself, Fowler gets all the newly discovered species to the Ark, but they have to wait a few days. During the wait Optimus seems a bit troubled.

Ratchet: "What's on your mind Optimus?"

Prime: "Megatron, I still think back to the past and what could have been."

Ratchet: "Nobody could have predicted what would happen, you were just young brothers back then."

Cliff: "Excuse me? Brothers?"

Prime: (solemnly) "Yes Cliffjumper, Megatron and I were once full-blooded brothers."

Younger members: "What???

Cliff: "Why is this the first time we're hearing about this?"

Ratchet: (sternly) "This wasn't any of your concerns."

Longarm: "I mean it's quite the burden to be the brother of the warlord of the Decepticons. That must bite."

Optimus, Ratchet, and Ironhide all give him a look that makes Longarm rethink his statement.

Longarm: (apologetically) "I'm sorry Optimus, that was wrong of me."

Prime: "Apology accepted, but you are indeed right, it is the burden hardest to bear for me."

Spike: "So what happened between the two of you."

Prime: "There were many factors that led to our war, some that I know not of. But I remember back in our teenage youth with our father Prima, one of the greatest Primes who had ever lived."

Spike: "I thought you said you were the last Prime."

Prime: "I am, but there was a time where there was more than one, and there was one Prime to rule them all. His name was Alpha Trion, but that is beside the point."

We go to a flashback during a peaceful time on Cybertron. A young Optimus, who was known as Orion Pax, a young Megatron, and an unnamed third child all leave their house to go to school. Inside the door is Prima, a Prime and their father.

Prima: "And remember children, you are all destined for greatness one day, but the path you choose will decide where it is glory or infamy. Orion, I would like to have a quick word with you."

Orion: "Yes father?"

Prima: (whispering) "Even though you are the youngest you are the wisest of your brothers. Guide them, and they too will step into the light, now have a good day."

Orion: "I will father."

Spike: "What happened next?"

Prime: "Megatron had entered the gladiatorial pits of Kaon, and that's where he met Soundwave, and it all went downhill from there. Then one day late at night I saw Megatron and our father on the ground. He kneeled down to him and got up, and turned his back where I couldn't see his face, and then he just ran away. He killed him, and I feel like I could have stopped him. I never thought he could be capable of something like that, but then he started killing more, and now we have this war."

Power: "Sheesh, you think you know people and boom! They kill someone."

Sun: (tearing up) "That's so sad!"

Prime: "Now you see why I have kept this secret for so long, there are just some secrets that should be kept."

In the middle-east, Beastbox and Squawktalk are up to their usual shenanigans of stealing food. Currently they see eggplants on sale.

"Well would you look at that Beastbox, suckers just asking to get robbed."

"I like robbing."

"No duh, I wonder what this eggplant is. Is it an egg that you plant?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Good point, you aren't the best guy for wisdom."

"That was mean dude."

"Get over it. Come on ape-face let's get us us nutrients!"

The two go over to the fruit vendor and ask for the prices. The vendor starts speaking in his native tongue, causing Beastbox to laugh.

"This guy talks funny!"

"I know right? According to my translation he says it will cost three carrots and a goat for the whole sack."

"Pfft, I don't have that kind of money."

Beastbox knocks the guy away and takes the sack with him. the police arrive and start shooting Beastbox. Squawktalk hides behind Beastbox in fear while Bestbox doesn't seem bothered.

"Hehe, that tickles."

"Well what are you waiting you big moron? Stop them!"

Beastbox walks over to the guards and breaks their guns, and throws them into the walls.

"Now it's time to run buddy."

"I can't run I'm a bird, that's why I fly!"

The two escape into a groundbridge where they are greeted by Skywarp, who is talking with Shockwave.

Skywarp: "Hello you two, I hope your quest went well."

Beastbox: "Sure did, now hand it over Squawktalk."

Squawk: "No way, it's mine (flying away) and you can't stop me!"

Beastbox: "Yeah I can, it's called having cannons."

Beastbox takes out one of his cannons from behind his back and begins shooting at Squawk talk. Eventually one shot's splash damage causes Squawktalk to drop the sack. While the two fight one of the eggplants rolls out as Terradive slinks out of his room and grabs it. Inside his room he carves two eyes and a smiley face from it, and begins to speak to it.

(deteriorating) "Hello Mr. Eggplant, you are going to be my new best friend. What's that? You don't want to be? I'm afraid you don't have a choice. My old friend died, and now we'll never be apart. What's that? Kill my other friends? No that would be wrong... or is it?"

Meanwhile Skywarp is finishing his conversation with Shockwave.

"Do you really believe that could be possible to create?"

"Of course Skywarp. Nothing is impossible in a world of science and logic."

"If you say so. I never got the chance to share my condolences for your brother's demise."

"It is alright, he was weak and useless. Anyway I must go resume my work."

"...Ok then, talk to you later."

Skywarp goes down one of the hall and sees that the door to Soundwave's lab is partially opened. He goes inside and is attacked by a Vehicon. The Vehicon sends out a bladed tongue and the lower part of its mouth becomes mandibles. It tries to hit Skywarp with its tongue, but Soundwave runs out and cuts it with his blade. The Vehicon just pokes it with wires, confusing Skywarp. Soundwave kills the Vehicon and helps Skywarp with his feet.

"What was that?"

"An experiment gone wrong."

"You look terrible Soundwave. (peering inside) What are those?"

Skywarp sees many zombie Vehicons trapped in a containment cell trying to get out.

-sigh- "I've been looking for ways to try to bring Megatron back."

"You have? What did you do to get that result?"

"Your Synthetic Energon with a small dosage of Dark Energon."

(shocked) "Are you insane? This is going too far Soundwave."

"Correction, I'm desperate. I need your help Skywarp."

"I don't know about this Soundwave."

"Think about it, our leader will return in full glory."

"I don't like going behind Starscream's back like this, it doesn't sit well with me."

"He's running us into the ground."

(boldly) "No, you are running us into the ground. Starscream is finally becoming the leader he has envisioned himself to be. I've seen a rough draft if his new plan, and it's quite well done. While you have been here wasting time like a recluse on a worthless and hopeless project I am actually making advancements in science with Shockwave. This isn't about Megatron, this is your ego and your unwilling nature of never letting go of the past. He's dead Soundwave, move on and be useful for once, not just some puppet who thinks he can play god."

Soundwave points his Sonic Cannon at Skywarp, but puts it away and kicks a table into the containment cell, accidently freeing the zombies. Soundwave kills them all and thinks for a moment before trying to appeal to Skywarp another way.

"You call yourself a lover of science, but you never have made anything revolutionary like Shockwave. How does that feel?"

"What do you mean? I've done plenty."

"Shockwave's grandfather built the first spacebridge, and Shockwave himself created the first combiner technology and The Nemesis. What did you do?"

"Well there'"

"Wouldn't you like to be the one who found a way to bring back our leader, and finally have an accomplishment that wasn't overshadowed by Shockwave?"

Skywarp feels mix emotions, the respect for his friend Starscream is equally combative of his lack of worth in the science community. Though he finally makes a decision that changes everything.

(intensely) "I'll do it for science, but I fear for Starscream. Let's get to work."

Back at The Ark the specimens are finally arriving in giant trucks they are hidden under cloths like the the two headed dragon, and the Autobots pull off the clothes to see what else is there. There is one that has the face that looks like a griffin, and has some tiny wings with it as well. As for the last one, that is the one that amazes everyone else. It is a beast far larger than the other two, with a large wingspan and mandibles around its jaw. The long tail and sharp claws add to the presence of this creature. Though strangely enough it has a giant hole in the side of its stomach.

Power: (amazed) "Great Cybertron!"

Fowler: (awe struck) "That big guy's wingspan has to be the size of a football stadium!"

Cliff: "I would have hated to be around when that guy is alive."

Ace: "What are they?"

Sideways: "They're the beasts of Cybertron, they're our version of your dinosaurs."

Chip: "Could they transform?"

Ratchet: "It's always been part of our biology, but we never knew if they ever gained enough intelligence to go that far."

Ironhide: "But legend has it that there was one who did, and led an army of beasts to rule Cybertron, but that was never proven."

Prime: "How is this possible?"

Ratchet: "I don't know, but I'm concerned."

Longarm: "What's going on with this planet."

Prime: "It appears that there is more to this planet than meets the eye. So what exactly do you intend to do with these Wheeljack?"

Wheel: "I know this sounds crazy, but I want to make robot dinosaurs to help us in the war."

"Prime: "I see, and how do you intend to do that?"

Wheel: "For starters I'm going to break these guys down, melt them and remold them into parts for our army. With the help of the big guy I could make like nine or ten, but I'll just stick to five. I'll also use the metal from our own planet to act as their armor, and the skeletons of the beasts will give them incredible durability."

Prime: "And what do you plan on using for a power source?"

Wheel: "Bare with me, I want to use the Allspark. I know the energy is limited, but I have faith in this."

Prime: -sigh- "Very well, I will give you this one shot. Don't let us down."

Wheel: "I won't Optimus, I promise. Let's get to work Perceptor."

Perce: "Me? Why?"

Wheel: "If it's just me then it'll take forever to make. With your help we'll get done faster,"

Perce: "I guess you're right, let's do it."

Wheeljack and Perceptor begin breaking down the parts and melting them to create their new warriors. After several days of creating parts and lacing the skeletons in Cybertron's metals, the new warriors are complete. The next day Wheeljack gathers everyone to the lab and reveals the finished products that they have been working on. Five figures stand with parts based off of real Earth dinosaurs all stand before them.

Wheel: (proudly) I introduce to you the Dinobots!"

Everyone is astounded by the designs of these warriors and begin to talk amongst themselves.

Ironhide: "Look at these guys."

Power: "You nerds and your science projects."

Hound: "So is these are based off of real dinosaurs, how are you going to make them transform?"

Wheel "I took some T-cogs from a few dead Vehicons, it's not like they're going to need them anymore."

Hound: "Good point."

Wheel: "All right then Optimus, we are ready for the Allspark."

Optimus takes the Allspark out and activates its energy toward the five Dinobots. They all come to life for a brief moment and await command.

Wheel: "Dinobots, transform!"

The one on the far right's arms folds up in a 90 degree angle and the hands go inside the arms and replaces itself with squarish feet. The upper half of the body does a 180 degree turn as a long neck from behind its back is revealed. The two halves from the back combine together and the pads on the thighs create legs, creating and Apatosaurus. The next one over has the lower torso do a 180 degree turn. His head goes down to his chest while a panel on his back replaces the spot. The rest of the back goes up while he falls to the ground while his legs fuse together, and flips up to reveal the head of a Stegosaurus. The one in the middle's chest goes up to his head and the arms shrink in while the hands fold inside the arms. The top half goes into the middle and fuses with the back while two more legs emerge, creating a Triceratops. The one over him has his chest take over his head while the wings on his back go up. The arms conceal themselves as it easily creates a Pterodactyl. The very last one does a push as the hands go inside the wrists and the dino-head behind his back comes to the front. The legs fuse together to create a tail and the parts that looks like wings combine with the neck to create tiny arms, revealing him to be a T-Rex. Everyone is amazed by this feature as Wheeljack begins to introduce each of them.

Wheel: "As you can see I modeled them after real dinosaurs."

Cliff: (being a douche) "Yeah you sure did. I remember reading in the books that they had real metal skin just like that too!"

Wheel: "Shut up Cliff! Anyways the guy with the long neck is Sludge. I modeled him after and Apatosaurus. I gave him the power to make earthquakes like Rumble and Frenzy to give them a run for their money. In robot mode his weapon of choice is and Energon warhammer."

Perce: (proudly) "Quite smashing if I do say so myself."

Wheel: "The next guy is Snarl, and I based him off of a Stegosaurus. In his dino mode he can shoot his spikes out at his enemies, and they can come back to him like Longarm's beam sword. He also has an Energon scythe to reap his enemies."

Longarm: (eyes smiling) "Excellent inspiration."

Wheel: "The middle man is Slag, a Triceratops. he can shoot lasers from his horns, and his weapon is a fiery Energon club."

Spike: "Like a caveman?"

Wheel: "Pretty much yeah. This is Swoop, a Pterodactyl. We needed a flyer so I made us one. His weapon is an Energon flail-mace."

Power: "But I can already fly."

Wheel: "Never hurts to have another."

Power: "Well excuse me for wanting to feel special."

Wheel: "Last but certainly not least is their leader Grimlock, and he is a T-Rex, the ultimate dinosaur."

Silas: "A spinosaurus is a much better candidate for that title."

Wheel: "That's an overrated species, nothing is cooler than a T-Rex."

Silas: "If you say so."

Wheel: "His weapon of choice is an Energon sword and shield. Any questions?"

Sun: "Yeah I got one, how do we know they won't go crazy?"

Wheel: "Pfft, what could possibly go wrong?"

Everyone falls silent when Wheejack says this and Cliffjumper's left eye twitches. Two seconds later the Dinobots begin to run rampant inside the The Ark. Everyone screams in terror as they charge into everything like the wild beasts they are. Grimlock grabs Cliffjumper with his jaws and swings him around like a chew toy. His frantic screams die out as Mirage pulls him out.

Cliff: "This changes nothing."

Mirage: "Whatever."

The military begins shooting the Dinobots, but their shots just bounce off.

Prime: "Autobots, we need to get them outside and contain them, now!"

Sideswipe, Bumblebee, and Jazz all go after Swoop, the two each grab a leg while Jazz goes on his back. They are being dragged while he flies. Jazz takes out his staff and begins to beat Swoops head with it, causing him to lower his descent into the rocks. Jazz jumps off just in time, but Bumblebee, Sideswipe, and Swoop all crash. Sideways gets cornered by Snarl, but Sunstreaker uses his blinders to blind the Dinobot, and pulls him out of the way.

Sideways: (surprised) "You saved me."

Sun: "What are friends for right?"

Powerglide tackles the blinded Snarl and ties him up. Meanwhile Ironhide is dealing with Slag.

Ironhide: "Come on ugly, show me what you got!"

Slag roars in response and charges at Ironhide, and Ironhide's strength stops him in his tracks. Longarm and Hound join in on incapacitating the Dinobot. Now all that is left is Grimlock and Optimus is the only one brave enough to challenge him.

Prime: "Stand down Grimlock, don't make me hurt you."

Grimlock charges at Optimus, but Optimus jumps up scream as he delivers a flying punch to the face, knocking him down. Optimus restrains him while Jazz, Bumblebee, and Sideswipe come back dragging Swoop. Bumblebee and Sideswipe are both dizzy.

Side: (dizzy) "We got him!"

Bee: (dizzy) "It's nap time now."

They both crumple to the floor and accidentally knock their heads together as they go unconscious. The Autobots drag the Dinobots to a remote part of the base, bury them, and cave the spot in, Trapping the the dinobots forever.

Wheel: "I'm sorry Optimus, I-"

Prime: (quietly) "No I'm sorry for believing something this foolish would work. Now the Allspark is weakened. I need time alone right now."

Weazel: "This is the last straw, I quit."

Silas: "Right on cue too. I got a text from Mr. Attinger saying that he accepts your application."

Ace: "Do you want us to help you pack Alan?"

Weazel: "No, I want this to be my own thing." (walks off)

Fowler: "Let him go, he's lost now."

Silas: "You put human children's lives in danger as well as our own, you should feel ashamed Wheejack."

Wheeljack walks over to his lab and just sits there with a broken expression on his face. Back at the Decepticon base Skywarp and Soundwave have been constantly working on their project, but to no success. feelings of demoralization occur and they begin to give up. Soundwave is just scrolling through pictures of Optimus at this point.

"It's useless Soundwave, we can't bring him back."

"I suppose you're right."

"Things happen for a reason so he's dead for a reason."

"If that's true, then what is the reason for Laserbeak finding the Dark Energon?"

"I don't know, but the past is in the past. Maybe we can use it for something else."

-sigh- "You're right, this mission is a failure."

"Shockwave said nothing is impossible in a world of science, but this doesn't seem scientifically possible."

"You are.... correct."

Soundwave then inspects the picture of Optimus closely and the cogs turn.

"I've been looking at this the wrong way this whole time, I must call Shockwave." (runs out)

"For what?"

Soundwave goes to the monitor outside and contacts Shockwave.

"How may I assist you Soundwave?"

"I've finally figured out how to bring Megatron back."

"You have? Fascinating."

"It's time we move into phase two of our plan. Call in the Constructicons."

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