Chapter 45 ~ The Rulebreaker

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"I need you to do one thing for me, and then we can go home, little Hybrid

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"I need you to do one thing for me, and then we can go home, little Hybrid."

I glanced up at Klaus's warm features smiling down at me like I was his favourite person in the world. I returned the grin. "What do you want me to do?"

Slipping an arm around my shoulder, he twisted my body in the direction of the clearing in the forest. "See that group of teenagers on their little camping trip, through the trees there?"

I nodded slowly, wondering what on Earth he was getting at. "Yeah..."

Leaning close to my ear, he whispered, "I want you to kill them."

My head whipped to face him instantly, eyes wide with terror at I stared at his calm features, wondering if he'd completely lost his mind. "What? Why?"

"Because my family and I are hungry and we've been travelling for many hours, we'd rather not hunt right now - whereas you've had rest in the mean-time." Klaus smirked, caressing my cheek with the back of his knuckles. "It would be immensely helpful of you."

I was struggling to contain my panic. He'd always been so kind around me, had never asked me to put anyone in harm's way. What had changed since leaving New Orleans and returning to Mystic Falls? "But they're innocent people?" I breathed, voice barely audible over the thumping of my erratic heartbeat.

Klaus tilted his head, gazing at me almost sympathetically, as if I was a child learning to tie their shoe laces for the first time but continuously getting it wrong. "Are they?" he wondered lowly. "No one is ever innocent, little Hybrid. Look." He pointed towards the group, dragging my attention back to the poor, unsuspecting teens. "See that young gentleman by there, sitting next to the pretty red-head?"

I bobbed my head only slightly. "Mhm."

"That red-head is his girlfriend." Klaus paused to point towards the opposite end of the clearing. "But you see, he's been sleeping with that blonde over on the other side of the campsite that he can't keep his eyes off."

I sucked my teeth in disbelief. "Cheating doesn't justify murder, Klaus!" I hissed.

But he continued with his story, moving on to the next victims. "Those boys, huddled together away from the rest? They're notorious drug-dealers in their school - one of their customers actually died last week due to a bad mixture in a pill she took at a party." He lowered his voice even more, although this time tinged with a greediness that I was unfamiliar with. "They pretend they have no idea what happened, but they know the truth."

"It was an accident?" I offered meekly, gulping down the growing anxiety in my throat.

"And that girl over there? The one refusing to look at a single bottle of alcohol?" he pressed on, as if I hadn't even spoken. "She killed a young family a few months ago due to driving whilst intoxicated. Her guilt is so strong, she hasn't touched a drop since."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐏 ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now