Human Bios

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Kicker Jones: When Vince wasn't pushing Spike around, Kicker was picking up the pieces. The star quarterback of the school and the award of world's biggest tool are titles that he loves to have. He isn't very bright and is usually barely sliding by in class. He claims it's easy now, but that's only because he repeated his junior year twice now. He's also been in and out of juvie a lot. Of course being the school tool means that by the rules of the universe you have to have a hot girlfriend. That comes into the form of Misha. Despite their age difference they have stayed together ever since. This far shadier than any Romeo and Juliet law could be. His race has also been changed into a mix of black and white. He claims to be able to detect Energon, but that is very redundant considering Earth is smothered in it.

Misha Miramond: The beautiful and intelligent Misha had everything going for her; good grades, an incredible future, and the heart of Spike. That all changed when Kicker entered into the equation. Since then she has become a very hostile and loathing creature. Whatever high intelligence she had is no longer present. The most popular theory is that they are both on drugs. She is the Prime example of women having terrible taste. Now a bully in her own right and the archrival of Carly, she will stop at nothing to make the kids and Autobots as miserable as possible.

William Fowler: An extremely high ranking government agent and a true patriot at heart. Fowler is so badass he doesn't need a flight suit when he pilots his jet. He isn't afraid to call Optimus and the other Autobots out on their flaws. He apparently has an incredible rank if he can decide on his own whether or not the Pentagon should go on high alert. Despite his criticisms and tough personality, he is a real gentleman at heart that truly believes in the Autobot cause. He loves to spew out patriotic phrases throughout the day while also being a kid at heart. Don't mess with Fowler or his America, or you face the wrath of his star spangled shorts.

Bryce Thompson: A presidential candidate of a new political party dedicated to getting rid of all Cybertronians from Earth, Bryce is like every other movie politician. Deceitful, selfish, and driven to their cause. He will do whatever illegal action he can to free his planet from the evil Autobots and Decepticons, but he might make shady deals with one side in order to get the other out.

Victoria Spencer: Victoria is the mother of Carly and we now realize where she gets her combative personality from. She is a diva by all definitions and loves to flaunt how much more money she has than everyone else. Despite this she is a good mother and a devoted wife, but she can come off as a selfish... well you know.

Giovanni Spencer: The father of Carly and the owner of the biggest arcade in California. He like all rich fathers is a family and businessman. He also uses the arcade as a cover to hide his other work as a mob boss. He also imports Cuban cigars illegally, as well as.... did I say mob boss? What I meant to say was legitimate businessman that's all. He only allegedly did all those things I mentioned, I kinda jumped the gun there. No, he totally isn't pointing a gun at me to rewrite the bio, honest.

Vinny Spencer: Every mob family needs a cousin Vinny, and this is no exception. The older cousin to Carly serves as Giovanni's chauffeur, and always compliments his uncle about how great he is. He doesn't want to get involved with his shootouts though, he just wants to drive.

Alfonso Spencer: Carly's uncle and Giovanni's brother serves as his personal hitman. Whomever needs a whacking disappears without a trace. Though he wishes he wouldn't have to do it as much because it takes time away from his family.

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