Part 14: Operation Breakout.

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At the facility Soundwave's seven minions arrive and Buzzsaw instantly assumes command.

Buzzsaw: "Listen up well everyone. Behind those doors is our leader, and we need him back. Laserbeak and Ravage, you will cut their security feed quietly, allowing for the rest of us to move forward. Rumble, Frenzy, you will be our first line of defense in case of resistance. Beastbox, you will be the one to force open the gates and retrieve the body. I will assist by providing cover fire. Laserbeak, when he arrives you know what we must do. If we don't retrieve it the mission will be a complete failure. Does everyone understand?"

Laser: -caw- (understood)

Squawk: "Um you forgot about me."

Buzzsaw: "Believe me I didn't."

Squawk: "Then what am I supposed to do?"

Buzzsaw: "You are going to stay back so that way you don't get in our way. You are an accident waiting to happen."

Squawk: (relieved) "Really? I don't have to do any fighting? That's great-er... ok that's too bad."

Buzzsaw: "Now go, and don't fail."

Laserbeak and Ravage begin the preliminary measures to take out the security systems. Ravage cloaks while Laserbeak soars high in the air so the humans think he's a real condor. The cloaked Ravage sneaks past some guards and puts some silencers on his guns, and then proceeds to shoot out the camera. The security guard sees the monitor go static and orders someone to go check it out. The human notices the destroyed camera, but before he can call it in Ravage stabs him in the chest with the blades from his tail and hides the body in some bushes. Laserbeak swoops down and uses a laser to cut the camera down. Another guard comes to investigate but Laserbeak grabs and throws him off the cliff and into the ocean. Buzzsaw decides it's time to move forward and motions with his wings for the rest of them to follow suit. Squawktalk however stays put as told.

Buzzsaw decides to personally speed up the process and grabs a camera and throws it at the head of another human, knocking him out. When another comes to investigate he flies behind him and begins toying with him. The bird makes a small growl and the human turns around, but the bird is mimicking his motions from behind him so he can't see. After that Tom and Jerry routine bores him, he opens his mouth to a seemingly impossible kind of stretch. The camera moves away from him, but the blood that gets sprayed on the wall implies that he bit the poor guard. Buzzsaw instructs Beastbox to stand by a door and wait, and a human guard finds him and aims his gun at the gorilla.

Guard: "Freeze! Put your hands where I can see you!"

Beastbox does what the human says and Buzzsaw flies in front of him.

Buzzsaw: "That's a nice hand you have there, I hope you don't mind if we borrow it."

Buzzsaw cuts off the human's hand and he passes out. He puts the hand on a monitor, and it opens a door. He gestures for Rumble and Frenzy to approach him.

Buzzsaw: "This is their munitions storage. Destroy them and the humans will be defenseless."

Rumble: "You got it."

Frenzy: "Destruction is our specialty."

All is going well until a guard finds the body that Ravage put into the bushes. He sees the other Decepticons and calls the Autobots.

Wheel: "Optimus there is an attack on the facility!"

Prime: (ominously) "Whatever they're planning we must stop now. I'm going to need by big guns. Powerglide, Ironhide, Longarm, you're with me."

Power: "I've been dying for some action."

Longarm: "I'm with you Optimus."

Ironhide: "Let's lock and load."

The humans find Rumble and Frenzy and start shooting at them. It does nothing but annoy them as they share a glance and start knocking them away with relative ease. The Autobots are now arriving at the facility. Optimus is greeted by Buzzsaw who is perched in a tree.

Prime: "Buzzsaw, what are you doing here?"

Buzzsaw: (chirping) "Hello there Optimus. How are you doing? Well we're just taking something that rightfully belongs to us, that's all."

Prime: "Whatever you're up to is not going to work."

Buzzsaw: "On the contrary Optimus, it will work. You know most Decepticons hate your guts, but I actually respect you. You're a good leader with an honest cause. A hopeless one but a good one, nonetheless. I would kill you right now, but that isn't my destiny. I hope you enjoy the coming battle. I'll sit here and watch if you don't mind."

Laserbeak, Ravage, and the twins and some Vehicons emerging from the groundbridge shoot at the Autobots, and they all scramble for cover.

Prime: "Ironhide you take the twins, Powerglide will fight the Vehicons, Longam will take Ravage and Beastbox, and I will take care of Buzzsaw and Laserbeak."

Ironhide: "Consider it done."

Longarm: "On it."

Power: "Let's get this party started!"

Buzzsaw: "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Ironhide goes over to the munitions to confront Rumble and Frenzy while Longarm attempts to stop Beastbox, who is trying to pry open the door that has Megatron's body. Powerglide uses his grenades to blow up a few Vehicons while Laserbeak swoops down to pelt Optimus with his fire.

Powerglide grabs a Vehicon and throws him into a few of his buddies while planting a grenade on him, causing them all to explode. He gets shot from behind but it doesn't really do anything but annoy him. He then melts the Vehicon's head with his thermo beam. The twins are confronted by Ironhide.

Power: "Who's next? Come on I'm dying of boredom out here!"

Ironhide: "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

Rumble: "Um because there is nobody else that's as fat as you?"

Frenzy: "Yeah lose some carbs fatty!"

Ironhide: (loading his guns) "Allow me to show you my weight loss program."

Ironhide brings on the heavy firepower and the twins are forced to leap out of the way. Frenzy tackles Ironhide while Rumble transforms into his flying saucer mode to get better ground. Frenzy gets kicked off while Rumble goes and jumps on his back and starts kicking him. Ironhide grabs him and slams him down hard on the ground while Frenzy shoots him in the back. Meanwhile Longarm finds Ravage and Beastbox.

Longarm: "Hey Beastbox, what are you up to?"

Beastbox: "Just trying to open a door. Can you help me?"

Longarm: (pointing his gun) "Sure buddy."

Before Longarm can shoot Beastbox Ravage leaps off the top of the structure and tackles Longarm. His claws and tail scratch him everywhere and he leaps off and starts shooting him with lasers and missiles. Ravage in slow motion whips Longarm's face with his tail's mace. Longarm isn't too heavily damaged and begins to goad the panther into battle.

Longarm: (goading) "Here kitty kitty kitty!"

Ravage snarls in response and leaps to attack, and that's just what Longarm had anticipated. In slow motion Longarm uses his free hand to knock Ravage into the side of the building, knocking him out. Using the hook from his tow truck mode, Longarm embeds the hook into Beastbox's shoulder and yanks him off the door. In slow motion as Beastbox's face comes near him, and Longarm delivers a mighty punch to the face. Meanwhile Optimus shoots at Buzzsaw, who simply flies and dodges each attack with startling finesse.

Buzzsaw: "Laserbeak, take care of Optimus as instructed. I have my own matters to attend to."

Laserbeak comes from behind and shoots Optimus in the back as well as stabbing him in the knee with his tail. Laserbeak circles him and swoops down, but his eyes widen in fear as Optimus lands a nasty punch to the chest, sending him flying into a tree. Meanwhile Ironhide is getting dogpiled by the twins, but Ironhide grabs Rumble and throws him into Frenzy. Beastbox activates the cannons from behind his back and preps a missile to launch. Longarm sees the missile and shoots it before it launches, which causes it to explode and severely damage Beastbox. Squawktalk panics at seeing his friend being hurt and desperately launches a missile at Longarm, causing him to fall off balance. Beastbox gets up and charges Longarm, but Longarm headbutts him, forcing the ape to let him go. He continues by punching him in the jaw, but his jaw has a thicker metal on it, and it winds up hurting Longarm more, and Beastbox responds by clocking him right in the face, causing part of Longarm's face to crack. Longarm activate his beam sword and slashes the ape twice in the chest and starts shooting him with his lights, but Beastbox refuses to go down. He grabs Longarm and begins to ferociously use his fists to start beating on Longarm's chest armor, causing it to start denting. This is something the armor has never done. Each blow weakens Longarm and Buzzsaw eventually gets Beastbox to refocus on the mission.

Buzzsaw: "We need that door open Beastbox, go!"

While Beastbox begins to reopen the door Powerglide is still tearing up the remaining forces of the Vehicons, but before he can take down the last five a stabbing sound is heard. Powerglide looks down and sees two blades in his lower stomach. Buzzsaw stabbed him, and whispers in his receptors.

Buzzsaw: (whispering) "You should have never got in our way Autobot."

Buzzsaw screams and flips Powerglide on his back with all his might with a mighty slam. Powerglide is now left clutching his stomach in pain. Beastbox has finally opened the door and enters the hall to retrieve the body. Meanwhile Optimus has grown frustrated with Laserbeak's antics.

Prime: (annoyed) "Get back here Laserbeak you tinfoil turkey!"

Laserbeak slams the brakes and slowly looks back at Optimus. His eyes glare a haunting glare, and he screeches and blasts Optimus with everything he has. The condor smacks him hard enough with his tail, knocking him out. Laserbeak then sits on Optimus's body and points a gun at his head, but before he can do anything Buzzsaw reminds him to stay focused.

Buzzsaw: "Laserbeak, focus on the mission! You know what you must do, hurry!"

Laserbeak nods his head and gets to work. Meanwhile Beastbox returns with Megatron's body over his shoulder, but he gets shot by Longarm, who is crawling slowly to him.

Buzzsaw: -sigh- "Must I do everything myself?"

Ironhide sees Optimus unconscious and decides enough is enough. He takes out his Heavy Iron and blasts the twins back, forcing them to retreat. Buzzsaw grabs Longarm and drags him across the road, the sparks fly as he drags him, and he throws the Autobot into Ironhide.

Buzzsaw: "We have everything we need here, retreat!"

Buzzsaw and all of the other minions go into the groundbridge and it closes, leaving behind the five remaining Vehicons. They approach Ironhide and Longarm, and Longarm can't seem to budge.

Ironhide: "You need to move Longarm."

Longarm: (weakly) "I can't."

Ironhide uses all his strength to move the fallen Autobot off of him. The Vehicons open fire and shoot the weapon specialist. He shrugs off the blasts and uses his pulse shotgun to blow a Vehicon in half. He grabs another two and smashes their heads together. He uses his fist to tear another Vehicon in half, but he can't seem to find the last one. Suddenly he is kicked from behind and knocked down. The remaining Vehicon points a gun to the back of his head, but before he can shoot Longarm gets up and uses his beam sword to stab him in the chest, and then uses his hook to stab him in the neck and decapitate him. Longarm then pants and crumples to the floor.

Ironhide: "You don't look to good."

Longarm: (passively) "Oh it's just a little dent, but we need to worry about Powerglide and Optimus."

Ironhide first finds Powerglide, who is still clutching his stomach.

Power: (in pain) "It hurts so much."

Ironhide: "Don't worry you're safe now. (calls Ratchet) Ratchet, we need a groundbridge now. Longarm and Powerglide are in critical condition. Yes I'm fine, and Optimus is unconscious. They took the body. I don't know why but they did."

The groundridge opens up and Ironhide goes to Optimus, who is now gaining consciousness.

Ironhide: "Are you alright Optimus?"

Prime: (waking up) "Yes, I'm fine. How are the others?"

Ironhide: "Powerglide is leaking pretty bad, and Longarm took quite the beating. Ratchet thinks they'll both make it. What happened to you?"

Prime: "Laserbeak took me out, but he didn't kill me. I don't know why."

Ironhide: "We can worry about that later, but for right now let's get out of here."

Optimus picks up Powerglide while Ironhide puts his arm around a limping Longarm back to the base. Ratchet immediately begins working on them when Optimus notices something.

Prime: "I feel empty."

Ironhide: "Losing a fight will do that to you."

Prime: "No I mean something isn't feeling right. I literally feel empty inside."

Optimus goes inside his chest and feels around, as each second passes he gets more frantic and eventually realizes what is wrong. The Matrix is gone.....

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