Part 6: Short Ends of The Stick

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The next morning Payload is seen talking to Shockwave on the monitor about a very mysterious project.

Payload: "Hey Shockwave, did my donation make it through?"

Shockwave: "Yes it did Payload."

Payload: "Oh that's great news, do you know how soon the process will finish?"

Shockwave: "The technology for this will still take eons to make, but I'm sure we will be around when it's finished."

Payload: "Ok, see you around, and thank you."

Shockwave: "No Payload, thank you. Your contribution will one day be legendary."

Payload leaves as we go to Cybertron to go check on Shockwave. He is working diligently on several unknown projects on his monitor when Shockblast enters the room.

"You're late Shockblast."

"I was working on the Circuit Breaker design we had taken from the human scientist."

"Your answer is logical."

"Yes yes logical. That's all you ever say."

"It is all that is necessary to say brother."

"I bet."

"Something troubles you, what is it?"

"It's our late brother Blastwave."

"Emotion is illogical, that should be known by now."

(slamming his fist on the keyboard) "And he was our brother!"

"You act as if that warrants a response."

"Don't you feel anything brother?"


"Why not?"

"He was weak minded, and it was logical for him to die. It was a miracle he survived as long as he did."

"I can't believe this, and motherboard loved you best."

"I require your assistance on these algorithms."

Before Shockblast can respond Knockout enters the room.

Knockout: (proudly) "You called my single-eyed employers?"

Shockwave: "Yes, we need you to do some lifting with your new assistant Breakdown."

Knockout: (complaining) "But my finish will be ruined!"

Blast: "Your finish is of no consequence to us, now go."

Knockout: "Very well herr commandant." (rolls eyes)

Knockout leaves while Shockblast decides to make a quick statement to Shockwave.

"I need to step outside for a minute."

"Very well."

Shockblast leaves while Shockwave sees a picture of him, Shockblast, and Blastwave at a theme park. Blastwave is doing gang signs with his hands while Shockblast does a facepalm. Shockwave is wearing a hat that parodies Disneyland. Judging from the way he just stoically stares into the camera he didn't seem to enjoy himself. Shockwave zooms his eye into the picture for a moment, and shrugs it off as he goes back to work.

Back on Earth Fowler, Ace, Tyrone, and Alan all stop by an IHOP. They all have breakfast and begin to share war stories and talk about other general things that have happened recently.

Ace: "So what are you getting Tyrone?"

Tyrone: "I'll get the omelet."

Fowler: "Pancakes for me."

Weazel: "Waffles."

Ace: "Bacon and eggs baby, can't get any better."

Tyrone: "Coming from Mr. Bigshot himself."

Ace: "Hey with looks like these can you blame me?"

Tyrone: "Looks that make babies cry."

Weazel: "Ouch."

Fowler: (chuckles) "You guys are like an old married couple."

Tyrone: "Oh hell no!"

Fowler: "You know I didn't mean it like that right?"

Tyrone: "Of course man, but when the manliness of a man gets put into question everything goes crazy!"

Weazel: "Whatever you say Tyrone."

Ace: "You never change."

Tyrone: "Don't talk to me fool, I'm still mad about you touching my head the other day."

Ace: "Really?"

Tyrone: "Yeah I am. There most be some Code of Hammurabi bull shit that says touching another dude's head is wrong."

Weazel: "I severely doubt there is."

Tyrone: "There should be!"

Ace: "This takes me back to before I joined the Air Force. Me and Tyrone were stationed in the South American jungles to find a drug-lord."

Weazel: "Are you even allowed to do that?"

Ace: "Shut up who's telling the story?"

Weazel: "Proceed."

We got to a flashback to a younger Tyrone and Ace getting fired upon by henchman as their squad retreats to a lower part of the jungle for cover.

Ace: "Tyrone, give me your gun.... Tyrone?"

During all the shooting Tyrone is once again asleep.

Ace: (annoyed) "Seriously?"

(back to present day)

Fowler: "Where were you Alan?"

Weazel: "I had a mullet back then along with some slushies I would always drink, we met when Ace sent a distress call to me."

Fowler: "Well I got a story that beats yours."

Weazel: "Is it that terrorist story I heard you talking about?"

Fowler: "Sure is. I'm sure you know about Carbombia right?"

Ace: "Who doesn't?"

Fowler: "Well there was a rogue terrorist group that infiltrated the country and my unit was charged with taking them out, but we got captured, and I was the only one who survived the initial attack."

We go to a flashback where a battered and bruised Fowler is inside a cave filled with terrorists. He is locked in a cell alone with a lone guard across the hall. The guard scavenges through Fowler's backpack and finds a bag of chips. The guard has never seen chips before and struggles to open the bag. Fowler then sees his chance.

"Hey you want those chips? Let me help you with that."

The guard comes close while Fowler opens the chips for him. Fowler grabs the keys, unlocks the doors, and swings the door open in the guard's face, knocking him out. Fowler grabs the guards gun as well as the bag of chips and his toothpaste. Upon exiting the room he gets into a fist fight with another guard. The guard disarms the gun from Fowler, but he squirts the toothpaste into the guard's eye. Fowler then grabs his head and knees him in the face. He then throws the chips into the remaining guard's mouth and then shoots him. Fowler then shoots up the rest of the people inside and leaves.

Tyrone: "Damn man that's crazy!"

Fowler: "They should have never messed with my America."

Ace: "Well that beats our story."

Fowler: "So what do you think of that new guy Silas?"

Tyrone: "I don't like him."

Ace: "I don't trust him."

Fowler: "I'm not sure what to think right now. He seems to be a very honest man, but I think he's not 100% honest with us."

Weazel: (shaking his head) "You guys disappoint me. Just because he doesn't idolize the Autobots like you do doesn't make him untrustworthy. Maybe that Bryce guy was right all along."

Ace: (shocked) "You can't be serious."

Weazel: "I am, and I don't want to work with these machines anymore. I'm going to see if I can work for this MECH I keep hearing about. Humans are the future, not robots."

Alan angrily storms off leaving the others shocked like an electric fence. The waiter give them their food but notices that he left, but Tyrone insists he gives Alan's meal to him. While eating they are unsatisfied with their meals.

Tyrone: "This omelet tastes like dog poo."

Ace: "My toast isn't even buttered well. The butter container is the size of a thimble!"

Fowler: "These pancakes are disgraceful!"

All: "Dammit IHOP!"

Back on the Autobot side Ron, Longarm, and Hound are sitting on the road on top of a mountain watching the sunset. Ron and Hound are smoking during all of this."

Hound: "What beauty."

Ron: "Eh it's just the same every day."

Hound: 'True, but it's just so innocent."

Longarm: "Things are just worth fighting for no matter what."

Hound: 'Got any more smokes Ron?"

Ron: "Always."

Longarm: "I thought you said you were going to quit Ron."

Ron: "I keep trying, but what the hell. We humans don't live that long anyway."

Hound: (teasing) "Somebody's jealous of not having a mouth."

Longarm: "I only need eyes to emote. You humans should try that."

Ron: "We'd look real weird if we did."

The three share a laugh as the we go the next day. Payload is walking around when he sees Rumble and Frenzy down the hall.

Payload: "Hey guys."

Rumble: "Oh look Frenzy, it's Payload."

Frenzy: "Eat my exhaust pipe Payload!"

Payload: (sad) "Why are guys so mean to me?"

Frenzy: "Because you're Payload. We didn't need a better explanation than that."

Payload goes crying into his room and remembers all the times people have been mean to him. It's just too much for the little guy to take. Later he goes where Skywarp, Waspinator, Thundercracker, Squawktalk, Beastbox and Splicer are all hanging out so he can talk to them. Squawktalk now has crackers

Payload: (nervously) "Hey Splicer, can I get a ladder?"

Splicer: "Sure!"

Beastbox: "I like ladders."

Squawk: "They take you to high places."

Thunder: "Polly wanna cracker?"

Squawk: "Who's Polly?"

Buzzsaw: (hissing in shadows) "Derogatory comments to us birds are not appreciated Thundercracker."

Thunder: "Sheesh it's a human joke."

Buzzsaw: "Human humor, so disgraceful."

Squawk: "All this talk of crackers is making me hungry."

Beastbox: -gasp- "You're hungry? Don't worry buddy, I'll save you!"

Beastbox runs on all fours to the box of crackers. He takes them out and begins to force feed Squawktalk, jamming stack after stack of crackers into his throat.

Splicer: (returning) "Hey Payload I got that ladder you-whoa!"

Beastbox: "I had to feed him, it was only a matter of time before he starts craving the taste of us!"

Squawk: (muffled because of crackers) "He does this every time!"

Payload: "Thanks for the ladder Splicer."

Splicer: (chirping) "Anytime buddy!"

Payload: (surprised) "Buddy...huh."

Waspinator enters the room, and Payload approaches him.

Payload: "Hey there Waspinator."

Wasp: -sigh- "What does Paybot want?"

Payload: "Can you fire your scales into the ground right there for me?"

Wasp: "Fine."

Waspinator fires the scales into the requested area, and Payload begins to climb the ladder. Reaching the top of the ladder, Payload calls for everyone's attention as Rumble and Frenzy enter the room.

Payload: "I'm sorry guys, I just can't take it anymore! I have to do this, goodbye cruel world!"

Frenzy and Rumble: "Do it do it do it!"

Wasp: "Do it, Waspinator wants room to himself."

Payload looks down at the heights and begins to hesitate.

Thunder: "Do it you sissy!"

Beastbox: "Jump!"

Squawk: (mouth full of crackers) "Do it!"

All but Skywarp and Splicer: "Do it Payload!"

Splicer: (appalled) "What is wrong with you guys? Skywarp aren't you going to help me out here?"

Skywarp: -shrugs- "What Payload decides to do with his life isn't my business."

Splicer: "Don't do it Payload!"

Payload is surprised by Splicer's concern and decides to end this.

Payload: "I'm not going to do this, if you hate me so much then so be it, you'll just have to deal with it."

As Payload says this he accidently falls backwards and lands hard on his back. Splicer sighs and drags him to the medical room. Waspinator decides to along with them as you can hear the voices of dissatisfaction from the other room.

Thunder: "What a let down!"

Frenzy: "Payload you suck so much you can't even kill yourself right!"

Wasp: "Does Splicer need help?"

Splicer: "Hmm, doesn't look like it, but the company is always nice."

Payload: "Thanks Splicer."

Splicer: "Any time. I know you don't believe it yet, but one day you're going to do something great, I just know it."

Payload: "You really think so?"

Splicer: "Yeah."

Wasp: (confused) "Why is Splicer lying to Paybot?"

Splicer: "I'm not."

Wasp: "Ok then."

Rumble enters the room for an urgent purpose.

Rumble: "Soundwave wants Payload and Waspinator to meet him in his lab."

Payload: "Alright we'll be right there."

Payload and Waspinator exit the medical room and discuss what the possible meeting is about.

"What do you think it could be?"

"Don't look at Waspinator Paybot."

"Why not?"

"Your breath smells."

"But I only have an eye."

"If you had a mouth then your breath would smell."

"Ok then."

The two enter the lab and see the darkness and Vehicon parts scattered everywhere in the room. Soundwave is on the far end working on one of the many computers.

Payload: "Whoa, this is kinda creepy."

Wasp: "Vehicons everywhere, why?"

Soundwave: "That isn't important right now. Your assistance is required for an important mission."

Payload: "But why us?"

Soundwave: "To avoid suspicion from the Autobots."

Payload: "Tell me how that works."

Soundwave: "The Autobots would never suspect much from two low-tier Decepticons hanging around a building."

Wasp: "Waspinator doesn't care."

Soundwave: "You will do this Waspinator, and if you don't you will be subject to hell."

Wasp: "Waspinator lives in hell already. Soundbot's threats mean nothing."

Soundwave: -sigh- "Don't you want Megatron back?"

Payload: "Hold up, what do you mean?"

Soundwave: "The place I want you to go to is the place where Megatron's body lies. I need you to check the security and find any weaknesses."

Payload: "Ok, but how will you bring him back? It's impossible."

Soundwave: "With this."

Soundwave reveals the Dark Energon to Payload and Waspinator, and both are surprised by this.

Payload: "Won't that make him a zombie though?"

Soundwave: "Yes, but I believe there is a way to negate the negative effects of Dark Energon. I haven't found it yet, but I believe it will be found soon."

Payload: "So you after we check this place out you want to do some sort of breakout?"

Soundwave: "Yes, but your mission is of the most importance."

Payload: "Ok, I'm in."

Wasp: "Waspinator will do it too."

Soundwave: (starting a groundbridge) "Thank you, Operation: Surveillance is now underway."

Payload and Waspinator enter the groundbridge and begin to survey the complex to try and find any weaknesses. Payload transforms into his armored car form and opens the back door so Waspinator can sit inside to hide him from view. Payload begins driving around place while talking with Waspinator.

"Do you really think they can bring him back?"

"Waspinator doesn't care."

"I see."

"Why must Paybot try and talk to Waspinator?"

"Why must you always be so mean?"

"Waspinator doesn't hate Paybot. He just goes with flow. Maybe next time people will be mean to twins."

"I sure hope so, they sound so annoying."

(laughs) "Voices sounds like dying cow!"

"Haha. Hey I think I found a weakness. See how how the cameras only go to the West, the East side is completely open!"

"Human security disgusts Waspinator."

"You got that right. Time to download this for Soundwave."

Meanwhile back at The Ark, Wheeljack notices something on the security cameras.

Wheel: "Hey I see Payload hanging around the building that has Megatron's body. It's probably nothing, but can you guys check it out."

Sun: "You got it Wheeljack. Let's get revving boys!"

Sunstreaker, Bumblebee, and Sideswipe groundbridge out to confront Payload, and Payload notices the company.

Payload: "Uh oh, we've been seen. The download is still at 30% I need you to buy me time Waspinator."

Payload lets Waspinator out while Bumblebee chases Payload. Waspinator decides to take on Sunstreaker and Sideswipe head-on.

Sun: "Hey bug brain, you ready for a pounding?"

Side: "He's too stupid to understand."

Wasp: (insulting) "Sunbot's ears looks like down-syndrome elephant!"

Sun: (jaw dropping) "You did not say that!"

Side: "Oh yes he did."

Wasp: "Kiss Waspinator's black, green, and stripy ass!"

Side: "He's really asking for it bro."

Sun: "Oh yeah, lets give him a lesson in respect."

Waspinator gets shot and beaten up by the brothers, but manages to kick Sideswipe away before getting clocked by Sunstreaker. Meanwhile Bumblebee corners Payload down the street.

"What are you doing here Payload?"

"None of your business."

"Come on man don't be like that."

"No you listen to me stripes, I'm tired of being the joke of both sides. You are the most overrated Autobot ever. I almost wish I was dead so I wouldn't have to see you!"

"Wow, that actually spoke to me, but I still have to bring you in for questioning."

"Not happening."

Bumblebee launches his missiles at him, and Payload only barely dodges them.

"No fair, I don't have a gun!"

"Deal with it."

Payload runs into the forest with bumblebee following him. Currently the download is 57% complete. Meanwhile Waspinator gets his head blown off by Sunstreaker.

Side: "Nice shot bro!"

Sun: (gloating) "That shot was perfect like me!"

Waspinator instructs his headless body to shoot the scales of his wings right into Sunstreaker's rear, causing him to yelp in pain.

Sun: "Ow!

Side: "Bro you got Gaddafied!"

The body then shoots Sideswipe, grabs them, and clangs their heads together, knocking them out. Meanwhile Bumblebee makes a pot shot that causes him to fall down. Bumblebee takes out his ax to try and pin him down, but Payload remembers he has a chest claw. He grabs a tree with is and knocks Bumblebee away with it. He tries to retreat but Bumblebee takes him. Payload rolls him off, but Bumblebee grabs him and slams his head into a tree several times. Payload uses the momentum to uses reverse headbutt. Bumblebee gets dazed and then gets punched twice and kicked down by Payload. Bumblebee gets up and starts really beating him down. Payload tries to counter, but he keeps dodging his attacks. Payload is losing this fight after receiving punch after punch, and he staggers back dizzy, and barely manages a lucky uppercut on Bumblebee. All seems lost until Bumblebee gets lightly tapped on the shoulder.

Bee: "Yeah?"

It turns out to be Waspinator, and he punches Bumblebee really hard. The download is complete, and Payload sees Waspinator in wasp mode charging Bumblebee through many trees. Bumblebee breaks free and takes him down, beating him with his fists endlessly. Payload ponders leaving Waspinator, and decides to be heroic.

Payload: "Bye Bumblebee!"

Bee: "What do you mean?"

Payload launches his claw at Bumblebee, using it as a springboard to knock Bumblebee off the ledge and into the ocean below. Payload requests a groundbridge and leaves with Waspinator. Bee on the other hand resurfaces from the water.

Bee: "I just got beat by Payload... this is officially the worst day of my life."

Back at Decepticon HQ Payload hand the information to Soundwave.

Soundwave: "Excellent work. but don't tell anyone, or I will lock on to a black hole and you will both disappear."

Both: "Ok."

They leave the room together and go into the hall with Skywarp, the Twins and Splicer.

Wasp: "Nice work Paybot."

Payload: "Thanks, you don't know how liberating that was. So are we friends now?"

Wasp: "I suppose having more than one friend is good for Waspinator, ok."

Waspinator leaves the room while Rumble and Frenzy begin their routine again.

Rumble: "Hey Payload why do you suck?"

Payload: (boldly) "I got a better question: Why do you and Frenzy both have voices that sound like chalk scratching on a chalkboard?"

Frenzy: "Looks like you need a lesson in respect Payload!"

Frenzy and Rumble charge at Payload, but he uses his trick from before and launches them into a wall. He then grabs part of the ceiling with his claw and uses the debris to make it fall on them. Splicer and Skywarp nod their heads in approval while Skywarp approaches Payload.

Skywarp: 'Nice work Payload, now can you clean this mess for me/"

Payload: "Sure!"

Payload begins to pick up the mess, and for the first time in a very long time there is an expression of happiness in his eye.

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