Part 17: Megatron's Greatest Secret

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At The Ark, Optimus returns with Silas inside his truck form. Silas gets out while Optimus transforms to check out what happened.

Prime: "What happened here?"

Perce: "Oh Optimus it was so terrible. The Decepticons have Jazz and Sideways killed Sunstreaker!"

Prime: "I had my suspicions about Sideways, but I never would have imagined that he would have done that."

Side: (getting angry) "You mean you knew about him the whole time and did nothing?"

Prime: "I knew that he was hiding something, although him being a Decepticon was something I did not foresee."

Side: (now really angry) "And you didn't stop him because you weren't sure?! Thanks to you Sunstreaker is dead, and Jazz is captured."

Prime: "Sunstreaker was good friend, and his death won't be in vain. He-"

Side: (screaming) "You always say that. You just don't care! You never did!"

Sideswipe angrily storms off, much to everyone else's dismay.

Carly: "Sideswipe, you should calm down."

Side: "Don't, I need to be alone for now."

Silas: "I'm gone for a couple of days and everything goes to hell."

Power: "We're dropping like flies!"

Ratchet: -sigh- "Optimus, as great of a leader you are, you really don't know how to help others cope after someone has died."

Prime: (looking away) "I know Ratchet. The scars of war have made me afraid to get close to others. I wish there was a way to help him."

Cliff: "I hate to put more of a burden on you Optimus, but we still have Mirage to deal with."

Mirage: "Optimus I swear there has been a mistake!"

Wheel: "What do we do with him Optimus?"

Prime: "I don't want to endanger anymore lives today. Keep him restrained until I can think of something better."

Wheel: "You got it."

Cliffjumper sticks his tongue out Mirage, who simply looks down at the ground depressed 

Prime: "Wait... where is Bumblebee?"

Meanwhile it is now nighttime, and Bumblebee has been hot on Sideway's tail since his sudden betrayal. Sideways attempts to lose him in a park, but Bumblebee isn't fooled. Taking out his vehicle form's guns he shoots at the fleeing bike, and manages to blow out his back tire, forcing him to transform and bounce across the grass. Before he can recover, Sideways is angrily tackled by Bumblebee. He has Sideways pinned on the ground while angrily demanding an explanation.

(angrily) "Why did you do it Sideways?!"

(calmly) "I had to."

"What do you mean you had to?"

"It's complicated."

"That's not good enough!"

Bumblebee tries to punch Sideways while he is pinned to the ground, but Sideways manages to kick him off. Bumblebee continues his attack, but Sideways dodges each attack, making Bumblebee punch the trees around them instead. Their fight leads to a nearby statue, and Sideways ends the fight by grabbing Bumblebee and slamming his head into the center, making him slump down.

"Are you done yet?"

"He was my friend; he was our friend!"

"Do you not think I regret my actions?"

"If you regret it why did you do it?"

"I told you it's complicated."

(yelling) "Stop saying that, I want answers!"

"I can't tell you everything, not yet. All I can say is that sometimes something bad must be done in order for the greater good to happen If I had to do it over again I would."

"I don't see anything good out of killing Sunstreaker."

(angrily) "Of course there isn't! He saved my life, and now I repaid him by taking his. We all have families Bumblebee, but what really matters is how far we go to protect them. Sacrifices had to be made. There is much more going on then you realize."

"Like what?"

"I can't say, but you are in more danger than you realize. I had no choice."

(gritting his teeth) "There is always a choice!"

(ominous) "Not for me."

Bumblebee gets enough strength to fight Sideways, but his attempts are in vain as he is easily outmatched. Sideways picks him up with one hand and grabs him by the neck, slightly choking him.

(goading) "What are you going to do to me? Kill me like you killed Sunstreaker? Go ahead, do it!"

(calmly) "No, I have enough blood on my hands already. But I will stop you from following me. Farewell."

Sideway's free arm punches the side of Bumblebee's neck, knocking him out. Sideways drives off to the edge of the city and presses a button on his chest where the Decepticon insignia is located. A light appears in the sky with the Decepticon signal in the clouds. Meanwhile Megatron and company return to the base with the unconscious Jazz. They are greeted by the cynical Starscream.

Megatron: "And make sure you those cuffs are sealed tight Thundercracker. I don't want our new guest to think he can escape."

Thunder: "On it."

Scream: (seeing the Insecticons) "I see you brought new pets Megatron."

Kickback: (agitated) "What did you call me?"

Megatron: "Settle down Kickback. Where are your manners Starscream? These are our forgotten crew on The Nemesis. Meet the Insecticons."

Scream: (insulting) "I didn't think they would be this abominable."

Shrapnel: "The only thing that's abominable here is your face face!"

Bomb: (cracking his knuckles) "You look like you could use an extreme makeover, Insecticon addition."

Megatron: "No need Bombshell, those beatings are exclusively for me."

Scream: "Ah the savage brute tactic. the typical Megatron style. Still never adding anything new."

Megatron: (condescending) "Unlike you I have an effective success rate Starscream. It would be wise for you to take notes. My savage might is what brought us the advantage in this war. Quit groveling over your short-lived reign, it was never meant to be."

Before Starscream can respond the Constructicons, Payload, and Waspinator come in to greet their leader.

Mix: "Hello Megatron we nearly have the ship ready... huh that's new."

Overload: (disgusted) "Overload needs bugspray."

High: (plugging his nose) "Ugh what's that smell?"

Scrapper: "It's coming from those things."

Kickback: "Um we things have a name you know."

Shrapnel: (clutching his stomach) "I'm really hungry hungry."

Kickback: "Me too."

Bomb: "As do I. Can you lead us to your Energon reserves?"

Megatron: "Very well."

Megatron leads the Insecticons to the reserves with the other Decepticons except for Thundercracker following out of morbid curiosity. The Insecticons rush to the reserves like wild dogs, taking it down in apparent desperation.

Megatron: "Skywarp, scan them."

Skywarp: "Hold still Insecticons."

Skywarp scans the Insecticons, but they can't seem to hold still. Kickback decides to get creepy again by being all touchy feely with Shrapnel, who slaps him in the face. Kickback slaps him back, and the two just end of slapping each other. Bombshell decides to end the squabble by grabbing them both and bashing their heads together. Bombshell dusts his hands off in satisfaction.

Skywarp: "Fascinating. It appears there is some sort of chemical imbalance with the Insecticon's biological reserves. Their Energon levels seem to drop much quicker than our own."

Bomb: "I do apologize for this Megatron, but it is because of our new forms. While our new bodies have given as new powers, our curse is that we must have Energon much more often than the rest of us. Though my Energon Harvester can cushion me, the same can't be said for my friends. If only there was a constant source of Energon for myself."

Skywarp: "Waspinator has an indestructible spark and an unlimited amount of Energon, he will suit your needs Bombshell."

Wasp: "Waspinator didn't sign up for this!"

Bomb: "You'll have to do." (leeches)

Shrapnel: (finishing with Kickback) "That felt refreshing refreshing."

Wasp: "So Waspinator has brethren now."

Kickback: "Get over yourself, you're nothing like us."

Shrapnel: "We have our own standards standards."

Payload: "Um Megatron?"

Megatron: -sigh- "What do you want Payload?"

Payload: "Err... we got a signal."

Megatron: "What kind of a signal."

Payload: "One of our own."

Megatron: "Then go investigate it."

Payload: "Why me?"

Megatron: "Because you were the one who discovered it. If it's important enough for you to bring it to my attention, then you should be the one to prove its validity. Never question me again Payload."

Payload: -gulps- "Yes sir."

Payload transforms into his truck form and investigates the source of the signal. After some driving around he finds Sideways in his vehicle form. Sideways transforms to reveal himself to Payload.

"It's about time someone picked me up."

(snooty) "Well excuse me princess, I was preoccupied."

(dryly) "I bet."

"So how do I know you're a Decepticon?"

"Well I was the one who sent the signal. It's not like you have any proof that says otherwise."

"I guess you're right. Hop in."

Payload opens the back of his vehicle mode so Sideways can go inside in his vehicle form. Payload bridges back to the base and lets him out before transforming himself. Starscream and Terradive instantly recognize him from the battle in Japan.

Terra: "I know him."

Scream: (aiming his weapons) "What is he doing here?

Payload: "Wait what?"

Terra: (trident out) "You brought an Autobot into our base!"

Payload: "He said he was a Decepticon!"

Scream: "You thought wrong."

Sideways: (stoically) "I am no Autobot."

Megatron: (entering) "You have ten seconds to explain yourself before I kill you."

Sideways: (calmly) "I am an undercover agent who is part of the Shadow Core."

Scream: "Never heard of it."

Sideways: "And there is a good reason for that."

Megatron: "Shadow Core you say? State your mission."

Sideways: "The great infiltration of Metroplex."

Megatron: "Impressive, you're clear."

Scream: "Someone care to fill me in?"

Megatron: "The Shadow Core is a top secret group of Decepticons who do spy missions for us. They are among the best spies in Cybertron. The reason you don't know it exists is because only myself and Soundwave were the ones who created it."

Terra: "Very well then. Welcome um... what was your name again?"

Sideways: "Just call me Sideways."

Everyone scatters while Sideways makes eye contact with Longhaul. They stare at one another for about a minute before Longhaul decides to leave. Sideways just continues watching him with a strange fascination. Megatron is conversing with Scrapper and Scavenger, and is soon interrupted by Thundercracker, who has important news.

Megatron: "I have not had a chance to converse with some of my other troops. How are your endeavors with Mixmaster?"

Scavenge: (brightly) "It's the most wonderful experience in the universe, outside of yours of course."

Scrapper: (under his breath) "I hate you Scavenger... so much."

Megatron: "And how about you Scrapper?"

Scrapper: "If I was completely honest about Mixmaster you would shoot me."

Megatron: "Try me."

Scrapper: -sigh- "Well if you must know I think he is the absolute worst-"

Thunder: (barging in) "Megatron Jazz is waking up!"

Scrapper: (kicking a chair in frustration) "Dammit!"

Megatron: 'Then I won't keep him waiting. Bombshell, come with me."

Megatron and Bombshell go over to the tube that Jazz has been imprisoned in. He is now starting to regain consciousness.

Jazz: (waking up) "Ugh... who turned out the lights?"

Megatron: "Hello Jazz."

Jazz: (now awake) "Megatron?! How is this possible?"

Megatron: "It matters not. All that matters is that your Autobot friends are going to lose very soon."

Jazz: "You're not going to get away with this Megatron."

Megatron: "How cliche of you. I will succeed, and you are going to help me accomplish that."

Jazz: "I will never help you."

Megatron: "I know you would never willingly help us, but I don't need you to. I have a solution for that."

Jazz: "What do you mean?"

Megatron: "You'll see soon enough. Bombshell, plant your shell."

The tube opens and Bombshell pops one of his cerebro shells right into Jazz's head, knocking him out. The two leave and see Soundwave working on something very diligently.

Megatron: "What has you so preoccupied Soundwave?"

Soundwave: "It is another one of the doctor's locations. There has been a frequency that I have been trying to decode."

Megatron: "A frequency?"

Soundwave: "Yes, Stonehenge has a frequency that is known only to the ancients. I am moments away from cracking the code."

Megatron: "Come Decepticons, we have something that may aid us in our efforts."

All the Decepticons except for the now covert Splicer are now present in the main hall. They talk among themselves until Soundwave finally finished decoding the sequence. Soundwave puts the discovery on the big screen and puts it on speaker. It's pitch black but a sound can be heard... breathing.

Scream: "Is that breathing?"

Longhaul: "It sure looks like it."

Megatron: (boldly) "Hello, is anyone there?"

As soon as Megatron finishes his sentence the breathing stops dead in its tracks. There is a long pause from everyone, but out of the darkness emerges a voice.

?: (chilling to the bone) "Megatron is that you?"

Megatron: (shocked) "I know that voice..."

?: "How could you ever forget?"

In the darkness two orangish yellow eyes light up with a face that is revealed to everyone. Skywarp drops his beakers in amazement, Terradive's lip quivers, Starscream's wings droop down in fear, and Payload and Waspinator are holding on to one another shaking.

Scrapper: "Is that that who I think it is?"

Overload: "Overload need new pair of pants."

Thunder: "The F-F-F-F-"

?: "Yes, it is I."

The face becomes clearer, it is none other than Megatronus Prime, The Fallen, and he speaks again to Megatron.

Fallen: "Hello Megatron, it has been far too long."

Megatron: (trembling) "Hello...father."

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