Part 36: Comrades Lost

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Optimus is going through the streets searching for The Fallen. while that is happening he is having a flashback from when Prima had died. He rushes over to his body and cries. He observes his home and sees what looks like a bit of sulfur, and a few things are broken. all of a sudden Prima starts to have quirk spurt of breathing again.

Prima: (gasping) "Megatron... Megatron!"

Orion: "He did this to you didn't he?"

Prima tries to say something to Orion, but it's just coming out as croaks now. Prima finally dies for good. Orion makes a vow that day to get to the bottom of what happened and why Megatron did it. But there was another question burning inside him. What would he do when he saw Megatron again? That is something that he would have to figure out when the time comes. In the present day Sideswipe is in a small alleyway that has four different paths he can choose. However he feels like he is being watched, and calls out.

"Sideways! I know you're there!"

Watching him atop the roof is Sideways, and he decides to make his presence known and jumps down in front of Sideswipe.

"You shouldn't have followed me Sideswipe."

(tense) "I would have followed you to the ends of the universe if it meant getting you for what you did to Sunstreaker."

"I didn't want to kill him you know."

(angrily) "Yet you did it anyway!"

"I had no choice."

"There's always a choice!"

"You sound just like Bumblebee. With that said I will tell you the same thing I told him. Sacrifices had to be made. This is war after all. It was either your family or mine, and I would do it again and again if it meant mine is safe."

"Why does Megatron threaten your family? What purpose does that serve?"

(ominous) "Who ever said it was Megatron?"

"That doesn't matter anymore. I want revenge for Sunstreaker's death, and that means you are going to die."

(sincere) "Please don't do this I beg of you. Leave this alone and get on with your life."

"Not until you're dead."

-sigh- "I figured you would say that."

Sideswipe attacks Sideways, aggressively punching at him. Sideways easily blocks and dodges each attack. He grabs Sideswipe by the arm and slams him down on the ground.

"Give up Sideswipe, my skill far exceeds yours."

"We'll see about that."

Sideswipe gets up much quicker than Sideways had anticipated, and he gets kicked down. Sideways scrambles to get up, and Sideways gets slashed by Sideswipe's blade across the chest. Sideswipe does a jumping roundhouse kick to Sideway's face, knocking him down.

"I've gotten better Sideways. I've been training."

"It appears that you leave me no choice now. I can't let you live."

Sideswipe and Sideways fisticuff with one another, and Sideways punches Sideswipe in the gut. Sideswipe tries to stab Sideways again, but Sideways dodges and the blade gets stuck in the wall. Sideways punches Sideswipe in the face so hard that the force breaks Sideswipe out of the wall, and it also breaks his blade as well. Sideways picks up Sideswipe and throws him against a wall. Sideswipe gets up, but Sideways punches him in the chest so hard he gets launched through the adjacent brick wall. He slowly gets up, seeing Sideways slowly walk toward him.

While this is happening Longarm is going over his plan with Cliffjumper and Swoop.

Cliff: "Are you sure this is going to work?"

Longarm: "The only weapon strong enough to separate them in our arsenal is my beam sword. So let's recap. Swoop will fly us there. I will be on his back and you will be in his talons. When they get separated ride whichever one you can get and shoot them down.

Cliff: "Got it."

Swoop: "My first day on the job and I'm in the elite team. This is so exciting!"

Cliff: "Hahaha us the elite? I love this guy."

Longarm: "And we're looking forward to more days with you Swoop. So are you ready?"

Swoop: "You know it!"

Longarm hitches a ride on Swoop's back and Cliffjumper gets held on by his talons. The three fly up into the air to take on Mindwipe and Skystalker. They get fired at, and Swoop nearly gets blasted out of the sky. Now they're being closely chased by the brothers.

Swoop: "That was too close!"

Cliff: "I'm going to hurl!"

Swoop: "If you do that I'm so dropping you!"

Longarm: "This is our chance Swoop, do it!"

Swoop gets close enough, and Longarm jumps off of him. In slow motion he gets atop Mindwipe and Skystalker and leaps on his side and the beams sword cuts through Mindwipe and Skystalkers' link, and the two jets get separated. Cliffjumper gets flinged on to Mindwipe and starts shooting him in the wings. Longarm hitches a ride on Skystalker and does the same. Both jets start to spiral down to the ground below. However both of them still have enough control to shoot their guns at Swoop, and he gets riddled with fire, and he falls and crashes to the ground unconscious. While falling Skystalker manages to transform and gets a controlled crash, bouncing across the street with Longarm. Mindwipe is not so fortunate and Cliffjumper jumps off at the last second. Mindwipe crashes into a the bottom of a building and gets covered in debris. He is knocked out. Skystalker starts to get up, but finds that Longarm and Cliffjumper have their guns pointed at him.

Longarm: "Well now, it looks like we have ourselves a standoff."

Sky: "Leave now if you value your lives."

Cliff: "You sure seem calm for a guy with a bunch of guns pointed at him."

Sky: "I've been in far worse situations, you do not phase me."

Longarm: "I'm the sheriff around these parts, so reach for the sky muchacho."

Cliff: "Nice spanish there."

Sky: "I suppose I have no choice."

Skystalker reaches for the sky, but that's just a ploy. He reaches for the back of his wing, and out comes two axes that were concealed in them He throw the right ax right into Longarm's chest.

Longarm: "Argh!"

Cliff: "Then let's do this!"

Longarm removes the ax, and Skystalker does a jumping kick to take him away. He reclaims his ax and Cliffjumper takes out his energy sword. Skystalker parrys each attack and slices him in the shoulder. He leaps at the Autobot, but Longarm shoots him back with his tail light guns. Cliffjumper slashes him across the chest with his Energy sword. Skystalker transforms into his third mode. It's his jet form with his legs staying in his robot form. He grabs Cliffjumper, spins him around, and throws him into Longarm. He transforms back and leaps to attack, but the both roll out of the way. Longarm goes to attack but Skystalker swings his ax up to swipe him in the face. Cliffjumper attacks him but Skystalker embeds his ax into Cliffjumper's forearm, dropping his sword. Cliffjumper takes out his hammer and swats Skystalker away.While this is happening Mindwipe's red cockpit starts to turn back on... He shoots the axes out of his hands and Longarm cuts him across the chest with his beam sword. The tips of Skystalker's arms have points long enough to act like arm blades. He uses it to stab Longarm briefly and kicking him back. He digs both into Cliffjumper's chest. He tries to hit him with the hammer again, but Skystalker disarms him and hits him in the face with his own hammer, breaking off his right horn. He gets his axes and slashes at Cliffjumper. Cliffjumper blasts him back, and that's when Skystalker unleashes his secret weapon. He fingers start to glow blue. Out shoots blue wires with barbs at the end of them. They go behind Cliffjumper and implant themselves in his limbs and in the back of his head. Cliffjumper's lights go out and his expression turns blank. Longarm gets up to see the terror.

Longarm: "What did you do to him?"

Sky: (coy) "Oh nothing really, I just took control of his nervous system that's all. He's my puppet and slave now."

Longarm: "A puppeteer huh? I always heard stories about people like you but never believed them."

Sky: "I'm one of a kind."

Longarm: "You sure are buddy. But Cliffjumper is so going to pissed when he finds out you called him his puppet."

Sky: "Too bad you won't be able to tell him because you will join him in the darkness!"

Skystalker launches more of his barbs at Longarm, hitting his chest, but they bounce off much to his confusion."

Sky: (puzzled) "What happened?"

Longarm: "I don't know buddy but it looked like a dud."

Sky: "Very well then I will try again."

Skystalker tries again and it bounces off.

Sky: "I don't understand."

Longarm: "It's all about the theatrics."

Skystalker continues to try and put the barbs through his chest but to no luck.

Sky: (frustrated) "Curse these wretched barbs!"

Longarm: "Let me help you with that."

Longarm grabs the barbs from off the ground, and that pulls Skystalker and Cliffjumper as well. They both get slammed on the ground.

Sky: "Try to sever my connection and he will die. I'm too connected now."

Longarm: "You're lying, but even if it's the truth it's what he would want. He would rather be dead than your puppet."

Longarm tries to fight Skystalker again, but he keeps using Cliffjumper as a shield, he slashes Longarm with Cliffjumper's sword, and Longarm manages to roll around and cut the wire in his head. Cliffjumper's mind comes back online.

Cliff: "Where am I?"

Longarm: "He's using your body as a puppet."

Cliff: "You did what?!"

Sky: "Silence you fool!"

Longarm gets hit by Cliffjumper's hammer, knocking him down.

Cliff: "He made me do it!"

Longarm: "Alright enough is enough."

Cliffjumper reels his head back, hitting Skystalker to give a chance for Longarm to strike. Longarm leaps over and cuts Skystalker's right arm off, freeing Cliffjumper. Cliffjumper tries to punch him, but is kicked down. Skystalker throws his other ax into Longarm's knee, making him stumble. He leaps to attack, but Longarm points his gun at him. In slow motion his beam sword fires out and goes through Skystalker's eye and out through his head, killing him instantly. Longarm takes the ax out and help Cliffjumper to his feet.

Cliff: (feeling his head) "Aww man that was my favorite horn."

Longarm: "I'm just glad you're ok."

Cliff: "Why didn't you just open with that?"

Longarm: "Well I wanted to see what he was made of. And you can tell that he was made of disappointment. You hear that? You got sloppy!" -kicks-

Cliff: (getting his weapons) "You're weird."

Mindwipe appears behind them, looking angry.

Cliff: "Uh oh...."

Mindwipe grabs Cliffjumper and flings him across the rooftops, leaving him and Longarm alone.

Mindwipe: (growling) "You killed my brother."

Longarm: "Well he certainly isn't alive right now so yeah."

Mindwipe takes out his daggers, and Longarm knows he has to think fast. Mindwipe slashes at him, but he ducks and rolls, cutting him in the back of the leg. Longarm jumps up and punches Mindwipe in the face. Mindwipe gets stabbed in the foot by Longarm's hook, and he destroys it to get off. He stabs Longarm in the chest with his dagger and it gets stuck. Longarm headbutts him as the Decepticon staggers back.

Mindwipe: "It appears that I must be more conventional to stop you."

Longarm: "The chest protects me."

Mindwipe: "Then I will strike you everywhere but there. But first a little gift for you."

A ray gun appears out of Mindwipe's shoulders and hits Longarm in the hand.

Longarm: "That kinda hurt, though I don't see the"

As he says this is right hand starts to change color. It shrivels and crumbles up, shattering.

Mindwipe: "An aging ray, perfect for besting parasites."

Longarm shoots the gun, destroying it. He tries to get away but Mindwipe slashes him in the back of the neck. He staggers and Mindwipe stabs him in the leg. He gets stabbed in the back several times, and the last blow goes right through the top of the head, splitting it open. Amazingly Longarm is still alive, but judging by the depth of the wound he won't be living much longer. Swoop starts to regain consciousness, so Mindwipe hypnotizes him too and flies off, leaving the weakened Longarm to die. Cliffjumper finally lands on a street, and it just so happens to be the one Ace and Silas are at.

Ace: "Cliffjumper are you ok!"

Cliff: "Hey guys what's up?"

Silas: "You look like you took quite the beating."

Cliff: "Nothing we can't handle."

The sound of a jet draws near, and it transforms. It's Starscream, and he brandishes his claws.

Scream: "Cliffjumper, how nice of you to be here."

Cliff: (reassuring) "Don't worry guys it's only Starscream."

Scream: "I have a score to settle with you."

Cliff: "A score huh? I didn't know we were keeping track."

Scream: "Now you die today."

Cliff: (rolling his eyes) "Oh give me a break."

Starscream charges at Cliffjumper, and he dodges all his attacks. He hits Starscream in the face with his hammer, and shoots him with the gatling gun feature with his hammer. He jumps to stab him, but the thruster on Starscreams foot, launches him back and he lands on his back on top of a car. He reaches for his hammer getting ready to shoot, but Starscream shoots it out of his hands. His gaze is that of surprise because he has never seen Starscream so aggressive. Starscream fires three shots of his Null Rays right into Cliffjumper's chest, and he spins down and falls on his stomach. The effects of the Null Rays kick in. He has lost his sense of balance and his vision is blurry. He turns his head around and sees Starscream loading up his missiles.

Cliff: (yelling) "Run guys!"

Silas and Ace run away, and Starscream fires his missile. It hits Cliffjumper in his back while he is down. There is a massive explosion as the damage is so great it kills Cliffjumper upon impact. Starscream laughs hysterically over his victory against his enemy.

Scream: (boasting) "Hahaha I've waited eons to do that, and now it's finally happened! Let's see you come back from that Cliffjumper!"

Starscream transforms and drives off, leaving Ace and Silas to mourn.

Ace: ""

Silas: "Look he's gone, there isn't anything we can do for him now. We got to keep moving."

Ace: (snapping out of it) You're right, but I'll miss him."

Silas: "Me too."

The Fallen is sitting around until Mindwipe meets up with him.

"Ah you're back. Where is your brother?"

(looking away) "He's dead now."

(perking up) "What?"

"Fear not, I have dealt with the perpetrator myself."

"I shall miss him greatly. His death was not in vain. To honor his memory I will cut this event short."

"What do you mean?"

"We will find Optimus Prime now. We are going to end this once and for all."

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