Part 38: Planting The Seeds of Genocide

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Optimus is taken aback by The Fallen's words. What could he possibly mean by that? Temptation does begin to get the better of him, but he decides to hold that off for the moment.

"Before I hear that I want to know why you still bare that mark."

Optimus is referring to the insignia on Megatronus's chest. It is a yellow insignia that has what looks like long ears or horns pointing up on the top of the head. There is also some sort of face on it.

"I find it strange that you still worship someone who is dead. Unicron is gone."

"Are you sure he's dead?"

"I know it."

"If you say so. Quite the miracle that Megatron was able to control the Angolmois energy."

"The what?"

"The Angolmois Energy. The energy resonating within the Dark Energon in his chest."

"I do not understand."

"It sure seems that way. The Angolmois Energy is the energy of Unicron. The effects of this energy can be completely random, but now it seems to just reanimate the dead. If he were to harness its true potential we would all suffer."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"So you can keep your eyes on the bigger picture. There is much more at stake than you and me."

"What do you care Megatronus? You slaughtered your brothers and sisters without a second thought."

(angrily) "They left me no choice! They were a bunch of sadistic cowards and warmongers. The scoundrels of the universe. Unicron offered me a way out of it, and I was more than happy to oblige. I saved the universe from their clutches, and I have shaped history the way it was always meant to be."

"In your image? That doesn't sound like a hero, that's a tyrant."

"I am no tyrant. I gave up on our people long ago."

"So you substitute humanity as your new conquest?"

"I'm doing them a favor. I'm saving them."

"From what?"


"I don't see how killing most of the population will save them."

"It will certainly get their attention."

"What is your angle."

"Don't you see Optimus? People are the problem. The other Primes all kept rambling along about freedom to choose their own paths. But you want to know what happens when you give them that option? They choose wrong every time. Crime, violence, fear, death, it's all pieces to the puzzle that they could never solve. I figured it out right away, but they never listened to me Their egos led to their demise, and while I am responsible for killing most of them it was for the greater good. You can't say that our people are prospering because I know you're in the bloodiest war since the Silver Age. Our people chose to have three wars to define the majority of their history, and when they finish they just start another. We are such a greedy and miserable race that I have abandoned all hope with Cybertron completely. Now you see why I want to enslave humanity. With me leading the charge they won't have the time to worry about making decisions that could endanger them. (pleading) You don't have to try to stop me Optimus, do it for them. Give them a chance to be free from their own destruction."

"You care not for anyone but yourself. You have no right to be here."

(accusingly) "Don't try to act like the hero, you never were. You cower behind your pride as an attempt to justify yourself as a martyr, but we both know what you really are. You're no better than me. Your acrimonious perception of life proves it. "

"I am nothing like you Megatronus. The freedom to choose is what gives us hope. As long as we believe in hope, then there will always be a way to end the war."

"You're delusional. You are weak Optimus, freedom is an illusion for the weak, and the weak always die. How many more of your Autobots have to die before you realize your cause is truly hopeless?"

"The only one that is delusional is you. Do you really think I will let you take over Earth?"

"Of course not, but there is no stopping me for I am already destined for victory."

"You're destined for failure. That's why you became known as The Fallen, the failure of the Primes."

(angrily) "I named my sword Avarice because of their greed, and my shield Lost for what I have lost. You have no idea what I've been through."

"What did you lose?"

(looking away) "It... doesn't matter anymore. It was far too long ago."

"Then end this Megatronus, you should just leave this planet alone."

"Never. You sound just like your father."

(tense) "Why do you keep mentioning him?"

(triumphant) "Because I was the one who killed him!"

Meanwhile Megatron hasn't moved from his stop in the ground. His self confidence has reached an all time low. It doesn't help that the Autobots are now regaining consciousness, seeing the incapacitated Megatron.

Jazz: (rubbing his head) "Man my head is killing me!"

Mirage: "I too feel discomfort."

Swoop: "Whoa, guys you won't believe it, it's Megatron!"

Jazz: "Who did that to him?"

Mirage: "I don't know, but I think it's a once in a lifetime opportunity."

Jazz: "Agreed, let's end this right here."

The four Autobots approach the down Megatron, but before they can do anything someone starts shooting at them. The firepower is too much for them, and they are forced to retreat. The perpetrators are Soundwave, Splicer,.....and Starscream. Starscream is the first to get to Megatron, and of course he is relishing every moment of his leader's disposition.

Scream: (gloating) "Oh how the mighty have fallen. How fitting or your legacy to be planted in the grounds of failure Megatron." -kicks three times-

Soundwave smacks Starscream aside with his tentacles, and the remaining two attempt to help their leader.

Splicer: "Boy you are in there good."

Soundwave: "We shall remove these blades with my tractor beams."

Megatron: (depressed) "No, just leave me here, I'm no longer useful."

Scream: (getting up) "You got that right."

Soundwave: "Silence yourself Starscream. Splicer, give the right calculations and speed for removal so we can have minimal damage."

Splicer: "Oh this reminds me of when Knockout and I used to play surgeon together.....though back then we weren't very good.... and we might have killed a few people....oh well let's see here. (observes) Ok for the staff to be removed we will need about a forty-five degree angle at about three centimeters per second."

Soundwave activates his tractor beam, and after about a minute the staff is removed from the first arm.

Soundwave: "First blade removed."

Megatron: (angered) "Do either of you listen? I want to be left alone to lament my mistakes."

Scream: (mocking) "How ostentatious of you."

Splicer: (looking at everyone) "Nobody should be alone...unless your name was Brimstone, and in that case you should be as far away from other people as possible."

Soundwave: "You allowed pride to cloud your judgement."

Scream: "You act like that's a new occurrence."

Soundwave: "Silence your vociferous tone or I shall do it myself."

Megatron: "It was my mistake, and now I pay the price. Megatronus was right, I truly am worth nothing."

Splicer: "Don't say that, we need you."

Megatron: "No you don't, I will only bring you down."

Scream: (smug) Such sweet music to my audio receptors."

Soundwave: "How do we remove this blade?"

Splicer: "This one will be tricky, you would need to unbend it with your tractor beam before we can even attempt to remove it."

Soundwave attempts to remove the blade, but nothing seems to be working. His tractor beam actually breaks from all the pressure exerted. Starscream laughs it up.

Scream: (condescending laughter) "How pathetic! You were truly the failure son of The Fallen. You follow in his footsteps quite well!"

Something about what Starscream said and the tone of his voice kickstarts something in Megatron. A long dormant, suppressed rage that frightens all of the Decepticons. Megatron gets so infuriated that he gets up, and the force of resistance is so great that his arm gets torn off of his body. the one-armed Megatron beats Starscream mercilessly and then he grabs his staff and teleports away.

Splicer: (concerned) "What do we do?"

Soundwave: "He has turned off his tracking systems, we will have to locate him quickly.

Scream: "Not my problem, -grins- my work here is done."

Starscream leaves in a groundbridge as it cuts back to Optimus and Megatronus.

"Tell me everything."

"Of course. You see in the Golden Age I returned after a very long time. Myself, Skystalker, and Mindwipe were on the hunt for something...or should I say someone."


(eerie) "You, but someone got in the way of that."

It now goes back to the very first scene of the story where the Fallen is approaching the mysterious house. Mindwipe and Skystalker are trying to coax him into a different strategy.
Mindwipe: "Master are you sure you should go it alone?"

Sky: "It's ill-advised."

Fallen: "Fear not my children, this will be a quick action."

The Fallen is unaware that Orion isn't home, and instead Prima is there reading some archives. He is still distraught because all three of his children have gotten into an argument with him about different events in their lives. He hears a strange noise and grabs his sword and shield. He sees a slight trail of sulfur and some burns on the doorknob. He turns around, and sees The Fallen.

Prima: (in a fighting stance) "Who are you and what are you doing in my home?"

Fallen: "You mean you truly don't recognize one of your own?"

Prima: "Megatronus.... what are you doing here?"

Fallen: "I'm here for the newly announced Prime."

Prima: "What could you want with him?"

Fallen: "To kill him, we all want the same thing: Order, peace, prosperity, but the only way that can be accomplished is if he dies."

Prima: "He's not here, and even if he was I would never tell you."

Fallen: "Oh but you will, or else you will die."

Prima: "I'm fine with that. I've done enough to deserve it."

Fallen: "Indeed you have, one of those things you have done was weakening my son."

Prima: "Your son?"

Falle: 'Haven't you figured it out yet? Megatron is my son."

Prima: (horrified) "I should have known."

Fallen: "He may no longer be able to fulfill his destiny thanks to your influence. (opens portal) Now tell me where Orion is or you shall perish."

Prima: (boldly) "If I must atone for my sins my dying here tonight then so be it. But I will be damned if I let you hurt Orion or anyone else for that matter."

Prima tackles The Fallen, and they go through the portal. Prima smashes down on The Fallen's head and the two fall to the ground. They both get up ready for battle.

Fallen: "You've made a grave mistake, and now you shall die."

Prima: "Perhaps with the strategies of trickery, but what more could I expect from you?"

Fallen: "What?"

Prima: "You rely on your powers to aid you in combat because you have no skill. Truly if you were an honorable opponent you could simply outfight me."

Fallen: "Of the Thirteen my skill was second best, but I found a way to beat number one. But I will humbly accept your request seeing that I am a man of honor."

The two draw their swords and shields and begin to fight. The Fallen goes hard on Prima, making it difficult to keep pace with him. Prima is already becoming overpowered, and The Fallen takes the opportunity to cut and slice at him with every possible chance he gets. He begins to wear the Prime down, and knocks him away with his shield.

Fallen: "I expected more from you old man, especially one who tore his family apart."

Prima: "I did tear my family part, I was a terrible father. But I will do something good for once in my life, and that's protecting them from you."

Prima gets up much quicker than Megatronus anticipated, and he gets stabbed in the chest. Prima bashes his face with his shield, and gets knocked down. The Fallen rolls to dodge the next attack, but Prima is there waiting to strike. The Fallen is actually get beaten by Prima. He is countering all of his attacks and punishing him fiercely. The Fallen does manage to knock his shield out of the way and breaking the hilt of Prima's sword. This however proved to be a mistake. He bottom of the sword falls out a ball and chain. Prima uses it to bash The Fallen's face in. The Fallen does block the next two attacks with his shield, but Prima overpowers him and starts beating him to death. Before he can finish him something hits him in the back. Two axes are lodged it, and someone does a flying kick to knock him away. It's Mindwipe and Skystalker to the rescue, and they help their master to his feet.

Sky: "An easy task huh?

Mindwipe: "You will thank us later."

Fallen: "Then let us finish this."

The three take on Prima, but that has virtually changed nothing. Prima is beating both of the brothers easily, grabbing Mindwipe and throwing him into Skystalker. The Fallen tries to cut at him, but he gets beat in the chest by the ball and chain. Mindwipe stabs Prima in the shoulder, but Prima forces him to stab Skystalker in the foot and jamming it in the ground, incapacitating both of them. The Fallen opens a portal beneath the brother's feet and opens another one near him and Prima. He attacks with his ball and chain again, but The Fallen grabs it and tackles Prima through the portal. All four fall into the street near Prima's house. Skystalker is the first to engage Prima and cuts him on his side. After a few more blade clashes Prima knocks Skystalker out by hitting him really hard with the hilt of his sword. Mindwipe cuts at both of his knees, and the limping Prima gets stabbed underneath his ribcage. He dodge each of Prima's attack until Prima finally figures out a way to hurt him. He throws a garbage disposal unit to distract him, and he shoots out his ball in chain, striking Mindwipe's chin. He whips it around to hit the side of his face, and Mindwipe falls to the ground unconscious. The fallen gets up as Prima s getting a book out.

Fallen: (impressed) "You know I really underestimated you. I haven't had a fight like that for a very long time. You truly are worthy of the title of Prime. However you grow fatigued, and those injuries don't help you either."

Prima: "You are correct, which is why I'm casting you out before this goes further."

Fallen: "What?"

Prima: "A sealing spell, one the old ones you used to perform."

Fallen: (intimiated) "How could you possibly know that? You're bluffing!"

Prima: "I do not bluff Megatronus, I learned under the guidance of Alpha Trion."

Fallen: "Trion! How I've always loathed his moral compass."

Prima: "Farewell Megatronus. (chanting) By the power of the Prime and light, bind the the evil before my sight. Lock him away for all of his years, and let his only hope of escape be the item he fears!"

A ball of light appear, and chain come out to drag Skystalker and Mindwipe away. The bind the Fallen as well, and Prima turns his back and limps away. The Fallen isn't finished, and with his free hand he bursts out one last blast of flames from Avarice, and it bursts through Prima's chest, piercing his spark. The Fallen disappears in the ball of light and it shoots up into the night sky, heading for Earth. Prima in his last breaths opens the door to his home and crawls along the floor. He rolls over on his back and goes unconscious, and a few minutes later the young Megatron finds him, thus fueling the flames of the next war. Optimus is in shock now realizing he spent so much of his hatred on Megatron for something he did not commit.

Prime: "My father protected me to the very end."

Fallen: "He protected all of you. He died an honorable death. But it was in vain because the war started anyway."

Prime: "Even if Megatron didn't do it he is still a murderer."

Fallen: "And so are you."

Prime: (angry) "And you killed him."

Fallen: (proudly) "Yes I did, and you're next. I offered you a chance to be on the winning team and you threw it all away."

Prime: "You support oppression, and I will never join you. Even if our people and the human race choose wrong, they deserve the chance to choose differently."

Fallen: "You advocate for the weak, and that is why you lose. Our people were built for war, not peace. The same can be said for humanity."

Prime: "They will choose for themselves."

Fallen: "No they won't because I will end this now."

The fallen and Optimus charge at one another. Optimus immediately gets trounced by The Fallen's superior strength, speed, and skills. He attacks with the sword and trident, but The Fallen blocks with his shield and bashes Optimus upside the head with it, making him crumple to the floor. The Fallen kicks Optimus while he's down, and he rolls along the floor.

Fallen: (disappointed) "Your weakness disgusts me. You are nothing like your father."

The Fallen prepares to strike one last time, but a fireball hits his chest, knocking him away. It's Grimlock to the rescue.

Grimlock: "Me Grimlock coming Optimus!"

Fallen: (annoyed) "You again? You've interrupted me for the last time monster!"

Grimlock transforms and battles The fallen ain a sword and shield duel. He is disarmed but lands a lucky punch to The Fallen's face. Grimlock strikes down with his sword, but The Fallen grabs his arm to prevent him from striking.

Fallen: (quietly) "No."

The Fallen sends a pulse of energy through his arm that connects to Grimlock, and an explosion happens that sends him far away and knocks him out. Luckily for Optimus all the remaining Autobots arrive as Ratchet pulls up with the dying Longarm and Swoop finds the body of Cliffjumper.

Prime: "Longarm."

Longarm: (weakly) "'re alive."

Prime: "You can make it soldier."

Longarm: "No I can't, my luck has finally run out. You were right doctor, I played with fate and I've paid the price."

Ratchet: "Nobody could blame you. You just wanted to help others."

Prime: "And you did."

Jazz sees the body of Cliffjumper, and gets immediately wracked with guilt.

Jazz: (emotional) "Cliffjumper.. this is all my fault."

Side: "Nobody could have predicted that he would go."

Jazz: "I should have stayed with him, maybe I could have saved him."

Mirage: "Or you could have both died, he died an honorable death. A death I wish I could taken in his place."

Longarm grabs Optimus's hand with his remaining hand to tell him something.

Longarm: "Optimus, you are the greatest leader anyone could ever ask for. It was an honor to fight with you. And guys, you have all been the best friends I could ever ask for."

Wheel: "Not friends, family."

Swoop: "I've only known you guys for a short time but I feel so sad right now."

Snarl: "Me too."

Sludge: "Me Sludge feel weird."

Snarl: "That's the sadness."

Sludge: "Oh... me Sludge thought it was gas."

Longarm: "It's been one hell of a ride, and there is one last thing I want you to do Optimus."

Prime: "Name it."

Longarm: "Use my parts, and Cliffjumpers as well. We won't be needing them anymore."

Prime: "I don't know if I could."

Longarm: "My armor is your best shot at taking him. Also use my weapons, Cliffjumper's weapons, his shoulder and knee pads, and of course that trident. You can do it Optimus."

Ratchet: "you can you our harpoon guns too Optimus."

Longarm: 'Goodbye everyone...I'll see you all one day on the other side."

After that touching moment Longarm's eyes fade as he finally succumbs to his injuries and dies. There is a moment as silence until The Fallen approaches.

Fallen: (mocking) "How touching, now if you'll excuse me I will kill you now."

Prime: "Is this possible?"

Perce: "Yes of course, we just need a bit of time."

Prime: 'You'll get it. Autobots, buy us some time."

Jazz: "You got it Optimus."

The Autobots engage The Fallen, and he begins to take them all out easily. He teleports, and reappears launching out a giant ring of fire that knocks everyone back. Snarl is the first to try and stop him, but The Fallen uses flames from Avarice to propel him into the sky. Sludge comes up next but The Fallen uses Lost to slam down on his long neck, knocking him out cold. He teleports and knocks away each of the remaining Autobots with one move. But luckily Perceptor and Wheejack finish just in time for Optimus to combine. He uses the Matrix to heal his wounds and is just about ready.

Wheel: "Ready Optimus?"

Prime: "Ready."

Wheel: 'It's go time baby!"

With the help of magnes Cliffjumper's shoulder and knee pads go to cover Optimus. Cliffjumper's weapons go on the side on a makeshift belt, and his energy sword replaces Optimus's broken one. Longarm's chest armor separates and covers his chest and stomach.. His beam sword gun goes on his left arm, and the harpoon guns go on his right. the newly combined Optimus is ready for battle.

Fallen: (unimpressed) "I was unaware I was at a cosplay convention."

Prime: "It's over Megatronus."

Fallen: "Indeed it is... for you."

Prime: "Autobots, get back."

Fallen: "You will not survive this encounter, I promise that."

Optimus and The Fallen run at one another, and it cuts to black as they are centimeters from clashing.

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