Chapter 7 ~ The Field

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Mikaela's POV

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Mikaela's POV

"Mikaela, wake up!"

My eyes snapped open and I sat up, fight or flight instinct kicking in, ready to take on whatever threat had entered the room.

That threat, however, happened to be Kai stood at the end of the bed, huge stupid grin on his face.

"What the hell, Kai?" I groaned. "You scared the shit out of me!"

Walking around to my side of the bed, the smile never left his lips. "Up, up, up!" he yelled, clapping his hands on each syllable.

Sighing, I crashed my head back against the pillows, closing my eyes once more.

Kai began to shake me like an excited kid on Christmas morning. "Come on," he whined. "Get up!"

Lids still shut, I reached out and began tapping the top of his head, searching.

"What are you doing?" he questioned with a chuckle.

"Looking for the damn off-switch."

Tutting, Kai grabbed my arm and began to pull me out of bed - well, more like drag. "Seriously, Mikaela. Wake up or I swear you'll regret it."

I snorted. "Ooh. I'm so scared," I teased.

Relief washed over me as his footsteps receded, disappearing into the hallway. Grateful for the peace and quiet, I sank lower into the mattress, content.

It lasted for two minutes, however, as a tidal wave of icy water was tipped over my head.

Shooting up in bed, I screamed, pushing my soaked hair out of my face to glower up at the culprit. He looked down at me with his trademark smug grin.

"You are so dead for that Parker!" I growled.

Chuckling, he held his hands up in mock surrender. "Ooh. I'm so scared," he replied, throwing my own words against me.

Launching myself at him, he giggled as he ran out of the room away from me. I, of course, caught up to him in a split second, pinning him against the wall. Unlocking my jaws, I hovered my mouth above his throat in a warning. "Apologise right now!" I snapped.

Kai couldn't talk, his incessant laughter taking up all his breath.

"Apologise!" I yelled, lowering my canines until they almost pierced the skin.

"Alright, alright! I'm sorry!" he managed to get out in between giggles.

"Like you mean it," I said lowly.

His hand found the nape of my neck, pulling me back so he could look at me. His features relaxed into a soft smile as his fingers moved to the side of my face. "I'm really sorry, Mikaela. I took it too far," he said. Then his smile spread into a blinding grin. "Luckily for you, I already have something planned that I think will make up for it."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐏 ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now