Part 33: The Matrix

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Bumblebee and the others look at Devastator, who has a smug look on his face from devouring Ratchet. Sadness fills the air until they see Devastator's facial expression change. The smug look has now been replaced with struggle. there are sounds banging around from inside, and something forces his mouth open. It's Ratchet, and he shoots three of his sticky grenades inside of Devastator's mouth. He jumps down as it explodes, damaging Devastator enough to stagger back.

Ratchet: "I still got a few good years left in me!"

Bee: (relieved) "Ratchet you're alright!"

Ratchet: "We need to get out here Bumblebee, let's burn rubber!"

Bumblebee and Ratchet drive away and eventually loses Devastor. Bumblebee lets Spike and Carly out, and they find a good enough connection.

Bee: "Wheeljack, we request a groundbridge right now."

Wheel: (over comm link) "You got it."

Wheeljack opens up the groundbridge for Spike and Carly to enter.

Spike: "Be safe."

Bee: "We always are."

Ratchet: "Ok now you're just lying."

Bee: "Way to just lay it on there Ratchet."

Ratchet: "Look, we're all that stands in the way of Devastator, and now we need to fight him."

Bee: "Understood."

Devastator has run into a roadblock once again. This time it's over where they should head.

High: "Move already!"

Scavenge: "Left foot square!"

Longhaul: "Right foot green!"

Mix: "Square triangle backwards!"

High: "What does that even mean? '

Scrapper: "This is the worst game of Twister ever."

Scavenge: "That's rough buddy."

Overload: "You're talking rough, Overload is talking snuff...."

Mix: "How about we knock something over?"

The rest: "Alright!"

And Devastator does just that, and the two Autobots open fire on the leviathan but once again the shoots do little more than get his attention. While this takes place Starscream finally decides to meet up with the rest of the Decepticons, with Thundercracker being the first to greet him.

Thunder: "How nice of you to show up."

Scream: "It's nice to see you too."

Megatron: "Starscream, where have you been?"

Scream: "Around."

Megatron: "I do not have time for your lip."

Fallen: "Oh don't try to act tough in front of me, it just makes you looks bad."

Megatron: "And I still want answers. What is it you want with Earth and the Matrix?"

Fallen: "When the Matrix arrives I promise all of your questions will be answered. I suppose I owe you that much for freeing me. You may not like what you hear though."

Megatron: "I will be the judge of that."

Jazz: "Planning on letting us not being your leg rests any time soon?"

Fallen: (kicks) "Silence knave lest you wish to incur my wrath."

Longarm: "Aren't you a charmer."

Cliff: "This is so not how I envisioned the end to be."

Hidden from sight is Ace, Ironhide, and Silas. They are watching the scene before the, and Silas seems to be marveling at the sight of The Fallen.

Silas: (entranced) "What a magnificent specimen."

Ace: "You think that guy is magnificent?"

Silas: "I've always been a big fan of ancient knights and the days of old. I'm just saying his look is right up my alley."

Ironhide: "Forgive me for not sharing your perception considering our friends are in danger."

Ace: "How are we even going to fight this guy? He's always ten steps ahead of us."

Ironhide: "I don't know, but we need to act fast."

A groundbridge opens up in front of the Decepticons, and out limps Soundwave, but strangely the portal is still open as he exits.

Fallen: "Finally."

Megatron: "You stole the Matrix from me."

Soundwave: "It was necessary to stop this from getting worse."

Fallen: "How distasteful. Your men's loyalties are more toward themselves than your own. It's a miracle the rest of you haven't perished sooner."

Wasp: "Waspinator can't die so..."

Soundwave: "I come bearing gifts as well."

Rumble and Frenzy come in dragging someone in, it's Optimus, and he has the trident still in his possession.

Megatron: "Optimus, how nice of you to stop by."

Mindwipe returns with a human, and gives it to his master. He hold it in his hand, and then a pulse of energy goes through the Fallen's arm and into the human. it starts screaming until he turns into black ashes and disintegrates.

Fallen: (delighted) "Incredible. Did you know that when I add just the right temperature this species just becomes nothing more than ashes?"

Thunder: "I'm starting to like this guy."

Scream: "Of course you would."

Thunder: "What can I say, he enjoys pain as much as I do."

Fallen: "Now the Matrix if you please. Please set it down on those stones."

Soundwave reluctantly sets the Matrix down on the stones, and the Fallen's eyes smile in the most sinister way possible.

Fallen: "After all these years it's finally mine."

Megatron: (demanding) "I want answers now."

Fallen: "Fine what do you want to know?"

Megatron: "Why are you wanting to harness the power of the Matrix?"

Fallen: (laughing hysterically) "You think I want its power? Hahaha you foolish child! I don't want its power at all. I wish to destroy it."

Prime: "What?"

Megatron: "Why do you want to destroy it?"

Fallen: "Observe."

The Fallen puts his hand on the Matrix, and steam comes out. He shows his hand, and it's been burned.

Fallen: "A curse was put on the Matrix so that I could never touch it with my bare hands ever again. It can destroy me, and I do not wish to have such a device exist any longer."

Prime: "You monster!"

Fallen: "Wait a moment... I know you. You're that guy I found on the street. You're the last Prime?"

Megatron: "Yes his name is Optimus Prime."

Fallen: "Oh what a farce this is! The linage of Primes has grown into pitiful vermin in my absence. That is the one that has given you so much trouble? This is worse than I thought."

Megatron: "He is no weakling."

Fallen: "Not from where I'm standing."

Prime: "You won't get away with this."

Fallen: "Oh I already have."

Megatron: "And you still haven't told me what you have planned for Earth."

Fallen: "Ah yes that. I have waited eons to reclaim what is rightfully mine, and it's time to correct history in my image. I've grown attached to this planet, and it is now mine to conquer. And then all the monuments will be reshaped in my name. The blood of millions will soak the alleys of every street corner."

Prime: "You would destroy the people and environments of this planet?"

Fallen: "No, only most of it. The survivors will be my slave labor force. Of course there won't be enough left to be effective, so they will forcefully repopulate so there can be enough to fulfill their tasks."

Thunder: "That. Is. Awesome!"

Prime: "Enslavement and genocide, you truly have become a monster Megatronus."

Fallen: "No, I'm the solution."

Megatron: "And what about Cybertron?"

Fallen: "Keep it, I have no interest in it. It is yours to do with as you please. (under his breath) Not that there will be a Cybertron for much longer."

Megatron: "What was that?"

Fallen: "Nothing. Now then."

The Fallen snaps his fingers, and Ironhide falls through a portal.

Prime: "Ironhide!"

Fallen: "Now that everyone is here, we can destroy the Matrix."

Prime: "No!"

Optimus crawls over and stabs The Fallen in the leg. He gets enraged and punches Optimus three times while he is down.

Fallen: (tense) "You miserable wretch, how dare you attack a king. After it's destroyed I will kill you!"

The Fallen tosses Optimus aside and uses his sword to strike the Matrix. A burst of energy flies out, and he keeps going. He continues for about a minute, but he just can't seem to do any damage.

Fallen: (angry) "Why isn't this working? Is there nothing that can destroy it?"

Sky: "Perhaps using your sword and the trident may help."

Fallen: "That just might work."

He uses both his sword and the trident to strike the Matrix, but it seems to be no use as well, that is until Mindwipe perks up and sees something.

Mindwipe: "Look master, a crack!"

Upon further inspection there is indeed a tiny crack in the Matrix."

Fallen: "Yes, and now I can finally be rid of it. Megatron I have no further use for you."

Megatron: "What?"

Fallen: "Did you really think I ever loved you? That emotion was lost long ago with me. I played the part of the long-lost daddy searching for his son, and now you are nothing to me."

Megatron: "But.... I... (getting angry) what about my mother?"

Fallen: "Now isn't that the story of the century."

Megatron: (screaming) "Tell me!"

Fallen: "After you were born your mother tried to kill you."

All but the minions: "What?"

Megatron: (hurt) "Why would she ever do that?"

Fallen: "Something about never having a child with me or something like that. My memory gets hazy sometimes."

Megatron: "You're lying!"

Fallen: "I speak only the truth. You and your desperation sicken me. She was a terrible person and needed to be put down. My only regret is not letting her finish you first."

Megatron angrily shoots at the Fallen, but he opens two portals. One in front of him and one behind Megatron. The shot goes through the portal in front of The Fallen, and it travels outside of the second portal behind Megatron, having his own cannon shot hit him in the back.

Megatron: "Decepticons, kill them all!"

The other Decepticons point their guns at The Fallen, who blasts all of them back with fire except for Starscream, who leaps out of the way.

Fallen: "Relinquish your weapons if you value your life."

The Decepticons exchange looks and lower their weapons.

Fallen: Excellent choice, now then."

Megatron: "I can't believe this or you Orion."

Fallen: "Orion? This Prime is Orion? Little Orion?"

Prime: "How do you know me?"

Fallen: "It matters not, but now the priority has just changed."

The Fallen grabs the weak Optimus and slams him on the ground. He takes Avarice and raises it above his head, preparing to kill Optimus.

Fallen: (triumphant) "On this day the linage of Primes ends today. And after that nobody can stop me!"

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