Chapter 3 ~ The Road Trip

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I froze in fear

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I froze in fear. When I could finally move again, I lost it. Grabbing the lamp from my bedside table, I launched it in Kai's direction. He threw his arm out instinctively, hurling the lamp to the side with magic, much to my disappointment.

"Get out!" I yelled.

"What?" he asked, blinking in surprise.

"I said, get out!" I was blind with rage. There was something about Kai that made me so temperamental. "Get out of my house now. You're crazy."

Kai frowned, approaching me cautiously. I guess he'd learned not to push me too far after last time. "Mikaela, calm down, you're overreacting."

I laughed harshly, blood boiling in my veins. "Overreacting?" I snapped. "You just said you're gonna kill me. Excuse me if I'm a little bit offended."

He held his arms out towards me, trying to diffuse the situation. "But you won't stay dead-"

I clenched my jaw, nostrils flaring. "Kai, I'm giving you 5 seconds to leave, or I swear I will rip you to shreds. Again." When he didn't move, I started the countdown. "5."

Kai gulped, eyes widening. "If you'd just listen-"


"Please, Mikaela-" he tried desperately.

"3," I continued.

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you really counting right now?"

"2," I warned.


"1," I said finally, making a move towards him.

Kai threw his hands up in exasperation. "Alright, alright! I'm leaving, jeez!" And without another word, he vanished.

I raked my hands through my hair in frustration, yelling at the ceiling. I didn't want to spend another minute stuck in this hell-loop with the man of my nightmares.

Forcing myself to try and feel fairly normal - whatever that meant - I took a shower, letting the steam from the water act as my own personal sauna, releasing all the tension I'd been holding in.

Once back in my bedroom with a towel wrapped around me, I rummaged through my drawers looking for something to wear. Grabbing a crop top and sweatpants, it was only when I placed the outfit on the bed ready to change into that I noticed a stray sheet of paper on top of the covers. Confused, I picked it up, reading the words written on it.

'I'm sorry. Break the sire-bond so you can come home. I miss you. B.'

B? Bonnie?

Grabbing a lighter from the drawer of my bedside table, I lit the note on fire, expression blank as I watched it burn.

Nice try, Prison World. You're gonna have to do a lot better than that to crack me.

As the paper disintegrated into nothing, I felt something hit me in the back of the head. Whirling around, I noticed the cushion lying on the floor, metres away from where it had just been on the bed only moments before. Before it had been hurled at me, that is.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐏 ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now