Part 24: Dark Secrets

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Megatron and the rest of the Decepticons are surprised about the revelation. Sure enough from out of the shadows comes out the two helpers of The Fallen. The one with the visor goes to his right and the cyclops goes to his left. The one with a visor also has something glowing read on his head.

Fallen: "Allow me to introduce my partners. The one with the visor is Mindwipe, and the cyclops is his younger brother Skystalker."

Mindwipe: (eerie) "It is nice to finally to make acquaintance with you."

Sky: (Transylvanian accent) "It is nice to meet you face to face."

Megatron: "What do you imply?"

Fallen: "They were with me when we first met. They were in the shadows."

Megatron: "No wonder I felt I was being watched. Why were you hidden from me?"

Mindwipe: "You were young, we did not want our appearance to frighten you."

Sky: (ominous) "It would have been quite the shame to have frightened you."

Megatron: "So you were trapped in there as well?"

Mindwipe: "Yes, unfortunately."

Sky: "The humidity was quite the bother. The spell stripped us of our alternate modes."

Megatron: "You look far different than a normal Cybertronian, almost otherworldly."

Fallen: "That's because they are from another world."

Soundwave: "Impossible."

Fallen: "Wrong, there are other worlds like Cybertron."

Thunder: "Wait there are?"

Fallen: "Yes the planet I found them was covered in darkness. Not the best place to travel."

Scream: "And what other worlds like our own are there exactly?"

Fallen: "In all my travels I have seen a world where the inhabitants transform into feral beasts. In another I saw one where they spend the majority of their lives racing, that's it. As you can imagine I did not visit it for very long."

Thunder: "Those guys were lame."

Mindwipe: "Indeed."

Scream: "What was that planet's name where you found them?"

Fallen: "It doesn't matter. All you need to know is that I saved them from a cruel tyrant. And despite their appearances Mindwipe and Skystalker are Decepticons through and through."

The Fallen looks at Terradive, and eyes the trident. The Fallen approaches the trembling king and his ghost/hallucination, who is also shaking.

Fallen: "Do my eyes deceive me, or is that Leige Maximo's trident?"

Terra: (nervously) "Yes...."

Fallen: "I thought as much. I can tell it's in far better hand than that incompetent fool."

Terra: "R-r-r really?"

Fallen: "Yes. Liege was an arrogant fool, and that is what cost him his life. You seem to have your head on your shoulders."

Terra: "T-Thank you."

Fear: "I nearly leaked myself."

Terra: (whispering) "Me too."

Fallen: "Now Mindwipe why don't you show them your little magic trick."

Mindwipe: "Ah yes yes."

Thunder: "I like magic."

Mindwipe: (entrancing) "You are feeling very sleepy right now. Your bodies are growing weaker, smaller. Let go your earthly tether. Step into the void empty, and become wind."

The Decepticons begin to fall into some sort of paralysis.

Mindwipe: "Hold tight, release all ambition and emotion. The rest is silence."

Now the whole team of Decepticons are completely frozen. And The Fallen pats Mindwipe on the back for his efforts. All seems well...until Sideways starts moving forward.

Sideways: "I was wondering when you were going to do that."

Fallen: (delighted) "Sideways, it is good to see you again old friend."

Sideways: (shaking their hands) "Likewise, and hello Mindwipe and Skystalker."

Mindwipe: "Good to see you again."

Sky: "It's quite nice."

Fallen: "Do they suspect anything?"

Sideways: (scoffing) "Pfft, are you kidding me? They have no idea."

Fallen: "Excellent. And what about our three Decepticon contacts and our Autobot contact?"

Sideways: "I haven't heard from them for quite some time. Could be dead for all I know. Heard from Thunderwing and Overlord?"

Fallen: "I have not. I never cared for Thunderwing that much. His apocalyptic vison is too much. If only the foolish ape had set me free earlier."

Sideways: "Come again?"

Fallen: "It doesn't matter."

Mindwipe: "Is it time?"

Sky: "Shall we visit?"

Fallen: (sinister) "Yes, let's not keep him waiting."

The Fallen snaps his finger, opening a portal in space. The four go inside and are able to stand in space due to the Fallen's knowledge of gaps in gravity. The other three stand behind him and awaits for him to speak. The Fallen kneels on one knee, and the others instantly follow suit. Thn the Fallen strangely talks out loud.

Fallen: "My master I have returned. Recognize your heralds."

Out in the farthest reaches of space one of the stars seems to blink in response.

Fallen: "I have been waylaid for far too long. We await your orders."

There are whispers circling them and Mindwipe seems completely immersed.

Mindwipe: (eager) "What did he say?"

Fallen: "He says that he is still years away from Cybertron. Master, I know that your end goal is the obliteration of Cybertron, but I wish that you spare the planet so that I may conquer it. Really? You mean it? I am most grateful for your generosity. Hail Unicron."

Sky and Mindwipe: "Hail Unicron!"

Sideways quietly mutters it to himself, but he looks down at himself. The expression on his face is not of satisfaction, but a deep guilt and sadness.

Mindwipe: "Master Megatronus, we should head back to the others. My power over them grows weaker by the moment."

Fallen: "Very well then."

The four return to the Decepticons while Sideways gets back in the crowd to avoid suspicion. Mindwipe puts them out of their trance.

Mindwipe: "And be released from your slumbering mind. Return to your world without a trace doubt."

Thunder: "Whoa, I just dozed off there. Hey weren't you next to me before Sideways?"

Sideways: (calmly) "No, you were just imagining things."

Thunder: "When I imagine things it usually involves me killing Megatron, but sadly that's not the case."

Megatron: "Care to repeat that Thundercracker?"

Thunder: (nervous) "N-no."

Megatron: "Very good."

Fallen: "Then let's get this show started shall we? Avarice Lost come to me!"

The Fallen claws at the air, and flames appear out of nowhere. In his right hand appears his shield Lost, and his left hand holds Avarice. Now that both weapons are in the light we see their full designs. Lost is metallic grey shield shaped like any other shield, but he presses a button, and it becomes shaped like some dark star. The symbol in the center of the shield glows blood-red. The symbol resembles what looks like half of a sun. The true spectacle is Avarice. It is a jet black sword with a gorgeously constructed black and gold hilt. The most interesting aspect is on the center of the hilt. Engraved on the hilt is a black and red eye with the pupil being slit like a snake's. Strangely enough the color palette is swapped instead of the traditional scheme. The eye itself is pitch black and the pupil is red, giving a sense of darkness that is otherwise legendary. The eye is apparently a button, and as he pushes it red crystals emerge from the sword, and red fire comes out of them.

Thunder: "Cool."

As all of this goes on the Matrix unplugs itself from the wall and shoots out. As it goes into the sky Soundwave is able to shoot it down, but it lands near London.

Soundwave: "Scanners indicate it has landed in the city known as London."

Fallen: "Then go get it."

Megatron: "You aren't going with us?"

Fallen: "No, I have some business to attend to. I need to find Mindwipe and Skystalker fitting forms. I will rendezvous with you later."

Soundwave: "There is a military base located 50 miles from this location."

Mindwipe: (bowing) "Your assistance is much appreciated."

Sky: "We are in you debt."

Fallen: "Now go and retrieve the Matrix. We need it for our plans. Do not fail me."

Megatron: "Activate the groundbridge Skywarp... I'm not getting a response."

Scream: (grinning) "How unfortunate."

Megatron: "It looks like we have to travel on the ground and air."

The Decepticons drive and fly off to London while the Fallen teleports Mindwipe and Skystalker to a military base in the area after doing some searching Mindwipe scans a F-117 Nighthawk stealth aircraft while Skystalker scans a BAE Corax. After their business is done They teleport to a grassy area that leads to a city. The three observe the scene before them.

Mindwipe: "What is our purpose here?

Fallen: "You shall see my wrath upon this planet. People are afraid of all the wrong things. They think they know fear but they will taste a sample of by anguish and despair in that awful prison. There will be a plague of death and carnage in my wake. All the discord and anarchy I bring will only be the beginning. I shall reign a fury of hell itself upon these parasites, and every waking moment of their lives will be death and darkness. And after that every monument on this planet will be reshaped in my image. My malevolence will be unrivaled as my legend encapsulates time itself. My reign shall be eternal, and I will erase any foolish individuals that would dare to get in my way. The chains of time no longer bind me to their prison, and now there is only devastation."

Sky: "Your vision is boundless master."

Fallen: (sinister) "And now they shall sample my rage. Let the genocide begin."

The Fallen has flames appear on his hands and he sinks his fists into the ground. There is some rumbles as the ground in front of him crawls down into some molten nightmare. Fires moving at lightning speed incinerating everything in its path be it wildlife or plant life. Everything either turns to ashes or becomes burn to a crisp. Explosions in the street happen while people run in fear. To conclude the destruction The Fallen creates another portal, but he teleports it to the bottom of a tall building. But it's what's inside the portal that is frightening, Inside is a black hole, and the building destroys itself and is sucked in in a matter of seconds. The Fallen closes the portal as he laughs sadistically.

Mindwipe: "He shall run this planet into oblivion."

Sky: "Yes he shall."

Back on Cybertron after the doctor fired on Shockwave and Shockblast, they are falling to their doom. Luckily Shockblast recovers in time to transform, allowing Shockwave to grab hold of his wings. Due to their size differences, they have a sharp fall, and tumble along the floor unconscious. Back in the elevator the kids and Dinobots hear sounds coming from outside.

Snarl: "What is that?"

Grimlock: "Not good, I can tell you that much."

The path gets blasted open as attack drones start fire on all of them. Grimlock uses his shield to defend the kids as the Dinobots configure a plan to escape.

Swoop: "What do we do Grimlock?"

Grimlock: "We got to jump."

Slag: "Are you crazy? Me Slag will die at this height."

Grimlock: "Swoop will carry you."

Swoop: "I will? I mean... I will."

Grimlock "You'll take the kids two. The rest of us will think of something, now go!"

Swoop transform into his dino mode while the kids go on his back. Slag grabs onto Swoop's feet to get a lift. Immediately Slag's weight begins to take its toll.

Swoop: (panting while flapping) "Jeez Slag you really let yourself go!"

The two land safely with Spike and Carly while Grimlock and Snarl finally figure out what to do.

Snarl: "We can jump out and use our blades to grind down."

Grimlock: "That can't work."

Sludge: "Maybe we can use weapons to grind down."

Grimlock: "Thats a great idea Sludge."

Sludge: "Yay."

Snarl: "But I came up with it."

GrimlocK: "I know, me Grimlock just messing with you. Good job Snarl."

Snarl: "Oh... ok."

Sludge: "Me Sludge can't grind with hammer."

Grimlock: "Then you're screwed."

Sludge: (nonchalant) "Ok."

Grimlock and Snarl take out their sword and scythe respectively and jam them into the wall. It allows them to both grind down safely to the floor. Unfortunately the attack drones are still attacking them, that is until Sludge decides to intervene. Sludge jumps from the elevator from the large drop and takes out his Energon warhammer. He ruthlessly smashes the drones into pieces with each swing, proving that despite his low intelligence he is still a formidable opponent. Afterword Sludge transforms into his Apatosaurus form to break the rest of his fall. It works as the ground smashes beneath his feet and he walks off unscathed.

Sludge: "Me Sludge want to go again."

Swoop: "Yeah... no."

Snarl: "Now what do we do?"

Sludge: (wandering off) "Me Sludge going to take walk in nature now."

Spike: "Hold the phone, where do you think you're going?"

Carly: "There's no nature here."

Sludge: "How do you know?"

Spike: "He's got a point."

Swoop: "Yeah you're kinda being judgemental right now."

Carly: -facepalm- "I'm going to die with a bunch of idiots."

Spike: (smiling) "And we're your idiots."

Swoop: "And we're the best ones too."

Sludge: "Me Sludge have IQ of 5... it's bigger than 4."

Grimlock: "That's very true Sludge. but we need to figure out how to activate this spacebridge."

Dr: "Perhaps I can be of assistance."

The doctor flies the ship near the spacebridge to activate its control systems.

Dr: "I owe you one remember? I'll reconfigure the controls to bring us back to Earth, but we better jump in all at once or we will be separated. The closest place we can teleport to is London because of Earth's current location."

Grimlock: "We'll go together."

Carly: "And there will be plenty of nature walks for you Sludge."

Sludge: "Really?"

Swoop: "Yeah lots of it."

Shockwave and Shockblast begin to regain consciousness as the doctor starts up the spacebridge.

Shock: "They are attempting to escape."

Shockwave: "I will stop them."

Shock: "Shall I summon the Driller?"

Shockwave: "Negative, this is a matter I must attend to myself."

Shock: "Then take the remote. If things get too dangerous then you will have an instant way out."

Shockwave: "Thank you. Now shoot the doctor's ship down while I take the rest of them."

Shock: "Affirmative."

As the kids and Dinobots begin to get inside the stream of the spacebridge Shockblast shoots at the doctor's ship. It gets a small dent and little else as Shockwave enters the stream with the seven. As they are going down inside Shockwave knocks Spike and Carly out of swoop's grip. The doctor goes in afterward as the spacebridge closes and the Dinobots, Spike and Carly, Shockwave, and the doctor are all sent to different parts of London. The Dinobots, Shockwave, and the doctor are on polar opposite sides off the edges while Spike and Carly are teleported into the heart of the city. Back on Cybertron Knockout comes inside the destroyed room.

Knockout: (carrying cargo that obscures his view.) "Now I don't know what all that loud noise was but I was trying to improve my finish and I (drops crates) -gasp- This is terrible.... I just cleaned this place!"

In space the Autobots have finally reached Earth and have begun to breach the atmosphere. Yet again another problem arises but is a bit more... pressing to say the least.

Road: "Hey guys guess what this week's problem is?"

Power: (whining) "What now?"

Road: "Now there's too much weight."

All but Prime: "Leadfoot!"

Leadfoot: "Now this is getting ridiculous. Why not point the finger at Powerglide? He's just as tall as Optimus."

Longarm: "He does have a point."

Power: "Seriously?"

As they return to California Bumblebee notices Beastbox outside the club.

Bee: "What's Beastbox doing around that building?"

Prime: "I don't know, and I don't like it. I think I know a way we can solver out weight problem. Wreckers, find out what's going on out there and take Beastbox out. Then return to your base and renew your repairs of the ship."

Power: "Then who's going to pilot the ship?"

Side: "Can't you do that Powerglide?"

Power: "Look kid just because I become a plane doesn't mean I can fly one. That's stereotypes for you."

Cliff: "I can do it. I did a flight simulator back on Earth."

Power: (suspicious) "And how many times did you crash?"

Cliff: "Two."

Power: "Hundred?"

Cliff: "...Thousand."

Longarm: "Well it's better than 2001."

Prime: "I'm counting on you Cliffjumper."

Bee: "Wreckers, do you need parachutes? It's a pretty big drop."

Mirage: "There are parachutes here?"

Side: "Yeah...huh that was actually nice of the Constructicons."

Ratchet: "Too bad there is not enough for all of us."

The Wreckers open the door to the spaceship while Cliffjumper takes the pilot seat, but Roadbuster has some final words.

Road: "Alright Wreckers, let's mess some shit up."

The Wreckers do a threeway fistbump and jump out of the ship. It turns out Bumblebee was right because it was a much larger drop than they had anticipated.

Road: (as they're falling) "You know in retrospect the parachutes wern't a bad idea at all."

Topspin: "You retard!"

Leadfoot: "Well we're dead."

As they're falling Roadbuster sees a crane, and that gives him an idea.

Road: "Use your magnets on that crane Topspin!"

Tospin: (screaming) "I don't know if it will work but ok!"

Topspin uses his magnets to latch onto the crane. The other two grab onto him and hold for dear life. They do a Spiderman style swing as they crash into the roof of a building. The humans run out while Roadbuster and Topspin help Leadfoot out. Beastbox is completely oblivious to everything going on and is chest checking his guest list. He pays no attention to the shows of the Wreckers approaching him.

Beastbox: (not looking up) "Names please?"

Topspin: "Your ass."

Beastbox: (scratching his head) "Huh, I don't see that on the list."

The scene transitions to the other side of the door, and Beastbox comes crashing through unconscious. He tongue lays out on the floor. Buzzsaw and Squawktalk are there at the other end of the club. Buzzsaw casually opens one eye while Squawktalk panics. He hides under a table, but not before briefly feeling around for a sandwich on the top of the table with his wings. He finds it and drags it to the table while Buzzsaw gives a greeting to the Wreckers.

Buzzsaw: "Wreckers -spits- I knew I recognized that foul odor."

Road: "Nice to know you are familiar with us."

Leadfoot: "Boy are you one ugly son of a bitch."

Topspin: "We don't smell... that much."

Buzzsaw: "Believe me you do. Just when the scum of the universe known as the Autobots could not get more rancid they create the Wreckers."

Leadfoot: "Looks who's calling who rancid you feathery bastard."

Buzzsaw: "Your attempts to insult me are noted."

Topspin: (getting his crowbar) "How about I shove my crowbar up your mom's fartbox?"

Buzzsaw: "You know there are three things I hate in this universe. The first is Autobots, the second is Wreckers, and can you guess the last one?"

Road: "Stupidity?"

Buzzsaw: "I suppose that's number four, but now. What I hate most of all is traitors. Isn't that right Leadfoot?"

Leadfoot: (surprised) "How do you know my name?"

Buzzsaw: "I've killed quite a few Wreckers in my time, and it was all for the name of the Decepticon who betrayed Megatron and joined them. How could anyone ever betray the most divine cause?"

Road: "You're delusional."

Buzzsaw: (snarling) "No you're delusional! Megatron is all, he is the universe itself. Everyone thing he does is absolute and necessary. He understands how the world works unlike you filth. When I'm done with you, I will use what's left of you as a new perch."

Topspin: "How many of us have you killed?"

Buzzsaw: (pondering) "Oh what was it five? Ten? A hundred? It's so hard to keep track. Their names are nothing more than numbers too me. You're next."

Road: "Not happening ugly."

Buzzsaw: "And you want to know what all the Wreckers I killed had in common?"

Road: "What's that?"

Buzzsaw: "They all begged for mercy like groveling children before I slaughtered them. The one that gave me Leadfoot's name had a swift death out of respect for his contribution."

Road: "I've had enough, let's throw down."

Leadfoot: "We're having turkey tonight."

Topspin: "I'm going to ruffle your feathers big time."

Buzzsaw: (unafraid) "Ruffle my feathers and I will ruffle your insides. Make a move Wreckers, for it will be your last."

The Wreckers take out all their weapons at Buzzsaw, who doesn't even flinch. He starts cracking his elongated neck, and every single joint sounds like a bone breaking. Buzzsaw takes out his own weapons, and to their surprise he is heavily armed with large guns and cannons.

Road: "This is going to be fun."

Buzzsaw: "Deathwish it is then"

The Wrecker fire their weapons at Buzzsaw who flies out of the way. The perch is destroyed. Buzzsaw attacks the Wreckers with blinding speed as he gets right into Topspin's face. He shrieks at him monstrously, and his jaws stretch out to unnatural lengths as he does it. Topspin screams in terror as Leadfoot takes out his mace to get him off of Topspin. Before he hits Buzzsaw he flies off, hitting Topspin instead. Buzzsaw stabs Leadfoot in the stomach and uses the momentum to swing him into Roadbuster and Topspin. Roadbuster fires his rockets but to no avail. The bird deflects each rocket with his tail and redirects the last one into Roadbuster's chest. While he's down Buzzsaw sever Roadbuster's right rocket launcher. He moves on to Leadfoot, who loses sight of him. It turns out Buzzsaw is doing that same Tom and Jerry routine he did back at Megatron's prison to that human guard. Topspin tries to hit him with the crowbar, but winds up hitting Leadfoot's head instead. Buzzsaw darts across the walls like a ninja and bites Roadbuster in the neck. He slashes Topspin's chest and flies to the center of the room and curls into a ball. He shoots himself out and knocks them over like bowling pins. The Wreckers realize that they are losing this fight and are forced to be creative. While Buzzsaw does a sweep attack with his tails that knocks them down Topspin uses his magnets to throw things at the Decepticon. He simply dodges each one until a lone bar knocks him down. Leadfoot uses the opportunity to swing and hit him with his mace. Topspin uses his magnets to thrash him around until they defeat him. Topspin would have finished him off, but Laserbeak and Ravage come to the rescue at the last minute.

They pelt them with their fire while Rumble and Frenzy enter the fray too. Squawktalk and the newly awakened Beastbox fire as well, and both parties retreat.

Buzzsaw: "Retreat Decepticons!"

Squawk: 'You don't have to tell me twice!"

They all fly away. Rumble transforms into his flying saucer mode while Frenzy uses the flight mode in his Honda Civic form. All except for Beastbox, who has a ground mode as he runs on all fours.

Beastbox: (desperate) "Wait for Beastbox!"

The Wreckers then congratulate themselves on a job somewhat done.

Road: "That was tougher than expected."

Topspin: "We got our ass kicked."

Leadfoot: "Oh well, we're alive."

Road: "Good work boys. Transform and return to our base."

And so the Wreckers do just that. Back in London Megatron in his tank form sees the Autobot ship approaching the city.

Megatron: (enraged) "What? Impossible! Skywarp, assemble all troops and your clone now! We're in a hunt for the Matrix."

Skywarp: "As you wish Lord Megatron."

Skywarp assembles the Constructicons, Insecticons, his controlled clone, Splicer, Payload, and Waspinator to the bridge. He sends them in one group at a time. But the controls were messed up by Starscream, and the three groups are in different part of the land. The Insecticons shrug it off and go on to the city. The Constructicons briefly pause in confusion.

Mix: "Huh this isn't the coordinates that were listed."

Scavenge: "Must have been a malfunction."

Overload: "Overload doesn't think we're in Kansas anymore."

Longhaul: "That's because we're not in Kansas Overload."

Overload: "Overload frustrated with golf. High score should win."

High: "He's kinda right."

Longhaul: "Ain't that a miracle."

Overload: "Overload always right."

Scrapper: (quietly) "You guys are all idiots."

Mix: (excited) "Alright boys let's go, adventure awaits!"

Scavenge: (happily) "I'd go with you anywhere sir."

Scrapper: (grumbles) "Sweet Primus kill me now."

The trio are also surprised at their location.

Splicer: "Must have been a bad bridge. Let's go together."

Payload: "You should go on ahead. We'll slow you down."

Splicer: "No way. You're my buds, I'll drive slow for you guys."

Payload: "Aww that's nice."

Wasp: "Waspinator feels somewhat happy for once."

The Autobot ship then loses a piece of the hull, which is noticed by Bumblebee and Longarm.

Longarm: "That looks healthy."

Bee: "I hate you so much right now."

Longarm: "That's cute."

Cliff: "I don't think we're going to make it at this rate."

Prime; "Yes we will, give me the wheel Cliffjumper."

Cliff: "Are you sure Optimus?"

Prime: "Yes, your survival exceeds mine. Leave this ship, I'll be fine.

Side: "But there's not enough parachutes."

Prime: "Powerglide, carry Ironhide, Longarm, and Ratchet in your plane form."

Power: "You got it Optimus."

Powerglide transforms into his plane mode and takes the three Autobots for a safe flight out while the others take the parachute out. Cliffjumper is the last to leave as he expresses his concerns.

Cliff: "Are you sure you want to be left alone?"

Prime: "I'll be fine Cliffjumper. Save yourself."

Cliff: -sigh- "Alright here goes."

Cliffjumper leaps out of the fragile ship. Optimus is trying to make a controlled crash. The ship lands on top of a roof and Optimus goes flying as the ship falls apart. Optimus is stuck upside down on the support beams and is unscathed.

Cliff: (shouting) "Optimus are you ok?!"

Prime: "I'm fine. Longarm if you can hear me, you're in charge until I break free."

Longarm: "Alright you heard him. Powerglide and Ironhide you're with me. We're going further in the city to stop any outsiders."

Power: "You got."

Ironhide: "Let's do it."

Longarm: "Mirage, you and the rest stay here. Take out any intruders."

Mirage: "It will be done."

Longarm, Ironhide, and Powerglide transform to go to the other parts of the city. Meanwhile a groundbridge opens up with Wheeljack, Jazz, Tyrone, Silas, and a few other human soldiers. Wheeljack is carrying some gadgets with him.

Cliff: (excited) "Jazz you're alive!"

Jazz: "I'm happy to see me too."

Mirage: "Wheejack, it's good to see you again."

Silas: "It's good to see all of you again. Where is Optimus?"

Bee: "Stuck in the ship, he's not hurt though."

Wheel: "Look I'll get to the point because we don't have a whole lot of time. I've synched you all to our frequency so Perceptor and I can give you tactical support. Ace and the air force will be arriving soon enough. This guy who calls himself The Fallen said he's coming, so I don't know what to expect. Here are my weapons for you. Some explosive gel grenades for our human companions. Stick them on a con and boom there they go! I also got these harpoon cables. I got only three made so first come first served.

Cliff: "Meh."

Mirage: "I don't need them."

Bee: "I'll take one, and maybe one for Ratchet and Sideswipe."

Wheel: "Alright guys, good luck, and whoa!"

A beat up car out of nowhere emerges from the groundbridge and speeds away into parts unknown.

Wheel: "That was weird, but now I got to go. Good luck."

Wheeljack leaves back to The Ark and confronts Chip about the car.

Wheel: "What was that?"

Chip: "I don't know it came out of nowhere."

Perce: "We're ready for action."

Back at London. Everyone gets ready for battle.

Silas: "Where is agent Fowler?"

Tyrone: "Independant mission, it's all good."

Mirage: "That can't start soon enough."

Cliff: "The anticipation is killing my back."

Ratchet: irked) "You're not the one who has the right to complain about back problems around here."

Jazz: (pointing to the sky) "Here we go."

Up in the sky the Autobots and humans see the figures of the seekers and Terradive approaching. Little did both factions know just how much of a bloodbath the following battles would be.

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