Part 12: Killer Dreams

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At the Decepticon headquarters Mixmaster and the Constructicons show Soundwave, Starscream, and Skywarp their mystery project at a barren part of Earth. There is a giant cloth covering the structure.

Mix: "Are you guys ready?"

Scream: "Just get on with it."

Mix: "Very well then. Alright Rampage, take it off."

Rampage takes off the cloth and shows a giant structure that everyone is incredibly pleased with.

Mix: (proudly) "Ta-da! A spacebridge!"

Scream: "Impressive."

Skywarp: "Marvelous."

Soundwave: "Are the systems functional?"

Mix: "Well no we're builders not electricians. That's your problem now."

Scream: "Tell me, how were able to build this in a matter of five hours?"

Scavenge: "We're the Constructicons, the best and fastest builders on Cybertron. Imagine what we can do in a week."

Overload: "Weeks are for the weak."

Scrapper: "Yeah keep telling yourself Overload."

High: "I want a break."

Overload: "Overload will break Hightower as requested." (grabs)

High: (panicking) "Put me down! That's not what I meant!"

Longhaul: -shrugging- "Whatever."

Scrapper: "Put him down Overload, there is another kind of break."

High: "Thank Primus!"

Overload: (setting him down) "Overload apologizes for his behavior."

Mix: "Phew! Dodged a bullet there. So are we going back or what?"

Soundwave uses his powers to bridge everyone back. Buzzsaw greets them and reports his findings to Soundwave and Starscream.

Buzzsaw: "The Autobot knew nothing, and is now terminated."

Buzzsaw and Soundwave exchange a very quick glance. They both know that isn't the truth, but Starscream is in the dark.

Scream: "Well done Buzzsaw but something tells me you aren't being honest with me."

Buzzsaw: "Does this look like the face of a liar?"

Scream: "It's hard to tell what to make of you."

Buzzsaw flies onto Starscream's left shoulder and extends his neck around to whisper into his right audio receptor.

Buzzsaw: " I take my scars in stride Starscream, and I will never let that bring me down. Your pride won't let yourself get touched. That's alright that you don't get me. I suppose it's best it stays that way." (flies off)

Mix: "So about that catching up thing Skywarp?"

Skywarp: "Oh yes come this way."

Mix: "Alright boys, we're done for the night."

Scrapper: "Great to hear. I'll help you settle in Longhaul.

Longhaul: "Alright then."

Terradive walks across the room. He seems to be extremely tired.

Mix: "Are you alright there buddy?"

Terra: (softly) "I'm fine."

Scrapper: "You sure don't look that way."

Mix: "But he said he's fine though."

Scrapper: "We need to have a long talk about what people really mean when they say things like that, but not now."

As they all leave Terradive locks himself in his room while Mixmaster and Skywarp reminisce about their old days together.

"It's so good to see you after all this time Mixmaster."

"Same to you! It's nice to have someone who shares similar passions with me again, especially my old pal the seeker."

"Oh that was so long ago. I remember back when you were a hit with the females."

(proudly) "I still am. They love a guy who can mix things up. So does my new Spacebridge cement my stay?"

(laughing) "Oh you and your puns. Of course it does."

"So you do know why we were called by Soundwave?"

(nervous) "Um... no. Must be a mystery project."

"Ah a mystery project, those are always fun."

"So how about a mixture for old time's sake?"

"Some m-m-m-m-mixing coming up!"

Mixmaster transforms and mixes some iodine, magnesium, germanium, and mercury to create a strange concoction. Skywarp holds it up with his hand in interest.

"Hmm I want to test this on a live subject, but it needs to be someone of no consequence.

Waspinator walks by, making him the perfect victim.

"Still got your throwing arm Mixmaster?"

"Only one way to find out."

Mixmaster throws it at Waspinator, who gets set on fire by green flames. He gets completely engulfed and turns to ashes. All that is left is his left mandible.

(concerned) "Did we kill him?"

"Wait for it."

The mandible twitches and slowly begins to grow more parts. While Skywarp writes down the experiment as a maybe we go back to Spike, who is rubbing his eyes to see if Brimstone is real. He disappears, and Spike just decides that he was just imagining it. Later that night Spike dreams of him and Carly riding white horses in a field. Carly speeds up and Spike tries to catch up to her. He tells the gorse to go faster, but the suddenly it speaks.

(creepy) "What a beautiful meadow this is. A perfect place for skewering flesh."

(confused) "Huh?"

"You mean you still haven't figured it out yet?"

The horse turns its head toward Spike, and the face of the horse is Brimstone.

(horrified) "Brimstone?"

(condescending) "Aww you remember me. I was beginning to lose hope."

"How is this possible?"

"I suppose I should end this farce and tell you the truth."

Brimstone snaps his fingers, and the dream darkens until it is only the two of them.

"You can't be real."

"Oh I'm real alright. I'm about as real as it gets."

"How are you alive?"

"I'm not technically alive, not yet."

"So you're dead?"

"The answer is yes and no."

"Then explain, it's time you give me answers."

"Yes I agree, it's only fair after all. You see my body may be dead, but my essence is still kicking."

"How is that possible?"

(tapping his head) "Let's just say I've always been ahead of the curve."

(figuring it out) "Your head crystal, but how?"

"Well I'll tell you."

We go to a flashback at some point during the war. Brimstone, Dropkick, and Blastwave are all at a tomb somewhere on Cybertron. They begins to look for things that might be of interest.

Blast: "It's cold and dark in here son!"

Dropkick: "Get over it."

Brim: "Pipe down you idiots, we should be searching not fighting."

The three continue but find nothing but junk.

Blast: "Man this is gonna ruin my street cred for sure!"

Dropkick: (sarcastically) "Because your street cred is so important."

Blast: "It's the streets or nothing man!"

Brim: "Let the kid have his fun Salvo."

Dropkick: (irked) "I told you not to call me that anymore. I'm Dropkick now."

Brim: "Whatever you say pretty boy."

After scavenging around a bit more Blastwave finds a red crystal in the wreckage.

Blast: "This will make a great neck chain!"

Dropkick: (stealing) "Mine."

Brim: "No mine."

Dropkick: "I took it first."

Brim: "But I want it."

Dropkick: "So? It's mine."

Brim: "You seem to misunderstand. I want it."

The two fight, and eventually Brimstone's brutal fighting style overwhelms Dropkick and knocks him down.

Dropkick: (panting) "You're crazy!"

Brim: (intensely) "Congratulations you figured me out. Normally I wouldn't kill a friend, but having your head mounted on my wall seems to be a pretty tempting offer."

Dropkick: "I give up."

Brim: "Good."

(going to the present) "Little did I know that this was more than just a nice decoration that could fire lasers. It was also ancient technology from the 13."

"The 13 Primes?"

"The same, and this was made by their inventor Solus. Oh how I would have thanked her by ripping her apart."

"So what does this technology do?"

"It's a form of reincarnation. The essence of the wearer is transferred inside, and the next person who wears it will be overtaken by the essence of the last wearer. She felt like that was too dark a way to return to life and she destroyed them all, but legend says she missed one. So now I have the power"

"If that's true then how come you weren't overtaken?"

"My will was far too strong to be overcome by weakness. You unfortunately aren't so lucky, and I've been slowly controlling you over time."

"So it was you who drew the baby picture and killed the guy."

"Indeed it was."

"Why did you save Carly if you were in control?"

"If anyone is going to kill her it's going to be me. I'm not going to use a puny weapon to end her, it's going to something more stylish. An acid bath would be a great start."

"Why are you so insane?"

"Kid I can't help who I am. I was this way since the moment I was born. There was no tragic backstory to make me crazy, that's just who I am. Maybe in another life I could have been a doctor, a scientist, or even a lawyer, but this is my path and I take it in stride. By the way I'm not mad about the you nearly killing me thing. That was quite brave of you. Anymore questions?"

"Just two. First how did your mind enter me, and what do you plan on doing once you are in complete control?"

"Remember when I blasted the gun with my laser? The heat went through your body, and it manifested my essence inside you. As for my plans I will kill all of your friends and family in the most brutal ways I know how. I'll give you a hint, it involves fishhooks. But that's enough torture for one night. See you tomorrow."

Around the same time Terradive is sleeping when he hears a voice echoing through the halls.

?: "Whooo whooo!"

"Who's there?"

"Don't you remember Terradive? Whooo!"

"That voice... I know it

"Um of course you know it. It's not like you haven't known me forever!"

Terradive scans the area and to his shock he sees a figure he knows all too well. But it is in a light shade of blue and translucent.

(in shock) "F-F-Fearswoop?"

"Yeah it's me. Sup?"

"How is this possible?"

"Um I'm a ghost."

"Ghosts don't exist."

"Yes they do, I mean look at me!"

"I must be hallucinating, I've really lost it."

"Here I am coming back in a fiery blaze of glory and all you can think about is yourself. That's rude you know."

(annoyed) "You aren't real!"

"If I'm not real then you talk about water all the time!"

"But I do talk about water!"

"Yeah about that....I was joking. I didn't think you would actually snap the way you did."


"Yep, gotcha!"

(getting increasingly angry) "You... I'm going to kill you!"

"Too late bro, I'm a ghost."

Through some strange miracle Terradive tackles the ghost Fearswoop, and begins to strangle him despite being a ghost.

(confused) "How are you able to strangle me? I'm a ghost!"

As the two continue to fight Rumble and Frenzy enter the room confused.

Rumble: "Can you pipe down Terradive? Some of us are trying to.... what are you doing?"

Terra: "Nothing."

Frenzy: "Skywarp, Terradive is going crazy again, he needs help."

Terra: "Wait what? (gets tazed) No!"

As Terradive is getting dragged to a padded room the ghost/hallucination of Fearswoop just waves at him. The next morning Spike wakes up nervously looking around. He doesn't see Brimstone anywhere and figures it was just a dream, at least until he seems him leaning next to his bed.

(chilling) "Good morning sleepy head. I hope you had a pleasant sleep."

(frustrated) "Ugh I thought it was a dream."

(eyes smiling) "Never, I'm your nightmare come true. So what's the plan for today sport?"

"Well I have to go to school and write a poem. (thinking of an idea) Say can you read my mind?"

"No I can not, I can only see what you do. What you do with that human girl is quite unsettling."

(grossed out) "You were watching?"

"Unfortunately. That's the one downside of talking coming from inside your body, I'm stuck watching you. I can't turn it off either. Your life is like the most boring soap opera I've ever seen. It needs more murder."

"It's always murder with you."

(intensely) "Murder is what makes me feel alive. Just to feel their flesh tearing away as they scream for help is so... (making perverted breaths) I'm sorry I need a moment. (to himself quietly) Oh sweet Primus yes!"

Spike walks goes to school and is approached by Kicker, who shoves him around.

Kicker: (toolishly) "Hey Spike, I remember a beating and I remember you. But I don't remember beating you."

Brim: (briefly talking over Spike) "Lay one hand on me you hideous wretch and I will use your intestines as a lasso to strangle your hideous girlfriend."

Kicker: (angry) "You're dead now!"

Kicker attacks Spike and beats him to the ground. He continually kicks him despite his pleas to stop. Everyone around him panics as somebody goes for help. Brimstone appears in the reflection of a window to speak to Spike.

Brim: "Kid let me take control for a moment."

Spike: "No, you'll kill him."

Brim: "No I won't, psycho's honor."

Spike: "Is there even such a thing as that? And no!"

Brim: -sigh- "You leave me no choice."

Brimstone takes control and blocks Kicker's blow. He uses the momentum to shove him back. Kicker tries to do a right swing, but he dodges and punches Kicker right in the throat. Using his brutal fighting style Brimstone lands several punches to his stomach, grabs him, and starts slamming Kicker's face into the locker. He then throws him to the floor in order to make Kicker stop, but that doesn't seem to help as Kicker takes out a pocket knife.

Kicker: "You're dead Spike!"

Kicker lunges at Spike and tackles him, and Brimstone is using all his strength to hold the knife away from Spike's neck. He spits in Kickers face and headbutts him. Kicker tries to swipe at him, but he dodges and disarms him, ending the fight. When the principle starts coming near Brimstone puts the knife back in Kicker's hand and uses Spike's hand to start punching Spike in the face. He then lays on the floor and the principle sees Kicker with the knife in his hand. When he asks who started it, all the kids point ar Kicker. They did this because they hate Kicker, and also because they are a bit afraid of Spike after what they just saw. Carly helps Spike up to his feet and Brimstone whispers in Spike's ear.

Brim: (taunting) "Well she's more beautiful than last time I saw her. I'll make her demise extra special."

Spike: (clenching his fist) "I won't let you do that."

Brim: "I'm afraid you can't stop me, but for now I'll help you with your poem. I do have a way with words after all."

During class Spike comes up with an idea that could help him.

Spike: (whispering) "Look Brimstone, I can't concentrate with you hovering over my shoulder, think you can look away so I can concentrate?"

Brim: "Sure kid whatever. It's the least I can do for you before you die. I'll think of it like paying rent... with your life."

Spike figures out what to write, and when it's time for him to present it to the class.

Spike: "What is it that makes me happy? Counting sheep, watching streams, and (Brim taking control) making fun of orphans!"

The whole class goes silent as Brimstone impulsively continues.

Brim: (going full blast) "Slicing children, hearing their screams echo through the halls, seeing blood drench everywhere it's so... satisfying. Wait what?"

Everyone is mortified, but Carly begins to figure everything out with Chip.

Carly: "I know that voice...Brimstone?"

Brim: (shy) "No..."

Spike: "Yes!"

Brim: "No!"

Spike: "Yes!"

Brim: (hissing) "Shut up boy!"

Carly: "It is you!"

Brim: (grinning) "It looks like you got me. (coming to a realization) Now I get it. You knew I loved murder so much that you wrote it down when you made me look away. You're a clever boy, it's not often somebody gets one over on me. I have to give you props.

Spike: "Now you're screwed Brimstone, they know."

Teacher: "What exactly is going on here?"

Carly: "We'll explain later I promise."

Brim: "It's too late girl, I have control now!"

Brimstone uses Spikes body to run outside the class, but Carly is able to catch up with surprising speed and tackles him.

Carly: (panting) "Good thing I decided to do track. Chip, call Wheeljack."

Chip: "On it."

Brim: "It's no use human, he will die and I will be reborn."

Carly: "We'll see about that. Sorry Spike."

Both: "Oh boy."

Carly knockos out Spike, which in turn knocks out Brimstone. A groundbridge appears as we go to the Autobots. They are still upset over the death of Hound.

Mirage: "Is this our fate? To be picked off one by one?"

Cliff: "You tell me Decepticon."

Mirage: "I told you I'm not a Decepticon.

Power: "I don't know about you guys but I'm going to stay here for the rest of my life and never leave."

Longarm: "That doesn't sound like a bad idea."

Wheel: "Hmm Carly needs a groundbridge, she says it's an emergency."

Ironhide: (to Ratchet) "She probably just broke a nail."

Ratchet: "Teenagers I swear."

Carly and Chip come in with the unconscious Spike as everyone gathers around.

Prime: "What happened here?"

Carly: "It's Brimstone he's taking over Spike's body!"

Cliff: "Brimstone? I thought that guy was dead."

Ratchet: "Ok strap him to the table. Don't worry he's in the best hands right now."

After being strapped to an operation table Spike begins to regain consciousness, but Brimstone begins to take control and sees Optimus and Ratchet.

Brim: (chilling) "Hello Optimus, I've missed you. (seeing Ratchet) And hello doctor, nice to see you making a housecall."

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