Chapter 8 ~ The Ascendant

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Kai didn't come into bed last night

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Kai didn't come into bed last night. I wasn't sure if it was due to the risk of waking me up, or if he just didn't want to share a bed with me anymore.

I understood. He was a private guy, and we lived together. I didn't need to be in his pocket every second of the day.

But in some ways, I still wanted to be.

Over the past few days, the witch really had started to grow on me. I didn't know if it was because he was beginning to show a side of him that was actually really sweet and sensitive, or if it was because I wanted to keep him near me in case his psychotic father made another appearance.

Either way, I was beginning to feel things I didn't really understand. I didn't like him in that way - yet - but I definitely wanted him around more often than I used to.

His mannerisms that used to annoy the hell out of me, now started to become some of my favourite things. The way he would make a joke out of any bad situation, how he always had me in fits of laughter, how he would just talk all day every day. But I loved that now. In fact, if he didn't talk for a long period of time, I immediately knew something was up.

I'd slept for hours. I missed dinner and hadn't woken up for the rest of the night. As I glanced at my alarm clock, the hands showed that it was eight in the morning. Sixteen hours I'd been out for. I was surprised Kai hadn't rushed in panicking that I'd died in my sleep or something - not that I was capable of that.

Maybe he didn't care whether or not I had. Bonnie would still turn up to try and revive me, and Kai could get blood from her if he really wanted to. Maybe it would've worked in his favour if I really was dead. He could still catch a ride home without any extra baggage.

Shaking the thought out of my head, I stretched cat-like, then opened the curtains to let in the morning sunshine. If there was one thing I would miss about the Prison World, it was the weather. Waking up in May every day always helped to put a pep in your step.

By now, it would be the middle of November back home. The thought of getting back in time for freezing cold air and snow along the ground made my skin crawl. The only good thing about this time of year was the build-up to Christmas. After that, it was waiting another 11 months to do it all over again.

Yeah, sure, my birthday was in January. That didn't mean I particularly looked forward to it. The minute I died and came back as a Hybrid, the minute I stopped caring for my birthday. I would be stuck at age 20 forever and I wasn't sure how to feel about that. I would have to use a fake ID for the rest of my life and, to be honest, that really sucked.

Tip-toeing down the stairs, I headed for the kitchen to grab an iced coffee from the freezer. Luckily, Kai had made a batch ready a few days ago and had stored them so that I could fetch one whenever I wanted.

"I can make myself an iced coffee, Kai," I'd sighed at him.

"But not as good as me," he'd replied with a smirk.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐏 ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now