Part 35: Dwindling Numbers

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Back at another part of London Ratchet and Sludge are traveling in search of more action. Strangely enough there hasn't been anything, not even a single Vehicon.

Ratchet: "Are you sure we're going the right way?"

Sludge: "Of course...not."

Ratchet: -sigh- "At least you're being honest."

Sludge: "Me Sludge retard, what do you expect?"

They get shot at, knocking Ratchet off. The perpetrator is Shockwave, and Sludge is the only thing standing in the way.

Shockwave: "Ratchet, your termination is imminent."

Ratchet: "Over your dead body Shockwave."

Shockwave: "I am not the one who will die here today."

Sludge: "Me Sludge will stop you."

Shockwave: "It took all of your friends to keep me at bay, it's just you here."

Sludge: "Me Sludge one of the strongest."

Sludge charges Shockwave with Ratchet providing supporting fire. Sludge swings his hammer right into Shockwave's face, and his head turns the opposite direction. Shockwave slowly turns his head back slowly to face Sludge, who is surprised that he wasn't damaged at all. Shockwave disarms Sludge and slams him on the ground. Ratchet keeps firing at him, but to no luck. Sludge transforms and fires his eye lasers at Shockwave, launching him back. He creates another earthquake, but Shockwave leaps over and grabs him by the tail, swinging him around and hitting Ratchet. Someone is running along the rooftops and jumps down, shooting Shockwave in the back as he gets knocked down, picks Shockwave up, and throws him across the street. It's Optimus, and he's ready for round two.

Ratchet: "Optimus be careful!"

Prime: "Run Ratchet!"

Sludge has already hightailed it out of there, and Ratchet goes in the opposite direction looking for him. Shockwave gets up seeing Optimus again.

Shockwave: "You've returned for a second round Optimus, and this time you shall die."

Prime: "Not happening Shockwave, it will you be you who ceases to live."

Shockwave: "We shall see."

Shockwave shoots at Optimus, but he did not foresee that he is much stronger than before. Only one of Shockwave's stray photon shoots hits Optimus, and Optimus on the other hand is throwing cars at Shockwave as he runs towards him. Shockwave blasts the cars away, but one hits his gun, knocking it out of his line of fire. He tries to swipe Optimus with his arm blade, but he slides under to dodge the attack, and he takes out his brass knuckles. With one mighty punch he bursts through the side of Shockwave's chest, and knees him on the other side of the chest. The kick is so hard that it knocks Shockwave's eye out of his socket. He falls to the ground, and Optimus starts pulling it out. Shockwave grabs on as well, trying to stop him from killing him.

Shockwave: (getting weaker) "No... you.. won't."

Shockwave shoots Optimus in the side of the stomach, forcing him to let go. He kicks Optimus, knocking him on the ground. Shockwave takes out the portable spacebridge remote that Shockblast gave him, and activates it. The mangled Shockwave enters, and the portal closes behind him.

Optimus gets up and clutches his stomach. He walks off with the trident on his back. Meanwhile Sludge is walking along getting confronted by Mindwipe.

Mindwipe: (hypnotising) "Now you will serve me. I know what you desire, violence and destruction. I can feel it echo throughout your body. Await further orders, you will be needed soon."

Sludge nods and understands. Meanwhile The Fallen is busy attacking the street of London. He fires another shot from his gun, but instead of having the segments burrow underground he just lets them fire. They become long red strands of death that burn and eradicate everything in their wake. Three tanks approach him, ready to fire. The first tank fires a shell at him, but he slices the shell in half with his sword. He uses the read flames from Avarice to circle the tank from above. The fires take a form similar to that of a harpoon. They all dangle above the tank until he makes a gesture to destroy it. The flames strike down, tearing the tank open and killing everyone inside. The second tank fires, but The fallen opens a portal in front of him, and the other above the tank. The shell goes in the first portal and exits the second portal, causing it to explode. The last tank aims its weapon, but Megatronus has a different strategy this time. He throws his shield Lost right into the cannon, and it sticks there. The tank fires, and it implodes, leaving Lost unscathed. The Fallen picks up his shield in disappointment.

Fallen: (disgusted) "Hmph! How pathetic. (scratches his chin) It appears that slaughtering this race is not giving me the desired results. Perhaps I must look at this another way." (teleports away)

Back at Devastator's location the Dinobots are still having little to no luck stopping Devastator. He fires his rockets at the Dinobots, and they are forced back. Swoop shoots fireballs at his face, and Devastators swats Swoop away, making him crash. Grimlock is angered and tries to burn him, but Devastator punches him in response, making him fall. Devastator activates his vortex grindor, and everyone is forced to retreat. Slag is a bit slow, and starts to fly in, but Swoop grabs him with his talons and flies him off. He fires a fireball into Devastator's mouth, and that seem to cause him extreme pain, but he fires hooks out from Hightower's crane, and yanks them down, and prepares to step on them. Grimlock pulls them back, and the other Autobots are fighting him. Cliffjumper and Longarm join the party to help out, and Longarm stabs Devastator in the foot with his beamsword, and the monster roars in pain.

Longarm: "I'm not good with facial expressions, but that looked like it hurts!"

Devastator is still not relenting, and is gaining ground as his rockets blast everyone back. Wheeljack and Perceptor enter from a groundbridge with several tools, and they see the battle going on from the street. They are interrupted by a squad of Vehicons before they can do anything. Wheeljack draws his sword to buy Perceptor some time.

Wheel: "I'll hold them off Perceptor, just get ready."

Perce: "Yes of course."

Perceptor transforms into his microscope form, and then into a third mode that vaguely resembles a tank. It appears to be charging a weapon of some sort from its cannon, and aims it at Devastator. Wheeljack is slicing Vehicons, but gets shot in the back by one. He continues slicing, but starts to get overwhelmed.

Wheel: "Any time now Perceptor!"

Perce: "You know this takes time!"

Wheeljack is barely hanging on, but that's when Perceptor finally fires an enormous laser at Devastator. It goes straight through Scavenger, and a huge hole gets blasted through the beast. Devastator falls apart, becoming the seven Constructicons once again. Scavenger is gravely injured from the blast, and is bleeding out.

Mix: (panicking) "Scavenger are you ok?!"

Scavenge: (weakly) "Sir I don't feel so good."

Scrapper: "This is bad."

High: "We should get out of here."

Scrapper: "Agreed, let's get back to base."

Mix: "You're going to be alright Scavenger."

The Constructicons all head back to the base in a groundbridge... all except for Longhaul that is. Something just isn't sitting right with him. He doesn't know what it is, but he feels like he is still needed here. He disappears by sneaking through the alley adjacent to him. Perceptor transforms back and falls to the ground. Wheeljack picks him up while the other Autobots meet up with them.

Longarm: (impressed) "You sure know how to make an entrance Perceptor."

Swoop: 'That was awesome!"

Snarl: "Tell me about it."

Grimlock: "You should lead with that next time."

Perce: "I can't, it takes too much of my Energon."

Cliff: "Well that sucks."

Jazz: "We better get,moving, who knows what else is still going on."

The Autobots and Dinobots move forward. Little did they know that Starscream was watching the whole thing.

Scream: (to himself) "Take him out and then leave, that's the plan. Now all I have to do is wait for the right moment to strike."

Meanwhile Splicer is out driving around until he runs into Soundwave, who is relieved to see him.

Soundwave: "You're alright, that's good."

Splicer: "Of course I'm fine, what happened?"

Soundwave: "The Fallen betrayed us, and now Megatron has left me to fight him and Optimus by himself."

Splicer: "That's really bad, and not really bad. I mean like super duper pooper bad."

Rumble and Frenzy return from their battle with Sludge, and it obviously didn't go well.

Rumble: "We didn't do so hot."

Frenzy: "Yeah I don't want to talk about it."

The four see the Dinobots and Autobots approaching them.

Frenzy: "What do we do?"

Soundwave: "I shall handle these monsters. I will require supporting fire for this."

Splicer: "Done and done."

Rumble: "Let's kick some tailgate!"

First up to fight is Ironhide riding Slag. Slag charges head-first into battle and Rumble and Frenzy fire at him. Slag's horn lasers blast Frenzy back, and strangely Slag knocks Ironhide off of him.

Ironhide: (confused) "What are you doing?"

Slag: "Me Slag can handle this!"

Ironhide: "Wait you fool!"

Slag charges at Soundwave, who is undeterred. He activates a groundbridge in front of him, and Slag goes right through, and it closes behind him. Slag finds himself on a bridge extremely high up. There are two mountains that intersect on some railroad tracks. The drop has a lake that's probably a few hundred feet below. He hears a horn behind him, and he turns around just to have a train hit him. He and the train fall off the bridge. Slag screams as he falls. Back in london Soundwave does the same thing to Ironhide. He dodges the first portal, but Soundwave puts another portal beneath his feet. Ironhide finds himself stranded on an island somewhere in the caribbean. Jazz and Snarl separate to avoid the portals, and Swoop almost becomes a victim of it, but he darts up at the last moment. He flies through hordes of groundbridges that Soundwave is trying to stick him with. He eventual escapes, and Snarl manages to sneak through and uses his tail to whip the four Decepticons into a building, covering them in debris and knocking them out. Jazz however gets a little too far away, and Mindwipe confronts him.

Jazz: "You again? I'm really starting to not like my vacation."

Mindwipe: "Silence yourself insect. (hypnotising) Now heed my command. You are becoming weaker and weaker. Let my voice be the source of your strength, and now you obey me."

After Mindwipe finishes he is greeted by Skystalker.

Sky: "Cute trick brother, but I think it is time that we link up."

Mindwipe: "Agreed. We must take out resistance in the air."

Mindwipe and Skystalker transform into their jet forms, and then something strange occurs. Skystalker's jet form goes on top of Mindwipe's and it seems to have fused to the top. They take out the rest of Alan's drones and shoots any jet that dares to get near. Longarm, Cliffjumper, and Swoop see this, and Longarm comes up with a solution.

Longarm: "I've got an idea, but it's really risky."

Cliff: "That's my favorite kind, I'm all ears."

Longarm: "We need to separate those two, but we need a lift. Swoop, think you can give us a ride?"

Swoop: "Oh yeah, let's do this."

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